It's just a pity that the array emits white light, and only ordinary-level superpowers are awakened.

[Ordinary-level superpowers: precision]

Precision: Increase the hit rate of all attacks by 10%.

The awakened students came out of the array, looking very depressed.

"It's great that the first awakening was successful!"

"Yes, and it's a combat-type superpower."

"At least it's much better than the failed awakening."


Most people want to awaken combat-type superpowers, but the probability is very low.

The official statistics have long been that awakening the main combat superpower only accounts for about 20% of all the successful awakenings.

The awakening speed is very fast. In the past ten minutes, dozens of students have awakened.

No more awakening the main combat superpowers, only a few people awaken auxiliary superpowers.

Suddenly, a dazzling orange light emanates from the array, which means that this student has awakened a legendary superpower.

[Legendary Superpower: Senluo]

Senluo: Within the range of Senluo, the selected target will have 10% of all abilities reduced, and the wood attribute will be doubled.

The light emitted by the awakening array is: white, green, blue, purple, orange, red, and gold.

The corresponding grades of superpowers are: ordinary, excellent, outstanding, epic, legendary, holy, and godly.

The grades of equipment and natural treasures are also the same as the grades of superpowers.

The orange light is on, and on the podium, the middle-aged female teacher with a slightly fat figure is grinning from ear to ear.

Liu Ling came down from the podium and ran towards the awakening array.

"See, see, that's my student." She shouted while running.

When students awaken high-level superpowers, teachers will have corresponding rewards.

However, compared with rewards, teachers pay more attention to face!

If nothing unexpected happens, the minimum achievement of this student in the future will be a legendary warrior.

The girl in the array has not come out yet, and the students who are still queuing have been looking forward to it.

"Fuck, legendary superpowers!"

"It's a group superpower, I'm so envious!"

"On the battlefield, the more enemies there are, the greater the benefits of the skills."


Amid the discussion of her classmates, Mu Lingxue walked out of the awakening formation.

Even Chen Lin, who was in charge of the awakening, said to her: "This classmate, you are very good."

Mu Lingxue also saluted the teacher very obediently: "Thank you, teacher."

After returning to the team, a group of classmates surrounded her and asked her questions.

Awakening legendary superpowers is indeed rare.

According to official data, about one million candidates awaken every year, and about 50% will fail to awaken.

For the remaining half, 50.16% awaken ordinary superpowers,

29.6% awaken excellent superpowers,

16.6% awaken excellent superpowers,

3.3% awaken epic superpowers,

0.32% awaken legendary superpowers,

0.02% awaken holy superpowers.

Among them, from the beginning to now, only two people have awakened the god-level supernatural power, and the probability is negligible.

"Next, Yun Du is ready to enter the awakening formation."

The formation was running, and the light slowly lit up, gradually becoming dazzling, and suddenly turned into a rich purple.

"What's going on?"

"The awakening formation lacks energy?"


No one outside the formation knew what happened!

Chen Lin, who was in charge of awakening, was also very puzzled. He had never encountered such a situation before.

Under normal circumstances, after the magic array is in operation, there should be only one color, from dark to bright.

When awakening, the brightness of the light emitted can also reflect the strength of the superpower.

Chen Lin hurriedly checked whether the array was operating normally. After confirming that the array was normal, he stared at the array intently.

But the more he looked, the more nervous he became. Under normal circumstances, a person awakens in about a minute.

Yun Du's awakening time is about to exceed two minutes.

Moreover, the purple light not only did not dissipate, but became deeper.

At this time, Yun Du not only understood the superpower that awakened by himself, but also awakened a second superpower.

The first superpower: [Special level: Self]

The second superpower [Epic level: Spiritual Pattern]

Yun Du's special superpower awakened by himself, in addition to slightly enhancing the physique and five senses, has no other special effects.

However, this superpower has a companion skill: "Dao Yan Jing"!

The technique is divided into five parts, namely:

The "False Self" for body training;

The "True Self" for connecting meridians;

The "Self" for cultivating the soul;

The "I" for integrating the body, meridians, and soul into one;

And the "Superego" for transcending oneself.

At present, Yun Du can only see the "Self" for cultivating the soul.

He is a little confused. According to the way of cultivating immortals, shouldn't it start with body training? Why does it start from the third technique, the soul?

The second superpower [Spiritual Pattern] is more of an auxiliary superpower.

The temporary spiritual pattern carved by mental power can be applied to people or equipment.

However, no matter what level, the time limit of a temporary spiritual pattern is only more than ten minutes.

Using natural materials and treasures and supplemented by mental power, a carving knife can be used to carve permanent spiritual patterns for inlay.

Permanent spiritual patterns can only be inlaid on equipment, and as long as the spiritual pattern is not damaged, it can be used forever.

Two and a half minutes later...

The light on the awakening formation faded, and Yun Du walked out of it.

At the same time, in the mysterious space, Yun Du's name flashed on the huge stone tablet.

Chen Lin hurriedly stepped forward and asked: "Classmate, what happened to you in there?"

"No, nothing happened, isn't it just a normal awakening?" Yun Du's tone was a little hesitant

Chen Lin told Yun Du about the abnormality of the formation, and then he knew what was going on.

When the formation is abnormal, it should be the time to awaken special abilities and skills.

So, Yun Du had to find a random reason to get away with it.

"I seem to have awakened two days ago, but only my physique and five senses have improved a little. Now it seems that I haven't awakened completely." Yun Du explained.

Chen Lin nodded, and after confirming that there was no problem, he recorded this situation.


The next person to enter the formation was Luo Ming.

The awakening formation started again, and burst out with dazzling orange light, another legendary ability!

Yun Du was very suspicious, whether this guy had robbed him of the opportunity of being the protagonist.

He wanted a cooler ability, so he awakened a [Legendary ability: Sword Heart].

The function of [Legendary ability: Sword Heart] is: through fighting, you can constantly stimulate the sword heart, making the blade sharper, increasing penetration, and infinitely stacking!

It is a pure combat ability, and it is also the type that becomes braver with each battle.

Luo Ming came out of the formation, his face was crooked with a smile, and the corners of his mouth were harder to suppress than AK.

He hurriedly ran to Yun Du to show off: "Legendary level, brother will also be a big boss in the future."

"How about it, follow me in the future, brother will help you to show off and take you to fly."

Yun Du was acting like a drama: "Brother, you will be my real brother in the future, big brother, please take me to fly."

Luo Ming looked at Li Yun, who was acting exaggeratedly in front of him, and he was stunned, as if he saw a monster!

Everyone who knows Li Yun knows that he is an orphan.

Li Junrong took good care of Li Yun, and no one bullied him at school, but Li Yun, who had no parents, still felt inferior.

How come he suddenly changed his personality today?

Luo Ming pretended to be serious: "I don't care who you are, get off Li Yun."

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