Everyone Draws Cards To Change Jobs, And I Draw Full Health!

Chapter 39 Before The College Entrance Examination

Zhang Yuan's heart skipped a beat, but he pretended to know nothing, looking puzzled, "What murder happened?"

Li Anping said solemnly: "Two combat professionals died in the wild north of the city. One of the dead was Wang Hu, the youngest son of the Wang family in West Lake, and it seems that he was your classmate."

"Now the Adventurer Association, the police and the city defense army have all sent people over."

"It's just a murder case, why did it alarm so many departments? And even if the deceased is my classmate, there is no need for you, Manager Li, to come and inform me, right?"

Although Zhang Yuan had made corresponding preparations, he was still a little shocked when he found that the direction of things was different from what he expected.

"It is necessary! It is very necessary!" Li Anping said seriously, "After forensic examination, Wang Hu died from a powerful mental skill. At the same time, there was an extremely terrifying mental power left at the scene. We suspect that it was the abyss boss Odysseus who did it." Zhang Yuan raised his eyebrows, "Odysseus?" "Yes! It's the abyss boss you defeated." Li Anping nodded, "Among the two dead, one of them was a level 48 water mage. He had no scars on his body. He was killed by a mental skill. Only a high-level mental mage can do this." "And at present, the only one in Xihu City who meets this killing condition is Odysseus!" "Then Odysseus must be unwilling to give up. He has been wandering around Xihu City, killing people who have Talent young people, Zhang Yuan, you have defeated him, he will definitely come back, you are careful! "Zhang Yuan did not expect that it was Odis who helped himself with a black pot, and he couldn't help but laugh, and then thanked him:" Thank you! The copy, our adventurer association will screen each copy to prevent the danger of the abyss of the copy. Recently, there is no place to level in the wild. You are better at home. Even if he was a big deal, coupled with this incident, he had a relationship with the abyss BOSS Odis. As the manager of the West Lake City Division of the Adventurer Association, Li Anping had a lot of things waiting for him to deal with it. Zhang Yuan replied: "An Abyss boss killed my classmate, and Manager Li from the Adventurer Association came to remind me to be careful."

Auntie complained: "That Abyss boss is really bad, even students are not spared."

"Yes! It's so bad!" Zhang Yuan nodded in agreement, "That Abyss boss has been hunting our human geniuses. Fortunately, I am more skilled and defeated him in the dungeon at that time, otherwise I would have been killed."

Auntie was scared: "It turns out that combat professions are so dangerous. I have to face such a terrifying guy. I suddenly don't envy you, Yuanzi."

Grandma was solemn at this time, and told Zhang Yuan: "Yuanzi, although you have defeated the Abyss boss, those monsters are brutal by nature , full of tricks, your parents have fallen into the abyss, you must not be careless when facing the abyss, understand? "

Zhang Yuan nodded: "I know, grandma, I will be careful, I will stay at home these days to avoid the limelight."

Auntie was immediately delighted, "Yuanzi, does this mean that you have time to accompany me to go shopping, eat and play games?"

Grandma ruthlessly gave auntie a slap, "You are depraved yourself, don't bring Yuanzi with you."

Auntie said aggrievedly: "I know, mom."

In the next week, Xihu City was in turmoil because of Wang Hu's death, but Zhang Yuan was like nothing happened, accompanying auntie to go shopping, eat and play games, and accompanying Li Xueer to go shopping, eat and play games, and spent this week very leisurely.

And the government did not find any traces of Odysseus in the surrounding dungeons, and finally opened all the surrounding wild dungeons, allowing the Wang family to pull back the bodies of Wang Hu and Jiang Yecheng, and the murder case in the north of the city ended without a trace.

It is said that after Wang Hu's body was brought back to the Wang family, the head of the Wang family held Wang Hu's body and cried for two full hours, and finally offered a bounty of 5 billion to the abyss boss Odysseus.

Of course, nothing is gained.

In this way, the real culprit spent the week safely and even went to attend Wang Hu's funeral.

After that, the national unified college entrance examination is about to begin.

The day before the college entrance examination, the principals of major schools in Xihu City gathered for dinner to discuss this year's college entrance examination.

"Tomorrow is the day for the college entrance examination. A lot has happened this month!"

"I don't know what the results of the children will be. I feel that as a principal, I have to worry more than the parents of those children!"

"Alas, there aren't any good prospects in our school this year, but the two little guys from your school, Lao Ning, especially Zhang Yuan, have really shined recently!"

As a principal mentioned Zhang Yuan, others also turned their attention to Ning Qin.

Ning Qin was already grinning from ear to ear, "Haha! I've been optimistic about Zhang Yuan's kid since he entered school, but I didn't expect him to be such a genius!"

Although Zhang Yuan's defeat of the abyss boss is top secret, Zhang Yuan's deeds of conquering the novice abyss dungeon alone, and participating in the secret realm dungeon of the military department a week ago, and ranking first and receiving an S-level evaluation, all teachers and students in West Lake City all know.

Major schools in West Lake City have already agreed that Zhang Yuan is this year's top pick in West Lake City, and may even have a chance to hit the top pick in Jiangnan Province!

"Old Ning, when Zhang Yuan becomes the number one scholar in Jiangnan Province, your first middle school can be renamed the number one scholar middle school, and you can treat me to this meal!"

"Hahaha! It's easy to talk! Ten more bottles of Feitian Moutai, we won't go home until we get drunk today!"

Ning Qin's face was rosy, and his laughter had never been heard before. In previous years, he had listened to other principals bragging about their students, but this year it was finally his turn!

Feel proud!

"Old Ning, you have taken out all your personal money! Then we won't be polite!"

"Have a great time today, don't be short of money! Let's drink with all your bellies!"

When the principals were having dinner together, Li Xueer also made an appointment with Zhang Yuan to meet at the school playground. The two of them walked around the playground track under the moonlight.

"Idiot, are you sure?"

Li Xueer suddenly asked Zhang Yuan. She had gone through the Secret Realm dungeon several times this week, and with the upgrade pills, she was already level 19, but Zhang Yuan could still feel her nervousness.

It's right to say that Kyoto University is the number one institution of higher learning in Daxia, and every year countless geniuses compete for an admission seat.

Even though Li Xueer's profession is a rare profession, she is not outstanding in the entire province.

Zhang Yuan smiled and replied: "Don't worry, we will definitely meet at Kyoto University."

Li Xueer smiled and said, "I didn't expect that an idiot like you could say such a thing, okay! We will meet at Kyoto University. This is our agreement!"


Zhang Yuan looked at Li Xueer's stretched out little finger, which was as white as jade under the moonlight.


Zhang Yuan stretched out his little finger and hooked up with Li Xueer.

National College Entrance Examination...

Officially begin!

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