Some instructors were worried: "Chief, will the level 30 boss be too dangerous for them?"

You must know that the difficulty of this secret realm dungeon is nightmare difficulty by default. A level 30 nightmare difficulty boss usually requires a five-person team with an average level of 35 to conquer it.

Zhang Yuan's team currently only has three people, and the highest level Zhang Yuan is only level 18. Even if the strength of the hidden profession of Sword Master is comparable to that of the legendary profession, it is impossible that he will not be able to defeat the level 30 boss!

Wan Changkong smiled and said: "Don't worry, that boy Zhang Yuan not only forced back Otis, the abyss boss, but he could even block my sword perfectly. I even felt that the level 30 boss was a bit low."

"That boy blocked the chief's sword?"

The look of shock on everyone's faces became even more intense. Even they couldn't stop Wan Changkong's sword. What kind of pervert is Zhang Yuan?

"Just do as I say, refresh a level 30 boss, and increase the difficulty for them."

"Yes! Let's add a level 30 boss to Zhang Yuan's team!"

When Zhang Yuan and the others were distributing dungeon rewards, a light curtain suddenly appeared in the boss room, and then a boss who looked exactly like the statue of the King of Knights walked out of the light curtain.

[Warning, a powerful enemy is coming, don’t be careless! 】

A warning word appeared on the three-person panel, and Zhang Yuan's eyes flashed with surprise, "There is actually a new boss?"

Miao Shulan immediately raised a big shield in front of the two of them, "No matter how many bosses there are, with Zhang Yuan's output, you can kill as many as you want!"

After finishing her words, Miao Shulan directly used the taunting skill on the new boss.

The new boss immediately swung his stone sword and slashed Miao Shulan's shield!

boom! ! !

The terrifying air wave swept away in all directions. Miao Shulan was knocked back several steps, and her physical strength instantly dropped to less than half health!

"This intensity is not right!"

Miao Shulan's eyes changed slightly when she saw that her strength was red.

Just when she was shocked, a green light suddenly lit up on her body, and her nearly bottomed out physical strength was instantly replenished!

Miao Shulan looked back at Li Xue'er, who was waving her staff, and immediately gave her a thumbs up, "Xue'er, good job!"

Li Xueer smiled and said: "Sister Miao, don't worry, I have a lot of milk, I'll make sure you're fine!"

At this moment, the hatred of the new boss suddenly transferred to Li Xueer, and he raised his stone sword and struck at Li Xueer.

Li Xueer, who was caught off guard, saw the giant sword coming and had no time to dodge, and her face turned pale.

"Don't even think about it!"

Miao Shulan shouted loudly, used the skill Holy Crash, raised a large shield to knock the new boss away, and then taunted the boss again.

boom! ! !

The new boss's stone sword once again slashed at Miao Shulan's shield, but this time Miao Shulan used some kind of hegemonic skill to withstand the new boss's blow, "Xue'er, don't be afraid, I’m here, give me treatment!”

Li Xueer reacted and quickly threw treatment at Miao Shulan. At the same time, she continued to apply a state that improved defense and resilience to Miao Shulan.

"There's something wrong with this boss!"

Zhang Yuan, who was at the back, saw how hard Miao Shulan and Li Xueer were fighting, and immediately used the Eye of the Abyss on the new boss.

【Knight Statue (Leader)】

【Level: 30】

【Power: 10000】

[Agility: 5000]

【Spirit: 2000】

[Stamina: 12000]

[Skills: trample, earth shock, self-healing]

"Level 30 boss?"

When Zhang Yuan saw that the level of the statue of the King of Knights had changed to level 30, and the attribute was still nightmare difficulty, he immediately thought of the Abyss Invasion.

"You two, get out of the way!"

Zhang Yuan shouted sharply and immediately urged Chi Xiao to shoot at the statue of the King of Knights.

Red light penetrated the statue's chest.

[Successfully kill the statue of the King of Knights, experience +70000]

A golden light rushed out of Zhang Yuan's body, and he rose to level 19.

"Instant kill! Still an instant kill!"

When the instructors saw that even a level 30 nightmare difficulty boss was instantly killed by Zhang Yuanpu's attack, they were all so shocked that their jaws almost dropped to the ground!

I'm afraid even legendary professions can't achieve this level of intensity!

"The sword that boy Zhang Yuan uses must be a martial arts sword, right? The attack power is too abnormal."

"Even if he has specialized martial arts, he shouldn't kill the level 30 boss instantly. Has he already awakened his talent?"

