Everyone: Awakening Myself At The Beginning

Chapter 52 Compass Upgrade, Life Essence

Shaking the compass in his hand left and right, the light in the center still pointed to the bottom of the pool.

Yun Du did not hesitate and decisively followed the guiding light to dive down again.

During the dive, Yun Du felt that the pool was getting bigger and bigger.

When he was on the shore, the diameter of the water surface was only a few dozen meters. When he first dived, he could still see the edge of the pool on the other side, but it was gone after a while.

Even though Yun Du had swam to the middle of the pool, he still could not see the edge of the pool.

This pool was like a funnel, upside down deep underground.

After diving for nearly half an hour, even Yun Du, who had improved his five senses, could not see the sunlight at the mouth of the pool.

Only the light emitted by the compass in his hand illuminated Yun Du's surroundings.

As a high-level warrior, Yun Du also felt that the pressure under the water increased significantly, which meant that he had dived nearly 500 meters.

Moreover, even when Yun Du was fully operating the Dao Yan Jing, the vague traction appeared on his body again.

Slow down and follow the beam of light emitted by the compass to slowly swim towards the bottom of the pool.

Nearly half an hour later, Yundu saw a little light at the bottom of the pool, and the beam of light emitted by the compass also pointed to that light.

That little light indicated that the treasure was there, and Yundu gradually became excited.

This was the first treasure he was about to get when he came to this world.

The closer he was to the light, the stronger the traction he could feel on Yundu, but this force was not enough to absorb his vitality.

Less than a hundred meters away, and after another half an hour, Yundu finally saw clearly what was glowing.

It was a large round stone that was as tall as a person, and there was a basin-sized pit on the top of the stone.

The glow was the liquid in the pit, which was white-green and did not blend with the water in the pool.

It was more like the existence of mercury on the seabed of the earth.

Ten minutes later, Yundu finally swam to the side of the glowing liquid.

A sudden change occurred, and the compass in his hand burst into a more dazzling light and was getting hot.

And the white-green liquid suddenly began to boil, and Yundu could clearly feel that the traction acting on him began to become disordered.

Pulling the compass further away, the light dimmed and no longer heated up, and the liquid in the stone no longer boiled. Yundu instantly realized that the treasure here was related to the compass in his hand. He stepped back a few steps again and placed the compass at the bottom of the pool, then moved closer to the stone. This time, neither the compass nor the liquid rioted. Yundu carefully touched the mysterious liquid with his fingers, and the moment he touched it, he felt a pure vitality entering his body. After a careful feeling, Yundu determined that the mysterious liquid in front of him was the legendary life essence. Life essence was what Yundu saw in a book that specifically talked about treasures related to vitality. However, there was very little information about life essence in the book, but its effect was the most powerful of all known treasures. The saying "life and death, flesh and bones" is an exaggeration to describe other treasures, but it is a statement of fact to describe life essence. However, the next question stumped Yundu. There was so much life essence in front of him, but he had no way to take it away. Life essence needs to be preserved in a special container that can isolate vitality, but he did not have such a container at all. Seeing such a huge treasure in front of him but unable to take it away, Yun Du was extremely anxious.

Finally, he decided to absorb as much as he could, and come back to get it when he had the chance to find a suitable container.

Yundu plunged into it and swallowed the life essence in big gulps.

At this time, if others knew that Yundu wasted the life essence like this, someone would definitely curse his eight generations of ancestors.

However, Yundu couldn't drink much. He was only eighteen years old now, and his vitality was at its peak. He couldn't absorb such a concentrated life essence at all.

He couldn't drink it anymore, and when he opened his eyes, he saw a scene that subverted all of Yundu's cognition.

A complex symbol was suspended in the life essence, emitting a green light and slowly rotating.

Yundu also put his hand deep into it and touched it with his hand, and the symbol passed through his palm.

This symbol was like a projection and could not be touched.

Staring at the symbol in the life essence, Yundu thought of the compass he had placed aside.

The riot caused by his initial approach to the life essence with the compass was probably caused by this symbol.

In order to verify his guess, Yundu took out a rope, tied one end to the compass, and held the other end in his hand.

Returning to the stone, he plunged into the life fluid again, opened his eyes and looked at the symbols in it.

Slowly retracting the rope in his hand, as the compass got closer and closer, the symbol began to become restless.

Not only did the rotation speed increase, but it also began to vibrate left and right.

After confirming that the mysterious symbol was related to the compass, Yundu simply pulled the compass into his hand.

Untying the rope, he put the compass into the life fluid.

At this time, the symbols were running around everywhere, stirring the life fluid everywhere.

Yundu was not worried about waste, even if the life fluid splashed out of the stone pit, it would turn into vitality again and return to the stone pit.

When the compass in his hand came into contact with the mysterious symbol, the symbol turned into a stream of light and entered the compass.

The light emitted by the compass was even more dazzling, and it broke away from Yundu's hand, rushed out of the life fluid and floated above the boulder.

Yundu hurriedly looked up at the compass floating in the water, and saw that the rust on the compass gradually disappeared, the pointer turned green, and the scale in the disk changed from five layers to six layers.

At the same time, the symbols in each disk became more numerous and more complex.

A series of changes were gradually completed, the light gradually dissipated, and Yundu reached out to catch the fallen compass.

It was warm to the touch, and the volume was much larger than before. Yundu could sense the breath of life inside the compass, and the whole compass seemed to come alive.

At this time, Yundu was most worried not about the compass but the original life liquid. If the disappearance of the mysterious symbol caused the power that absorbed the essence of life to disappear together.

Then, so much original life liquid in front of him would return to this world soon.

Stop running the Daoyan Sutra, and the vague attraction reappears.

Yundu was ecstatic. The mysterious rune was not the source of attraction, it just magnified the power.

But none of this mattered to Yundu, as long as the original life liquid would not disappear.

Yundu took another gulp of original life liquid and began to swim to the surface of the water.

The last gulp was not because Yundu was reluctant to part with this treasure, but because the original life liquid could allow him to breathe for a long time in the water.

Originally, when Yundu first came down, the oxygen in his body had been almost consumed, but he didn't expect that as soon as he touched the life essence, the suffocation feeling disappeared.

This is also the reason why Yundu dived into the life essence when drinking it later.

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