Everyone: Awakening Myself At The Beginning

Chapter 67: How Will You Deal With The Mine Warfare?


The Silver Moon Tiger fell to the ground, and Yun Du's long stick pierced its neck.

With a click, the cervical vertebra of the Silver Moon Tiger was directly pierced.


Although the battle lasted only a moment, it drained all of Yun Du's strength.

If this attack failed, he would be eliminated.

Yun Du, who had resolved the battle, could only lie on the body of the Silver Moon Tiger, which had not disappeared yet, and breathe heavily.

As the body of the beast gradually sank into the ground and disappeared, the mechanical sound of passing the level sounded again.

Nothing seemed to have changed around him. Yun Du looked in the direction of the iron gate, and his heart finally died.

The iron gate was closed tightly, and occasionally the roar of the beast could be heard from inside.

This time, Yun Du looked at the projection in the air, and did not get up and just lay quietly on the ground.

The scene of Yun Du passing the level was seen by all the students on the playground.

Now many people are discussing whether Yun Du can continue to pass the level.

"I didn't expect the third brother to be so powerful that he could make it to the 19th level.

The highest record among the freshmen is the 19th level. Do you think he can break the record?!" Liu Song said, staring at the projection in the sky.

Kong Yuanke sighed: "Alas, it's not easy. Didn't you see that he was exhausted?!"

"There is still a chance. He just burst out too much power in an instant and his body was overloaded.

If he can recover in a short time, his combat effectiveness will increase a lot!" Chang Le, who is usually taciturn, said.

The two looked at Chang Le together. Chang Le, who was stared at, felt uncomfortable all over and had to explain: "My ability is to improve combat effectiveness in battle in this way, but my ability can recover quickly."

Kong Yuanke then analyzed: "I think he can. I have seen him practice stick skills. His physical strength is only stronger than mine."

"I really don't know how he, a person who awakened the spiritual pattern ability, cultivated such a terrifying physique?!"


Of the three people, Kong Yuanke passed the 12th level, Chang Le failed at the 16th level, and Liu Song chose the auxiliary level and successfully passed the 10th level.

The results of their dormitory were already very good, and everyone had passed more than ten levels.

"He stood up!!!"

Someone shouted, and everyone's eyes were instantly focused on Yundu's level-breaking screen.

On the stage of the 19th level, Yundu slowly stood up from the ground and clicked the start button.

The iron gate opened again.

"Fuck, it's the Silver Moon Tiger again!!!"

Yundu was numb. This beast was too difficult to fight. Except that it recovered a little slowly when there was no moon, it basically had no shortcomings.

The moment he stepped on the stage, the bright moon in the sky seemed to be brighter than the previous one.


The Silver Moon Tiger roared at the moon, as if swearing that this was his territory.

Yundu desperately ran the "Dao Yan Jing" to fill his mental power and keep himself absolutely calm.

Holding the long stick tightly in his hand, he rushed towards the Silver Moon Tiger with a roar.

The stick swept away, and the Silver Moon Tiger did not dodge, but stretched out its huge tiger paw to block it.


The moment it blocked the attack, the Silver Moon Tiger felt pain in its palm and took two or three steps back.

At this moment, the bracelet on Yundu's hand prompted an increase of 2 points.

Yundu was confused. How could he get extra points for hitting with a stick?

Then he realized that the score was originally used to assist in ranking.

For students who entered the same level but did not pass it, whoever caused more damage would get a higher score.

Yundu killed the Silver Moon Tiger in the first two levels with one blow, so he had no idea that he could get points this way.

The Silver Moon Tiger kicked hard with its hind legs, and its wings spread out behind it and floated in the air.

Maybe Yundu's stick angered it, and it opened its mouth wide and began to charge its big move in its mouth.

Silver Moon Ring!

This skill is the innate skill of the Silver Moon Tiger. It uses the moonlight stored in the body to condense several crescent-shaped blades and hit the opponent at once.

Moreover, these crescent blades can not only attack repeatedly like boomerangs, but also increase strength and speed under the moonlight.

For Yun Du, if he cannot interrupt the opponent's skills in the current air-to-ground long-range bombing, he will definitely lose!


He inserted the long stick into the hard ring, took out his bow and arrow, and shot it into the mouth of the Silver Moon Tiger.

In order to prevent the Silver Moon Tiger from releasing skills in advance, one arrow could not completely block the attack.

Yun Du shot three more arrows in a row, and a total of four arrows flew into the mouth of the Silver Moon Tiger together.

Seeing this, the Silver Moon Tiger was about to release the Silver Moon Ring that had not yet been fully formed.

At the moment when the arrows and the Silver Moon Ring came into contact.


A voice came from Yun Du's mouth, and four arrows exploded violently at the same time.

The attack that the Silver Moon Tiger had not yet formed dissipated instantly.

Moreover, the impact of the explosion also blew the Silver Moon Tiger away.

"I didn't expect it to be so powerful!"

These arrows were the explosive spirit patterns that Yun Du had inlaid on the way to Qinglong University.

Originally, I thought the explosion should be just as powerful as an ordinary grenade, but with elemental damage.

I never expected that the lethality was so great that the bracelet increased by more than 100 points!

Take advantage of your illness to kill you!

Yun Du drew his bow and shot arrows, and arrows flew towards the Silver Moon Tiger, blocking all its escape routes.

Under Yun Du's control, they exploded together.

A smile reappeared at the corner of Yun Du's mouth.

Although the flames and smoke in the air had not dissipated, the points on the bracelet had reached 19,000 points.

In other words, the Silver Moon Tiger in the air was dead!


The huge corpse fell to the ground, and the ground of the arena cracked instantly.

Then the corpse gradually merged into the ground, and the notification of clearance sounded immediately.

The ground was restored to its new state, and even the long stick that Yun Du had inserted into the ground fell to the ground.

Put away the bow and arrows and pick up the long stick.

Looking at the projection of the choice in the air, he decisively chose to start without any hesitation.

As Yundu thought, it was another Silver Moon Tiger, and it was more powerful than the previous one.

According to the momentum Yundu felt, the beast in front of him was about to reach the peak of the king level.

It was definitely impossible to fight hand-to-hand, so he should bombard it first.

Taking out the bow and arrow again, Yundu shot dozens of arrows engraved with explosive spirit patterns at the opponent without waiting for the Silver Moon Tiger to take off.

The Silver Moon Tiger dodged most of the arrows, but this time Yundu did not let it explode directly.

Yundu was making a layout, and now the ring was full of arrows that could explode at any time.

Picking up a long stick and rushing towards the Silver Moon Tiger, he chopped it down with a stick, and the opponent jumped away flexibly.


The explosion sounded, and the Silver Moon Tiger was blown back, and what greeted it was Yundu's sweep.


A stick hit the left wing of the Silver Moon Tiger hard.


The sound of bone breaking sounded, and the left wing of the Silver Moon Tiger was scrapped.

Without the ability to fly, and with the "land mines" all over the ground, Yundu has the advantage in this round!

After several confrontations, the injuries on Silver Moon Tiger became more and more serious, just when Yundu thought the overall situation was settled.

Silver Moon Tiger, resisting the damage of the explosion, forced a one-for-one exchange.

The tiger's claws quickly enlarged, and Yundu quickly held the long stick across his chest to block.

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