"Qingdai, go prepare some good tea and snacks."

Let the staff start to identify the materials that Yundu brought out, and tell Qingdai to get some tea and snacks.

The rich woman invited Yundu to sit aside: "Did Mr. Yun kill all these beasts alone?"

"Yes, I killed them alone." Yundu was a little embarrassed when being stared at by the rich woman.

Seeing Yundu's nervousness and uneasiness, he smiled and said: "Let me introduce myself. My name is Jiang Yue, and I am the owner of this store."

"My name is Yundu, and I am a student of Qinglong University."

"Oh? Students of Qinglong University? Those who can enter Qinglong University have a promising future!"

"No, no, you are successful in your career, managing such a large chamber of commerce by yourself."

"Haha, this chamber of commerce is not mine, it belongs to our family, but I am the one who runs it." Jiang Yue chuckled.

Jiang Yue then asked: "Isn't Qinglong University holding a hunting event now? Why is Yun selling materials here?"

Yun Du glanced at Jiang Yue beside him and quickly shifted his gaze: "I'm a freshman and I just enrolled yesterday."

Jiang Yue took in Yun Du's performance: "Oh! That's even more amazing. Qinglong University will not have freshmen arriving until July.

Yun has already entered the school in advance in mid-June. It can be seen that he is very strong to kill so many beasts along the way and arrive at the school early."


Qing Dai put tea and some cakes on the table next to Yun Du and Jiang Yue: "Mr. Yun, please have tea."

"Thank you!"

Jiang Yue picked up the teacup and took a sip: "Yun is new here. If you have any questions about this place, you can come to me at any time."

Hearing this, Yun Du immediately became energetic.

I was worrying about where to find out about my life after selling the materials.

Originally, Yun Du chose the largest chamber of commerce, so he had the idea of ​​selling the materials and finding out about the news. At the very least, he knew where to find out about the news next.

"I really have something I want to ask you." Yundu said firmly.

Jiang Yue also became interested after hearing this: "Tell me about it, maybe I know it."

Yundu took out a piece of paper from his pocket and handed it to Jiang Yue.

This paper was prepared by Yundu in advance, and the small tree pattern on the ribbon was copied onto the paper.

Jiang Yue unfolded the paper, and there was a simple picture on it, which was a small tree with only five leaves.

Jiang Yue frowned as he looked at the content on the paper: "What does this mean?"

"Have you seen this pattern, boss? Or a similar pattern?" Yundu asked.

Jiang Yue shook his head: "I haven't seen this pattern."

Yundu sighed and was about to ask where he could get more information.

But he heard Jiang Yue suddenly say: "But I have seen a lot of similar patterns."

Yundu's eyes lit up in an instant: "Then do you know what this picture means?"

"It doesn't mean anything else, it's a totem." Jiang Yue folded the paper again and returned it to Yundu.

"But this kind of totem is almost no longer used. Twenty or so years ago, some troops or civilian organizations that were used to eliminate ferocious beasts would use this kind of totem.

But later, after Qinglong University won the frontal battlefield, the supporting troops and the spontaneous civilian teams gradually withdrew from the battlefield.

It was during the beast tide during that period that Qinglong University decided that the whole school would go out to hunt ferocious beasts at this time every year."

"In other words, this pattern should represent a certain spirit or surname?" Yun Du asked.

Jiang Yue nodded: "It should be like this."

"Why would Qinglong University hunt ferocious beasts on a large scale at this time?" Yun Du asked.

"Haha, what time is it now?" Jiang Yue asked with a chuckle.

"June? Late spring and early summer?"

Jiang Yue nodded: "Then when do you think the beasts reproduce?"

Hearing this, Yun Du suddenly realized that this season is when the beasts reproduce on a large scale.

At the same time, large-scale hunting of beasts in this season can suppress the number of beasts to the greatest extent.

Yun Du asked some more information about this totem, but the boss didn't know much.

It's not without gain, at least there is a direction for investigation.

After chatting with the rich woman for a while, the staff responsible for the appraisal finally finished the appraisal of all the materials.

Jiang Yue first read the appraisal list and handed it to Yun Du after confirming that there was no problem.

After a rough look, all the materials together are worth 27.4 million gold coins.

Yun Du felt that there was no problem: "That's it, I'll send you the account number."

After receiving the account number, Jiang Yue instructed the staff to deposit 28 million into Yun Du's account.

"What is this?" Yun Du was a little confused.

Jiang Yue smiled and took out a gold card: "Don't be nervous, this card is our top VIP card of Sihai Chamber of Commerce. You can get discounts when you buy things in any Sihai Chamber of Commerce in the future, and the price of materials will also be increased.

These gold coins today are considered to be VIP treatment for you in advance."

Yun Du did not refuse: "Thank you, Boss Jiang."

After leaving Sihai Chamber of Commerce, Yun Du did not return to school, but went to a place specializing in selling intelligence.

Of course, this kind of place was also told to Yun Du by Jiang Yue.

Driving to a roadside tavern, Yun Du thought it was more like a barbecue stall.

Yun Du parked the car far away. After all, it was inconvenient to drive in such a place with many people.

"What would this handsome guy like to eat?"

As soon as Yun Du approached, an older man shouted.

Took out ten gold coins and put them on the table in front of the boss: "Boss, you can arrange the dishes in the store."

"Would you like some wine?" The boss asked with a smile after receiving the gold coins.

"Don't drink when driving, just have some drinks."

"Okay! Please wait, the food will be here soon." The boss shouted briskly.

This barbecue restaurant is located on a street densely populated by warriors. The meat in the store is all beast meat, but the boss behaves like an ordinary person.

This is very strange, Yun Du felt it was very abnormal, didn't anyone doubt it?

After a while, several barbecues were placed in front of Yun Du. Looking at the sizzling barbecue in front of him, Yun Du had no intention of taking action.

Instead, he took out another gold coin and tapped it gently on the table.

After the tenth tap, the boss came over with a few bottles of drinks: "Your drinks, you eat first, and you can talk if you don't have enough."

Yun Du pushed the gold coin in his hand to the boss calmly.

The boss put the drinks away, looked up and looked around, and then collected the gold coin that Yun Du used to knock on the table.

Turned around and went to take care of other customers.

Seeing the boss accept the gold coin, Yun Du was sure that Jiang Yue had not lied to him.

He picked up a skewer and slowly put it into his mouth.

Until it got dark, all the customers around him had left.

The boss sat directly opposite Yundu.

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