"It's strange, the entire top of the mountain has been dug into the ground by skeleton warriors, and the mysterious dungeon has not been found, is the mysterious dungeon not even on the top of the mountain?"

Seeing that the skeleton warriors had searched all over the top of the mountain, but they still hadn't found the mysterious dungeon, Ye Chuan suddenly felt a little surprised.

It stands to reason that since the mysterious dungeon is very important, the hidden pull should also be very unique.

After all, this is a game-like world, and such a world, no matter what kind of treasure or dungeon, its location has a certain scope and particularity.

Something as special as a mysterious dungeon must also be very special in the place where it exists.

Otherwise, the entire novice copy is so large, and the professionals are looking for it aimlessly, not to mention that it is only more than ten hours, even if it takes ten days and a half months, they may not be able to find it.

Therefore, according to Ye Chuan's speculation, the location of the mysterious underground palace should be on the top of this mountain nine times out of ten.

But now, the entire mountain top has been turned over, but it still hasn't even found the shadow of the mysterious dungeon, which is completely beyond Ye Chuan's expectations.


"There are only a few special places in the entire novice dungeon, one is the top of the mountain where the ultimate trial boss is located, and the other is the mountainside ...... where the [Golden Tiger King] who dropped the [Mystery Key] is located


"Now, the mysterious dungeon, since it is not on the top of this mountain, is it on the mountainside where the [Golden Tiger King] is located?"

Ye Chuan frowned thoughtfully.

"It seems that we have to go to the mountainside to see the ......".

Ye Chuan muttered to himself in his heart, he stood up, habitually patted the dust on his buttocks, and was about to lead the skeleton army down the mountain, but at this moment, his gaze fell steeply on the dead tree below him.

"Wait, I'm really dark under the lights! Who said that the entire top of the mountain has been turned over? The dead tree I sat on, didn't it turn over?" Thinking of this, Ye Chuan couldn't help laughing.

The stump he was sitting on just now was the dry residue left by the death of the ultimate trial boss [Elven Tree Monster], and when he was sitting on this dead tree before, he didn't think of going to the mysterious dungeon at all.

It wasn't until he stood up at this time that he realized that he seemed to be sitting in the most critical place.

As expected, the mysterious dungeon should be under the dead tree stump.

Ye Chuan waved his hand, and in an instant, a large number of skeleton warriors quickly pounced towards the dead stump, and as the violent rebuke of the skeleton warriors began to show, soon, the entire dry stump was completely demolished.

And with the removal of the stump, a simple bronze gate spread on the ground also appeared in front of Ye Chuan.

On the gate, a line of large characters flashed with an obscure magic light - [The door to the mysterious dungeon can only be opened by using the "mysterious key".


"The mysterious dungeon has finally been found!".

Ye Chuan let out a relaxed sigh, and a relieved smile appeared on his face.

He carefully observed the door, and then took out the [Mysterious Key] and inserted it into the keyhole, and with a click, the ancient bronze gate slowly opened.

"Ding, you opened the entrance to the mysterious dungeon ......".

With the prompt of the system, a swarthy hole appeared in front of Ye Chuan, faintly, you can see that this cave is unfathomable, and the gray stone stairs seem to lead to the depths of hell.

Ye Chuan first took two steps back, and then waved his hand, and in an instant, a large number of skeleton warriors poured into the dungeon like a tide.

Soon, thousands of skeleton warriors entered the dungeon.

However, in the dungeon, there was still no movement at all.

Ye Chuan didn't find any news of the battle, nor did he find any news of the reduction of skeleton warriors, which shows that the situation inside should be basically safe.

However, Ye Chuan still waited until a large number of skeleton warriors entered the mysterious dungeon, and then slowly walked in.

The situation in the dungeon is a little different from what Ye Chuan imagined, it is not dark inside, on the contrary, every other distance, there is a magic oil lamp.

The dense stone stairs, along the outer wall of the underground palace, stretched down gracefully, just like a winding mountain ladder, Ye Chuan went down thousands of stone stairs in a row, and then came to the bottom of the square.

And at the bottom of the stone staircase, there was a treasure chest that shimmered with silver-white magic light.

"Silver treasure chest?" Looking at the magic light on the treasure chest, Ye Chuan couldn't help but perk up slightly.

Of course, it was only a slight lift.

The silver treasure chest is sure to be able to open silver-grade items, and there is even a certain chance of opening gold-level items, if it is before obtaining the [Ultimate Trial Set], Ye Chuan must be ecstatic to see such a treasure chest.

But at this time, Ye Chuan was very calm.

Because, because for him, the [Ultimate Trial Set] is far more tempting than the golden equipment.

Moreover, a silver treasure chest can't satisfy him.

The corners of Ye Chuan's mouth curled slightly, and he glanced thoughtfully at the center of the underground palace square.

The dungeon square is very large, at a glance, it is the size of two or three football fields, except for a large number of skeleton warriors, everywhere is empty, only in the center of the dungeon square, there are four fiery red iron chains, and on the iron chain, there is a beautiful girl about seventeen or eighteen years old.


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