
A fierce beast fell in a pool of blood.

The young man pulled out the iron rod that was stuck in the chest of the sword-tailed tiger, shook it casually, and threw the blood on the rod to the ground.

This person was Yundu, who had been in the wilderness area for a month.

Compared with a month ago, Yundu was a little sloppy, and his temperament was a little vicissitudes, but his eyes were bright.

At this time, Yundu no longer looked like a naive and ignorant student, but more like a warrior who had experienced hundreds of battles.

The black iron rod in his hand has now turned dark red, and the originally smooth surface at both ends has become bumpy.

Dark red bloodstains can be seen everywhere on the black combat uniform, and there are many damaged places.

The only clean thing on his body is the bow and arrow. Since the accidental promotion that day, Yundu has never used the bow and arrow again.

In order to perfectly control the power of his shot before the warrior exam, Yundu had to temporarily give up the bow and arrow.

According to Yundu's speculation, his current location should be near the center of the middle area of ​​the wilderness. He has been wandering in this area for a month.

Because the beasts in this area belong to the top beast soldier level, and Yun Du has also heard the roar of beast general level beasts.

After a month of training, Yun Du has completely adapted to the sudden surge in strength. At this time, he estimated that his strength should be around 5,000 to 6,000 kilograms, and his speed is around 45 meters per second.

Yun Du has become a real intermediate warrior.

The strength that burst out on the day of the improvement, which surpassed the intermediate warrior, was caused by unstable strength.

"My current strength has reached the level of an intermediate warrior, and it is still a relatively top batch. In the warrior exam in more than a month, I can also impact the five top universities."

Yun Du's stained face showed a confident smile.

"Now, the beast-soldier-level beasts are not enough for me to practice with. It's time to go deeper."

There is a very common phenomenon in the wilderness area. There is an obvious mixed area between the beast-soldier-level beasts and the beast-soldier-level beasts;

There is no mixed area between the beast-soldier-level beasts and the beast-general-level beasts. The beast-general-level beasts will not easily come to the beast-soldier-level beasts, and the beast-soldier-level beasts will not easily go to the beast-general-level beasts;

The further you go, the stronger the beasts are, the stronger their territorial awareness is, and they will not tolerate low-level beasts in their own territory.

Before going deep into the wilderness, Yun Du had to find a place to hide the materials on his body.

In this month of killing, Yun Du has hunted nearly 150 top beast-soldier-level beasts.

And Yun Du hid all the materials he collected after hunting the beasts in a cave.

Before entering the wilderness, Yun Du had already thought of the situation that too much material would drag him down, and he also found a solution.

That is, bring a few more backpacks.

The first time he entered the wilderness, Yundu bought a low-level backpack that could only hold 50 kilograms of materials, and later looted a low-level backpack from the trio.

The second time he entered the wilderness, Yundu bought a high-level backpack that could hold 150 kilograms of materials at the An's Chamber of Commerce.

Yundu usually carried a low-level backpack, and hid the high-level backpack in a cave where beast general-level beasts roamed.

However, Yundu hunted too many beasts, and even with a high-level backpack and two low-level backpacks, it still couldn't hold all the beast materials.

However, going back was too time-consuming, and it would take at least one to two days to go back and forth.

At this time, Yun Du was very envious. After crossing over, the system would give them space, so they didn't have to worry about taking too many things away.

So, he decided to find a place to bury these beast materials before going deeper into the wilderness, and then take a high-level backpack and bravely enter the beast general area.

However, where to bury them became a problem.

Finally, it was decided to put all the materials in the cave first, go deep into the beast general area with light luggage to find a suitable treasure place, and then come back to move all the materials there.

After two days of searching, Yun Du finally found an extremely suitable place.

A swamp.

This swamp was shrouded in a light green poison barrier, and there were many skeletons of beast general-level beasts around.

For other people or beasts, this may be a forbidden place that devours life, but for Yun Du, who is immune to toxins, this is a natural treasure place.

Moreover, the smell emitted from the swamp can just cover up the bloody smell on the beast materials.

However, Yun Du did not go back to move the materials directly, but first tested whether he was really poison-free.

Holding his breath, he approached the light green poison barrier carefully, raised his arm, and slowly touched the light green gas with his hand.

The moment he touched it, Yun Du only felt his fingers cool, and quickly pulled his hand out.

Fortunately, it was just a false alarm. There was only a cold feeling on his fingers, and there was no sign of poisoning.

After making sure that he would not be poisoned, Yun Du rushed into the poison barrier with an iron rod.

After entering the poison barrier, not only was his vision blocked, but he also had to be careful of his feet at all times. Although there were not many large beasts in the swamp, there were still many poisonous snakes, insects, rats and ants.

Moreover, there were many holes in Yun Du's combat uniform at this time. If he was not careful, small animals would take advantage of it.

Using the iron rod to explore the way, Yun Du walked deep into the poison barrier for half an hour, and suddenly heard movement in front.

It sounded like two beasts were fighting. According to Yun Du's speculation, the size of these two beasts was not too large.

In order to see what kind of beast it was, Yun Du quickened his pace and quickly approached the location where the sound came from.

A few minutes later, Yundu saw the true appearance of the two beasts. One beast was a bit like a lizard, and the other beast was a bit like a crocodile.

Yundu didn't know the names of these two beasts.

Both beasts were more than two meters long, but they were very different from the lizards and crocodiles on Earth.

The lizard-like beast was covered with scales similar to tortoise shells; its body was gray-brown; it had a single horn on its head; along the spine, from the neck to the tail, there were thick thorns slightly tilted towards the tail; there was a 10-centimeter bulge on each of the limb joints; the mouth was not as long as the mouth of the lizard on Earth, and it did not have a long tongue, but it was full of sharp teeth.

The crocodile-like beast had two blue horns on its head, which were bent forward; except for the horns on its head, its back was dark brown, and its abdomen was slightly lighter in color; there were three rows of raised bulges on its back, and only two rows on its tail; there were bone plates extending backwards on its neck, forming a neck shield; its limbs were thick, its claws were short and sharp, and it had webbed feet.

Although I don't know what the two beasts are called, they are both beast general-level beasts.

This is the first time that Yun Du has been so close to a beast general-level beast.

Yun Du stood quietly in the distance and watched, maybe he could benefit from it.

Half an hour later...

The two beasts were still fighting, and they didn't even have many wounds on their bodies, but they were a little too exhausted and their movements were much slower.

Seeing that they couldn't decide the winner for a while, Yun Du didn't have time to waste here.

So, he tightened the iron stick in his hand and walked towards the two beasts that were fighting.

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