Everyday Players at Hogwarts

Chapter 91 Ryan's Data

"This assignment is really difficult, 7 inches, how should I write it?" Ron rubbed his eyes.

"That's right. Even if you write down the requirements and precautions for casting a fluorescent light, it won't even cover 7 inches." Harry also looked worried.

After dinner at 6 o'clock, because Ravenclaw has its own library and there are few new students in Ravenclaw, they almost all go to and from get out of class together.

So, with the opinions of most people, the group headed to the lounge together, preparing to finish their homework first.

Ron and Harry had to give up the idea of ​​going to Filch's place to watch the fun. After all, the three banned props were of little significance to Ron and Harry. Ron had no money and Harry couldn't buy them.

The advantage of Ravenclaw is that it has its own independent library, but this also leads to one thing, that is, except for classes, Ravenclaws are almost always in the lounge, and they are very unsociable with the other three houses.

At this time, Harry and Ron were worrying about their homework. It had been 15 minutes, but Harry and Ron's parchment paper had not filled even an inch. They just used rulers in vain to measure the words they had written. , hoping for a miracle, and suddenly it rose to 7 inches.

"Ryan, do you know how to write this?" Harry suddenly asked, interrupting Ryan who was playing mind games with Kate and Penello.

"Homework? You can just write about the process of learning it, guesses, etc. If you still feel that the number of words is not enough, you can make the words bigger." Ryan answered while dealing with Kate wielding double blades in his mind said, surprised that Harry could find him again.

"Ryan, this is cheating!" Hermione, a good student, was reminded and noticed Ryan beside her, with a look of disbelief on her face.

"It can still be like this." Ron was pleasantly surprised.

"What else can I do?" Harry began to waver, but at this time he still had not lost the good study habits he had developed in Muggle primary school and continued to ask.

"The more troublesome thing is to excerpt the information and make it your own."

"For example, this book, "The Evolution of the Curse."" Ryan took out a book he had read from the bookshelf nearby, which was relatively simple.

"You see, Lumos comes from the Latin root word lumen, and further back from the Proto-Indo-European root word leuk-, both of which refer to "light". There are many related words. Here are the main ones."

"First of all, the words closest to lumos are luminous (luminous, night-luminous). Other related words include illuminate (illumination, illumination), illustration (explanation), elucidate (clarification, explanation), translucent (translucent), lucid (to express clearly) Wait.”

"Harry, you can take a rough look at it, use this as logic, sort out the context, and transform it into something of your own."

"Besides, after you learn these things, you can try them again. The fluorescent light will flash, and it will be much easier." Ryan pointed to page 23 of the book "The Evolution of Curses" and talked about it. Hermione beside her felt as if her soul had been taken away. , looking at this sparkling young man.

"Okay." Harry quickly picked up the book and started reading with his good brother Ron, and Neville also came over.

Terry Butt, Michael Korner, and Anthony Goldstein had already casually finished their homework and read books that interested them.

That's why Hermione in the original book is a know-it-all, but no one in Ravenclaw knows about it. They also love learning and think knowledge is very important, but they are only obsessed with books that interest them.

Ryan had no time to take care of this at this time, because now he needed to work on both sides at the same time. Hermione, who noticed Ryan again, was pestering Ryan and asking some small questions. On the other side, in the thinking game, Ryan was talking to Kate and Penny. Luo Xingxia upholds justice and makes his way into the ancient martial arts story.

But these are not big problems for Ryan now.

Race: Wizard

Strength: 33 (normal human limit is 10)

Constitution: 41 (the limit for ordinary people is 10)

Magic power: 30 (normal human limit is 10)

Skills: Thinking lv.5 (67%) Body Transformation lv5 (45%) Alchemy lv4 (27%) Charms lv5 (22%) Potions lv3 (31%) Transfiguration lv4 (16%) Magical Biology lv3 (55%) Gun fighting lv4 (23%) Martial arts lv3 (36%) Investigation lv4 (9%) Phoenix incarnation lv4 (7%) Mind communication lv3 (24%) Love lv2 (1%)······

In this world, after three years of research by Ryan, coupled with the relatively high data of underwater wizards, Ryan discovered that normal adult wizards have a magic power of around 20, and almost none reach 30. No matter how powerful the wizard is, he only has magic power. The quality is even better.

Their strength is no different from that of Muggles, both are below 10, but their physique is generally twice the Muggle limit, which is around 20.

The physique of wizards is more reflected in the magic resistance and vitality. This allows them to not easily lose their lives when falling from high altitude when playing Quidditch, nor will they be killed by some small evil spells. Compared with Muggles, It is much more fragile.

In subjects such as Charms and Transfiguration, except for underwater wizards, normal wizards are around lv3, and this level of lv3 is supported by a certain spell or transfiguration that one is good at and has mastered to around lv4.

Such a wizard is easy to deal with. As long as the spell he is good at can be cracked, he can be easily knocked down.

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And normal Ravenclaw graduates, or wizards with such spirit, are more difficult to knock down than ordinary wizards. They are more comprehensive.

To deal with ordinary wizards, they only need to find the right one from the N spells they are good at. It is no wonder that Professor Flitwick is the duel champion.

However, when it comes to level 6, it is no longer a mortal's domain. It is enough to work hard to create miracles. This is why Dumbledore does not advocate learning and always emphasizes love. Love or the power of the heart is the key to reaching the level 6 domain.

After reaching level 6, check for omissions and make up for deficiencies. With a spell of your level 6 as the core, establish your own fighting style. This is the time to study and further your studies.

This is Dumbledore's view. His original world line training mode for Harry.

And now, what kind of training will Dumbledore start for Ravenclaw's Harry?

Ryan thought of this and shook his head.

But it doesn't make much sense. Voldemort is nothing but a dead bone in a grave for Ryan now. As long as Ryan gets excited, he can destroy all of Voldemort's Horcruxes in one day.

The reason why he didn't do it was that Ryan was still worried whether all this was a trap. He still had a lot of room for growth, so he put Voldemort in play and ignored him.

The skill of "love" that Ryan had recently obtained from Harry made Ryan obsessed with it. This is why Ryan kept Harry under his nose and followed him like a pervert.

This skill is too useful. At level 2, it can increase the power of all spells below level 4 by 2, and the spells of level 4 can even reach the level of level 6.

This makes Ryan a rare wizard whose spells have level 6 power. You know, Dumbledore is only at level 6.

The reason why Ryan is concerned about him and Voldemort is because they are the wizards closest to level 7 in this wizarding world.

Dumbledore relies purely on knowledge, he is closer to level 7, and may even be stronger with the blessing of the Elder Wand.

Voldemort relies on Horcruxes and magical transformations of himself, and the power of his spells is close to level 7, but he is still at level 6.

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