The person who knocked on Lin Tian's door today was Xia Qingyou.

Opening the door, before Lin Tian could open his mouth, Xia Qingyou suddenly handed over a large meat bun.

"Eh..." Looking

at the big meat bun in his hand, Lin Tian was a little confused.

Seeing this, Xia Qingyou sighed, took the bun again and stuffed it into Lin Tian's mouth.

"You just eat it, this big meat bun my mother steamed in the morning, and it doesn't squeak when you eat it." "

Hmm..." Lin Tian took a bite, savored it, and his eyes suddenly lit up, "Indeed, it is indeed quite fragrant." At

this time, Xia Qingyu's mother came out.

"Aunt Xue is good. Lin Tian habitually stretched out his hand and said hello.

"Good, good, you too, Lin Tian.

As soon as Aunt Xue saw Lin Tian, she showed a kind smile on her face, "I don't know how long it will take for you to meet today."

"When you have time, remember to call your aunt and let her see you."

Lin Tian smiled and nodded: "Got it, Aunt Xue."

"Okay, Mom, we're ready to go."

Saying that, Xia Qingyou took Lin Tian's arm and went downstairs, and said while going down the stairs, "The school has arranged for us a special car to pick us up and take us to the school, and when I get to the school, I will call you by video."

"Good, good, slow, you guys slow down.

Aunt Xue instructed.

Over the years, although Lin Tian was not her biological son, in her heart, she had long regarded Lin Tian as her own son.

Seeing that Lin Tian and Xia Qingyou were so excellent and excellent, she was really happy in her heart.


By the way, speaking of this month, Lin Tian and Xia Qingyou have been greatly improved, and their levels have also increased by several levels.

Lin Tian's level was upgraded from level 23 to level 26, Xia Qingyou was upgraded to level 22, Xiang Ling Jie was upgraded to level 20, and Shen Qiqi was a little slower, and the current level was level 19.

The increase in level has made them physically much stronger, and at the same time, they have comprehended more powerful skills.

Downstairs, there was indeed a special car waiting for them.

Through the admission letter of Shengwu University, the two of them got into a special car.

The driver looked to be around 30 years old, male, not very high-ranked, named Xiong Dazhuang.

After Lin Tian and Xia Qingyou got on the bus, he briefly said that it would take three hours to reach Kyoto Seitake University from here, and if he was bored, he could play games, and there was a tablet on the car.

And so, it took more than an hour.

While waiting for the traffic light once, Lin Tian suddenly frowned and turned his head to look out the car window.

Xia Qingyou also sensed something, and while looking out the window, he subconsciously summoned a black dagger in his hand.

Just now, both of them felt a very strong killing intent.

It's just that the killing intent only appeared for a moment, and it completely disappeared after that instant.

"Well, what's wrong?"

Xiong Dazhuang noticed the dagger in Xia Qingyu's hand, and couldn't help but have some doubts.

He is a specialized driver, the level is not high, let alone a combat profession, naturally does not have the sensitive perception of Lin Tian and Xia Qingyou.

"Stop on the side of the road first.

Lin Tian was still vigilant around, "If we didn't feel wrong just now, someone was ready to strike at us." "

It's good to get out of the car now, if the car is attacked while driving, then the situation is much more dangerous."

After all, people's movement inside the car is restricted, it is better to be outside, so that it can still be used.

"Someone is going to attack!?" Xiong

Dazhuang suddenly panicked, "So, do you want me to call the school now for support?"

Do you want to call the nearby rescue team over?"

After that, Lin Tian and Xia Qingyou got out of the car together.

As soon as they got out of the car, the two of them felt it again, and the strong killing intent appeared again in an instant.


speaking, they both looked across the road at the same time, where there was a group of people.

And this group of people is walking towards them.

The enemy who exudes a strong killing intent is hiding in this group, it may be one person or two!

"I'll go, you, you have to be careful..." "

If anything is wrong, tell me, I will immediately call for help."

Xiong Dazhuang was still worried.

After all, Lin Tian and Xia Qingyou were the first place in this college entrance examination, and the school sent him over and asked him to be responsible for driving Lin Tian and the two to Shengwu University.

If something happens, his life will be finished!!,

and ah, there is actually a reason why the school sent him such a low-ranking person.

Because of the recent movement of foreign races, the school was worried that they would suddenly make a move at this time, so they deliberately sent such a low-level person as Xiong Dazhuang out, and even the car he drove was not a particularly eye-catching luxury car.

Here, the group of people came step by step, getting closer and closer.

Lin Tian was ready, once the enemy moved, he could guarantee to attack at the first time.

After several people walked past them, suddenly, one of the young men stretched out his hand and grabbed Lin Tian's face.

And many terrible bone spurs suddenly appeared on his hands.

His face also began to change from an ordinary person's face to the face of a monster.

It was the alien

race, the dead bone race!"Ah! Alien race!!" "Run, !!

" "Help


When the passers-by next to them saw this dead bone race, they were all frightened and fled here.

"Be careful, Lin Tian.

Xia Qingyou wanted to use the dagger to help Lin Tian block the bone spur.

But as soon as she stepped forward, she saw that Lin Tian had condensed an earthen shield in his hand.

'Bang!', the earthen shield easily blocked the bone spur's assault.

After blocking it, Lin Tian pushed forward with a little force, and retreated the dead bone clan out.

"Earth element?"

Xia Qingyou looked at Lin Tian with some surprise.

Lin Tian smiled, "The higher the level, the power of this earth element will be mastered." At

this time, the repelled Dead Skeleton Clan completely revealed its true form.

A body composed entirely of bones, without a trace of flesh and blood at all, looks very oozing and terrifying.

A level 35 dead skeleton.

"Actually.... Dead Skeleton Clan!!" Xiong

Dazhuang was suddenly startled, and the phone in his hand fell to the ground in a panic.

However, he was also wondering now how this dead skeleton clan knew their whereabouts.

Obviously, this time to pick up Lin Tian and Xia Qingyu back to Shengwu University, few people know about this...

"The Dead Skeleton Clan, no wonder they can disguise themselves as ordinary people. The

earth shield in his hand dissipated, and Lin Tian looked at the dead skeleton clan and said.

This is the skill of the Dead Bone Clan, as long as it is the human they kill, they can disguise themselves as that human being, and the appearance and smell can be copied one hundred percent

! However, in Lin Tian's opinion, the appearance of this Dead Bone Race is just right!

He and Xia Qingyou have been cultivating for a month, and they are worried that there is no one to let them try their current strength.

This dead skeleton clan can be regarded as catching up!

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