The three of them were ready with weapons in hand, but the Blue Water Wolf Pack just surrounded them and did not launch an attack? !

The wolf pack circled the three of them for a few minutes: "Brother, are all the fierce beasts near Qinglong City so friendly?"

"Friendly as hell! How can fierce beasts be friendly?!" Zhou Xing paused and continued: "It's because these Blue Water wolves are naturally timid and cautious, and they won't attack easily."

"Are we just going to drag it out like this?" Yun Du asked in confusion.

"Drag it out, the longer we wait, the more chances we have to escape!"


Reality is not as good as Zhou Xing imagined.

The wolf king on the hillside in the distance howled, and the wolf pack surrounding them began to shrink the encirclement and suppress the range of the three people's activities.

"Pay attention, these beasts are going to attack!" Zhou Xing reminded.

As soon as the voice fell, several wolves pounced on the three people at the same time.


Zhou Xing and Yun Du used sticks to block most of the wolves that pounced on them, and Feng Lingjin cut off the head of one of the Blue Water wolves.

However, the next second, the headless blue water wolf fell to the ground and turned into a pool of light blue liquid.

Then the pool of liquid was surrounded by several blue water wolves, and then the liquid on the ground gradually gathered into the shape of a wolf.


With a roar, the headless blue water wolf was "resurrected" again!

Looking at the resurrected blue water wolf, Yun Du hurriedly asked: "Brother, is there no way to kill this beast?"

While blocking the attack of the wolf pack, Zhou Xing explained: "Yes, you can kill them completely with ice, water or fire, but it's not easy."

"The method of killing them completely with ice and water is the same. You need to kill them first and turn them into blue water.

Then freeze or disperse them. If they cannot be restored to beasts for a long time, they will die;

The same is true for fire. You need to turn them into water first, and then dry them!"

"So hard to kill?!" Yun Du was a little shocked.

Zhou Xing sighed: "This is nothing, there are many such beasts in the water, and there are even more difficult to kill than these beasts in front of us!" Originally, Yun Du was quite happy to know that he could kill the blue water wolf with elemental damage. After all, his spiritual pattern can make people have elemental abilities for a short time, but as far as the current situation is concerned, it is far from enough to kill these blue water wolves with the elemental abilities obtained by the spiritual pattern. Zhou Xing increased the intensity of the attack, and the gold thread on the black long stick gradually lit up. "I will block the main force of the wolf pack, and you two can find where there is a cover. Our backs cannot be exposed to them!" Hearing Zhou Xing's words, Yun Du immediately changed the range of the mental power to one-way. After changing to one-way detection, Yun Du's mental power can reach a distance of nearly 500 meters! There is no need to look in the direction of the deep wilderness and the direction of returning, just need to detect whether there is a suitable environment on the left and right sides. Yun Du quickly sensed: "Brother, there is a mound about 400 meters to the left; there is a cave about 500 meters to the right. The outside of the cave is covered with many vines and weeds. It should not have been discovered by warriors. I just don't know if there are any fierce beasts in the cave!" "Go to the right, let's fight and retreat." Zhou Xing decisively decided to go to the cave on the right. The three began to move towards the cave on the right, and the attack of the wolf pack became more and more fierce. At the beginning, more than 30 wolves would only send out about 20 to attack. Once there are wolves that turn into water, the blue water wolves that are not attacking will stay by their side, waiting for them to condense into fierce beasts again. Now that they see their prey wanting to escape, the remaining blue water wolves also join the battle. In an instant, the pressure on the three people increased a lot. However, Zhou Xing was the one with the greatest pressure. He blocked nearly half of the blue water wolves alone. Yun Du was doing three things at the same time. While finding the way, he blocked about ten blue water wolves, and constantly applied shields, speed, and recovery spirit patterns to the three people.

The one that Yun Du was most worried about was not Zhou Xing, who had the most enemies, but Feng Lingjin, who had the least wolves.

Since he started moving towards the cave, Yun Du had been constantly replenishing shield spirit patterns on her body.

This group of blue water wolves had just reached the level of lord-level beasts, and they did not have any special attack talents.

Now that Yun Du has reached the master level, it stands to reason that the strength of the shield spirit pattern is also enough to block the master-level attacks.

However, Feng Lingjin's shield was constantly broken by the blue water wolves!

The speed of the three people's migration to the cave was slowed down again, and now they could only move more than ten meters in one minute.

Seeing that this was not a solution, Yun Du had to think of other ways.

Suddenly, he took out ten arrows from the space equipment and threw them directly at his feet.

"Brother, listen to my command. If I tell you to run, you run to the cave, don't hesitate!"

After Yun Du reminded Zhou Xing, he attracted several blue water wolves attacking Feng Lingjin to his front.

"Feng Lingjin, run towards the cave now, I'll stop these wolves!"

"Yun Du, do you have any ideas?" Zhou Xing asked.

"Yes, you will listen to my orders in a while, and we can reach the cave safely!"

"Okay, Lingjin listen to Yun Du's arrangements. Yun Du, if you can't stop so many wolves, senior brother can help you share some of the burden."

"No, I can still stop these!"

Feng Lingjin, who escaped, was stunned on the spot: "You have to be careful!"

"Hurry up!" Yun Du shouted at Feng Lingjin who was still standing there.

Seeing that Feng Lingjin wanted to say something else, Zhou Xing said in time: "Listen to Yun Du, hurry up!"

Feng Lingjin had to turn around and run towards the cave.

"Yun Du, what is your idea?"

"Senior brother, just retreat, believe me!"

"Okay, I believe you!"

The two brothers fought and retreated, and soon retreated more than ten meters.

At this time, the ten arrows that Yun Du had just thrown came to the feet of the wolf pack as the battlefield shifted.

"Brother, get ready!"


The two threw the blue water wolf attacking them back to the wolf pack, then turned around and ran towards the cave at full speed.


The sound of explosion came from the wolf pack, and a miniature mushroom cloud rose up, the scene was very spectacular.

The two brothers had no mood to appreciate it. Besides, Yun Du had seen the video of the two most spectacular mushroom clouds in history before crossing.

This little scene is nothing!

"Excellent arrows are different, the money is not wasted."

Yun Du couldn't help but look back while running away. The violent explosion covered the entire area where the wolf pack was, but he didn't know if he could completely kill a few blue water wolves.

With the speed of the two masters, without any interference, they arrived at the cave in less than three seconds.

However, Feng Lingjin frowned and stared at the weed-covered cave in front of him, waiting for the two to arrive, and did not clean up the weeds and vines in front of the cave entrance.

Yun Du came to the front of the cave, without any hesitation, and directly used his mental power to explore the inside of the cave.

After the investigation, Yun Du said to the two: "There are no ferocious beasts in the cave. This is a naturally formed cave. There is no danger!"

"Lingjin, split the vines at the entrance of the cave." Zhou Xing looked at Feng Lingjin.

Yun Du turned around and used his mental power to scan the area where the explosion just happened.

"Maybe we don't have to hide in the cave. The wolves have retreated!"

"Great, these stinky wolves finally ran away. We don't have to go into the cave anymore!" Feng Lingjin shouted excitedly.

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