There are a few people watching the fun next to the banner.

"Tsk tsk tsk, the poisonous spider king venom sac, haven't you seen this thing for many years?"

"Who said it wasn't? The drop rate of this thing is low, and there is no guarantee. The Spider's Nest dungeon is There are only a handful of people who can clear the dungeon within the corresponding level, and those who exceed the level limit will not drop anything when they play this dungeon, so they are very sure of the outcome. ”

“What is the use of this poison sac?”

“This thing is used to make poison resistance One of the ingredients of the potion, it can directly increase the percentage of poison resistance! "

"!!! Resistance potion, each bottle is priced at a sky-high price, no wonder just one of the raw materials is so expensive! "

"Oh my god, if it really explodes Once it comes out, you can sell it or ask a pharmacist to make poison resistance potion, which is very profitable. "

"Don't even think about it. The drop rate of this thing is terribly low. I heard that only by breaking the clearance record can there be a little more drop rate. This is just better than nothing. "

"Break the record?" Hearing this, someone reached out to the copy vortex.

This kind of outdoor dungeon is not maintained by official personnel, and you can only view the current clearance record by actively contacting the vortex.

"Oh my god, the latest clearance record for a normal dungeon is seven hours and eight minutes? A difficult dungeon is eleven hours and thirty-two minutes! And these two records have been maintained for ten years!!!"

"It is impossible to break this!"

Some of the chattering people also became interested. A middle-aged bald man named Wang Hu asked loudly : "Are you interested in teaming up to try your luck? The requirements are level 10, at least two skills, and full body equipment inspection."

"The goal is to refresh the record. If we get the Spider King's venom sac, we will split it equally!"

"Let's make a bet Probability, what if it works?"

"Hey, you gambled away all your money and now you're betting on the odds, right!"

Wang Hu's neck stiffened, "Tsk, betting on a bicycle turning into a motorcycle, you know shit. !”

This Wang Hu obviously hangs out in dungeons for many years and most people know him. Some people are really attracted to him. With the help of others’ organization, a team with initial formation is quickly formed.

Jiang An ignored them and walked towards the Spider's Nest dungeon.

His behavior instantly attracted the attention of others, especially the leader Wang Hu, who subconsciously wanted to call Jiang An to form a team, but when he saw Jiang The fire fox on An's shoulder was a little stunned, and then cast the identification spell.

Level 8 fire fox summoner? ? ?

He immediately gave up the idea of ​​inviting Jiang An to join the team. What a joke.

There are many monsters in the spider nest, even if A team of top-level 10 players needs to cooperate to clear the level. This newbie at level 8 is probably just trying to get into the vortex to see the clearance records left by his predecessors.

After Jiang An's right hand touched the vortex, a window popped up to enter the level. Difficulty reminder.

In addition to the novice dungeon, other dungeons will have different difficulties. The strength of the monsters will be increased at different difficulties. Of course, the experience value and explosion rate will also be improved. They are roughly divided into: normal level, difficult level, nightmare level Level, Hell Level, etc...

However, the Spider Lair dungeon level is relatively low, so the highest difficulty is only the Difficult Level.

[Difficult level Spider Lair, it is recommended to enter in a level 10 team! ]

Looking at the red warning reminder flashing on the panel, Jiang An smiled faintly and decisively chose to enter.

As the vortex of the copy fluctuated, Jiang An disappeared in front of the copy.

Wang Hu, who was outside the copy, glanced and immediately noticed that the level 8 summoner had disappeared! Wang Hu was slightly stunned.

What's going on?

That guy didn't come to check the records, was he really planning to go solo?

He came to the vortex of the copy in disbelief and checked the entry records.

When he found out that Jiang An had entered When it came to the difficult level dungeon, he suddenly opened his mouth wide.

Good guy! Is this what it means to be a newborn calf that is not afraid of a tiger?

For a difficult level dungeon, even if they are all level 10, they are only thinking about trying the difficulty of the normal level dungeon.

You know, the difficult level dungeon is not for ordinary professionals to try at all. Spider The danger level of the lair is not low to begin with, and the mortality rate has always been high. Generally, only teams with all hidden professions will consider difficult-level dungeons.

Wang Hu thought secretly in his heart.

"I hope this guy reacts quickly and can interrupt the dungeon in time and escape Come out."

"Otherwise, your life will be in danger."


With a

The world was spinning, and the scenery in front of Jiang An had quietly changed.

The soft soil under his feet turned into hard rock.

It was dark all around, and Jiang An could not see anything clearly.

Yanying made a light sound, and took the initiative to jump down from Jiang An's shoulder, with a ball of flame coming out of his tail.

This time the flame was not aggressive, and the soft firelight illuminated Jiang An's eyes. Jiang An then realized that what was under his feet was not hard rock but many white bones, and there was a skull under his right foot.

"Bad luck."

Jiang An hurriedly left the pile of bones and then observed the surroundings.

This nest seemed to be in a rock cave somewhere, surrounded by brown stones. There were many spider webs on the top and corners of the cave, and there were many wrapped creatures inside.

Some had lost their vitality, while others were still wriggling.

There was also a very special smell in the air, like the smell of decay mixed with the smell of some kind of fermented protein. Yanying shook his head with some disgust and looked at Jiang An with a wronged face.

Jiang An was about to comfort him, but suddenly heard something.

In this silent cave, any sound seemed to be amplified countless times, and the sound was like a steel needle poking on a stone.

Puff, puff, continuous.

The sound continued to extend and approached quickly, and a strong sour smell gradually became stronger.

In a few seconds, a spider covered with thorns climbed down from the stone wall in front, and the slender spider legs were nearly one meter long.

The body was as big as a human head, and there were eight eyes densely distributed on the forehead. These eyes blinked at different frequencies, as if they were looking at the prey that had just appeared in front of them.

Jiang An raised his hand and threw out an identification spell.

[Poisonous Spider]

[Level: 10]

[Strength: 140]

[Spirit: 80]

[Agility: 120]

[Constitution: 110]

[Combat Skills: Poison Sting (Black Iron), Spider Web Binding (Silver)]

Sure enough, in a difficult level dungeon, any ordinary monster is more powerful than an elite monster of the same level in the wild.

Although it only has two skills, these two skills have frightened countless people.

The spider web binding is extremely hard. Unless it is quickly removed by a fire attribute skill, once it is hit by the spider web binding, it will be impossible to move for a short time and can only be injected with toxins. If there is no help from teammates, it will die in the dungeon.

Of course, this is not a problem for Jiang An at all.

With a thought, Yanying immediately rushed towards the poisonous spider.

The poisonous spider stretched out its eight legs, revealing its round abdomen, and crystal clear white silk could be vaguely seen at the tip of the abdomen.


A large amount of white spider silk came towards Yanying.

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