A series of information appeared on Zhang Yuan's panel, making him a little dazzled, and he had to check his attributes.

[Name: Zhang Yuan]

[Occupation: Sword Master (only)]

[Level: 16 (23.00%)]

[Strength: 270]

[Agility: 190]

[Spirit: 1590]

[Constitution: 190]

[Special attributes of occupation: Critical Hit Rate (25%), Critical Hit Damage (250%)]

[Talent: Absolute Luck (Level 1), I am a Sword Immortal (Level 1), Eye of the Abyss, Fearless Body. ]

[Equipment: Iron Sword Box (10/10), Divine Sword Chixiao, Imperial Special Merit Badge, Cursed Necklace, Cursed Ring. ]

[Skills: Sword Array (Level 3), Sword Control (Level 3), Sword Array Space, Toxin Resistance (Level 1), Mental Storm. 】

[Constellation: Sixth Life]

"The spirit attribute is so outstanding..."

Zhang Yuan sighed when he saw his four-dimensional panel. Now he is more like a mage than a mage.

After checking the attribute panel, Zhang Yuan noticed his new talent, Fearless Body.

[Fearless Body: Damage reduction 80%]

"Mr. Duo?"

Zhang Yuan was shocked when he saw the talent description.

What does 80% mean? Adding the 10% reduction from the Imperial Special Merit Badge given by his grandmother, his damage reduction directly reached 90%!

How different is this from damage reduction?

Originally, his profession of sword formation master, fragile skin is the biggest shortcoming, and now this "fearless body" directly makes up for his biggest shortcoming, making him a bucket profession, without flaws!

Too abnormal!

After checking the talent, Zhang Yuan went to check the equipment in the storage space.

[Cursed Ring (special accessory): Spirit +500, the holder suffers from mental curse, strength -250, agility -250, no equipment level limit. 】

【Note: One of the three cursed sets. 】

"As expected, it also increases 500 spiritual power. My spiritual attribute has exceeded 2000 after wearing the equipment. Other mages of the same level as me probably only have 300 or 400 spiritual power, right? This is too exaggerated."

Zhang Yuan put on the cursed ring, and then his attention was on another piece of equipment in the storage space.

That was the reward for the first pass of the hidden difficulty dungeon, the Cursed Heart.

【Cursed Heart: The curse effect imposed on oneself is transformed into a positive effect. 】


Zhang Yuan took a breath of cold air. The curse effect turned into a positive effect? ​​Doesn't this mean that all the negative effects of his three cursed sets have become positive?

In order to verify his guess, Zhang Yuan took the Cursed Heart out of the storage space, and then the Cursed Heart turned into a beam of light, entered Zhang Yuan's chest, and disappeared.

Then Zhang Yuan felt that his physical strength had become much stronger.

He immediately checked his four-dimensional attributes and found that his strength, agility, and physique had increased by 500 points each!

"This is really tougher than a knight, faster than an assassin, more damaging than a mage, and stronger than a warrior. The key is that it has 90% damage reduction." Zhang Yuan looked at his level 16 four-dimensional and wanted to say...

What does it mean to be invincible at the same level?

This is invincible at the same level!

After checking his talents and equipment, Zhang Yuan began to sort out other spoils.

Two God Stones, these are two special weapons, the value of which is higher than all his other gains today.

10 primary skill scrolls, Zhang Yuan took them out without hesitation.

However, there is a probability of failure when using primary skill scrolls, and no skills will be obtained. At the same time, using skill scrolls may also obtain duplicate skills.

If the proficiency of the repeated skills is not enough, the skill scrolls will be converted into skill proficiency, but if the proficiency of the repeated skills is full, then the skill scrolls are equivalent to waste.

Zhang Yuan smashed down 10 primary skill scrolls, except for the ones that failed to be used, there was no other new skills, but the skill of poison resistance was upgraded to level 5.

[Toxin Resistance (Level 5): Gain 50% Toxin Resistance]

"Although I didn't get a new skill, I'm lucky to have a 50% poison resistance passive."

Zhang Yuan was not too disappointed. After all, it was just a primary skill scroll, which could only allow the user to awaken skills below level 20, and it could only be a public skill. Awakening resistance was a high-probability event.

Of course, primary skill scrolls could also awaken professional-specific skills, but this depended on luck.

Obviously, Zhang Yuan's absolute luck could not be used on skill scrolls.

After using the primary skill scroll, Zhang Yuan focused all his attention on the professional-specific skill scroll.

The last time he used the exclusive skill scroll, he awakened the sword array space, which completely changed his attack method.

Although the sword array space skill did not increase any attributes, the actual increase in Zhang Yuan's combat power could not be measured by data!

"I hope I can get a powerful skill this time!"

Zhang Yuan prayed secretly, and then used the professional-specific skill scroll.

[Skills Obtained: Attribute Conversion]

[Attribute Conversion (Level 1): In the sword formation, mental power can be converted into strength, agility, and physique attributes, and the conversion increase is 1 times. ]

"Convert attributes?"

Zhang Yuan was confused when he saw his new skills, "Why are the skills of the sword formation master so brain-burning?"

It was difficult to understand just by reading the text introduction. Zhang Yuan immediately tried to use the sword formation attribute conversion and tried to convert the mental attribute into the strength attribute.

Afterwards, Zhang Yuan found that his strength attribute directly soared from 760 to 2840. He suddenly felt that he could kill a cow with one punch!

Afterwards, Zhang Yuan converted mental power into agility attribute, and agility soared from 680 to 2760. He felt that he could run faster than a car!

Finally, Zhang Yuan converted mental power into physique attribute, and physique soared from 680 to 2760. He felt as if he had become a wall, indestructible!

"Not bad! Not bad! In the sword formation, a thought can make the spiritual attribute freely convert to other attributes, which is definitely a magical skill in actual combat!"

Zhang Yuan was quite satisfied with his newly awakened professional exclusive skills, and the most important thing was the second half of the attribute conversion, the conversion amplification was 1 times!

This is not nonsense, it means that in the future, when his skill level is improved, the amplification multiple will also increase!

His spiritual attribute is already high, and then 10 times converted into strength, tut tut... I dare not imagine that scene!

"Although this dungeon trip has twists and turns, and was also targeted by an abyss demon, but in terms of the result, it is a great harvest!"

Zhang Yuan left the dungeon contentedly and found that it was already dawn, and the hidden difficulty of the dungeon had disappeared at this time, and it could no longer be selected.

"It seems that the hidden difficulty was specially prepared for me by the Abyss Mage... In order to deal with me, it really took great pains."

Zhang Yuan complained about Odysseus, and did not choose to continue to level up, but returned to the city and went straight to the Adventurer Association.

After a day and night of hard work, his storage space was almost full of various monster materials, and he needed to go to the exchange to empty it and exchange it for money.

At the same time, he had to report the Ghost Forest dungeon as soon as possible in exchange for contribution points to the Adventurer Association to avoid being intercepted by other professionals.

Most importantly, he had two God Stones, so he could come to the lottery twice!

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