Everyone Else Has a System

280 Preparations in Netherrealm: The King of Wrath

"Take me to my hometown and I will tell you about it," he spoke with a slight chuckle and I nodded at him before speaking.

"Well, since you are both willing then-


I stepped a few steps back as I saw 'him' coming at me with all his force as he used his wooden baton to hit me as hard as possible. The King of Wrath landed in front of me with a fiery glare in his eyes.

"You are late," I spoke with a serious tone as I looked at him, but it didn't seem like he heard me. Instead, he just jumped at me, changing his weapon from the baton to an axe as he swung it at me.


I used Deaths of Duality to not only cut down his axe but also his hand… actually I was trying to cut him into pieces, but because he was too fast, I failed to pick up the appropriate time.

He looked at me, holding his cut arm with his other arm as he tried healing it. My powers, which should have been S4 level, now that I had used Reaper's true form, turned into S6 immediately.

I could go one more level… but that will be it. I want to get stronger faster… especially when Pride started talking about Royal Parasites and stuff… I feel like the faster I get strong, the more chances I will have to save the world.

"You sure are fast. Do you want to-" before I even finished, he attacked again using all his powers at once and I just sighed before dodging him carefully and using the chains of the Deaths of Duality at him.

Since he was fast, he easily dodged the chains and because I knew running after him would be a waste of time, I just kept waiting for him to come at me.

Time seemed to pass slowly for the next few moments as he sent some energy projectiles from a distance without getting close to me. He was doing that while dodging my chains as well.

"What exactly are you trying to do here?" I asked as I cut his projectiles before absorbing them into my Deaths of Duality. I wondered what happened to him.

"Do you know how many times that I have been killed in the past 3 months?" He asked, and I wondered what he was getting at.

"Zero," he answered himself, making me confused even more, but then he asked again,

"Do you know how many times I have been killed in the past 4 months?"

I turned my head curiously at him, wondering what he was going to speak next,

"43 Thousand 2 hundred and 34 times," he said, increasing his intensity of projectiles before himself charging at me… making me look at him wide-eyed as I wondered who killed him so many times but then…

"AH!" I recalled who it could be… but damn…

"Doesn't that mean…" Greed spoke as he looked at Gluttony as Gluttony answered,"he was almost killed every minute for that month?"

There was a surprise on their faces and so was on mine… Cristine, whom I asked to kill Wrath's men… actually killed them that many times?!!! How did she even do it?

"No wonder you and your men turned silent for that much time. I thought you were planning something but… damn!" spoke Pride as she chimed in and looked at Wrath with a pitiful look.

"Well… I asked her to kill you a couple of times… didn't think she would be able to do it so many times by herself," I spoke with a bit of an apologetic yet prideful gaze at which he got irked even more as he sighed before speaking.

"She… she might have been able to do it a couple of times on her own, given how much capability she had. I was even enjoying her endeavours of trying to infiltrate my kingdom every time. Though something suddenly changed one day… she started using a strange skill that allowed her to teleport multiple places as much as she wanted… and with the Light Energy… Well…"

He now had more of a tired expression than an angry one. Though his irritated look returned as he turned to me,"before I begin attacking again, I want to know. What exactly did I do to you that made me suffer so much?!!"

Though I wasn't hearing his words as all my attention was concentrated on Cristine. A teleportation skill? She didn't have that last time… did I miss something? Isn't her System related to Soul related abilities? How come she has a teleportation skill?

It was confusing me more and more.

"Well… I wanted to develop her assassination skills," I spoke with a bit of an awkward smile and he immediately spoke out,"by making her kill me every f*cking minute?!" Then he started attacking me again. I saw him coming at me and honestly, I could have killed him seeing the gaps in his attacks, but I decided to dodge and parry him cause… What happened to him was too pitiful.

"Don't look at me like that!!!" he shouted as he attacked faster and faster and I could only sigh before speaking,"how about I tell you something in exchange for all that misery you have been through?" He didn't stop his attacks, but he did slow down.

"Ummm… she is the descendant of the Shadow Clan."

And then…

He stopped.

And looked at me with a blank gaze.

His eyes seem to be in disbelief.

"Well… I am not sure but… I have found some records regarding them and I believe Cristine, that girl, is a descendent of the Shadow Clan," I spoke as I looked at him and he was still gazing at me dumbfoundedly,

"How sure are you?" he asked without making any movements and I pondered about the authenticity of the records that I had collected before speaking,

"About… 80%?"

Then… I saw him dropping his weapon before falling to his knees… as he spoke out,

"Ah! So all this time… what I took as a curse…. Was a blessing, huh?"

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