"I'll go, buddy, how many moves do you still have not made..." Looking

at the small realm formed by the power of the ice element, Xiang Ling Jie couldn't help but say.


this time, a large number of purple lightning bolts appeared around Lin Tian's body, flickering and jumping wildly, and these lightning bolts were all concentrated on the ice gun in his hand.

His gaze froze, and without any nonsense, he threw it out with all his might.


This ice spear that condensed the power of the electric element hit the steel storm bear with precision.

Although it had not yet been killed, this blow left a deep wound on its body, and a large amount of blood flowed out.

Its face has also become more hideous and terrifying due to the appearance of wounds.

Although none of these attacks killed the Steel Bear, they shocked all those who watched the live stream.

For a while, everyone began to realize one thing.

Lin Tian, he seems to really be able to do a person who will be a steel violent bear.... Kill !!


The battle continued, and Lin Tian used the power of the electric element to make his movement speed reach the extreme.

With this super speed, the steel storm bear couldn't touch him at all, and Lin Tian completely teased him like a dog.

But if you look closely, you can find that Lin Tian not only did not let the steel violent bear touch him, he also attacked.

Yes, while dodging the attack, Lin Tian was still using the ice gun in his hand to constantly stab the weak parts of the steel bear's body that were not protected by steel.

Each thorn that falls leaves a wound that is neither deep nor shallow, and the wound becomes more and more tired with one blow after another.

Soon, except for the place covered by steel, the steel bear's body was full of wounds visible to the naked eye.


finally, after a new wound appeared, it couldn't stand it anymore.

With a roar, a red aura suddenly appeared on its body.

Some high-level alien beasts will get moves, and this Steel Storm Bear's move is [Berserk].

Once this move is activated, it will completely lose its mind and become a combat monster that only knows how to kill.

This is a disadvantage, correspondingly, the strength and speed of the alien beast will be greatly increased after turning on the berserk.

His legs were so hard that he stepped directly on the ground and made a small pit.

Its speed was much faster than I didn't know just now, and it flew towards Lin Tian's position.

Change to someone else, see the steel storm bear pounce like this and choose to run 100%.

But Lin Tian was different, his legs stood firmly, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

"Come, Bibi Power!" In

an instant, the power was completely concentrated on the legs, and then transmitted to the arms.


both hands pushed forward, and pressed against the big palm of the steel bear.

The ground under the feet of a beast and a person exploded, and the two forces collided madly, and Lin Tian was not inferior to the power of the steel violent bear.

Even, he seems to be pressing over little by little....!You

can see that the legs of the steel bears are sliding backwards, little by little, a small but indeed backward.

This proves that it is really inferior to Lin Tian in terms of strength.

For a while, everyone who saw this scene was shocked.

After turning on the berserk, the strength of the steel storm bear is at least twice as strong, and Lin Tian can even compete with it, and even take some advantages...


the same time, Lin Tian's full strength suddenly tightened and exerted force, and the increase in strength instantly overwhelmed the steel violent bear.

Taking advantage of the gap behind it, the ice gun in Lin Tian's hand reappeared, his eyes flashed with purple lightning, and the whole person disappeared in the next second.


Before he could react, the steel bear was stabbed out of his thigh again.

It couldn't feel pain when it was in a berserk, and when it found Lin Tian appearing, it raised his slap and slapped it hard.

But its speed was still not as fast as Lin Tian, and after easily dodging it, it stabbed a blood hole in its other thigh.

Now it can be seen that the steel violent bear has countless wounds on his body, and his whole body is bleeding.

Another palm slapped over, and Lin Tian withdrew backwards, this time without continuing to stab at it.


Looking at the wounds on the Steel Bear's body, Lin Tian smiled with satisfaction.

Yes, these small wounds naturally cannot kill it, but what can really kill it is hidden under these small wounds.

"What is Lin Tian preparing to do?" Xiang Lingjie was a little puzzled.

It seems that Lin Tian has the upper hand, why don't he continue to attack the Steel Storm Bear.

"I don't know. Shen Qiqi also couldn't understand.

But she knew that Lin Tian must have a reason for doing this.

As an assassin, Xia Qingyou naturally discovered something wrong a long time ago.

Those wounds all carried the power of the electric element, and entered the body of the steel storm bear through the wound.

Yes, as she discovered, every time Lin Tian pierced the body of the Steel Storm Bear, he would punch some electric elemental power into its body.

The more wounds, the more electrical elemental power enters its body.

The Steel Bear is thick-skinned and difficult to kill from the front with an attack.

But think about it from another angle, the front is not good, the inside of the body is different!


With a roar, the steel violent bear opened its mouth and rushed towards Lin Tian with all his strength.

Seeing that it was getting closer and closer to him, Lin Tian was very calm, and even put away the ice gun in his hand.

The thunder and lightning around him dissipated and converged towards the fingertips.

"Thunder, come!" fell

, a simple snap of his fingers, and in an instant, the steel bear's body emitted an incomparably huge thunder energy fluctuation.

In a berserk state, it didn't realize this at all, and still rushed towards Lin Tian.

But just when it was about to bite Lin Tian's head with its big mouth.


The power of the electric element that had previously entered the body completely exploded, like a time bomb, and it ushered in an explosion at this moment.

In just a few seconds, the steel bear was scorched black with electricity, and there was no more vitality.

Then he just heard 'Boom!' and it fell to the ground and died.

Such a most dangerous and powerful beast in this college entrance examination was now solved by Lin Tian alone.

[Kill the level 27 alien beast Steel Storm Bear, odd point +70]

The voice of the system came, and the smile at the corner of Lin Tian's mouth couldn't help but deepen a little.

Just as he killed the Steel Bear, his level was also increased, from level 22 to level 23.

And in addition to the odd points and levels, the 500 points for killing the Steel Bear have also arrived.

The score of 500 per person is added to the integrator of the four of them at the same time in an instant, and the four of them are currently in the first place in the city's score ranking, each with a score of up to 1500!

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