Everyone: Awakening Myself At The Beginning

Chapter 47 The Qin Family's Pursuit

The little beast actually launched a sneak attack!

Yundu took out his bow and arrow, ready to shoot the beast attacking him in the water and give himself a meal.

He waited silently by the river for more than ten minutes.


Another water column shot over, and Yundu shot the arrow in the direction of the water column.


Both sides hit each other at the same time, Yundu just felt cold for a moment, but the beast lost its life!

The one attacking Yundu was a diamond ice eel, which was only a beast soldier-level beast, and the most important thing was that it tasted extremely delicious!

Yundu was about to fish the diamond ice eel out and was about to go into the water.


A flying knife shot towards Yundu's head.

Yundu quickly fell back, and the flying knife passed by his neck.

After avoiding the flying knife, Yundu was also scared. He was careless. He actually let his guard down in this wilderness area.

If he had reacted a little slower, he would probably have been beheaded.

There was no time to find out who shot the cold arrow, so he quickly lay down behind a small mound.

Observe the direction from which the flying knife came, trying to find the murderer who stabbed him in the back.

However, Yundu hid behind the mound, and the other party stopped attacking.

The two sides were in a stalemate for a while.

Yundu, lying on the ground, heard that people were still gathering in this direction in the distance.

Obviously, this was a premeditated assassination!

"It's not a good idea to wait like this, it will be troublesome if we are surrounded." Yundu said to himself.

So, he stretched out the stick from the mound to test the other party's reaction.


As soon as the stick came out of the mound, a flying knife came.

However, Yundu was not trying to escape, but to determine the other party's position.

He stretched out the stick from the mound again, and the other party's flying knife came as promised.

Yundu stood up and shot towards the position where the flying knife flew.



A short scream came from a distance, and Yundu picked up his equipment and moved his position.

This place is easy to attack but difficult to defend. Once the other party's follow-up people catch up and form a siege, the only way left is the river.

According to Yundu's understanding of this world, he must not go into the water unless it is absolutely necessary, including in a stream.

Because no one knows what kind of beast is hidden in the water.

The concept of the territory of beasts in the water is vague, and it is very likely that you will encounter a lord-level beast in a stream.

Even if you don't encounter a high-level beast, you may encounter a poisonous beast.

Although Yundu is not afraid of poison, the water is also the last choice when there is no way out.

Moreover, according to Yundu's judgment of the speed and power of the flying knife.

The opponent should be only an intermediate warrior, and has not even reached the peak of the intermediate warrior.

Yundu is still confident that he can kill him before his companions get close.

He came to the back of a big tree, put down his backpack, put on his bow and arrow and quiver, picked up a long stick and rushed towards the opponent.

Just after running out for a few steps, another flying knife flew towards Yundu, and the surface of this flying knife emitted a faint light.

The speed was also much faster than the previous times. Yundu judged that the opponent should have exerted supernatural powers, and if he took it hard, he would be very likely to be injured.

But the speed is too fast and cannot be completely avoided.

If you can't avoid it, then don't avoid it. Just when the flying knife is less than ten meters away from Yun Du, a dark green shield suddenly appears in Yun Du's hand. "Bang~" The flying knife hits the shield and makes a bang. Both sides are shocked at the same time. Yun Du didn't expect that the flying knife would explode. If he was hit by a knife, he would lose a piece of meat if he didn't die. What shocked the flying knife man was that Yun Du, a poor boy, actually had space equipment and such a high-level shield. His flying knife is the top equipment of the excellent level, and it explodes with his own superpowers. Excellent equipment can't stop his full-strength attack. However, the shield in Yun Du's hand was intact. Knowing that Yun Du was already in an invincible position, he could only run away and wait for follow-up support to arrive. Yun Du would never let him run away. He put away the shield and applied speed spirit patterns to himself. In a few flashes, he caught up with the flying knife man who wanted to escape. "Kacha~"

Yun Du threw the stick like a spear, and the knife-flying man's leg broke with a sound.

"I should have learned to throw a javelin before. This is too bad. I aimed at the head but only hit the leg." Yun Du was a little depressed.

Step by step towards the knife-flying man: "Sent by the Qin family?"

"I, I won't say anything." The knife-flying man trembled and said.

Yun Du looked up and down at the black-clothed man in front of him: "Don't say? Forget it."


Pulled out the stick stuck in the ground and hit the knife-flying man's neck fiercely.

The black-clothed man's neck was instantly pierced by the long stick, blood spurted out, and one end of the stick was deeply inserted into the soil.

Pulled out the stick, watched the blood gradually flow into the ground, and the knife-flying man with only a big hole on his neck.

Yun Du shook the stick with a look of disgust: "This is too weak, far worse than the violent demon bear."

If the knife-flying man was still alive, he would be angry to death after hearing what Yun Du said.

What? What is this? He actually compared him with the violent demon bear.

Yundu seized all the supplies from the flying knife man and returned to the location of his backpack.

He took back his backpack and moved again. This time he did not run far away, but returned to the vicinity of the flying knife man.

He climbed up the tree, hid his backpack, took out the bow and arrow and waited for the arrival of the prey.

The rest of the people were gradually approaching this place. It must be the location reported to them by the flying knife man.

Now let them feel the feeling of hunters becoming prey. When they find the body of the flying knife man, they will definitely come forward to check.

At that time, Yundu will call out the names one by one, and everyone wants to run.

It didn't take long. In less than ten minutes, seven or eight people gathered.

Looking at their performance, Yundu did not act immediately because they had not all arrived.

Seven or eight people in black surrounded the body of the flying knife man.

"That kid is really cruel. After you complete the task, take the body back. You can get a lot more gold coins at that time." A man in black said to the others.

"Brother San, what should we do now?" Another man in black stepped forward and said.

"What else can we do? Wait for Brother Tai to come. Judging from the wounds on Xiao Fei's body, that kid is completely crushed.

We won't get any benefit if we go together."

The man in black who asked the question shrank his neck when he heard this: "Brother San, do you think that kid is nearby? Will we be in danger?"

As soon as this was said, the other men in black hurriedly searched around to avoid becoming the dead souls under Yun Du's stick.

Brother San waved his hand: "Look at Xiao Fei, all his equipment and supplies are gone, which means that the other party has left, otherwise why would he take these things away?"

As soon as this was said, the other people felt that it made sense, and their tense expressions all relaxed.

Yun Du, who was hiding in the tree, saw all of this and muttered in a low voice: "With this brain, you still want to be a killer? It's better to go back and grind the mill."

Ten minutes later, more than a dozen men in black gathered from all directions.

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