"I'm afraid this is the only explanation..."

The instructors' views on Zhang Yuan completely changed. They all looked at Wan Changkong, "Chief, do you want to continue to increase the intensity?"

Now they all want to see where Zhang Yuan's limit is.

Wan Changkong shook his head: "No, no matter how high the boss level is, those two little girls will be in danger. If you still want to try Zhang Yuan, wait until he reports to the Qianlong detachment."

"This trial is over. All three of them have given S-level evaluations, and Zhang Yuan's military rank has been promoted to lieutenant colonel."

After that, Wan Changkong disappeared out of thin air and left the copy.

At the same time, Zhang Yuan and the others were also teleported back to Yunhai Manor, and other trialists, whether they had defeated the boss of the secret realm copy or not, were also teleported back.

"Did I worry too much?" Zhang Yuan couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief when he saw his team coming back.

Encountering two copies of the Abyss one after another made him suffer from PTSD.

Wang Hu, who had been waiting outside, saw Zhang Yuan and the others finally came out, and immediately stepped forward and taunted: "How about it? Without my output, it will be hard for you to kill monsters, right? This is what you will get if you side with Zhang Yuan!"

Miao Shulan raised her fist, "You still want to be beaten, right?"

Wang Hu's expression changed and he quickly took a few steps back. "My bodyguards are watching from outside. Do you dare to touch me with a finger?"

Li Xueer was too lazy to pay attention to Wang Hu at this time, and took Miao Shulan's arm, "Sister Miao, don't be like that idiot. It's not worth taking action here."

Wang Hu was frustrated by the two women, then glared at Zhang Yuan and said angrily: "Zhang Yuan, it's all because of you that they have this attitude towards me. If it weren't for you, I would have led them through the dungeon a long time ago. With this tone, I If you can’t swallow it, just wait for me!”

"Why did I hear the dog barking?"

Zhang Yuan took out his ears and said to Li Xueer and Miao Shulan: "There is a mad dog nearby, let's change places?"

The two women chuckled, "Okay! You're not as knowledgeable as a dog."

The three of them left together. Wang Hu was so angry that his face turned red and he kept stamping his feet, "Damn it! Damn it!"

He looked at Zhang Yuan's back with a gloomy face, gritted his teeth and said: "Why! Why are they both hanging around you, a loser? Just wait! I will definitely kill you!"

At this time, a majestic voice sounded again: "The trial is over, now the results of the West Lake City division will be announced."

"Zhang Yuan, rated S, first place."

"Miao Shulan, rated S, ranked second."

"Li Xue'er, rated S level, third place."

"Zuo Yue, grade A, fourth place."


"Wang Hu, rated F, not good enough."

As the ratings of everyone present were announced, Wang Hu's eyes almost popped out of his head, "Impossible! Why do they have S-level? There must be something wrong!"

"They must be cheating! I demand a strict investigation!"

Wang Hu shouted in the courtyard, but the surrounding testers looked at Wang Hu's expression as if they were looking at a fool.

This secret realm dungeon trial is organized by the military, and the entire process is monitored by instructors above level 70. Who has the guts to cheat?

And if Wang Hu is making noise here, isn't he just slapping the military in the face?

If the military starts to care about it, not to mention Wang Hu, even the Wang family behind Wang Hu will have to suffer!

At this time, a good person ridiculed: "I remembered, this idiot named Wang Hu is in the same team as the top three, right? He quit the dungeon at the beginning, but ended up not hugging me. It really made me laugh to death. !”

"Ah? Is there such a thing? Why would he quit?"

"I came out early, and after listening to this idiot's screams, I relied on my ability as a fire magician to say that the support was useless and I didn't want to lead them through the level. It turned out that this idiot was the clown, and he could get S rank even if he didn't have output."

"Hahaha! So there is such a thing! What a clown. If it were me, I would definitely hug him. Even if I can't make it to S-level, I will still be rewarded if I get A-level!"

The trialists who can come here are either elites with rare professions, or like Wang Hu, they have deep family backgrounds, and no one is afraid of Wang Hu.

They were all young people in their teens, and they were already young and energetic. Now when they saw a clown, they all mocked Wang Hu without concealment.

In an instant, Wang Hu became the target of public criticism and received numerous mocking glances!

"Damn it!"

Wang Hu couldn't wait to find a crack in the ground to crawl in. In the end, he could only glare at Zhang Yuan hatefully, and then fled the manor in embarrassment, causing the audience to laugh again.

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