Everyday Players at Hogwarts

Chapter 96 Qi Luo's Choice (Today, please order!)

It is 2:30 now, and there are still 30 minutes before the Defense Against the Dark Arts class ends.

There is still an hour before the Herbology class starts, and such a long time is undoubtedly very ample for Harry and others.

Everyone returned to the lounge together, and discussed everything that happened in class from time to time on the way.

But Ryan secretly sighed, Quirrell still did not seize the last chance.

Ryan's prank seemed to be sudden, but he had considered many aspects in his mind when he implemented it.

At the moment of implementation, Ryan considered whether he would be exposed and how to avoid it.

At the same time, in order to give Quirrell a chance, he had to choose a time when Dumbledore happened to be in school and not out.

Ryan even manipulated the students Quirrell met on the way, and inadvertently revealed that Dumbledore was just in the library on the fourth floor, which allowed Quirrell to find Dumbledore faster.

This is why the magic phenomenon only made Quirrell faint, and it was just 10 minutes. When he woke up, according to Dumbledore's pace, he just reached the fourth floor, which was also the time when Quirrell was closest to him.

But unfortunately, for some reason, after Quirrell learned of Dumbledore's location, he stayed there for a few seconds and went to the first floor instead of taking the path Ryan arranged for him.

"Harry, Gryffindor is so nice. Nearly Headless Nick often shows the way to lost freshmen, while Ms. Grey ignores people all day long." Ron complained, and walked towards the greenhouse with Harry and others.

"Ron, will I often have this situation, unable to control my power, and even Peeves won't want to get close to me." Harry did not agree with Ron's words, but said worriedly.

"That's just Quirrell. Thanks to you, we didn't get suffocated." Ron comforted.

"If it weren't for you, Harry, we would probably still smell like garlic, just like Seamus who just finished the Defense Against the Dark Arts class this afternoon." Neville said, shaking his round face.

"Harry, there must be something wrong with your pronunciation. The m in Periculum should be emphasized, and the front should be fast." Hermione popped up to remind.

It has to be said that Hermione is now like a fish in water in Ravenclaw. Her habit of talking about everything from textbooks from time to time is undoubtedly an advantage in the eyes of Ravenclaws. Ron and Harry, who had a good impression of Hermione at the beginning, also regarded Hermione's words as a reminder.

Moreover, after arriving in Ravenclaw, Harry and others were like big girls in the boudoir. Except for attending classes, they did not go out of the door all day, and did not cause trouble, which attracted the opportunity for Hermione to preach.

Ryan even noticed that Snape's disgust for Harry had faded a lot.

Harry now has nothing to do with his annoying father in his whole personality and behavior. More importantly, he is not a Gryffindor and will not run around at night to make him worry.

Staying at home all day? Isn't this a good thing? This is worthy of the sacrifice of Lily, whom he loves.

After thinking about it, Snape's disgust for Harry is also for a reason.

First, he is good at Quidditch, likes to be in the limelight (passive), likes adventure, and does not pay attention to his own life.

Second, he is not good at potions, and his studies are not good enough. He did not inherit Lily's excellent side at all.

Third, his appearance is exactly the same as his father, and what's interesting is that Harry, Ron, and Hermione have their own elements. Harry, Lily's son with green eyes; Ron, with red hair like Lily, and long hair at the back; Hermione, as smart as Lily.

How could Snape not reject Harry?

However, the relationship between Harry and Snape had a chance to ease.

Ryan suddenly thought of this. It is hard to say whether Dumbledore caused this situation intentionally.

At the end of Harry's first school year, after learning that Snape was a good man, he had been protecting himself. At this time, he said that Snape protected Harry because James saved his life.

As a result, Harry always thought so, and revealed this view in a private conversation with Snape. After hearing Snape's truth, he thought Snape was slandering his father.

The relationship between the two, which should have eased, began to drift apart again.

In Harry's fifth year, Snape taught Harry the art of brain occlumency, so that they could understand each other from the dimension of memory through practice, and Harry also learned the true face of his father.

But then Dumbledore asked Snape to kill him, and the relationship returned to indifference and even hatred.

However, it was these extreme tugs in the front that paved the way for Harry to calm down and listen to Snape's last words.

According to the original plan, Snape should not have died. If he had handed over the truth and the sword of Gryffindor to Harry as Dumbledore said, and taken care of the school himself, he could have rebelled and escaped early.

But he took the initiative to ask for death and took on the task of assassinating Nagini for himself, which led to his failure. It was really arrogant and ruined his life.

Slytherins, especially those with conscience, are all arrogant. For example, Malfoy is very good at suppressing his sympathy to bully others.

Not far away, Malfoy is walking towards Harry with an arrogant look, looking for trouble, and he doesn't look like he wants to be friends with Harry at all.

But this time Malfoy learned his lesson and lowered his voice to avoid Professor Sprout's attention.

"Potter, I heard you're in trouble again? (You seem to be in trouble, I'm worried about you.)"

"This has nothing to do with you, Malfoy."

"Why, are you going to hurt me with your magic? I'm so scared. (You broke my heart.)"

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"Shut up, Malfoy!" Ron couldn't help but shout.

"Mr. Weasley, do you have any questions?" Professor Sprout, who was demonstrating how to loosen the soil, asked.

"No, no." Ron's ears turned red and he glared at Malfoy.

And Draco Malfoy laughed so hard that he covered his mouth and twitched, and from time to time he secretly patted Goyle or Crabbe on the back.

Soon it was 4 o'clock, and then there was a 30-minute break.

"Malfoy, you despicable villain, why do you keep pestering Harry!" Ron stepped forward and glared at Malfoy.

"What? Do I have any?" Malfoy used that long-drawn tone, his eyes empty, which made people angry.

"If you can't speak, don't speak, Weasley!"

"With your brain, how did you get into Ravenclaw? You didn't see the savior get into Ravenclaw, so you begged the sorting hat to let you in, you poor guy." Malfoy said viciously.

"Ron is better than ten of you. I think I know who is more suitable for my friend." Harry said coldly.

Hearing Harry's words, Malfoy suddenly frowned, stopped sneering, looked at Harry deeply, and returned to the crowd of Slytherins.

"Ron, Malfoy clearly wants to irritate you, understand, you should pay attention to this, fortunately Professor Sprout didn't deduct points." Hermione preached, and Ryan was very surprised. Hermione's words should be more spicy, especially when it comes to college points, but it seems that the atmosphere of Ravenclaw that does not value credits may have changed her.

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