The students came to the party, but the students were not very enthusiastic.

More than ten students came in a row, and the highest grade was from No. 1 Middle School.

It was not easy for No. 8 Middle School to have one or two students, and their grade was just at the twelfth grade.

Seeing this, Tang Yue's mouth corners slightly raised, and there was an irrepressible joy on his face.

"It seems that this year's honorary principal's quota is indeed yours, Tang Yue."

"I will treat you to a meal when the time comes."

"Hey, don't worry, I'll take you to a five-star restaurant, and you can order whatever you want when the time comes. I won't feel bad." Tang Yue was also not modest, and smiled and accepted the flattery of several other principals.

Only Zeng Yang still maintained a faint smile, as if everything had nothing to do with him.

Other principals just thought Zeng Yang had given up.

There is no way, Tang Yue has a good husband, and the school she took over has good resources.

Just as they were thinking this, an extremely flamboyant figure suddenly appeared in front of them.

He was wearing a golden armor, holding a sword in his right hand and a shield in his left hand, and his whole body seemed to be shrouded in a layer of holy light.

"Huh... this is..."

Someone couldn't help but throw an identification spell at him.

[Qian Duoduo, level 15, Holy Sword and Shield Warrior]

"Hidden profession? I don't think I've heard of this profession?"

"I remember that there seems to be no such hidden profession this year. Could it be a transfer student?"

"But this student is quite... wasteful. The holy light on his body should be his professional BUFF, right? Isn't he afraid of failing in the college entrance examination if he just turns it on like this?"

"Young people always want to find every opportunity to send out courtship signals."

I have to say that Qian Duoduo's trick is quite useful.

The flamboyant expression, combined with the golden armor and holy light, did attract the attention of many candidates.

Tang Yue frowned. She had mobilized her family's connections for the honorary principal assessment. As the saying goes, knowing yourself and knowing your enemy will ensure victory in a hundred battles.

She investigated potential students in various schools, and never remembered a student with this hidden profession.

"Is this also a student from our Lin'an? Which school?"

Everyone looked at each other, and some people subconsciously cast their eyes on Tang Yue.

Tang Yue's lips moved slightly, "It's not from our No. 1 Middle School."


"Then... Which school is this from? There must be someone who doesn't know the seed player of their school, right?"

"It shouldn't be that bad..."

Just as everyone was whispering, Zeng Yang coughed lightly.

"Ahem, he seems to be a student from our No. 8 Middle School."

"Sorry, I didn't manage him strictly enough. I forgot to remind him to keep his strength to prepare for the college entrance examination."

"I'll teach him a lesson later."

Although his words were full of criticism, there was no dissatisfaction on his face.

As the school principal, he received the news when the Bamboo Forest Secret Realm incident just ended. He even helped Qian Duoduo complete his job transfer task after applying for assistance.

Qian Duoduo's Holy Light BUFF is a permanent skill and does not affect the college entrance examination at all.

Even the reason why he was so ostentatious was that he secretly hinted at it.

Tang Yue narrowed her eyes and smiled deliberately, "So Principal Zeng has this trick up his sleeve."

"No wonder he's so confident. A level 15 hidden combat profession is indeed very competitive."

"It's just... isn't it a bit too much to falsify the report of the student's job transfer?"

The other principals also reacted, "Old Zeng, you're not being honest. Did you deliberately conceal the student's job transfer?"

Zeng Yang knew Tang Yue's purpose and smiled heartily at this moment, "You're wrong about this."

"He was originally just an ordinary combat profession. He got the job transfer scroll by chance."

"You can't blame me for not reporting it."

The principal who had a good relationship with Zeng Yang asked curiously, "A job transfer scroll for a hidden profession? What a big deal. Is this student's family rich?"

"No, no~"

Zeng Yang looked mysterious.

"Oh? Didn't you buy it? Such a great opportunity?"

Someone suddenly realized something and asked, "Did you get it from... that place?"

He pointed in the direction of the bamboo forest mountain range.

Zeng Yang smiled and kept silent.

But it was this look that made Tang Yue alert.

This person named Qian Duoduo actually entered the bamboo forest secret realm?

Since he could get the job transfer scroll of the hidden profession, he might get other good things.

Could it be that this year's top scholar

It turned out to be this showy guy?

Tang Yue was unwilling, but she also knew that the speed of upgrading was reduced as the level increased.

Although there were still many students in her school who upgraded to level 14.

But the experience required to upgrade from level 14 to level 15 normally takes at least two weeks.

It seems that there is only a gap of one level, but in fact it takes time to slowly grind.

At this time, a principal suddenly exclaimed.

"Look, that student! How come he is already level 16!"

The voice instantly attracted everyone's attention, and they all cast their eyes on a girl who was walking slowly from not far away.

The girl was wearing an ordinary outfit, just a combination of jeans and T-shirts, but it just brought out her pure temperament to the limit.

Even if you don't notice her level, you will take a second look at her because of her appearance.

[Su Chan, Level 16, Musician]

"This person seems to be the only hidden auxiliary profession in No. 1 Middle School, right?"

"It is said that her background is not simple. She can be upgraded to Level 16 in such a short time. With this level and profession, she can enter any top school at will."

"It turned out to be her! No wonder her level is so high, and her temperament is indeed extraordinary."

"Not simple, she was upgraded to Level 16 in one month. If I remember correctly, this seems to be the highest record before."

"Well, the fastest record before was created by a girl named Lu Tingyu two years ago. I have a deep impression of her."

"Tsk, our male compatriots have not been strong in recent years. All the top prizes are won by female students."

Everyone has already recognized Su Chan as this year's top scorer.

Tang Yue finally relaxed at this moment. If the gap between Level 14 and Level 15 is very difficult to cross.

Then Level 15 to Level 16 is completely a natural chasm.

Even if Su Chan's profession is an auxiliary profession and the assessment method is different, the final total score will definitely exceed Qian Duoduo.

With Su Chan, he will definitely be the honorary principal.

However, when the principals were not paying attention, Su Chan had already come directly to Qian Duoduo.

"Where is Jiang An? Why hasn't he arrived yet?"

Qian Duoduo shrugged, "I called him when I left, and he just woke up."

"He overslept, it should be soon."

As soon as the voice fell, Qian Duoduo saw a familiar figure.

"Here, isn't he coming."

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