Everyone Else Has a System

101 A Show of Power

Sigh… How come my adventures always have to go awry? One thing after another, gimme a break already, will ya fate?

I saw the skeletal wyverns progressing towards us with their golden eyes and body made up of water. I saw them preparing to attack and saw Nyx making an alarmed expression before she created a massive shield out of shadows. Hygeia has already concealed herself from the outside world using her magic.

'If their attack hits the ground below us, it would create more than just some problems,' I think as I look at her, Nyx, hoping she knows what she is doing.

Though… she seems to be too concentrated on whatever she was doing and due to the gravity of the matter, I couldn't help but ask,"hey… what are you trying to do?"

"Trying to protect your stupid as*," she spoke with clear irritation before creating more and more shields… however she was creating the shield in front of us only… the plane below was still exposed.

I kept an eye on the wyverns coming towards us at a rapid speed while I moved forward to take a look below the mountain from the edge of the altar. I saw the steep cliff before it reached the forest down below. It didn't exactly reach the base of the mountain, but a forest that was up the mountain.

The wyvern finally began their attacks on us and for some reason, all their attacks were aimed at the shield and nothing below or above. I was a bit surprised with that, as I wondered if they did not have any intelligence or what.

'Fascinating… despite being above S level, these monsters do not have even a bit of intelligence… is there anything different from the future?' I thought as I saw the shield breaking one by one while Nyx was trying her best to defend against their attack.

"So… what is exactly going on?" I asked again as I saw the struggling Nyx and she, a bit irritated by my casual behaviour, glared at me before speaking,"I was trying to tame the dead dragons using my shadow powers. Now they are angry and out of control. Happy? Now step back and let me kill them before they cause any major damage and attract unnecessary attention."

'Oh! So that is what is going on, huh? Still… if that is what it is, then…' I smiled as I turned to look at the monsters using their physical attacks to break the shield. Nyx was also sending waves and waves of attacks using her powers to kill them, but damn… there are freaking too many of them.

"If that is all that you want then…" I muttered as I looked at Zuriel before speaking,"Can you pass me your Leranati sword?" and she looks at me for a few moments and then turns her attention back at the wyverns. Looking at her expression, she more or less figured out what I was trying to do… yet she was having a hard time believing whatever I was going to do…

She then takes out the sword and throws it to me. Nyx was too busy to see what I was doing, and I was glad that she was busy… cause, well… I don't want her to know what I was about to do anyway…

"Hmmm… nice sword.. I could feel my power getting sucked into it at a rapid speed." I speak as I make a few air slashes to get used to the sword. I then focus at my front to pinpoint the exact place where I could make a slash… I could use this move only once after all…

I begin to contract life spirit mana into the sword as I then jump up in the sky as high as I can. I ask Hygeia to heal me as much as she can… specifically my hands.

I then mutter,"Blood Sacrifice: Zeroth Moon, Blood point," as I concentrate all my blood mana to increase my arm's strength. I take a stance as I almost reach the highest point…

'Since shadow style won't work against undead… let's go with…' I thought as I speak using both light and life magic at once,"Reverse Shadow Style: One Slash"

And then make an air slash brimming with light and life energy that took down as many wyverns as it could.

I then came down half exhausted, half annoyed as my head was aching due to overexerting my mana and stamina both at once. If not for Hygeia, I would have already passed out by now. I could only be grateful that I have her by my side.

I then proceed to look at my front… about 70 percent of the dragons fell down in one slash… though the strong ones survived.

I then proceed to look at Nyx and the others, only to find them gawking at me with a stupefied face… it wasn't just them but I could feel Hygeia too looking at me as if I were a freak… Zuriel looked like she had seen me for the first time.. wondering if she even knew me.

I turned at the monsters still in the sky and I could feel the fear in them as they observed me. It actually made me curious about their behaviour because, from what I have heard, the undead shouldn't feel fear.

"How fascinating!" I spoke as I moved closer to the wyverns before standing up. My energy was constantly refilling with the help of Hygeia. The wyvern seemed to be pushing a bit back and Nyx too seemed to take a step back as she observed me with her eyes fixated on me.

'Honestly, it wasn't as much of a big deal as they were making it out to be. I just used the special ability of the sword to enhance the spirit power. I already knew the perfect stance to make the most effective slash and used blood magic for the extra push at the cost of my hand muscles which previously tore, but now were completely healed,' I thought as I recalled what exactly I did to see if I could make any improvements in that.

Maybe I could use it in the white dimension to see if I could make any alterations in it.

"Will you kill the others, or shall I do that for you as well?" I spoke in a dominant tone, and Nyx gulped as she observed me with slight nervousness in her eyes.

'Though she is as strong as me… no I believe she is stronger than me, if I don't use any life-threatening move… just the difference of how I combine everything I possess and she using only raw power makes it feel like we are in completely different leagues,' I think as I try to use this bluff to make a clear stand. Still, I don't want them to think I am too strong, cause it could get me in trouble that I probably can't easily get out of…

"I… I will… do it," Nyx speaks gathering some courage as she looks at me with a confused expression. Oh! I removed most of my spirit and blood powers returning my body to the previous state… no wonder she got even more confused.

'This is sweet,' I thought as I enjoyed the situation which looked so dreadful a few moments ago. The wyvern too looked like they wanted to go back home already… well, not my problem, I guess.

I sighed as I nodded before moving towards Dion and Zuriel, under the gazes of Nyx and the wyverns. Only then I noticed that there were a few people watching the whole ordeal from a distance. Must be townsfolk of this area.

Well.. I wanted to wave my hand, but all I saw was them running away from there as soon as I glanced at them, so I turned back to Dion. Walking towards him, the first thing I ask was,

"Hey, you okay?"

He looks at me and nods with a cheerful smile before speaking,"I was scared, but I believed that brother would come save me." I smiled as I patted his head while he got a bit embarrassed at that, but still said nothing and continued smiling.

I then moved towards Zuriel and then raised the handle of the sword towards her and spoke,"thanks. That was helpful," before she takes it absentmindedly as she looks at me. After a moment of silence, she finally gets out of her stupor and then speaks,"Ah! Zero… I mean Reaper… thanks.. I mean.. It is okay… wait! I can explain… I mean she can explain… she is Nyx… she is the right hand of our leader… She is like an elder sister to me… she has a reason… for doing.. What… she…did…"

I only look at her with an expressionless face as she tries to explain the actions of Nyx, but honestly, I couldn't care less about her actions. As long as she is not my enemy, and not a pain in the as* I don't really care much about their stupid actions.

'After all… my whole life, I have faced a similar situation of people holding prejudice against my power level and stuff…' I thought as I sighed before looking at Nyx again who was clearing out the rest of the wyverns while half of them were trying to escape.

I felt a tingling sensation in my heart and I felt like Hygeia was trying to speak something, but I thought it would be better to talk later than in front of them. I would like to have as many back up plans as I could possibly have. Showing only half of my cards is something that I have always done and I am not going to change… probably.

After a few more minutes, when everything was finished, I see Nyx walking towards me with a serious yet scared expression before speaking,

"Why can you use sister Hygeia's power?"

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