"Boss, what should I do now!?" Li

Dayan was also panicked now, not knowing what to do at all.

He is a little brother, following Zhang Ze just to get money, he doesn't want to lose his life here.

Now it is obvious that Lin Tian has killed crazy!

Next, it will definitely be his turn to talk

to Zhang Ze!! Zhang Ze did not reply, he knew that he was already difficult to protect himself.

He only hoped that the drone would come quickly, but in fact, there were still two minutes before the drone came.

"You, give it to me!" Zhang

Zeyi gritted his teeth and directly pushed Li Dayan out.

Li Dayan: "....."

Boss, don't take you like this."

Before he could pull out his bow and arrow, Lin Tian waved his hand lightly, and an ice thorn struck and pierced his body.

"It's cold to the heart, this guy is not saved."

Xiang Ling Jie shook his head and said, "Pay attention in the next life." "

Let him follow Zhang Ze's ass, from the time he agreed to assassinate Lin Tian, his end was already doomed.

It's not just him, in fact, the end of these five people is already doomed, and they can't change a little.

"Old, boss..."

Li's big eyes burst into tears, and his body was cold, not knowing whether it was the cause of the ice gun or the fear of death.

He didn't want to die just like that, and one hand touched the place where it was penetrated, feeling the sticky blood flowing out.

The other hand slowly stretched out, as if to grab Zhang Ze and let him save himself.

But at this time, Zhang Ze was already frightened and stupid, his body couldn't stop shaking, where would he care about Li Dayan.


! Don't come here!" "How could I Zhang Ze die here! This can't be!!"

He slapped Li Dayan's hand away, and then ran back with a loud scream.

He just wanted to get out of here quickly, away from Lin Tian, and the farther away he was, the better.

But before he ran a few steps, he suddenly stopped, his eyes full of horror.

In front of him, two suspended ice guns were aimed directly at his body.

Just as he wanted to retreat, a chilling feeling of bone-piercing surged all over his body, and he suddenly turned his head to look.

Behind him, there are also two ice guns up to two meters long, which will penetrate his body as long as he takes half a step back.

"I, I was wrong, Brother Lin!" As

the ice spears in front and behind approached him, Zhang Ze had no choice, standing there motionless and begging for mercy.

It can be seen that his pants are already wet and he is already scared to pee.

But how could Lin Tian let him go, killing his heart, that is to say that he can collect it?

Besides, Zhang Ze is a scumbag, letting him live is a waste of air.

"What I told you last time, the next meeting will not be as simple as a slap.

Lin Tian walked in front of Zhang Ze and said in an icy tone.

"I, I really knew it wrong this time. "

Please let me go, Brother Lin, spare my life, I promise never to appear in front of you again, I can swear to the sky!"

Zhang Ze was still begging for mercy, trying to arouse the goodwill in Lin Tian's heart, even a little.

As long as he can live now, he is willing to do anything, as long as he can live.

Seeing his ugly face, Lin Tian couldn't help but sneer.

"It's late. A

snap of his fingers shot out, and four ice guns stabbed at Zhang Ze's legs and arms.


Zhang Ze let out a painful scream, he had never felt such pain in his life.

Watching blood flow out of these four penetrated places, the fear in his heart was instantly magnified ten thousand times.

"Please, please, don't kill me!"

Zhang Ze still kept begging for mercy, hoping that Lin Tian would spare him.

However, at this moment, a roar came, and I only saw a dozen strange beasts running towards this side.

I don't know if I was attracted by the smell of blood or how, the most conspicuous of which was a very large beast with a body covered with a lot of steel.

That's right, this is the most powerful alien beast in this abandoned town in the core area

, the Steel Storm Bear! The alien beasts next to it are all level 19, and the level of this Steel Violent Bear has reached level 27.

"Oh, I actually found it myself. "

Xiang Ling Jie picked up the giant shield and prepared for battle.

They came here precisely to kill this steel bear.

Now they don't need to look for it, they took the initiative to find it, which is quite good.

"Steel.... Steel Bear!!" Seeing

the appearance of this strange beast, Zhang Ze's face changed in an instant.

Today I really want to let myself die here, it's Lin Tian again, it's Steel Bear...

Forced to endure the pain in his body, he quickly looked at Lin Tian, and his voice begging for mercy became louder: "Please, please let me go! Brother Lin!" "

You can do whatever you want, as long as you are willing to let me go, take me out of here!

Seeing this, Zhang Ze's eyes suddenly lit up, thinking that there was hope.

But who knows, in the next second, Lin Tian directly let go and returned to Xiang Ling Jie's side.

"Ah, Brother Lin!?" Zhang Ze was stunned.


At this time, as the roar of the steel violent bear fell, the alien beasts next to him all ran towards Zhang Ze.

Several of the strange beasts bit up the already dead Zhang Deqian and Li Dayan, and then left here.


Ze panicked, but before he could finish speaking, the ice spear moved again and pierced his neck, killing him.

From the beginning to now, even killing five people, Lin Tian did not feel the slightest discomfort.

Because in his opinion, what he killed was only five strange beasts, and these five people just happened to look like people.

In this way, after Zhang Ze died, the remaining two exotic beasts ran over and bit his arm, taking him away as well.

The beasts left in the same direction, and there seemed to be their lair.

And Zhang Ze and these people became their food, ready to take back to the old nest to enjoy slowly.

Soon, all the alien beasts disappeared, and only the alien beast of the Steel Storm Bear was left here.

It was not difficult to see that it had targeted Lin Tian.

As the alien beast king of this abandoned town, it can also feel the danger level of Lin Tian, a human being, and today it can only survive with him.


let out a roar like a demonstration, and the bear's paw slammed into the ground, shattering the ground.

In an instant, the dangerous aura of violence spread wildly outward.

It is worthy of being a level 27 beast, and just such a movement can give people a strong sense of oppression.

"Go together?" asked Xiang Ling Jie as he looked at Lin Tian.

In fact, he didn't want to ask, but ah, when he encountered a foreign beast before, every time Lin Tian would rush up alone to solve all the foreign beasts.

So he was wondering if it would be the same this time....

And just as he thought, Lin Tian shook his head and said with a smile: "Let me come." "

This walking odd point, how could Lin Tian miss it.

"Sure enough!" he slapped Ling Jie on the head.

Harm, level 27 alien beasts dare to fight alone, buddy is really strong! Just two words: admire!!

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