
they are a group of soldiers, they were also responsible for guarding the college entrance examination last year.

They remember very well that last year, the first place in the city's score ranking in the college entrance examination was only more than 700 points.

This year's college entrance examination is more difficult, how can someone get 1500 points.

For a while, this group of soldiers all felt that this was fake, and this candidate should be talking nonsense.

If he said he had scored 400 points, the group might have believed it.

Although the difficulty of this year's college entrance examination is high, as long as the overall strength of the team is good, plus better cooperation, there is still hope to get 400 points.

But as soon as this candidate opened his mouth, he said that he had obtained 1500 points, which is impossible, absolutely impossible.

Don't say it's them, anyone who hears this can't believe it!"


Ling Jie smiled proudly, didn't say much nonsense, and directly put the integrator in his hand in front of the soldier.

The above is shown very clearly, with a score of 1500 points.

"Groove!!" Seeing

that they really got 1500 points, these soldiers were so shocked that their faces changed drastically, and they could only exclaim in a groove.

I can't say anything else, obviously this year's college entrance examination is the most difficult, why can they get such a high score...

These four people, it's open!!!"

"Hehe, believe it now."

Xiang Ling Jie rubbed the tip of his nose and pushed Lin Tian to the front, "This my buddy, this time 1500 points, it is not an exaggeration to say that 1300 points are all obtained by him!" "

Hey, fatty..."

Lin Tian was a little confused, how could he push himself out.

Xiang Ling Jie patted him on the shoulder and said with a smile: "Okay, don't be modest, Lin Tian."

Shen Qiqi and Xia Qingyou nodded in agreement.

Indeed, out of the 1,500 points in this college entrance examination, at least 1,300 points were obtained by Lin Tian alone.

"1,300 points per person..." The

soldiers felt that they had suffered a great shock.

Several of them even subconsciously put their hands into their pockets, wanting to take out a cigarette and smoke a suppressed shock.

But they forgot that smoking is not allowed standing here, so there is no smoke in the pocket at all.

Watching Lin Tian's four people walk away, they still felt incredible.

After handing the integrator to the teacher waiting here, the four of them left.

After waiting an hour, their results were completely set.

Lin Tian's four ranked first with 1500 points (two in Yuyang No. 3 Middle School and two in Yuyang No. 1 Middle School).

The second place Son Tiandao four scored 960 points (Kyoto top one middle school four).

Zhang Shuyang, who finished third, scored 500 points (four in the magic capital).


At this time, the candidates also came out of the abandoned town.

At this moment, all they were discussing was Lin Tian's four people.

"1500 points, how many exotic beasts have been killed here..."

"I heard that Lin Tian seems to have killed the steel violent bear, that one is worth 500 points, it's not too bullish!" "I remember that Lin Tian

is obviously a level 8 little mage, why has he suddenly become so powerful now, he won't really open and hang!" "

Open and hang without such fierceness! 1500 points, what is this concept!


a while, not only here, but also the names and scores of Lin Tian's four began to spread wildly outside.

The performance video of their college entrance examination was transmitted, and a person who saw it was shocked by his super strength.

It is most difficult to get 1500 points in the college entrance examination, which is undoubtedly breaking the record of the college entrance examination in previous years.

It can be said that the four of Lin Tian have completely created a miracle, and perhaps no second person can break a miracle!

At this time, Lin Tian has returned to the school and is currently in the principal's room.

From the beginning of entering the school to before entering the principal's room, a group of students surrounded him, and he couldn't walk.

They were all applauding themselves, and the scene was called spectacular.

Even many female classmates directly expressed their love to Lin Tian.

They learned that Lin Tian did not have a girlfriend, they all wanted to add Lin Tian a contact information, try to understand and develop in depth! Lin Tian

only felt dizzy, he had thought that he would be very popular after the college entrance examination.

But he didn't know it would be so popular, beyond imagination!

"That, Lin Tian, you drink tea."

Xu Liang, principal of Yuyang No. 3 Middle School, smiled on his face.

He personally poured a cup of tea for Lin Tian and handed it over.

This degree of politeness has been directly full, giving people the feeling that he is a student and Lin Tian is the principal.

But this is also normal, after all, because of Lin Tian, his Yuyang Third Middle School has turned over into the ranks of top middle schools from today onwards!

"Principal, how can even you..."

Lin Tian was speechless, this sense of contrast was too strong, and he really couldn't stand it.

"Just be normal, don't be so polite.

"Hahaha, look what you said, Headmaster, I'm not always so polite to people.

Xu Liang smiled, immediately stepped into the subject, and asked, "How about it, Lin Tian, have you decided which vocational university to go to?"


It's not decided, but it's definitely one of the three top vocational universities.

The three top vocational universities are: Shengwu University, God of War University, and Mingxin University.

Among them, God of War University is the university with the most combat occupations, and the most of them are the professions such as warriors.

Myeongshin University is a dream university for many auxiliary careers.

And Shengwu University is more comprehensive, there are all kinds of professions here.

These three top vocational universities, Lin Tian didn't know which one to go to for a while, and asked Xia Qingyu when he waited for the evening.

Anyway, I have a system in my body, and it makes no difference which university I go to.

"I haven't thought about it yet.

"Okay, you go back and think about it, in short, with your grades, which vocational university is asking you to attend, including the three top vocational universities." Speaking

of this, the smile on Principal Xu's face became even brighter.

Just looked at Lin Tian like a treasure, and said with a smile: "Let me tell you directly, these three top vocational universities have already contacted me before the college entrance examination is over."

"They make it clear that they want you to join their school, and they're willing to make all kinds of conditions, as long as you agree to go to their school." "

To put it simply, these three top vocational universities are begging you to go, Lin Tian!" the

principal said and touched his big bald head, and also laughed.

"This..." The corners of Lin Tian's mouth couldn't help twitching.

After a college entrance examination, I really became fragrant?

"Okay, I know, principal, I'll think about it seriously when I go back."

With a simple sentence, Lin Tian left the principal's room and left the school to go home.

When he arrived home, he did not go back to his own house, but went back to Xia Qingyu's home next door.

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