Everyone: Awakening Myself At The Beginning

Chapter 11 The Significance Of A Firm

After carving the shield spirit pattern, Yundu looked around.

However, there was nothing around.

Yundu checked his surroundings again, but still found nothing.

This situation made Yundu's fear grow unconsciously.

Yundu once doubted whether he had encountered a ghost!

Standing on the branch, he observed for half an hour, but still did not find anything suspicious.

So Yundu once again, this time he deliberately turned sideways to leave a huge flaw for the beast.

He held an arrow in his hand, and attached the penetrating spirit pattern. The other two spirit patterns were all on his body, waiting for the beast to attack again.

Two hours passed...

There was still no movement around, and only Yundu kept replenishing the spirit pattern that was about to dissipate.

Another hour passed, and there was still no movement...

Just when he relaxed his vigilance and the shield on his body was about to disappear, a pair of strong, powerful and extremely sharp claws suddenly stretched out to Yundu's neck.

Yundu felt the moment the shield was broken, and turned around and threw the arrow in the direction of the claws.


I heard the scream of the beast, it should be a bird. Yundu didn't see its appearance, and couldn't tell what kind of beast it was.

In the next few hours, Yundu leaned against the tree trunk, took out another arrow, and continued to bless himself with three kinds of spiritual patterns.

Maybe because of the injury, the beast didn't attack again.

In the morning, the sky was bright.

Yundu looked in the direction where he threw the arrow, and found blood not far away, so he followed the blood to find it.

After walking more than a thousand meters along the blood, Yundu found his arrow, and of course, the beast that attacked him.

This is a shadow owl, which looks a bit like an owl on Earth, but its feathers are pure black, and its body is much larger than an owl, with a body length of 1.5 meters.

Fortunately, the shadow owl's talent is speed, not attack power.

Otherwise, Yundu's shield would probably be pierced directly by the shadow owl's claws.

The shadow owl was pierced through the chest by Yundu's arrow. Fortunately, Yundu added a penetrating spiritual pattern to the arrow, so that it could break the shadow owl's hard iron feathers.

Yundu recovered the arrow and collected the shadow owl's claws.

Today is the fourth day that Yundu has entered the wilderness.

There are still 23 arrows left on him, as well as sufficient supplies and an empty backpack.

The empty backpack and the extra supplies were all looted from the trio.

The three of them entered the wilderness area with only one backpack, which Yundu never expected.

After counting all the supplies on his body, he walked into the depths of the wilderness again.

Two days later...

Yundu was covered in blood and carried two bulging tactical backpacks, walking from the middle area of ​​the wilderness to the outer area.

Now Yundu only has two arrows on his body, and his bow is broken.

His clothes can no longer be seen as clothes. Not only are they covered in blood, but they are also hanging in wisps.

A beggar pulled out of the street at random has clothes that look more like clothes than what Yundu wears.

After a day, they finally walked out of the jungle and arrived at the edge of the wilderness area.

Yundu continued to walk towards the city gate. Other warriors passing by saw Yundu's appearance and thought that a ferocious beast from the wilderness area had escaped.

Only when they got closer did they see that they were warriors, and then they stared at Yundu with shock.

However, no one here had the intention of killing and robbing. Just the murderous aura that Yundu exuded now could scare some junior warriors with just one look.

Moreover, this place was not far from the city gate, where the army was stationed.

Yundu ignored these warriors and walked straight towards the city gate.

"Wait a minute, brother, are you planning to go directly into the city?" A man in his thirties stopped Yundu.

Yun Du stared at him straight, his tone a little stiff: "Is it not possible?"

The man smiled: "Don't worry, little brother, I have no ill intentions. My name is Hong Anzhi, a high-level warrior, you can also call me Iron Fist."

"From your appearance, it should be your first time in the wilderness, right?"

Knowing that the other party was a high-level warrior, Yun Du became more vigilant: "It is indeed my first time in the wilderness. This should have nothing to do with whether I go back or not, right?"

Hong Anzhi saw that Yun Du was a little cautious: "Then let me ask you, when you left the city gate, were there any warriors going back through the city gate?"

"I think there were, but did you see anyone with blood on their bodies?" Without waiting for Yun Du to answer, Hong Anzhi continued.

Then Hong Anzhi pointed to the magnificent business: "What do you think is the significance of building that business outside the city?"

Yun Du hesitated: "Provide convenience to warriors?"

"Yes, it is right to provide convenience to warriors, but you are only half right." Hong Anzhi's voice suddenly became heavy.

"In fact, it is more to commemorate the ancestors who fought against the beasts."

"The ancestors used their bodies to build the walls to keep the beasts out of the city, so as not to stain the land behind them with blood.

So, after the stability, the government established such a business outside each city.

It is to allow the warriors who return from the wilderness to cleanse the traces of the beasts on their bodies before entering the city.

But people nowadays don't care so much about these things. No one will say anything if you go back like this."

Hong Anzhi showed a warm smile: "Just don't scare the children."

Yun Du was a little confused: "Then what about my beast materials? What should I do with the materials?"

"That's easier to do. There are people in the business to collect them. If you don't want to sell them here, you can go back to the city, but they will check them when you enter the city."

"Will this business lower the price?"


Hong Anzhi laughed: "You haven't been in there at all. Don't look at this building, there are many merchants settled in it."

"What you see when you enter the door is the official Warrior Association. Who dares to lower the price with them here?"

After hearing this, Yun Du clasped his fists to Hong Anzhi: "Thank you, I'll go wash up before entering the city."

Yun Du and Hong Anzhi separated and walked towards the business.

Entering the gate, a huge hall came into view.

The hall was noisy with people shouting, bargaining, and discussing how to deal with the beast. It felt a bit like a vegetable market.

Facing the gate was the sign of the Warrior Association as Hong Anzhi said.

Seeing this sign, Yun Du didn't plan to go to other chambers of commerce.

He walked straight towards the Warrior Association, and just as he was about to reach the counter of the Warrior Association, he was stopped by someone.

"Who are you? Li Yun?"

Yun Du was also very puzzled. How could he meet an acquaintance in such a place?

It was outrageous that he could be recognized with his current appearance.

The person who stopped Yun Du was not someone else, but An Qingyue, the only one in the school who had awakened the Saint-level supernatural power.

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