After a long time, Zhang Yuan recovered from the shock, and now he couldn't wait to test his own damage.

Putting the test wooden man in the center of the open space, Zhang Yuan unfolded the sword formation and used the sword.

A flying sword flew out from the sword box and stabbed the wooden man accurately.



Zhang Yuan couldn't help but take a breath when he saw the virtual numbers displayed on the LCD screen on the wooden man.

As far as he knows, even the fire mage, who is recognized as having the highest early attack power, can only do about 20 points of damage to the test wooden man with a fireball at level one, and the fire mage cannot cast a few fireballs. Your mental energy will be exhausted!

His basic attack damage at this level can already catch up with the fireball spell of a level 10 fire mage!

Moreover, the test wooden man has no defense. When the fire mage is in actual combat, the damage will be reduced accordingly, but Zhang Yuan's attacks ignore the defense and are all real damage!

What's even more exaggerated is that Zhang Yuan just used a flying sword now!


This time, Zhang Yuan controlled 10 flying swords to shoot at the test wooden man at the same time.


"More than 5,000!"

Zhang Yuan's pupils couldn't help but shrink when he saw the virtual numbers appearing on the test wooden man's head!

The textbook says that a boss around level 10 only has 10,000 to 20,000 physical strength. This means that he can easily kill a level 10 boss with at most 4 attacks!

The key is that he is only at level 1 now, and the weapon he uses is only the lowest level iron sword...

"Perverted! So perverted!"

Zhang Yuan couldn't help but exclaimed that most level 30 fire mages wouldn't be able to deal 5,000 damage.

And this is only the damage of his level one plus whiteboard weapon.

Thinking of this, Zhang Yuan's mouth was as tight as an AK. He put away the test wooden figure with satisfaction and went home carrying the sword case.

"Hey! Yuanzi, you're back!" My aunt who was practicing yoga in the living room saw Zhang Yuan coming back and greeted him with a smile.

The aunt's name is Jiang Yuya, who is four years older than Zhang Yuan. She has just graduated from college and is currently unemployed at home.

She has exquisite and beautiful facial features, a round oval face, a mole under her left eye, and a curvy figure. She was the dream girl of many men when she was in college.

Before Zhang Yuan traveled through time, the host's parents disappeared together when they entered a dungeon, and then the host lived at his grandmother's house.

Zhang Yuan currently lives with his grandmother and aunt.

“Two little guys, it’s time to eat!!!”

At this time, grandma walked out of the kitchen with chicken soup, placed it on the long dining table next to the living room, and greeted Zhang Yuan and Jiang Yuya with a smile.

The aunt reached out to grab the chicken legs on the table, but grandma slapped them away with chopsticks: "Go wash your hands!"

The aunt left aggrievedly, and Zhang Yuan sat down, but was glared at by his grandmother: "You go too!"

Zhang Yuan smiled coquettishly, washed his hands with his aunt, and served the table together.

During the dinner, grandma suddenly asked: "Motoko, today is the day for you to draw cards, right? What occupation did you draw?"

Zhang Yuan: "Grandma, it's a combat profession."

As soon as Zhang Yuan said these words, grandma's face instantly turned cold.

Zhang Yuan's reaction to his grandmother was not surprising. Ever since the host's parents disappeared, her grandmother has been very resistant to combat professions.

Seeing that the atmosphere was not right, my aunt quickly put down the chicken drumstick in her hand and said, "Mom, it's a good thing that Motoko got a fighting career! Then if she gets admitted to a good university, won't that make a lot of money?"

Zhang Yuan nodded: "Yes, grandma, I will download more copies in the future and make money, and my family's life will be much better."


Grandma slammed her chopsticks on the table: "What are you eating? You guys are willing to give up your lives for money. I might as well go downstairs and wait for you!" After that, grandma got up and went back to the house. Bang! The bedroom door was shut heavily, and the atmosphere in the living room became heavier. It was the first time that Zhang Yuan saw grandma so angry, and he couldn't help asking his aunt: "Aunt, can combat jobs also do life jobs?" Aunt hurriedly comforted: "Don't do it! I'm telling you secretly, my mother was an elite in the army when she was young. When my sister won the combat job, she held a banquet for three days and three nights. When I won the singer, she gave me a stinky face for three days and three nights." Zhang Yuan was surprised: "Is there such a thing?" Aunt continued to whisper: "Don't look at the old witch pretending like this just now, she might be in bed now "I'm so happy! Tell me, what profession did you draw? Warrior or Mage? I see you carry an iron box, a bit like an auxiliary."

"It's a hidden profession, Sword Master."

"Hidden profession? You're so lucky!" My aunt immediately cast an envious look, "Is your profession awesome?"


"Awesome is good! Combat professions are awesome! Tell me quickly, what's so awesome about your profession?"

My aunt diluted the heavy atmosphere with a few words, and Zhang Yuan gradually became talkative and began to tell my aunt about the strength of his profession.

The next night was spent with my aunt's "awesome".

The next morning, Zhang Yuan got up and found that there was a gorgeous badge at the head of his bed. Although it looked a bit old, it was well preserved.

"What is this?"

Zhang Yuan picked up the badge and the attributes were displayed.

[Empire Special Merit Badge (Accessory), Strength +100, Agility +100, Spirit +100, Constitution +100, Damage Reduction 10%, Available at Level 1. ]

[Note: Dedicated to the heroes who have made great contributions to the empire and the people. ]

Zhang Yuan was stunned when he saw the name and notes of the badge.

Under this name and note, the attributes of the four dimensions that added 100 are no longer important.

In the Great Xia Empire, there is a saying.

First-class merit, exchange life; second-class merit, disability; third-class merit, sweating.

And special merit, only people at the level of God of War can get it, and each special merit badge represents a legend!

"Grandma... is the God of War?"

Zhang Yuan was a little dazed. He could never have imagined that his usually kind and gentle grandmother was actually a God of War who had made special merits!

Zhang Yuan took the badge to the living room. On the dining table next to the living room, his aunt, who was wearing pink slippers, was eating pancakes with porridge.

When the aunt saw Zhang Yuan, she immediately said in a sarcastic tone: "Wow! Gou Tou got up so early!"

Since she learned last night that Zhang Yuan had drawn all his lives, she changed his name for Zhang Yuan from Yuan Zi to Gou Tou.

The grandmother in the kitchen heard the noise, poked her head out to take a look, and then came out with a freshly baked pancake and a bowl of porridge.

Zhang Yuan took the pancakes and porridge handed over by his grandmother and asked, "Grandma, this badge..."

"These are all past events that are not worth mentioning. Eat your breakfast well and work hard to level up. Don't embarrass our family."

Zhang Yuan was surprised and said, "Grandma, do you agree that I can become an adventurer?"

Grandma: "With your profession and talent, if I stop you, it will be the greatest betrayal to the country and the people."

Auntie smiled and said, "I told you, mom is a sharp tongue but a soft heart. You can go on adventures with peace of mind. I will take care of you!"

Grandma glanced at Auntie with murderous intent, and then said to Zhang Yuan, "The school bus to pick you up is waiting for you outside. Go quickly after breakfast."

"If you have such a profession and still can't get into Kyoto University, I will break your dog legs!"

Zhang Yuan immediately stood up straight: "Yes, Chief!"

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