"Principal Ning?"

Seeing the shocked look on Ning Qin's face, Zhang Yuan thought that he might have made the process too plain, so he couldn't help but said seriously: "Actually, that boss is not very easy to fight. The amount of HP is more than ten times that of the regular boss. I spent a little more time." effort."

The corner of Ning Qin's mouth twitched: "Did it just take a little more effort?"

At this moment, Xia Chaoyang came to his senses, immediately put his arm around Ning Qin's shoulders and walked aside, saying in a low voice: "Old Ning, you see we have been friends for so many years, just promise me something!"

Ning Qin: "What's the matter?"

Xia Chaoyang: "Why don't we let that kid take the college entrance examination? I'll write a letter of recommendation and send it directly to the army. The military specializes in training, and he will be treated at the division level when he comes out. Isn't this better than going to Kyoto University?"

Ning Qin immediately blew his beard and glared, and said angrily: "Xia Chaoyang, it's not easy for such a seedling to come out of my school, you want to dig up my roots, right?"

With Zhang Yuan's talent, once he joins the army and is specially trained by the military, his identity will definitely be kept secret. As a result, all the honors and achievements Zhang Yuan will have in the future will not be taken advantage of by West Lake No. 1 Middle School.

On a smaller scale, Xihu No. 1 Middle School lost one student who was admitted to Kyoto University this year.

Speaking more broadly, without Zhang Yuan as a living sign for publicity, the number of students in West Lake No. 1 Middle School will definitely be greatly affected. If things go on like this, it will do more harm than good to the development of the school.

Xia Chaoyang said quickly: "Hey! Lao Ning, you can't say that. You join the army to contribute to the country. You need to have a bigger picture."

Ning Qin: "Don't do this. That kid is admitted to Kyoto University. In the future, whether he becomes an adventurer and conquers the Abyss dungeon, or joins the army to defend his family and country, he will still contribute to the country. Besides, who should I choose? Freedom should not be decided by us.”

Seeing Ning Qin's firm attitude, Xia Chaoyang smiled coquettishly and said, "Old Ning, let me just say this, you have a bad heart, don't be so excited. You are right, it is up to the child to decide what to do. We can't force him to choose."

Ning Qin pointed at his own eyes with two fingers, and then pointed at Xia Chaoyang: "Xia Chaoyang, my old man's eyes will always be staring at you. You can't make any small moves these days!"

Xia Chaoyang smiled and replied: "Don't worry, Old Ning, I will never force that child."

After saying that, Xia Chaoyang turned back and gave Zhang Yuan a subtle smile, then lifted the alert and left with the troops.

When Ning Qin saw Xia Chaoyang like that, he knew that Xia Chaoyang would definitely do something small. He quickly asked Zhang Yuan: "Zhang Yuan, you must be admitted to Kyoto University, right?"

"Idiot! Are you okay? Are you injured anywhere?"

Before Zhang Yuan could reply, Li Xueer ran over and gave Zhang Yuan a bottle of red medicine, "This is my healing potion, drink it first!"

"Advanced healing potion?"

Zhang Yuan's lips twitched when he saw the high-level healing potion that Li Xue'er pushed over him, "Little rich woman, even a level 60 adventurer might not be willing to use this potion, right? And I'm not injured now, so take it back."

The market price of this high-level healing potion is 100,000 yuan per bottle. It can directly restore the blood volume of a level 60 adventurer to full, which is quite precious.

"Take it if you give it to me!"

Li Xueer forced the advanced healing potion into Zhang Yuan's arms and whispered: "I'm sorry."

Zhang Yuan was stunned: "Why are you suddenly saying sorry to me?"

Li Xueer: "I shouldn't have abandoned you to form a team with others. If I were behind you today, you wouldn't be fighting alone in the Abyss Dungeon."

Zhang Yuan smiled and replied: "Fortunately I didn't bring you with me. If anyone can share my experience, it would be hard for me to reach level 12 today."


Li Xueer was instantly angry and raised her fist to hit Zhang Yuan. But when she thought that Zhang Yuan might be injured, she put her fist down again and glared at Zhang Yuan bitterly: "I'm ignoring you!"

After putting down her harsh words, Li Xueer turned around and left, walking towards Butler Xu who was standing not far away.

Butler Xu looked at the angry Li Xue'er approaching with a smile, bowed slightly, and said: "Miss, it's lucky that Zhang Yuan came out on his own, otherwise the master would have skinned me if he used that treasure on an outsider."

"Hmph! That idiot doesn't deserve to use that kind of good stuff, Butler Xu! Let's go!"

"Yes, miss."

Butler Xu helped Li Xueer open the car door and once again gave Zhang Yuan an apologetic smile in the distance.

Zhang Yuan watched Li Xueer leave in the car and then looked at Ning Qin, "Principal, you said before that Xueer's family background is quite terrifying, right?"

Ning Qin nodded: "Yes, to be honest... I was very surprised when Li Xueer came to our school to study."

Zhang Yuan: "That's right..."

Ning Qin was surprised: "What's wrong?"

Zhang Yuan just smiled and replied: "Principal, not only do I want to be admitted to Kyoto University, I also want to be admitted as the top scholar in the country."

Ning Qin was shocked!

At the same time, Li Xueer was sulking in the car.

Butler Xu noticed Li Xueer's expression and smiled: "Miss, I think you should be happy."

Li Xueer pouted, "Why should I be happy? That idiot can't say anything nice at all. It's a shame that I'm so worried about him."

Butler Xu laughed: "Miss, that's not what I'm talking about. I'm saying that you should be happy for his excellence. He reached level 12 on his own on the first day. This is a genius among geniuses."

Li Xueer retorted unhappily: "What does it have to do with me that he is excellent?"

Butler Xu: "The head of the family values ​​geniuses very much, especially the geniuses among geniuses. The talent Zhang Yuan showed today must be enough for the head of the family not to object to your association with him, young lady."

Li Xueer suddenly blushed and said, "Butler Xu! What, what did you say? Who wants to date that idiot?"

"Hahaha, just pretend I didn't say it!" Butler Xu laughed heartily when he saw Li Xueer's reaction.

He watched Li Xueer grow up and regarded Li Xueer as his biological daughter. He also secretly observed Zhang Yuan for three years.

At least, he was quite satisfied with Zhang Yuan as his "son-in-law".

On Li Xueer's way home, Zhang Yuan had already bid farewell to Ning Qin and came to the Adventurers Association in West Lake City.

After professionals register as adventurers, they can accept tasks from adventurer associations in various cities across the country and earn bounties, which is also the main source of income for adventurers.

Within the Adventurers Association, in addition to the mission hall where missions are issued, there is also an extremely important facility, the Great Xia Empire Exchange.

The exchange was jointly opened by the Adventurers Association and the official Daxia Empire.

In the exchange, as long as they are citizens of the Daxia Empire, they can not only buy and sell equipment and materials freely, but also directly hand over items to the exchange for consignment, and buyers from all over the country can see the consignment items.

The consignment house has everything, and you can even see unbound God Stones.

But generally speaking, those unbound God Stones will be bought the moment they are put on the shelves, and ordinary people cannot grab them.

The Destiny Star Array that Zhang Yuan wants to use is at the exchange.

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