Everyone Draws Cards To Change Jobs, And I Draw Full Health!

Chapter 47 No Novel Would Dare To Write Like This!

Outside the secret realm dungeon, the scarred examiners rushed back with the core of Gavus.

"Professor Chen, we have wasted too much time in Donghai University. Hurry up and use the core of Gavus to forcefully close the abyss copy and rescue Zhang Yuan!"

"Don't let your guard down, everyone. Otis may be hiding in the dungeon, and there may be a fierce battle ahead!"

Chen Yun took out a black prism crystal and took a deep breath, "My child, I hope you are still alive."

Chen Yun murmured, holding the core of Gavus and pointing it at the abyss copy. Just as he was about to use the prop, the red abyss copy suddenly turned blue.

"The breath of the abyss seems to have disappeared!"

"Zhang Yuan conquered this abyss dungeon?"

"How is this possible? Otis is a level 70 abyss boss, right? Can Zhang Yuan defeat Otis?"

When all the examiners saw the changes in the copy, they all showed expressions of disbelief. They looked at each other, and their brains were a little down.

There is only Zhang Yuan in the abyss dungeon here, and the dungeon boss is the level 70 abyss demon. How can this dungeon be conquered?

The next moment, the entrance to the dungeon was filled with light, and Zhang Yuan walked out, making the examiners realize that this was not an illusion!

Zhang Yuan was startled when he saw Chen Yun holding a stone towards him, "Teacher? What are you doing?"

"You, you, you...are you okay?"

Chen Yun was shocked when he saw Zhang Yuan walking out safe and sound, even reaching level 21.

"Other than excessive consumption of mental energy, it's nothing serious."

Zhang Yuan shook his head, and then said: "By the way, teacher, two abyss bosses invaded my copy. They interfered with my college entrance examination. Will my grades still count? Or do I have to retake the exam?"

"Are you actually concerned about your college entrance examination results at this time?"

When Chen Yun heard Zhang Yuan's question, the corners of his mouth twitched. The development of the matter was completely beyond his expectation.

But soon, Chen Yun caught the key point and confirmed to Zhang Yuan: "What did you just say? Two abyss bosses invaded your copy?"

Zhang Yuan replied frankly: "Yes, one is the great spiritual mage named Otis, and the other is the great water mage named Ishtar."

After being targeted by two abyss demons one after another, Zhang Yuan planned to tell the officials all the information he knew about the abyss bosses, hoping that the Great Xia Empire could get rid of those two abyss bosses as soon as possible.

Otherwise, these two guys, Otis and Ishtar, are like two swords of Damocles hanging over his head, and he doesn't know when they will fall.

This time Otis shook a water demon. Who knows what kind of demon he will shake next time?

Zhang Yuan can't always bet that the special weapon he draws later will be immune to the attribute attacks of the abyss demon.

Chen Yun and the other examiners were all shocked when they heard that Zhang Yuan fought against two abyss bosses alone and forced the two abyss bosses back!

At this moment, they finally understood why Bai Zhengguo, the president of the Adventurers Association, was so optimistic about Zhang Yuan!

This guy is simply a pervert who is cheating!

I fought two level 70 abyss bosses at level 19 and actually defeated them. No novel would dare to write this!

At this time, the space next to everyone was slightly distorted. Bai Zhengguo walked out of it and said seriously: "I received the intelligence of the Abyss invasion and rushed back from the Abyss front line as soon as possible. How is the situation?"

Chen Yun and the examiners immediately saluted Bai Zhengguo, "Old Bai, the matter has been resolved."


Bai Zhengguo was stunned at first, and then he saw Zhang Yuan with an innocent face, and then he laughed dumbly, "I see, did you fight off Otis again?"

Chen Yun immediately added: "Old Bai, the abyss demon who assassinated Zhang Yuan this time was not only Otis, but also Ishtar."

"Is there another Abyss Demon?"

When Bai Zhengguo heard Chen Yun's addition, a ray of light suddenly flashed in his eyes.

If only one Otis breaks into the Daxia Empire, it can be said that there is a loophole in the defense line they built, and they only need to fix the loophole.

But now another abyss boss appears, and it appears quietly in the Daxia Empire. This can only mean that there is a traitor within the Daxia Empire.

Bai Zhengguo thought of some possibilities and asked Chen Yun: "Chen Yun, is there a video of the secret realm copy?"

