The two of them were in a cave in the Bamboo Forest Mountains.

The cave entrance, which was one person wide, was blocked tightly by Tan Gong, and no demon wolf could bypass his position to attack Zhuo Cha and Yan Tianhao in the back.

There were more than 20 demon wolves outside the cave, but fortunately, due to the terrain, only two demon wolves could attack at the same time at most.

The three cooperated very well.

Facing the simultaneous attack of two demon wolves, Tan Gong chopped the demon wolf on the left with his battle axe, and Yan Tianhao and Zhuo Cha also raised their weapons.

Arrows and fireballs were concentrated on the demon wolf on the right.

These demon wolves have a certain degree of wisdom, and they don't just rush to the front blindly.

After being attacked and injured, they will temporarily retreat, and other magic wolves in good condition will continue to attack.

In the long run, although there are no casualties for the time being, the condition of Tan Gong and others has been extremely bad. On the other hand, even with injuries, the greedy bloodthirsty desire in the eyes of the magic wolves has not diminished at all.

Blocking the attack of the next wave of magic wolves, Zhuo Cha couldn't help but said worriedly: "Why are there no supporters? Did Qian Duoduo and the others also encounter magic wolves?"

"Qian Duoduo and I should go together. If we really meet magic wolves on the way, Tang Mianmian..."

"No! They will definitely arrive safely!" Yan Tianhao denied it immediately, but there was also some worry in his tone.

"Okay, don't think too much. If you really go, Yan Tianhao alone can't stop the attack of the demon wolf on the right."

"Keep your breathing rhythm, don't waste your energy."

As Tan Gong said this, he was about to take out the blood medicine from his backpack, but his expression suddenly froze, "I have used up the blood medicine left by Qian Duoduo, do you have any more?"

Unknowingly, they have been trapped here for two hours, and the blood medicine that was originally slightly sufficient has been consumed at this moment.

"I... only brought mental recovery potions..." Yan Tianhao's face was extremely ugly.

"I still have the last bottle of primary blood medicine." Zhuo Cha threw the blood medicine to Tan Gong.

After taking the blood medicine, Tan Gong felt as if a huge stone was pressing on his heart. A bottle of primary blood medicine can only restore 30% of his health.

At the current rate of his blood volume decreasing, this bottle of blood medicine can only be regarded as a drop in the bucket.

It's just a delay.

Logically speaking, Qian Duoduo, who was given the auxiliary BUFF, should have arrived at the dungeon assembly point long ago, but no one has come to support him yet.

There are only two possible results. First, Qian Duoduo and the other person had an accident. Second, the dungeon assembly point is also in danger!

But no matter which result it is, it is not good news for them who are about to run out of ammunition and food.

Seeing that a demon wolf that was about to be killed retreated, and another demon wolf came up to replenish, Tan Gong felt helpless.

Is it... going to be consumed to death by these demon wolves?

The blood bar dropped to an extremely dangerous position, and Tan Gong had to knock down the last bottle of blood medicine.

This barely ensured safety.

Zhuo Cha and Yan Tianhao behind him saw it with their eyes and were anxious in their hearts.

The attacks of the demon wolf seemed endless, and the 30% health value that had just recovered was rapidly decreasing.

In just a few minutes, it reached the bottom of the blood bar again.

"I'll use Whirlwind Slash to cut a path later."

"You guys take this opportunity to escape!"

Tan Gong waved his battle axe and said to the two people behind him: "Escape separately, don't go to the assembly point, there is a high probability that something is wrong there."

"No, you must hold on, Captain!"

Tan Gong shook his head, slightly tilted his body and prepared to launch Whirlwind Slash to maximize the value of his last bit of health.

At this moment, a familiar and extremely loud voice suddenly came.

"Hahahaha, your uncle Qian is here!"

"All the demon wolves, get out of my way!"

Tan Gong was stunned. This is... Qian Duoduo's voice?

The demon wolves that originally surrounded the cave were instantly attracted by the ready-made flesh and blood.

Tan Gong and the others finally saw the flame shadow that was jumping and approaching like an elf not far away.

"Flame Shadow! It's Jiang An, he's here!!!"


Compared to Qian Duoduo's voice, seeing Flame Shadow obviously made them feel much safer.

Yanying was running at full speed at this moment, and he reached the distance of several hundred meters in the blink of an eye.

Qian Duoduo, who was held in his mouth, had completely adapted to this state.

With his arms folded across his chest, he looked at the approaching demon wolves calmly.

"Since I gave you a chance and you didn't leave, don't blame me for not holding back."

"Yan Ying! Go, kill them in seconds!"

Yan Ying resisted the urge to throw Qian Duoduo into the demon wolf pack and launched a firestorm.

The flames poured out.

Those demon wolves that gave Tan Gong and others a headache were instantly burned into charcoal.

For Tan Gong and others, the smell of burning in the air was like the most attractive perfume in the world at this moment.

"Okay, Captain Tan, you can come out now."

Qian Duoduo pretended to be a master and said calmly: "I have cleared all the demon wolves outside and confirmed that they are safe."

The next moment.

Yan Ying shook his head violently and loosened his teeth. Qian Duoduo was thrown out directly and fell into the charred demon wolf pack.

"Pfft, pfft, pfft..." Qian Duoduo spat out the coke in his mouth and said angrily, "You are so disloyal. What's wrong with letting me pretend to be cool?"

Jiang An smiled and said, "I can't help it. Who told you to be so arrogant? Yan Ying really can't stand it. It has nothing to do with me."

"Bullshit, you must have secretly asked Yan Ying to throw me out! Don't think I don't know that Yan Ying obeys you, humph."

Tan Gong and the other two also came out of the cave at this moment. Seeing the two people bickering so easily, they knew that the crisis had passed for the time being. Only Yan Tianhao was still a little nervous and looked around, looking for Tang Mianmian's figure.

"Don't worry, she is at the assembly point, very safe."

Hearing Jiang An's words, Yan Tianhao finally relaxed completely.

Zhuo Cha couldn't help but stretch out her palm to touch Yan Ying's forehead. Yan Ying naturally recognized her and rubbed it gently.

"The little guy has grown so big!"

"And he seems to have become even more powerful!"

Zhuo Cha, who survived the catastrophe, did not hide his love for Yan Ying. Yan Ying, who was no longer in the state of pity, was less pitiful and more mysterious and powerful.

Especially the purple tail, which made people unable to take their eyes away.

"What are you going to do next?" Tan Gong looked at Jiang An, "Those evil followers must be near the entrance of the secret realm."

Unconsciously, they had subconsciously asked Jiang An, who was much younger than them, for his opinion.

Jiang An's face straightened and he looked at the bamboo in the deepest part of the Bamboo Forest Mountain Range.

The distance between the two was closer, and Jiang An could even see the veins of the green leaves on the bamboo.

"It should be opened soon."

"That's the legendary secret realm..."

"If you don't go and see it, it would be a pity."

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