Of course, words are better than examples, so it is certainly better to say than to see with your own eyes.

Super melee combat ability, they have already seen in the battle just now.

Then, show a little the power that belongs to the mage.

Thinking in his heart, Lin Tian shook his hand, and his pupils suddenly turned golden in this instant.

A coercive pressure suddenly rose and descended on the three of them, causing their bodies to tremble suddenly.

"Hey, hey, this..."

Xiang Ling Jie couldn't help but shiver, looking at Lin Tian with an exaggerated expression.

The other day, no, buddies who have been frantically swinging in previous years.

Just one night passed and this suddenly became.... Hang up the sky!!

With the chanting of the incantation in his mouth, ice thorns, water balls, and flames condensed out of thin air, floating around Lin Tian's body.

And in his hand, one after another thunder arcs flickered wildly and jumped.

With his current level of level 17, there are only four attribute skills that he can master, ice water, fire and electricity.

"This is too handsome, isn't it!" Shen Qiqi covered her small mouth in surprise.

Xia Qingyou on the side was also shocked by this power.

She had heard before that certain classes were very rare and special, possessing both melee and mage powers.

But she had never seen it, and now she saw it with her own eyes, and it was really powerful!

And it is also the only profession, which is above the advanced profession, meaning that this profession is owned by only one person in the entire world.

No wonder, Lin Tian was able to kill that lava fire demon alone at that time, and it turned out to be a second transfer.

"That's it."

Lin Tian put away the four familiar powers, and his pupils returned to their normal black.

"Got it!"

The fat man came over and patted Lin Tian's shoulder, grinning, "With you, buddy can lie down and be admitted to a top vocational university!"

"Eh, that's right! College entrance examination!! The

fat man suddenly thought of something, his eyes lit up, and he turned his head to look at Xia Qingyou and Shen Qiqi.

"Tomorrow's college entrance examination, are you two willing to team up with us?"

Since every year there are many students who die in the college entrance examination.

In order to reduce mortality, student-to-student teaming is allowed, up to four people.

It also allows teams to be formed across schools, even if they are not from the same school.

However, it should be noted that once you team up, all the points obtained will be shared.

For example, if you get 8 points for killing a beast, if you team up with four people, you can only get 2 points each.

Xia Qingyou and Shen Qiqi glanced at each other, nodded, and both agreed to form a team.

"Okay, four of us in a team."

"Team up! Work together to get into the top vocational universities!

"That's it, just four people!" Xiang Ling Jie turned his head and gave Lin Tian a thumbs up.

"Well, yes, it's all together."

Lin Tian had thought about inviting Xia Qingyou to form a team before, but he hadn't spoken yet.

Now, after the two agreed, they got together to form a team.

One goal: to get into the top vocational university!

"By the way, just now Lin Tian introduced his profession."

Xia Qingyou suggested, "Next, the three of us will introduce our respective professions."

"Yes, yes!"

"I agree too!"

Shen Qiqi and Xiang Lingjie have no problem.

After all, they all form a team, how can they not know what everyone's profession is.

"I'll come first."

Xia Qingyou took out his dagger and turned it in his hand, "This is my weapon, you have already seen it just now, so my profession is related to assassins." "

Advanced class, Blood Shadow Thorn, my current level is level 15."

"Then I'll come, I'll come." Shen Qiqi found it very interesting to introduce careers in this way.

"I'm also a senior professional, poison doctor."

"However, my level is a little low, level 13, but I can be responsible for the treatment in our team!"

"Finally it's my turn."

Xiang Ling Jie rubbed his nose, slightly proud, "Advanced class, level 14 shield warrior!"

"At that time, I will be at the front to block the attack for you, I can quack the top!!"

Xia Qingyou frowned slightly: "Three high-level professions plus one only profession..." She

suddenly realized that their team was already the top configuration!

There are both outputs and meat shields, and a healing, there is really no shortage of anything.

In this way, it is indeed not a problem to get admitted to the top vocational universities.

But we can't let our guard down, after all, this year's college entrance examination is the most difficult year ever.

Before the college entrance examination is over, you must not be careless!

"Okay, that's the end of the small talk, let's go to my room and start training."

Xia Qingyou said to Lin Tian and the three, and then turned and walked towards the room.

She doesn't think about tomorrow's college entrance examination now, which has not happened yet.

She only thinks about one thing now, and that is whether she can break through the first level again in the afternoon training.

In this way, Lin Tian and the four of them all went to Xia Qingyu's exclusive training room, where they began training.

At the end of the evening, the four of them had a meal together, and when they were finally full, they went back to their respective homes.

After Lin Tian arrived home, he still took a hot bath as usual.

After taking a bath, he went to sleep, and he always remembered the phrase "going to bed early and getting up early."

He wants to meet tomorrow's college entrance examination in the best condition!


Soon, the time came for the next day.

Lin Tian got up early, but the real reason was actually to hear someone knocking on the door...

When I opened the door, I saw that it was the aunt next door, she knew that today's college entrance examination, so she fried eggs and sausages specifically for Lin Tian.

Lin Tian said thank you to his aunt, ate the egg sausage, and rushed to the school.

When he arrived at the school gate, he got on the bus parked in front of the school.

Regardless of class, as long as it is full, the bus will start to send the students on the bus to the place where the college entrance examination will be held this year.

Soon, the bus that Lin Tian was riding on drove to an open space and got off here.

As soon as you get out of the car, you can see that around the clearing, there is basically a professional with a weapon every three meters.

One by one, they all took their weapons and stood there with a straight posture, looking very serious.

Not far away, you can see the area surrounded by a barbed wire.

That's right, this fenced area is exactly where the college entrance examination will be held this year, the abandoned town.

Originally, there were many people living in this town, but later it was attacked by a sudden beast tide, so it was called an abandoned town.

It's so big and big that you can't see the head at a glance.

Of course, the area of the abandoned town is not only large, but also very dangerous.

High-level exotic beasts can be seen everywhere inside, and if you are not careful, you will be killed by the foreign beasts that suddenly appear.

Because of this, this year's college entrance examination is called the most difficult year!

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