"Good, Principal Xu.

Lin Zhongshan, director of the Education Bureau, smiled and nodded, and took the lead in speaking, "It seems that you have hidden a big one in Yuyang No. 3 Middle School this year."

"This young man named Lin Tian, the owner of the only profession, is really good!" "This

, in fact, I didn't hide it..."

Xu Liang's old face suddenly turned red, scratching his head, and he didn't know what to say.

After all, before today, he didn't know that Lin Tian had made a second transfer and obtained the only profession, and he didn't know that Lin Tian had such a powerful power.


this time, Li Ming, the principal of Yuyang No. 1 Middle School, walked over, touching his beard and laughing, "When did you three middle schools produce such a genius, we are in one city, just a few streets apart, you actually didn't tell me about this kind of big thing!"

It's really not that I deliberately didn't tell you, even I only learned about this today

!" "In the same team with him, just do nothing, Xia Qingyou and Shen Qiqi of our first middle school can also be admitted to the top vocational universities this time!"

Xu Liang wiped the sweat on his forehead, and quickly said with a smile, "Xia Qingyou and Shen Qiqi in your first middle school are also very powerful, and the removal of the group of exotic beasts is not all done by Lin Tian alone. He

just saw the performance of Xia Qingyou and Shen Qiqi from the video.

The strength of both of them is not bad, especially Na Xia Qingyu.

It seems to have a high-level profession related to assassins, and every attack is three words, 'fast and ruthless', paying attention to one hit fatal.

Even if they didn't team up with Lin Tian, the two of them could easily get into a good vocational university by finding two random people!"

"Powerful is powerful, but it is far less than Lin Tian of your third middle school!" Li

Ming laughed, where could he say that the students in his school were stronger than Lin Tian now.

In the video just now, he could see with his own eyes that Lin Tian had eliminated more than a hundred sharp-horned rats with one skill.

If Lin Tian didn't want to, he could solve these two hundred heads alone, and there would be no Xia Qingyou and Shen Qiqi at all...

"That's amazing, Principal Xu.

"Principal Xu has a good education, can you share your experience with us?" "

Yes, Yuyang No. 3 Middle School produced such a genius boy, how did he cultivate it, let's listen

to it!" At

this time, the principals of other schools came over and came to Xu Liang's side.

For a moment, he became the brightest person here, and everyone's eyes were focused on him.

Even some people who had never spoken to Xu Liang now came over to talk to Xu Liang with a smile on their faces.

Just because they suddenly appeared in Yuyang Third Middle School, a genius boy like Lin Tian.

But in the face of them, they kept asking how they cultivated such a genius as Lin Tian.

Xu Liang had no way to say it, so he was helpless, so he could only spread his hands and say: "This really has nothing to do with me and the teacher."

"To be able to come this far, all this is Lin Tian's own efforts..." He

also said the truth, without any falsehood.

Before today, Lin Tian was no different from the poor student in his eyes, and he ate all day except sleeping...

Today, he actually borrowed Lin Tian's light, let himself stand up straight in front of so many principals!

"Principal Xu, this Lin Tian is powerful, I just don't know..."

"Also as the owner of the only profession, which is more powerful between him and Sun Tiandao of our school?" At

this time, Chen Zhifan, the principal of the top one high school in Kyoto City, suddenly spoke, raising the question of who is stronger and weaker between Lin Tian and Sun Tiandao.

"The two of them..."

Xu Liang never thought that this Principal Chen would suddenly ask such a question.

After thinking seriously for a moment, he shook his head, "No, I can't tell which of them is more powerful." After

all, both are the owners of the only profession.

Unless the two of you fight, you can't decide who is stronger and who is weak with a single word.

But Chen Zhifan, who heard this, suddenly chuckled.

"Is it?" "

How do I think our Sun Tiandao is a little stronger, after all..." After

a pause, he pointed to the score leaderboard, "You can also see that this first place is Sun Tiandao of our top one in Kyoto!"

He was telling himself that Sun Tiandao was stronger than Lin Tian of his Yuyang Third Middle School!

After all, at that time, there were really no students in my school who could break into the top twenty, not as good as you top middle schools, Xu Liang admitted.

But today is different, he Yuyang No. 3 Middle School came out of Lin Tian, directly rushed to the second place!

Just rush this, why do you say that your high score is better than us?

Xu Liangqiang squeezed out a smile, and his tone was deliberately aggravated a lot and said, "Let's bet, wait for the college entrance examination to end, and see if it is our Lin Tian of Yuyang No. 3 ranked first, or your Sun Tiandao ranked first

!" "In the end, the losing side bows to the winning side and apologizes! "Okay

, that's it! I'll bet with you!" Chen Zerofan agreed, without the slightest hesitation.

He didn't believe that Sun Tiandao would be surpassed by Lin Tian.

Whether it is now or the end of the college entrance examination, the first place in the city's score ranking will only be Sun Tiandao, their top one in Kyoto!!

"Come on.

"I'm looking forward to seeing that the final first place will be Lin Tian of your Yuyang Third Middle School."

Lin Zhongshan, director of the Education Bureau, walked over and patted Xu Liang's shoulder with a smile.

Kyoto's top No. 1 high school has occupied the first place in the college entrance examination for several consecutive years.

This year, he, the director of the Education Bureau, wanted to see if anyone could snatch this position

!" "Hmm!" Xu Liang nodded, and the whole person was very excited.

Unexpectedly, the Secretary for Education was actually on his side.

In that case, in the end, the director must not be disappointed!

The fist clenched a little bit, raised his head, and focused his gaze on Lin Tian in the video again.

Lin Tian, you must come on, rush to the first place!!"


, old Xu, old Xu..." Li Ming, the principal of Yuyang No. 1 Middle School, looked at Xu Liang and couldn't help sighing.

He felt that the chances of Lin Tian surpassing Sun Tiandao to rush to the first place were not great.

Xu Liang made such a bet with Chen Zerofan, in case Lin Tian did not rush to the first place after the college entrance examination, this would be equivalent to lifting a stone and shooting himself in the foot.

What a fool


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