Everyone: Awakening Myself At The Beginning

Chapter 63 Roommates Gathering

Yun Du always felt something was wrong, so he planned to go to the Sihai Chamber of Commerce tomorrow.

To see what happened, and to ask if his information had arrived.

He turned around, sorted out the secret books on the table, put them into the space equipment, and went to bed early.

The next morning.

Yun Du was the first to step into the hall when the Sihai Chamber of Commerce just started business.

"Is Qing Dai here?" Yun Du asked without waiting for the staff to speak.

The staff in a neat suit replied politely: "She should still be sorting out the goods. Please wait, I will call her."

Yun Du nodded and sat down in the reception area of ​​the hall.

In less than three minutes, Qing Dai appeared in the hall and ran to Yun Du breathlessly.

"Mr. Yun, you are looking for me?"

"Sit down first, I do have something to ask you." Yun Du pointed to the sofa opposite and poured her another glass of water.

Qingdai sat on the sofa and drank a few sips of water before she recovered: "What does Mr. Yun want to talk to me about?"

"I want to ask if your boss is here. I can't contact her."

"Well, our boss was called away by the big boss and has not been in the store these days."

"Big boss?"

"Oh, that's our boss's father, the second in command of the Jiang family." Qingdai explained hurriedly.

Yundu relaxed his expression. It seemed that he was worrying too much. Nothing happened.

He looked up at Qingdai again: "Has anyone sent your boss any news or information these days?"

Qingdai thought for a while, and nodded like a chicken pecking at rice: "Yes, the boss received it before he left, but he also told me not to give it to you. She will contact you when she comes back after a while."

"When the things were delivered, did she open it and read it?"

"Yes." Qingdai nodded again.

Yundu already knew that this was something Jiang Yue knew from the intelligence, and it was bad news.

But, what kind of news would make Jiang Yue not reveal it to him at all? Yundu couldn't figure it out.

He asked again: "Qingdai, do you know what happened that your boss was called back by the big boss?"

"I don't know, I just know that our boss was very unhappy when he left." Qingdai said softly.

Yundu nodded and pushed a number in front of Qingdai: "I know, let me know as soon as your boss comes back."

Qingdai picked up the number on the table with both hands and nodded heavily.

"Okay, you go and do your work first, I'll go buy some things and go back first." Yundu stood up and said to Qingdai.

After separating from Qingdai, Yundu bought some daily necessities and some auxiliary training equipment in the Sihai Chamber of Commerce, and then drove back to Qinglong University.

"Why is the door open? I remember locking the door when I left?!" Yundu looked at the open door in confusion when he arrived at the dormitory.

After parking the car, he hurried into the dormitory to check.

As soon as he entered the door, Yundu saw three people sitting in the living room on the first floor, talking and laughing while eating fruit.

"Who are you? How did you get in?" Yundu questioned.

The slightly fat man stood up and said to Yundu with a smile: "You are the roommate who lives on the third floor, right?"

After hearing this, Yundu realized that this dormitory can accommodate four people, but he just came early, and he is not the only one.

It seems that the three people in front of him will be his roommates in the future.

Yundu nodded hesitantly: "Yes, I live on the third floor."

"That's perfect. We're all here today. Let's get to know each other. My name is Liu Song." Liu Song said excitedly.

"My name is Yun Du."

The other two also stood up and gathered around.

The roommate with a pretty face, tall figure, but slightly thin said calmly: "Hello, everyone. My name is Kong Yuanke."

Another roommate with a tall figure and a resolute face said softly: "My name is Chang Le."

After the four people introduced each other, Liu Song said enthusiastically: "We are lucky to live in the same dormitory. How about celebrating today?"

Liu Song's eyes swept across everyone's face one by one. The other two could not hide their excitement and nodded repeatedly.

"I'll make the arrangements. I came earlier than you and know where there are delicious foods nearby." Yun Du said with a smile.

"Okay, then we will listen to your arrangements today." Liu Song said excitedly.


After talking with several people, Yun Du also learned that Liu Song, the most enthusiastic of the three, awakened the auxiliary ability [Legendary: Asking the Spirit].

This ability is very comprehensive. It can communicate with plants or beasts whose soul strength is lower than its own, and can also provide certain healing effects.

Kong Yuanke, who is the tallest, awakened the life-related ability [Saint-level: Heaven-shaking Purple Gold Hammer].

Kong Yuanke's ability is rare in the entire Qinglong University.

His ability is not only a physical ability, but also can forge the human body.

Kong Yuanke had no combat power when he first awakened this ability, but he forged himself as a weapon.

Instead, his own physique far exceeds that of the Saint-level enhanced ability awakeners. His current strength may be able to compete with Yun Du, a high-level peak warrior!

However, Kong Yuanke's training speed is slower than that of ordinary Saint-level awakeners. Now he is only a mid-level warrior, and there is still a long way to go before he can become a high-level warrior.

Chang Le, who speaks the least, awakened the pure combat ability [Legendary: God of War].

In battle, it enhances all-round defense, reduces most elemental damage, reduces pain, and recovers quickly. It is a true combat machine.

Not only that, this ability can be promoted autonomously.

Other abilities require natural treasures or special conditions to be promoted, but this God of War ability does not need to be promoted. It only needs to go through enough life-and-death battles and practice to break through the limits of each level, and the ability can be promoted automatically.

When awakened, Chang Le was only an epic ability. After a series of battles and warrior exams, he was finally promoted to the legendary level.

Now Chang Le has reached the peak of advanced warriors. If he can break his own limits, his ability is likely to be promoted to the holy level!

In the next few days, several people practiced on their own to welcome the entrance assessment and rating.

Among them, Yun Du and Jiang Changan copied all the two secret books and began to study in the martial arts training ground of Cheng Bozhi's villa every day.

During this period, Yun Du contacted Jiang Yue of the Sihai Chamber of Commerce several times, but there was no news.

The countdown on the bracelet was completely reset to zero, and all freshmen received an email at the same time.

All freshmen were asked to gather on the playground before nine o'clock the next morning to participate in the assessment and rating. "Do you know how the school's rating is determined?" Liu Song asked everyone in the lobby on the first floor after reading the email.

Kong Yuanke said calmly: "Did you get any news?"

"Smart, I asked from my seniors, we will gather in the playground tomorrow and be sent to the test site."

"Um, what is the test site?" Chang Le asked softly.

"Chang Le, you got the point. Have you heard of the trial tower?" Liu Song said mysteriously.

Yun Du and the other two nodded in unison.

He also knew about the trial tower, but had never heard of the test site.

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