What these people don't know is that Yundu has lived two lives.

For people who have experienced life and death, this level of psychological warfare has no effect.

"Why don't you come out? Do you think you are too ugly to be seen?" Yundu stood in place and said to the front.

Seeing that no one responded, Yundu said contemptuously: "This kind of low-level trick is really suitable for rats in the gutter like you."

Still no one responded: "It's really a rat in the gutter, it can't be on the stage."

Yundu smiled and said: "Little rat, if you don't come out again, I will call your name!"

As soon as the voice fell, a blazing flame quickly attacked from behind Yundu.

But Yundu did not look back, but just gently turned sideways and pointed the stick at the attacking flame.

The flame was directly dispersed the moment it touched the stick.

"It's really a rat in the gutter, only doing some shameful things." Yundu's tone was even more contemptuous.

"You've already made a move, why don't you come out?"

"Before the martial arts exam, you declared war on me in person, and I thought you were a man at that time."

Yun Du shook his head gently: "Now it seems that I overestimated you."

"You are a dying man, what qualifications do you have to evaluate me?" Qin Yang walked out from behind Yun Du and said sternly.

Yun Du turned around and said: "Why? Did I get it right? Where is your momentum at the beginning? Are you scared by my score in the martial arts exam?"

Yun Du chuckled: "You used to think that my strength was not as good as yours, so you talked nonsense in front of me."

"Now that you see that my strength is worse than yours, you are ambushing and attacking here. You are a typical bully."

Qin Yang's expression gradually became ferocious: "You are a bully. You are not my opponent at all. The martial arts exam is just your good luck."

"You don't believe me when I say you are a rat in the gutter." Yun Du shook his head.

"You probably haven't seen the last battle where I hunted that beast, right?!"

"How inferior are you? You deny everything about others without knowing anything."

Qin Yang's face became even uglier, and he roared, "Stop talking."

He held a flaming long sword and rushed straight to Yun Du.

"I told you to stop talking!"

Qin Yang jumped high and chopped the long sword towards Yun Du's face.

Yun Du did not dodge, and held the long stick in his hand across his head.


Qin Yang's long sword chopped heavily on Yun Du's stick.

Qin Yang was repelled by the huge force, while Yun Du did not move at all.

This attack made Yun Du feel that the young master of the Qin family was just barely at the level of an intermediate warrior, and was not to be feared.

Yun Du still said calmly: "What's wrong? Are you angry?"

"It seems that you still don't know yourself well enough!"

Yun Du stuck the stick in front of him on the ground: "You lost your mind so easily. Do you know that if I wanted to kill you, you would have died just now."

Qin Yang's eyes widened instantly when he heard Yun Du's words, and he stared at Yun Du in shock.

Then, his expression gradually became relaxed.

Just as he was about to speak, he was interrupted by Yun Du: "You don't think I dare not kill you?"

As soon as the voice fell, Yun Du saw Qin Yang's expression became surprised again.

Yun Du knew that he had guessed what Qin Yang wanted to say.

"You just don't dare to kill me. I am the young master of the Qin family. If you kill me, there will be no place for you in the entire Xingyuan City."

Yun Du just watched Qin Yang's performance quietly, but in his heart he had already labeled this guy as the stupid son of a landlord.

Qin Yang said in a cold voice: "I won't waste your words. Hand over the Jade Soul Fruit and I will let you live."

Yun Du's pupils shrank instantly, and then returned to normal.

This was the first time Yun Du knew what the Qin family was looking for.

He had seen the Jade Soul Fruit in a book about natural treasures.

This fruit tree is very demanding in terms of the growing environment, and each tree can only bear fruit once.

After the fruit matures, the tree will gradually wither and finally form a jade-like seed.

After the fruit matures, it needs to be preserved in a high-quality jade container, otherwise it will wither after 12 hours.

The fruit has the effect of strengthening the soul and helping warriors break through, and there is a chance to increase the warrior's ability level.

However, this fruit has no effect on ordinary people who have not awakened.

I am just an orphan, why would the Qin family think that I would have such an extremely precious fruit?

"I ate it." Yun Du said casually.

"Impossible, this fruit needs the help of a high-level warrior to refine it." Qin Yang said solemnly: "We have investigated it in the Qin family. No one around you can help you refine it except Yang Yongzhen." "Moreover, you and Yang Yongzhen are under the surveillance of our Qin family, and there is no chance to help you refine the Jade Soul Fruit." Yun Du did not expect that a fruit still needed the help of a high-level warrior to refine it. However, if the jade box in his dormitory had been filled with Jade Soul Fruit, and he did not eat it, the Qin family did not get it. Where did the things in the box go? Seeing that Yun Du did not speak, Qin Yang spoke again: "Hand over the things, and I will let you live. This deal is very cost-effective." Yun Du looked at Qin Yang: "If I say that I have never seen that Jade Soul Fruit, do you believe it?" As soon as the voice fell, Qin Yang was instantly furious: "Are you kidding me?" The long sword in his hand was instantly covered with flames, and Qin Yang swept the long sword towards Yun Du. Yun Du was speechless. He was telling the truth, why don't you believe it? The long stick was raised, and Qin Yang's long knife was pushed aside.

He then hit Qin Yang's wrist holding the knife, and the long knife had not been retracted at this time.


Qin Yang, who had no time to retract the knife, was knocked to the ground by Yun Du with one move.

Then, the stick head was lifted, and it went straight to Qin Yang's throat.

In an instant, Yun Du's stick had already touched Qin Yang's throat.

Yun Du did not kill Qin Yang directly, he still had many questions to ask.

"You are stupid and you are still stubborn. I can get the first place in the martial arts exam without anyone to form a team. You don't really think I rely on luck?!"

"Okay, now I ask you questions."

Yun Du's tone became serious: "How did your Qin family know that I have the Jade Soul Fruit?"

"I won't tell you, let's see what you can do to me?" Qin Yang was not timid at all.



Yun Du kicked Qin Yang's right arm off.

Yundu smiled and looked at Qin Yang: "I'll give you another chance to answer again, you have to seize it."

However, this smile was scarier than the devil to Qin Yang.

"How dare you?" Qin Yang said tremblingly while enduring the pain.

Yundu pushed the stick on Qin Yang's neck forward: "I'll give you a chance, I hope you'll think it over before you say it."

Qin Yang saw from Yundu's eyes that Yundu really dared to kill him.

"It's my second uncle. Two years ago, Li Junrong came back from the wilderness and brought back the Jade Soul Fruit.

My second uncle got to know the news by chance.

Originally he wanted to keep it for himself, but his strength was too low, so he had to sell the news to the family."

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