The frogs in the Demon Frog World were cheering and cheering a few minutes ago. Their boss had been in there for more than ten minutes and has not died or quit yet.

Obviously, the boss has a very high chance of success!

“It’s just a small dungeon, but a level 50 frog is too overqualified to use it. I am level 42, which is beyond the limit level. Otherwise, I”


Otherwise you will become a dead toad.”

The ruthless ridicule made the frog helpless and furious.

“Do you want to have a fight? Gua!”

“Don’t argue, this dungeon is really not that simple, otherwise it would be impossible for one team to die and one team to die. Even if the life-saving equipment temporarily locks the blood, it can’t be saved. The dehydration state is really too weird.

But it’s a pity, even if I beat the gatekeeper to death, I probably wouldn’t have expected that the boss, a level 50 frog, would be willing to be demoted just to clear the dungeon.

The boss is really dedicated to our good.”

“I am willing to die to follow such a boss!”

As soon as I finished speaking, the copy prompted

【The team has been wiped out]

The originally warm atmosphere came to an abrupt end. All the frogs who were still buzzing just now are now staying in place.

“How, how is it possible!”

“The whole team is wiped out, the boss is dead! ?”

A frog murmured in a daze.

“A level 50 frog fights a level 30 dungeon, only to die without even a chance to exit the dungeon…

This dungeon is hell!

This copy must be hell!

Those compatriots who turned into toads must have been roasted dry by the flames of hell!”

Don’t say it, this statement has some meaning, and it was recognized by a large number of frogs at once. Otherwise, it would be impossible to explain why this copy is so terrifying. Even the level 50 lord of their swamp died in it.

And at this moment , suddenly a frog said

“What about that frog who just said he would follow him to death? ?”

“As soon as he finished speaking, the boss died. It must have been his boss!”

Suddenly, the frog who swore to follow him to the death was glared at by the other frogs.

After all, he was too late. As soon as he finished speaking, the toad boss died, which made him feel a little careless.

“Dare to curse the boss! You will fight to the death for the boss!”

It just so happened that this frog was level 32. Before, he had a chance to escape because of his low level.

Now, several frogs are pressing him in front of the copy. If he doesn’t go in, they will kill him directly.

This frog is so forced that he can’t do it. , he had an idea and chose the normal difficulty of the dungeon, and then chose to enter it.

But what he didn’t expect was that Jiang Yuan was the only one in the dungeon, so whether it was normal difficulty, hard difficulty, or hell difficulty, what he saw after choosing was Jiang Yuan.

As expected, this cheerful frog didn’t even have any life-saving equipment, and turned into a toad as soon as he entered.

Jiang Yuan thought that he would form a second echelon to enter so quickly, but he was immediately killed by dehydration. , searched his equipment, and kicked his body away with disgust.

The toads outside the dungeon saw that another one had died, and the frog group suddenly went crazy.

All the frogs at level 30, one by one, ran away.!

The reason why these frogs came here was because they heard that the Toad Boss was going to demote themselves, and then entered the dungeon to pass the level in person.

Thinking that this was a sure thing, and that they could gain the respect of all the frogs, they were scrambling for it one by one. To join the selection of the team.

Now that the toad boss is dead, all the toads will disappear immediately.

If nothing else, those with a low level may run away directly and find a nook and corner to hide where no frog can find.

The level is slightly higher Yes, I have tried my best to download the dungeon in the past two days, and raised my level to level 41, so that I will not be able to enter the dungeon.

And the matter here, the situation here, has also been officially reported to the Frog Clan. A bigger tribal lord, but it will take a while


Blue Star, outside the dungeon.

After waiting for an hour but failing to find the next unlucky guy to challenge, Jiang Yuan exited the dungeon and returned to Lake Park.

Looking at the harvest this time, Jiang Yuan showed a knowing smile.

After reaching level 35, his talents evolved again. Boss Toad revealed three pieces of life-saving equipment and a skill scroll from the treasure chest.

This reward, even if you get the reward of five first-pass dungeons, may not be comparable.

After all, not every time Jiang Yuan can explode the life-saving equipment he wants.

There is no challenge from Toad now. Jiang Yuan looks at the three pieces of equipment of Boss Toad with peace of mind.

【Equipment: War-free waist card (special equipment)】

【Properties: None】

【Skill: Avoid combat (can only be used once a day, enters the avoidance state for 20 seconds after being turned on, and cannot be selected by any attack)】

【Equipment: Giant Belt lv.50 (orange)】

【Attributes: HP +5000, defense +10000】

【Skill: Giant Support (can release a shield that can withstand 100,000 damage)】

【Equipment: Eternal Tears lv.35 (orange)】

【Attributes: Mana +1000, HP +1000】

【Skill: Instant Eternity (When the blood volume is reduced to 1 point, the blood locking skill is automatically triggered and lasts for 20 seconds)]

As the saying goes, if you kill people and set fire to a gold belt, you can make money faster by invading and plundering.

Although the Giant’s Belt was a level 50 piece of equipment and Jiang Yuan couldn’t wear it for the time being, he equipped the other two right away.

The first special equipment, which has no level restrictions, is a small waist tag hanging on the waist.

Eternal Tears is an earring, also hung on the ear.

Although Jiang Yuan is basically an immortal monster now, this equipment does look too ugly.

The upper body is a golden general’s armor, the lower body is stone armor trousers, two wrist guards on the arms, several chains hanging around the neck, and a pendant on the ear.

It’s so weird!

Jiang Yuan is the kind of pragmatist, as long as it is easy to use, it doesn’t matter whether it looks good or not.

But when I looked at the lake, I saw that it was really ugly, so I simply hid all the equipment.

In this way, only when the equipped skill is triggered during combat, the ghost will appear on the body surface.

Jiang Yuan now only wore a pair of large pants and a white T-shirt, looking like a sunny and cheerful boy next door.

He doesn’t look like the Toad Killer just now.

“Gangwon! It’s like letting me find you!”

Just when Jiang Yuan was enjoying his happiness, a voice suddenly sounded.

Jiang Yuan looked over, wasn’t this Xiao Liu who he had swatted away with the river water yesterday?

How did he find him?

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