"Boss, you don't have to do it, these two just let me come!"

Li Wide-eyed straightened his chest and walked to Zhang Ze's side with a confident look.

In order to make Zhang Ze happy, he, the little brother, naturally has to rush to the front!

And in his opinion, Lin Tian and Xiang Lingjie, the two guys who followed behind the woman, would definitely not be strong.

You don't need the boss to do it at all, you can teach the two of them a hard lesson by yourself!

"Uh..." Xiang

Ling Jie looked at this lewd little man with his head lowered, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but twitch.

Accept this guy with a stunted brain and body as a little brother.

Sure enough, neither of these people is very normal....

In Lin Tian's eyes, the information of Zhang Ze and Li Dayan all turned into a virtual panel and appeared.

[Name: Zhang Ze

] [Level: One turn, level 15

] [Class: Dragon Blood Berserker (Advanced

)] [Weapon: New Fist Suit (a fist set made at a high price)]

Another one.

[Name: Li Dayan

] [Level: One turn, level 13

] [Class: Archer (ordinary

)] [Weapon: New bow and arrow (bow and arrow built at a high price)]

"Behind is the competition platform, if it is a man, go there to solve it?"

Li Dayan pointed to a ring behind him that was used for the competition, and said with a smug smile, "I don't need the boss to do anything at all, I can knock you two down alone." "

Poof..." Hearing

this, Xiang Ling Jie covered his mouth and laughed madly.

He gently bumped Lin Tian with his arm, and his eyes seemed to say: 'Dude, look, there's a big fool here!!'

"Then stop talking nonsense and let's go."

Lin Tian didn't want to waste time here, so he bumped Zhang Ze and walked towards the competition platform.

These two guys with smelly mouths and arrogance really owe a lesson!

Zhang Ze turned his head and clenched his fists and glared at Lin Tian.

Dare to bump into me, boy, it's really impatient!

However, at this moment, the corner of Ling Jie's mouth hooked behind and walked straight towards Zhang Ze.

"Go aside, block your fat master me!!"

Saying that, he stretched out his hand and pushed Zhang Ze away and walked towards the competition platform.

Just like that, Zhang Ze jumped and almost fell to the ground.

After walking over, Xiang Ling Jie deliberately turned his head to look at him, and the smile on the corner of his mouth was a little teasing and ridiculing.

This is simply murderous and wicked!!

"Old... Top dog!! Are you all right!!

Li Dayan's face suddenly changed, and he quickly came over to help Zhang Ze.

"Damn bastard!!" Zhang Ze slammed the ground, extremely angry.

Turning his head, his eyes showed a little more killing intent, and he gritted his teeth and said: "There will be a competition in the martial arts platform to give me a dead hand!" I'll take care of anything!

"I'm going to make them both pay in blood!"

"I want them to know what will happen if they offend me Zhang Ze!!"

"Yes! Top dog! With

Zhang Ze's words, Li Dayan, who is a little brother, is going to do a big job.

If you want to blame, you can only blame these two guys for being too unsightly, daring to get so close to the goddess of the boss.

Pay attention in your next life.

"Slightly! I really deserve it!

Shen Qiqi spat out her tongue at Zhang Ze, turned her head to look at Xia Qingyou, and smiled happily, "Let's go, Qingyou, let's go too."

Xia Qingyou nodded, and the two walked towards the competition platform together.

She is also looking forward to it now, Zhang Ze, this guy has always been arrogant, and he is domineering inside and outside the school.

Wait a while when it is his turn to be taught a lesson and beaten violently, what kind of expression will be on his face.


Soon, everyone arrived in front of the competition stage.

Li Dayan walked onto the competition stage with a confident look.

"Which of you comes first?"

"Let me..." Xiang Ling Jie was just about to step forward, but was held by Lin Tian's shoulder.

"Fatty, you take a break, let me come."

"Huh?" Xiang Lingjie looked at Lin Tian with some disbelief.

In the past few years, he has never seen Lin Tian fight with anyone.

Moreover, Lin Tian's level is only level 8.

Although that wretched short man doesn't look great, his level shouldn't be too low.

If Lin Tian goes, will it be a little difficult...

"Don't worry, it's not yours if you lose."

Lin Tian smiled and patted him on the shoulder, "I'll try it."

After that, he walked up to the competition stage.

When the two step on the competition ring, the ring will automatically open a barrier.

Only people inside are allowed to go out, and no outsiders can come in, which is to prevent a third person from rushing into the competition platform to interfere with the competition.

In the competition stage, there are three ways to win.

1: Knock your opponent out, and if you don't get up for more than five seconds, you will win.

2: Let the opponent surrender to win.

3: Throw your opponent out of the ring to win.

Xiang Ling Jie waved his fist below and shouted loudly: "Beat him hard, Lin Tian!"

"Come on! Come on!! Shen Qiqi also cheered for Lin Tian.

Don't lose to these two bad guys!

Above the jousting table.

Li Dayan smiled disdainfully: "It turned out to be you first, I thought it would be the fat one who came first."

"Forget it, whichever of you comes first will end the same, so let's beat you down first!"

After that, he moved his neck, raised his right hand, and shook it into the air.


With a flash of light, a bow and arrow suddenly appeared in his hand.

This is weapon summoning, a skill that every class possesses.

As long as you have a weapon, you can use it to summon it by binding it to yourself.

"Taste, this!"

Li Dayan suddenly jumped up, drew his bow in the air and shot an arrow at Lin Tian.

'Phew! The

speed of this arrow was extremely fast, causing a sound of breaking air and shooting towards Lin Tian's arm.

"Hey, get out of the way, buddy!"

Xiang Lingjie instantly became worried.

Judging from the speed and strength of this bow and arrow, the level of that wretched dwarf is definitely not low!

And Lin Tian just quietly looked at the arrow, and just as it was shot, his right hand stretched out like lightning.

In this way, he actually grabbed the arrow directly.

"How so!?" Li Dayan's eyes widened suddenly, and he couldn't believe the scene in front of him.

This is an arrow that I shot with all my strength! Will he actually be caught with his hand?!

"I'll go!" Xiang Lingjie was also shocked, he was worried about it in vain.

Wrong! Eleven points out of ten!

Xiang Ling Jie suddenly reacted, and his gaze fell on Lin Tian's body.

He couldn't think of how Lin Tian had just done it, and he could actually catch that arrow so accurately.

Even if it were himself, it would be difficult to catch that arrow.

After all, the speed of that arrow is too fast, and it is really difficult to grasp it with your hands.

But Lin Tian did it, and it looked relaxed, as if all this was completely expected by him.

Isn't he only level 8?

Could it be...

With a turn of his head, Xiang Ling Jie's eyes lit up instantly, and he suddenly understood.

It turns out that buddy you have been secretly training with me in the past few years! Secretly roll me??!

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