"Huh, is this giving up?"

Lin Tian chuckled, threw away the roasted horned rat meat in his hand, and stood up.

Cold sweat caused by excessive fear, and violent trembling of the whole body, both of these reactions are very normal.

But before the attack of the alien beast came, Liu Hexin himself gave up, thinking that he would definitely die, standing there motionless, and not doing any resistance.

Such a person turned out to be the strongest existence in their class, which was both ridiculous and ironic!!"

Lin Tian, you....!" Liu

Hexin didn't understand why Lin Tian still had the courage to stand up.

That's a level 19 snake-tailed tiger, but why, Lin Tian looks.... "

You have to do it..."

Before he finished speaking, he saw Lin Tian gently raise his hand.


In an instant, three blue rays shot up into the sky, condensing into three ice guns more than two meters long in the air.

Then, at an extremely fast speed, it stabbed towards the body of the snake-tailed tiger like a meteorite.


of the ice spears stabbed it in the body, instantly pinning it to the ground.

The last ice spear was aimed at its head and stabbed, and with one blow, blood spurted out, and the level 19 snake-tailed tiger completely lost its life.

"Kidding, joking...!

!" "One move killed the level 19 snake-tailed tiger, Lin Tianhe, the level 8 little mage!?"

"My mother, which bastard came out, Lin Tian is only level 8!" For

a while, Liu and the three new teammates were all shocked by Lin Tian's strength, and they couldn't help but exclaim.

With just one move, he easily killed a level 19 snake-tailed tiger, which proved that Lin Tian's level was definitely above level 19.

Where is this waste that has been laid out all day, this is obviously his unhugged 'thigh'!!

"What, what's the situation!?" Liu

Hexin's voice trembled a little, stunned, and turned his head to look.

This look made him even less calm, just as his teammates shouted.

The level 19 snake-tailed tiger was actually nailed to the ground, and its head was pierced by an ice gun, and the already dead could no longer die.

Turning around, he looked at Lin Tian with a face full of disbelief.

Is this still the Lin Tian he knows, a little mage with a level of only 8, and now he has killed a level 19 snake-tailed tiger with only one blow!?"

Lin Tian lifted the ice spear inserted into the snake-tailed tiger with a snap of his fingers.

Walking past Liu Hexin, his face was expressionless, and he said coldly: "The next time I encounter solving it myself, I can't solve it, and I die." Hearing

this, it was like being suddenly held to the throat by hundreds of sharp swords, and Liu Hexin couldn't say half a word.

Douda's cold sweat slipped down his face and swallowed his saliva unconsciously.

It was Lin Tian who saved him, but he still couldn't figure it out.

Why Lin Tian became so strong was like suddenly changing someone.

Just with the touch of a finger, you can easily kill a level 19 snake-tailed tiger.

That is to say, the group of exotic beasts that cleaned up this sharp-horned rat did not rely on Xia Qingyou and Shen Qiqi, but Lin Tian himself...

Here, Lin Tian came to Xia Qingyu and the three, and a smile appeared on his face.

"Ready to go, there are still four hours before the end of the college entrance examination, and then go to the most core area.

Xia Qingyou and the three nodded, and left with Lin Tian, leaving Liu Youxin and his three teammates still standing there.

"So, Brother Liu, are we still going to stand here and not move?" Seeing

that all four of Lin Tian had already run away, one of them scratched his head and couldn't help but ask.


Liu Hexin was stunned for a moment, and his gaze moved away from the direction where Lin Tian and the four left.

"No, let's go back to the central region..." "

Okay, Brother Liu!" the man nodded in reply.


At the same time, above the playground of Yuyang No. 3 Middle School.

An extra-large virtual projection hangs in the air with ten different images on it.

That's right, these ten different screens are the top ten on the city's score ranking, a total of forty candidates.

And standing on the playground are all the students of the first and second years of high school, and every year on the day of the college entrance examination, they will watch the live broadcast of the top ten in the playground and see the end of the college entrance examination.


previous years, the top ten rankings were all candidates from some of the top high schools.

This year is different, they Yuyang No. 3 Middle School also have candidates who rushed into

the top ten, Lin Tian! When they saw Lin Tian enter the top ten, the group of high school students in the playground boiled like a pot exploded, shouting one by one!

And just now, seeing that the ice spear summoned by Lin Tian directly killed a level 19 snake-tailed tiger, they were even more excited.

"That's awesome, Senior Lin, the ice gun is summoned, the level 19 snake-tailed tiger is purely here to send scores!" "Senior

Lin's level should reach level 20, it's really scary! My current level is only level 12..."The

power of the ice element is actually so strong, I, the ice magician, must learn from Senior Lin!!"

The students in the playground were talking non-stop, and everyone was very excited, very excited.

After all, in previous years' college entrance examinations, no one in Yuyang No. 3 Middle School had ever entered the top ten.

And Lin Tian directly broke this today and rushed to the second place.

This made each of them more confident, and understood that Yuyang No. 3 Middle School is not without candidates who can rush into the top ten, and this top ten is not only the candidates of top middle schools have the

strength to rush in! There are also some students with very good strength, they directly take Lin Tian as an example and goal, and secretly determined in their hearts that they must train hard to become stronger, and strive to be like Senior Lin when they take the college entrance examination next year.

Rush into the top ten and prove yourself

!"Hey, look at it! Senior Lin has encountered a group of snake-tailed tigers!" Then

about five minutes passed, and suddenly, some student shouted, startling the person next to him.

Just looking at the live broadcast screen, Lin Tian's four people have now entered the most core area, but as soon as they came in, they encountered the group of exotic beasts of the snake-tailed tiger.

Of course, the number of snake-tailed tigers is not very large, but there are more than two dozen, and each snake-tailed tiger has a level of 19.

And among these twenty-odd animals, there is also a snake-tailed tiger that is several rings larger than the other and has pure black hair.

Its level has reached level 22, and the snake-tailed tiger king belongs to the boss of this group of snake-tailed tigers!

This is the most dangerous core area, and it is easy to encounter high-level exotic beasts.

Candidates who dare to step into this area must be the strongest existence in every middle school.

Of course, there will also be some candidates who can't see their strength clearly to come to this core area.

But they had only one end, that is, death, and even the rescue team could not wait for it to be killed and eaten by alien beasts.

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