"The secret dungeon where Zhang Yuan is located is infected by the abyss. I'm afraid we have to remove all the abyss pollution before we can extract the videos from the secret dungeon."

Bai Zhengguo nodded slightly, "Well, you will personally monitor the matter of extracting the video. Don't let others interfere. After you get the video, send it to me as soon as possible."

Chen Yun smiled bitterly and said: "Old Bai, I'm afraid you have to find someone else to do this."

Bai Zhengguo was startled: "Why?"

Chen Yun took out the core of Gavus, "After the abyss demon invaded the secret dungeon, in order to rescue Zhang Yuan, we formed a group and went to Donghai University to have a fight with the university teachers and snatched the core of Gavus."

"Zhang Yuan is fine now. After Tunghai University is held accountable, we examiners should also go to jail."

"I see."

Bai Zhengguo heard Chen Yun's words and immediately smiled and said: "You are right. I will lobby Tunghai University. As long as you return the core of Gavus, I guarantee that Tunghai University will not cause you trouble."

"Thank you, Mr. Bai!"

As soon as Bai Zhengguo said these words, the eyes of all the examiners at the scene lit up.

Although they had done a great thing with their passion before, after calming down now, they felt a little regretful when they thought about the consequences they might face next, especially when they did not help Zhang Yuan at all. It makes them feel that their suffering is in vain.

But now that Bai Zhengguo has said something, everyone no longer worries about subsequent accountability.

No one at Tunghai University needs to give face, but Bai Zhengguo’s face must be given!

At this time, Zhang Yuan asked again: "Lao Bai, all examiners and teachers, now that the matter has been perfectly resolved, is it time to answer my question? Does my college entrance examination score still count?"

"You kid..."

Seeing that Zhang Yuan was still struggling with his college entrance examination results, Chen Yun couldn't help but shook his head and smiled, and said: "Don't worry, although the abyss demon disrupted the college entrance examination process and caused the additional trials to be forcibly suspended, the scores of all candidates before the examination was suspended, we All are archived, including yours.”

"In this case of the abyss demon invasion, what we announced to the outside world is the adjustment of the technology system of the secret realm dungeon. We will be able to restart the dungeon later and continue the trial."

"Zhang Yuan, although the college entrance examination is not over yet, your points have surpassed all the others and you are well-deserved to be the number one in the country. I wish you the best and look forward to the reward of being the number one in the country. It will be very generous!"

Zhang Yuan smiled and said: "Thank you teacher, I am already looking forward to the reward."

Bai Zhengguo looked at Zhang Yuan with a smile and suddenly asked: "My child, I also have a question for you. I clearly gave you life-saving tools, why didn't you plan to use them when facing the two abyss bosses? You Aren't you afraid?"

"Faced with the siege of two abyss bosses above level 70, even the examiners present, no one dared to say that they could survive."

Zhang Yuangeng replied bluntly: "There is no special reason. I happened to restrain those two idiots and they did not threaten me, so I don't plan to waste the life-saving props."

"This, this is the reason..." Bai Zhengguo was stunned and didn't know how to answer for a while.

The reason why he gave Zhang Yuan the crystal ball was that when Otis came to Zhang Yuan again, he could rescue him in time and get rid of the abyss demon hiding in Tibet.

But now, Zhang Yuan's strength far exceeded his expectations, which caused a discrepancy between his plan and the reality, causing his plan to rely on Zhang Yuan to find Otis in vain.

"Ahem..." Bai Zhengguo coughed twice, and then handed Zhang Yuan a crystal ball, "Child, if you encounter the abyss demon again next time, crush it as soon as possible, and I will come to save you. In fact, this thing It’s not that rare, so don’t save on props.”

"Thank you, Mr. Bai."

Zhang Yuan happily took the crystal ball and put the new life-saving amulet into the storage space.

At this time, an examiner came forward and said: "Lao Bai, Professor Chen, all the secret realm dungeons have been debugged and the trial can be restarted."

"Okay." Chen Yun nodded slightly, "Teleport all candidates back to the copy."

Bai Zhengguo patted Zhang Yuan on the shoulder, "Come on, although your points have locked you into the top spot in the country, you still have to get as many points as possible in the following trials. The higher your points, the richer the final reward will be. "

Hearing Bai Zhengguo's words, Zhang Yuan's eyes suddenly lit up, "I understand!"

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