Everyone: Awakening Myself At The Beginning

Chapter 55 Admissions Troubles


"Hello, the number you dialed is temporarily unanswered..."

Hearing the voice coming from the bracelet, Yundu was completely dumbfounded. If he came too early, he would not be able to enter the school!

Just as he was about to call again, he was stopped by Feng Lingjin beside him: "No one answered, it must be a mission, no matter how many times you call."

"Leave a message to the teacher, and then I will take you around the campus."

Yundu thought about it, there was no other way, so he had to do this.

Fortunately, the Qinglong bracelet on Yundu's hand can enter and exit the school at will, otherwise he can only find a hotel to stay in first.

"How is it? Is it impressive?"

Feng Lingjin took Yundu to the interior of Qinglong University and asked Yundu while staring at him.

She was looking forward to Yundu's shocked expression, after all, Qinglong University was also her pride!

"Qinglong Warrior University covers a total area of ​​more than 50 square kilometers."

"Rather than saying there is a Qinglong Warrior University in Qinglong City, it is better to say there is a Qinglong City in Qinglong Warrior University.

And we are now in the main campus of Qinglong University, and there are four branch campuses, distributed in the four directions of Qinglong City."

Feng Lingjin's words made Yun Du's eyes widen a lot.

Such a large school only enrolls less than 5,000 students each year, which is really a bit extravagant in Yun Du's eyes.

You should know that some small fourth-tier cities cover an area of ​​less than 100 square kilometers.

And this is Qinglong City, an absolute first-tier city, and the land can be described as every inch of land is worth a lot of money.

How can Yun Du not be shocked that a university can occupy such a large area of ​​land!

"There are four more campuses? Which campus will the freshmen enroll in?"

Feng Lingjin thought for a while: "Generally speaking, freshmen will be in the main campus in their first year, and when they are promoted to sophomore year, they will be divided into different campuses according to the direction of their ability development."

"Then in the sophomore year, what standards are used to divide students into branch campuses?" Yun Du asked curiously.

"Look at the beasts."


"Yes, look at the gathering of beasts, attributes and other data statistics. Where the beast tide is likely to appear, there will be more people in the campus."

Yun Du then remembered that Qinglong University existed to resist the beast tide, and everything the school did was to protect the territory of the motherland.

"Ling Jin!"

A sudden call interrupted Yun Du's journey to understand Qinglong University.

The man who came was a tall and handsome man.

The man was wearing a dark gray battle suit, and there was still bright red blood on the long sword on his back.

Feng Lingjin turned around and asked the visitor: "Chen Zhan? Why are you here? Have you finished the mission?"

Chen Zhan first glanced at Yun Du on the side, and then shifted his sight to Feng Lingjin: "I just finished it. I heard that you are back to school, so I came to see."

Yun Du, who had been baptized by TV dramas on Earth, combined with the look Chen Zhan gave him just now.

Yun Du was basically sure that this Chen Zhan was Feng Lingjin's dog.

"Who are you? Why haven't I seen you in school? Qinglong University is not for just anyone!" Chen Zhan's eyes fell on Yun Du again.

Moreover, this time he was extremely hostile.

"How dare you talk like that?! This is Yun Du, the new student who came to register. I couldn't contact the teacher in charge of admissions, so I took him to visit the school first." Feng Lingjin's voice also rose a few degrees.

"Hello, senior. I'm Yundu, a freshman this year. I'm here to report today. Please take care of me." Yundu greeted Chen Zhan with his signature fake smile.

"Hahaha, it turns out you're a prospective junior. Senior was just excited. I hope you don't mind." Chen Zhan explained to Yundu with a fake smile.

"Pa pa~"

He slapped Yundu on the shoulder twice: "Junior, you must be a child of destiny to be admitted to Qinglong University. You are a dragon among men."

While saying this, the hand on Yundu's shoulder was still using the dark energy: "Junior was able to come to school more than half a month in advance. I guess you were escorted by your elders at home! Why don't you see your elders? As a senior, I should also do my best to treat you to a meal."

Good guy, Yundu said in his heart, good guy!

Worthy of being a licker, and the king of lickers! He's starting to protect his food now? !

However, this guy named Chen Zhan barely reached the level of a high-level warrior, and his dark energy couldn't hurt Yundu at all.

Yun Du still smiled falsely: "Senior, that's not true. I came here by myself. I was lucky that I didn't encounter many beasts on the road, so I arrived a few days early."

He calmly dissolved the dark energy that Chen Zhan had hit on his body, and then returned a stronger dark energy to Chen Zhan's arm.

"Chen Zhan, are all your missions over?" Feng Lingjin asked.

Chen Zhan's eyes softened and fell on Feng Lingjin, and he said gently: "Yes, they are all over. I came back early. The others will be back soon after cleaning the battlefield."

Feng Lingjin turned his eyes to Yun Du: "Call the teacher in charge of admissions this time. She is the leader of this mission. She should be able to answer the phone now."

Yun Du did not hesitate, raised his bracelet and called.


"Hello, hello!" A cold tone came from the other end of the bracelet.

"Hello teacher, I am Li Yun, and I came to the school to report today." Yun Du said politely.

"What? You arrived today?" Duanmu Jin was surprised.

"Yes, I just arrived. I left you a message just now."

"Where are you now?"

"I'm in front of the multifunctional teaching building."

"Okay, I got it. You wait for me there. I'll be back soon." Duanmu Jin hung up the phone.

"Isn't your name Li Yun? Why did you lie to us and say your name is Yun Du? Are you replacing Li Yun to attend Qinglong University?"

As soon as the phone was hung up, Chen Zhan next to him began to find fault, and his right hand had already reached behind his back to hold the handle of the knife.

He looked like he would execute Yun Du on the spot if he didn't answer well.

Although he was very tired, Yun Du still replied politely: "My new name is Yun Du. The name on the system hasn't been changed when I was admitted."

Chen Zhan took half a step towards Yun Du and wanted to say something but was stopped by Feng Lingjin: "Yun Du, you wait for the teacher here. Chen Zhan and I will go to submit the task first."

Without waiting for Yun Du to respond, Feng Lingjin hurriedly pulled Chen Zhan away.

Half an hour later...

Duanmu Jin, wearing a green battle suit and exuding a heroic spirit, arrived late.

Yundu hurried forward and looked at Duanmu Jin, who still had some blood on his body: "Hello, teacher, I'm here to report."

Duanmu Jin nodded and asked in confusion: "Why are you here so early?"

"Well, I followed the route in my watch and I'll be there when I finish it!" Yundu scratched his head and pointed to the Qinglong bracelet on his wrist.

At this time, Yundu wanted to complain. I didn't want to come early, but the school didn't give any reminders.

Just a bracelet with a route map in it, no other reminders, not even a notice, how do I know when to report to school?

Yundu felt bitter, but he couldn't say it!

Duanmu Jin also felt that the question he asked was a bit inappropriate: "Come with me first, go to register first, then get the dormitory key, and take you to the dormitory."

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