Everyday Players at Hogwarts

Chapter 93 Professor Binns's Glorious Resume

Peeves is a very annoying guy, especially for freshmen, which is more unacceptable than encountering two locked doors and a staircase with many traps.

He will put a wastebasket on your head, pull the carpet from under your feet, throw chalk at you, or sneak up behind you and grab your nose and scream loudly when you can't see: "Pull your nose!"

Fortunately, these unfortunate experiences have never happened to Harry and others. They only know how annoying this "ghost" is from the words of the Weasley twins.

This is all because of Ryan. Peeves probably doesn't know it himself. He subconsciously avoided Ryan's position. In addition, Ryan often followed Harry and his group, which led to one thing. Harry and others became the only freshmen in the four colleges who were not teased by Peeves.

This also led to Harry's reputation as the boy who lived to be more famous. In the eyes of almost everyone, this was due to Harry's power that caused Voldemort to fall when he was still an infant.

After learning about it, Peeves was speechless and tried to attack Harry to prove himself many times, but subconsciously stopped himself.

Now, even Peeves believed this statement.

In fact, this is due to two reasons. First, Ryan is now a phoenix incarnation of level 4. The phoenix incarnation of level 4 no longer needs additional ignition to perform. Ryan only needs to imagine that he is a phoenix, and even the real body can be hidden in the phoenix transformed by consciousness.

The magic of the phoenix is ​​one of the most noble and powerful magics. It is normal that Peeves does not dare to provoke it subconsciously.

Second, it is the Lord God, the furnace core of Smith Castle. It is the same as Peeves, an existence that was refined and enslaved by Ryan. The current Lord God, in the terms of fairy tales, is Ryan's second soul.

Peeves will naturally flee subconsciously.

This is why, until now, the freshmen of Ravenclaw still go to school together.

After breakfast, Ron and Neville were all smiles when they learned that they would have a new wand. They excitedly led the way in front, completely forgetting that they didn't know the way and couldn't read the map.

It was almost 9 o'clock, and the first class of Ravenclaw was the History of Magic. Senior students had already hinted that they could read some books or sleep in this class, but Harry and his group, who were still freshmen, still came to the History of Magic classroom on the second floor of Hogwarts Castle early with full expectations, waiting for the appearance of the only ghost professor.

"Have you read "Hogwarts - A History of the School"? You should know that Professor Binns is the oldest professor who existed when the school was founded." Lisa Dupin said excitedly.

"Professor Binns became a ghost because he once slept in the staff lounge and didn't even know it caught fire in the middle of the night."

"The next morning, he got up stupidly and went to class, but he even left his body there and forgot to take it."

"It is said that he was already old at that time and didn't even notice that he was dead." Terry Boot on the side added some gossip information heard from other colleges.

"Professor Binns has been the professor of History of Magic since the founding of Hogwarts. His quick mind and clear thinking were praised by Slytherin. So he was invited and deservedly became the professor of History of Magic at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry."

"There was such a description in "A History of Hogwarts": When lunch was approaching, the students left Professor Binns' classroom reluctantly, and everyone seemed very excited. The species transformation made them see the magic of magic for the first time, and Professor Binns' history of magic made the children full of infinite reverie about magic." Hermione memorized the relevant description of Professor Binns word for word.

"Ah, I heard from my brother George and Fred that this class is the best time to catch up on sleep. Professor Binns only reads his own words in class. He can't even remember the students' names, and doesn't care about dozing off or sleeping."

"But they often say things that seem to be correct and joke with me." Ron frowned, worried that his brother might be joking with him again, while Hermione firmly believed that what the book said must be correct, as if Ron must have been deceived again.

Soon, in everyone's expectation, 9 o'clock arrived, and a pearly white, translucent ghost emerged from the blackboard with a notebook.

In everyone's expectant eyes, he greeted dryly and began to talk about today's topic, famous figures in the wizarding world.

Among them, the most easily confused are undoubtedly the evil man Murrick and the weird man Urik.

Now Ron finally knew that his brother did not deceive him. Before he could be happy, he was drowsy because of Professor Binns's panting and dragging voice, and could only force himself to sleep.

Professor Binns looked at his notes and read in a dry, low, monotonous voice, like an old vacuum cleaner.

In the end, the whole class was drowsy, occasionally coming back to their senses, writing down a name or date, and then falling into a semi-sleep state. Hermione also wandered from time to time, and Ryan, who had foresight, took the pillow he had prepared in advance and fell asleep.

Soon, two hours passed, and it was 11 o'clock before I knew it.

"It's unbelievable that Professor Binns is like this." Hermione puffed up her little face.

"But it was a comfortable sleep." Ron yawned.

"It's probably because he's been teaching for too long. After all, it's probably been thousands of years since Hogwarts was founded." Harry prompted.

"Have you not noticed? Professor Binns' lectures are very detailed and to the point. Apart from his procrastination and making people sleepy, there are no other problems." Ryan rubbed his head, looking like a good student after listening to the class. appearance.

Then he took out the notebook where he automatically recorded Professor Binns' voice and converted it into text, and motioned to Hermione to take a look.

"It's unbelievable. I didn't even notice it. I remembered a lot of things wrongly!" Hermione showed her rat teeth and looked cute.

"Ryan, lend me a copy." Ron said quickly, and Harry nodded.

To be honest, Ryan felt that the history of magic class was in this pattern, and the classes were all in the morning. It was probably intentional by the principals.

This mode of fighting against the Sandman and taking notes is not the best way to exercise willpower. Moreover, in the history class itself, you only need to circle the key points and review by yourself, and it will not delay learning.

Accompanied by the noisy crowd, everyone came to the auditorium and sat down at the Ravenclaw table. Seamus from Gryffindor turned around and complained to everyone about Quirrell's unreliability in the Defense Against the Dark Arts class. It is recommended to block your nose, which will make you feel better.

He also said that recently, he no longer wants to smell or eat food containing garlic.

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