The reason why it was a primary rough stone was that Su Ming was limited by his ability at the moment. All he could do was this small rough stone that was about the size of his little finger, and the experience value it provided was also limited.

The larger medium and high-level rough stones that could provide more experience still needed further technical research.

But even so, it was enough to make Su Ming excited. After all, everything is difficult at the beginning. With the primary rough stone, the rest is nothing more than a matter of going with the flow!

Just as Su Ming was immersed in the joy of successful research, suddenly, the familiar feeling appeared again!

A magnificent force descended from the sky and wrapped Su Ming in it!

Warm and grand, cold and mechanical, it was the world will of Blue Star!

After Su Ming completed the manufacture of the primary rough stone, the world will descended again!

And this time, Su Ming was not as panicked as before.

After all, the first time is new, the second time is familiar, and this time, he was mentally prepared.

This extraordinary technology that can directly open up a new path for the majority of professionals to upgrade, if it is not valued by the world will, that would be a strange thing!

"I sensed that you have completed the low-level extraordinary crystal map, successfully created extraordinary crystals, and completed epic-level research."

"World Consciousness is about to make your achievements known to the entire world and pay tribute to you!"

"I have detected that you have completed the primary rough stone atlas, created the primary rough stone, and completed the epic research."

"World Consciousness is about to make your achievements known to the entire world and pay tribute to you!"

"At the same time, in order to commend your significant contribution to the Blue Star Plane, the World Will has strengthened its protection measures for you, and your authority level has been raised. By consuming your contribution points, you can issue bounties and tasks to the Blue Star Plane through the World Will, and you can also hire strong people!"

"Currently, your contribution is: 2300 points"

"It was detected that you chose to remain anonymous when you announced your achievements last time. Would you like to continue with the last setting?"

As before, the World Will of Blue Star expressed its gratitude to Su Ming and announced this achievement.

But what is different from before is that this time, there is an additional item of World Contribution!

Su Ming opened his career panel to check and found that there was indeed an item of World Contribution on his account panel.

This surprised him.

Before this, he had never heard of the existence of World Contribution!

It seems that this should be prepared by the World Will of Blue Star specifically for those professionals who have made great contributions to Blue Star.

Unexpectedly, I can also enjoy this treatment!

Feeling happy in his heart, facing the inquiry of the World Will, Su Ming nodded gently and agreed:"Continue the anonymity of last time!"

Feeling the power of the world's will receding from him and returning to the boundless sky, Su Ming also stretched lazily.

It was great to have a successful new research, but he was really exhausted during this period of time, and he didn't even have a good rest.

Now that the research is completed, it's time to have a good rest.

Su Ming yawned and looked out the window. It was already late at night, and he couldn't wait to go back to his dormitory.

Fortunately, there was also a small lounge in the laboratory, with bathing facilities and beds.

After a simple wash, Su Ming collapsed directly on the bed and fell into a deep sleep.

He slept comfortably, but outside the laboratory, the whole world was awakened by him and couldn't sleep!

At Dawn College, Dean Lin Wen had already gone to bed with his wife.

Suddenly, the career panels of the two people popped out and buzzed!

""A global announcement of the world's will, what's going on?"

Lin Wen suddenly opened his eyes and looked at the career panel with surprise.

It was another global announcement.

You know, a global announcement is only issued when a global emergency occurs or something that is of profound significance to everyone.

Before Su Ming's artificial extraordinary crystal technology appeared, there had been no world announcements on Blue Star for a long time.

At this time, another world announcement suddenly popped up. What's going on?

"Could it be that Su Ming has come up with some terrifying extraordinary technology again and alarmed the world's will?" Lin Wen couldn't help but muttered softly.

"What are you thinking about?" His wife mumbled,"I'm not a robot. I don't do anything every day but do research for you."

"That’s right, it’s just a joke!"

Lin Wen laughed and looked at his career panel, wanting to see what was written on this global announcement.

As he looked, the smile on his face slowly solidified, his eyes froze, and he was stunned in the spot.

After a moment, he finally reacted, blinked hard, and took a few deep breaths. He felt as if he was in a hurry to get up just now, or he suspected that he was still dreaming at this time.

"Wife, pinch me a few times."

The wife beside him sat up in a daze, and moved very smoothly to touch Lin Wen, then laughed and scolded:"What's wrong with you, and what's written on the notice?"

Lin Wen hissed, and his voice seemed a little awkward for a moment:"Wife, you should come and see for yourself..."

""What on earth is this?"

The wife muttered, and she also opened the career panel and looked at the announcement.

When she saw the content of the announcement, her eyes suddenly widened, and all the sleepiness disappeared!

On the announcement, it was clearly written in black and white :

"The mysterious scholar Ming has once again completed an epic research and created a map of primary spirit stones. The ability to find primary spirit stones has brought about epoch-making changes to Blue Star. From now on, professionals can directly use spirit stones to skip the step of killing monsters and complete the upgrade!"

"Since the scholar"Ming" has made another epic contribution to the Blue Star plane, the world will's protection of him will be strengthened. Any harm and malice to the scholar"Ming" will be regarded as a violation of the world will clockwork and will be punished twice as severely!"

And below the announcement, it seems that the world will is worried that the Blue Star professionals don't quite understand what this primary raw stone is, and it also attaches the description of the primary raw stone.

When Lin Wen's wife saw the information about the primary raw stone, she showed the same expression as Lin Wen for a moment.

Is this really the technology that should exist in this world?

Raw stones, experience stones?

You can gain experience and upgrade without spawning monsters, without leveling up, and without going through brutal battles?

Before she could react, a gust of wind blew by her side, and then the door of the room opened with a bang, and Lin Wen rushed out, leaving only a sentence whistling in the wind

"Dragon Country has Su Ming, it is a great blessing from heaven!"

At this time, the whole world was also in an uproar!

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