Everyone: Awakening Myself At The Beginning

Chapter 30 The Mysterious Li Yun

The voice that "Li Yun" cheated soon reached the ears of the invigilators.

All the invigilators looked at each other, not knowing what to do.

They had never encountered such a situation before.

Generally, before the martial arts exam begins, the chief examiner will personally check the examination room to see if there are outsiders who sneak in to help cheat.

Besides, the examination room is under all-round surveillance.

If someone cheats, the chief examiner will know much earlier than those who are always ready to save people.

After several invigilators discussed to no avail, they finally chose to inform the chief examiner.

"Senior Cui, this 'Li Yun's' grades are a bit abnormal. His scores suddenly increased by hundreds of points. People outside say that he cheated..."

A martial artist invigilating is reporting the situation of "Li Yun" to Cui Jie.

But Cui Jie raised his hand to interrupt: "He didn't cheat. You didn't find him on the projection because the media's drones flew too close."

"Okay, go back. I'll make a decision on 'Li Yun'."


After the invigilator came back and announced that Li Yun's score was valid, everyone was shocked for a short time, and then almost everyone was asking who this "Li Yun" was.

At the same time, at the Storm Martial Arts School.

Yuan Kuo jumped up excitedly: "What did I say, what did I say."

"He will definitely be the biggest dark horse at the Canglong test site, and even the biggest dark horse among hundreds of thousands of candidates this year!" Yuan Kuo pointed at the score rankings and said with his hands dancing.

The deputy head of the school, Gong Shuiyun, frowned. She didn't understand why the score of this "Li Yun" was so unexpected.

If it was only once, and he added hundreds of points at a time, it might be luck, but what about twice?

What's more terrifying is that this "Li Yun" has changed his score twice since the warrior exam.

An idea that even Gong Shuiyun could not believe came to mind.

"Notify the media that cooperate with our martial arts school and ask them to send a few more drones to go deep into the wilderness area."


The outside world is in chaos, but Yun Du, the protagonist, has already collected the materials of the beasts and is ready to go to the next target point.

According to the strength of the beasts in the exam range, this forest can be divided into five areas.

The outermost non-level beast area, the beast soldier level beast area, the ordinary beast general level beast area, the peak beast general level beast area, and the lord level beast area.

More than 80% of the candidates can only move in the outermost non-level beast area.

Less than 10% of the candidates dare to go deep into the area where the beast soldier level beasts move.

Only a rare genius dares to set foot in the beast general area and the peak beast general area.

And, since the start of the martial arts exam, no one has ever dared to touch the most dangerous lord level beast area.

Including the only two people in history who awakened god-level supernatural powers, they had never fought against lord-level beasts within three months.

And Yun Du's last two stops were set within the range of lord-level beasts.

And these two stops were also where he distanced himself from other candidates.

In the first eight days, Yun Du's scores would not be too far away from those of the first few candidates, mainly because it took too much time to rush and wait for the beasts to take the bait.

The reason why Yun Du chose this way of playing in the big exam was that he decided after careful consideration.

First of all, in the first eight days, except for shooting the beasts, Yun Du did not practice. At other times, he was fully operating the soul chapter of the Dao Yan Jing.

Yun Du could have raised his own cultivation to the level of a high-level warrior long ago.

After the sudden breakthrough in the second time he entered the wilderness, Yun Du spent a month to consolidate his foundation.

It took another month to improve his control over his strength.

When he was studying beasts and spiritual materials at home, he had already raised his cultivation to the peak of an intermediate warrior.

Nowadays, Yun Du is suppressing his cultivation all the time. If he doesn't suppress it, he can reach the level of a high-level warrior in an instant.

Yun Du even felt that his current strength had reached the level of a high-level warrior.

However, he had never felt a breakthrough, so he assumed that he had not yet broken through to the level of a high-level warrior.

Eight days later...

As Yun Du's method of waiting for the rabbit gradually took effect, his ranking had already entered the top three.

No. 1: Canglong No. 1 Middle School, Zhong Qiu, score: 3037 points.

No. 2: Tiansi High School, Tai Xuanfang, score: 2985 points.

No. 3: Xinghe Middle School, Li Yun, score: 2930 points.

No. 4: Liehuo High School, Dongfang Yan, score: 2874 points.

No. 5: Xinghe Middle School, Qin Yang, score: 2733 points.


No. 9: Xinghe Middle School, An Qingyue, score: 2496 points.


While other candidates were looking for fierce beasts to kill all over the mountains, Yun Du followed the steps, killing twice in each place, and left after collecting materials.

As more and more fierce beasts were killed, his score rose faster and faster.

Eight days have passed, and everyone's score increase has slowed down.

Except for Yun Du, his score increase has slowed down, but his score increase has increased each time.

Because he wasted most of his time on the road.

The deeper he went, the stronger and smarter the beasts were, which caused Yun Du to wait longer each time.

He would encounter other beasts on the way, and it took Yun Du a lot of time to deal with them.

However, the scores given by these beasts were still quite high.

This also put invisible pressure on the candidates ahead of Yun Du.

However, what Yun Du didn't know was how much of a sensation his method of adding points caused in the outside world.

Now, all media have released all their drones.

They went deep into the wilderness to look for Yun Du's traces, but no drone was found.

This also led to the fact that except for those who knew Yun Du before, no one else knew who this "Li Yun" on the score list was.

I don’t know if he is a man or a woman, tall or short, fat or thin…

The martial arts exam lasted for ten days in total, and only eight days have passed, with two days left.

Many people believe that the rankings on the score list will not change.

However, the popularity of "Li Yun" has not decreased at all, but has intensified.

The most important thing is that "Li Yun" is too mysterious.

Except for Yang Yongzhen, almost no one who watched the live broadcast of the exam knew who this "Li Yun" was.

Li Yongzhen just stared at the name of "Li Yun" on the score list and did not reveal any information.

Because Yang Yongzhen is a legendary strongman, no one would ask him for information at will, and he himself did not want to say it.

Suddenly, the chief examiner fell from the sky, and everyone present instantly quieted down.

"On the first day of the exam, someone reported to me that one of the candidates was suspected of cheating."

"I didn't care about these things at the time. I knew that he didn't cheat."

"Because I clearly saw how he did it."

Everyone knew who the "he" the examiner was talking about, and they also wanted to know the true face of this "he"!

And they also wanted to know how "he" did it, and every once in a while, there would be a feat of several hundred points increase.

The examiner continued: "In the next two days, I will project his exam process.

When you see it, you will naturally understand whether he cheated or not."

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