"Hey, buddy, be careful!" "

There is a snake! Snake snake snake !!"

Seeing that snake biting towards Lin Tian's arm, Xiang Ling Jie instantly panicked, and quickly shouted to remind Lin Tian.

Although it is not very painful to be bitten by this snake, this snake is poisonous.

Once bitten, snake venom will enter the human body directly through the fangs.

Although its poison does not cause death, it can paralyze people's bodies and make them unable to exert a little power.

Therefore, if Lin Tian was bitten, he would be in danger, and the snake-tailed tiger would definitely take the opportunity to attack him!

Xia Qingyou and Shen Qiqi couldn't help but worry.

Can't watch, Xia Qingyou immediately took out the dagger and clenched it in his hand.

At this moment, a strange black fog suddenly rose from her body.

"This, this is?"

Xiang Ling Jie reached out to touch the black mist, but he couldn't touch it, and his whole hand went straight through.

Then he turned his head to look at Xia Qingyu, and his eyes showed clear stupidity.

This black fog gradually spread, and the dagger in Xia Qingyu's hand seemed to become sharper, reflecting black strange starlight.

Seeing that there was still a little distance between that snake and Lin Tian's arm, it was too late!

A cold light flashed in his eyes, and a terrifying strong killing intent burst out in an instant.

"I'm going!"

Sister, you are going to amplify the move....!!!" Xiang

Ling Jie couldn't help but snort, and directly added the word 'sister' behind Xia.

He also realized only now that Xia Qingyu was going to amplify the rhythm of the move.

But at this moment, he only saw Lin Tian turn his head and smile at her.

"Settle down, let go of 10,000 hearts. "

Yes, how could he not have noticed this snake.

"If you want to bite, I'll bite you." Turning

his head, his gaze fell on the snake's body, and the spell in his mouth instantly exerted the power of the fire element.


The whole arm suddenly burst into extremely hot flames.

The snake could no longer dodge, and its body was directly covered by this sudden flame.


After a while, the snake lost its motion, and the whole snake was roasted and charred, completely dead.

Seeing this scene, Xiang Ling Jie and the three immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

It's okay, it's okay.

Xia Qingyou also put away his dagger, and the black mist that spread outward slowly dissipated.

"It's okay, there is a roast snake meat before the tiger meat.

"Then it's you!" Affected

by the power of the fire element, Lin Tian's eyes turned red at this moment.

The flames on his fist rekindled, and he hit the snake-tailed tiger.

Punch after punch, the snake-tailed tiger did not have the power to resist at all, its fangs were knocked out, and the fur on its body was burned clean, which can be said to be extremely miserable.

At this time, it is like a kitten, completely without the dangerous atmosphere brought by when it first appeared.

In the end, Lin Tian gathered strength on top of a punch and smashed it towards its head.


came out with !!a muffled sound, and this punch actually shattered the hardest skull of the snake-tailed tiger.

Then I saw the snake-tailed tiger fall to the ground, splashing dust.

Just ten seconds after the battle, the snake-tailed tiger could no longer stand up and died completely.

[Kill the level 19 alien beast snake-tailed tiger, odd point +15]

The voice of the system came into his mind, and Lin Tian's eyes suddenly lit up, and he was very satisfied.


enough, the higher the level, the more odd points are given after killing.

Another glance at the integrator on his wrist, such a level 19 beast directly added 20 points to each of the four of him.

You can increase the number of odd points, increase the score, and exercise yourself to upgrade.

Lin Tian is now looking forward more and more to how many odd points and scores killing the alien beast in the core area can bring him.

At this time, Xiang Lingjie and the three of them came to Lin Tian's side.

Looking at the corpse of the snake-tailed tiger on the ground, Xiang Lingjie was suddenly stunned, standing there stupidly, and a few drops of cold sweat could not help but break out on his head.

He couldn't imagine the power of Lin Tian's punch just now.

He can actually make this level 19 snake-tailed tiger look like this with one punch!

Change the position, if that punch hits his body, this shield warrior himself is afraid that he can't withstand it, and he will burp on the spot...

"Hey, what are you doing here, keep going."

Lin Tian's voice came from the side.

Hearing this, Xiang Ling Jie suddenly shivered, pulled the corners of his mouth, and turned his head with an embarrassed smile.

"Got it, got it.

With that, the four of them continued along the path.


Meanwhile, in the abandoned house outside the town.

The attention of Zhao Jie and the other teachers was completely attracted by Lin Tian, and they did not look at the other candidates at all.

They had just watched the whole process of Lin Tian's defeat of the level 19 snake-tailed tiger now, and there was no doubt that they were shocked again and speechless.

A level 19 snake-tailed tiger, in exchange for others encountering this strange beast, generally requires the combined efforts of four people in the team to defeat.

But Lin Tian actually solved it alone.

The best thing is that he seems very relaxed, the kind that is effortless after a battle.

"It feels like I'm not running, with such terrifying melee abilities and elemental powers.

Li Wen pushed her glasses and said resolutely, "His profession must be the only profession above the high-level profession. "

After all, the power Lin Tian has displayed is too exaggerated.

In addition to the flexible use of elemental power, there is also the extremely explosive melee combat ability.

These two points are enough to prove that Lin Tian's profession is definitely above the high-level profession, and he obtained the only profession after the second transfer!

Zhao Jie, who heard this, was not too happy, scratching his head, but just smiled awkwardly.

Because he didn't pay much attention to Lin Tian before, he felt that this kid should not be able to get into a vocational university all day.

And now Lin Tian's second career change strength is improving rapidly like a rocket, if he is really admitted to a top vocational university in the end, he will also win the title of 'best tutor' as his class teacher.

Thinking of this, Zhao Jie couldn't help sighing, picked up the tea on the table and took a sip.

But at this moment, a teacher on the side suddenly shouted excitedly: "Quick! Look! Teacher Zhao

!" "Look at their team ranking! Lin Tian and the four of them have now entered the top 100!" "

Ahem!!" Zhao

Jie, who was drinking water, was directly choked by these words, and quickly patted his chest and coughed twice.

After slowing down, he immediately looked at the teacher, "What did you say, really fake!?" "

It must be true, if you don't believe it, just see for yourself!" The

teacher pointed to the leaderboard projected in the air.

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