
The man hesitated, not knowing what to say for a while.

Seeing this, the rescuer was even more anxious, put his hand on the man's shoulder, and said urgently: "Hey! Hurry up and say it!!

"She..." the man clenched his fists, "She didn't know why, she ran back into the building


As soon as these words came out, not only the rescuer, but also everyone else present became worried.

They were very strange, how everyone was rescued and ran back into the tall building.

Do you want to leave your life in this burning tall building!?

At this time, several fire trucks drove over, and it was the rescue team that rushed to support.

"Sorry! We came late!! One

of them, who seemed to be the captain, got out of the car and quickly bowed to apologize to everyone.

The first time he came here, he saw so many injured people present, and his heart was very uncomfortable.

In his opinion, all this is because they came a little slowly and did not come in time.

That's why this crisis has become more serious, causing so many people to be injured, and even many people to die directly in high-rise buildings!

"Don't be."

A rescuer at the scene quickly picked him up and said, "You have arrived as fast as you can."

"It's just that this fire appeared too suddenly, and the fire was extremely weird."

The man stood up, still feeling extremely remorseful in his heart.

At this time, a rescuer with a water gun in his hand trotted over.

"Captain! We are ready to put out the fire!

"Now start putting out the fire immediately!"

The captain didn't want to see this fire continue to burn, even for a second!


The man replied and immediately began to extinguish the fire with the others.

At this time, inside the safe passage, Xia Qingyou rushed to the tenth floor as quickly as possible.

She couldn't calm down at all now, very anxious, very worried.

Although she saw that Lin Tian had the power to compete with the alien race.

But after all, it was an alien race, the most dangerous existence for humans, and Lin Tian fought with it alone, and he could be killed at any time!

Hold on, Lin Tian, don't die! I'll be up right away!

Clenching his fists, Xia Qingyou increased his speed and fully exerted the super high speed of his only profession, the Blood Shadow Thorn.

But when I reached the sixth floor and was about to go up to the seventh floor, I turned a corner...

She was stunned for a moment, stopped, and her eyes suddenly widened at this moment.

Yes, she saw Lin Tian, except that the clothes on her body were burned a little, the whole person still looked very spirited.

"Hey, why are you down!?" Xia Qingyou couldn't help but ask.

Lin Tian was a little confused by this.

Blinked his eyes, scratched his head and smiled: "What's wrong, shouldn't I come down?" "

What about the lava fire demon?"


"How did you die??"

"You still need to ask, of course I killed it."

"You killed it??"

"Nonsense, I'm alone here, I didn't kill it, could it be that you killed it!"

"Really fake!? Wait a minute, let me calm down..." Xia

Qingyou felt confused.

In order to calm herself down quickly, she covered her head with both hands and shook it vigorously several times.

"Okay, let's go out first."

"If we don't go out again, we will be steamed."

After that, Lin Tian took Xia Qingyu's hand and led her downstairs.

After all, after the battle just now, he doesn't have much energy to maintain his fire resistance skills now.

If you don't leave this tall building quickly, they will really be steamed.

Before and after this, Xia Qingyou did not struggle at all, allowing Lin Tian to hold her hand.

And she looked at Lin Tian's somewhat black face that was smoked, but her cheeks were slightly red.

Didn't pay attention before, it turned out .... Lin Tian, this guy, looks very handsome.

And being held by him so much actually makes me feel very secure...

Hey, hey, hey! Summer is quiet! What's wrong with me!!

For a while, Xia Qingyou felt that her face was getting hotter and hotter.

I don't know if it's affected by the flames next to me, in short, the whole person can't calm down!


Outside the building, since the lava fire demon was solved by Lin Tian, it became much easier to extinguish this flame.

The group of rescuers who know the water attribute skill in the mage class use the water attribute skill, and the group of people who can't simply use the water gun they brought.

In short, wherever there is fire, they shoot there!

Soon, Xia Qingyou and Lin Tian reached the first floor, and the two of them ran towards the door.

I was excited to be able to leave this tall building soon.

At this time, because the flames at the door had basically been extinguished, a person closer to the door suddenly saw Lin Tian and Xia Qingyou.

The man rubbed his eyes, and after making sure that he was not mistaken, he quickly turned around and shouted to the other rescuers: "Hey! Stop by everyone! Stop it for now!! "

Someone came out of it!!"


Upon hearing this, the eyes of everyone present lit up, and their eyes moved to the direction of the door.

Then they saw Lin Tian and Xia Qingyou running out of the door.

But well, they came out, but no one had any intention of stopping...

Even if a group of people behind them shouted, Lin Tian and Xia Qingyou didn't even bring their heads back, just ran forward.

But just as they kept running forward, they could see that there was another person behind them desperately chasing them.

The man was a journalist by profession, and when he came here, he inquired that a teenager rushed into the fire and saved a child.

For this reason, bearing the name of a reporter, he will interview Lin Tian no matter what!

Listening to Lin Tian personally say what he thought at that time, how dare he rush into the fire.

It's a pity that he, the reporter, can't catch up with Lin Tian and Xia Qingyou even if he tries his best.

Seeing that the distance was being pulled farther and farther away, in desperation, the reporter could only photograph the backs of the two of them.

There is no way to do an interview, and it is okay to shoot the back of a rescue hero!

Here, a rescuer lights a cigarette for himself and a rescuer next to him.

After taking a sharp breath of cigarette and exhaling it, he burst out laughing.

"Do good deeds without leaving a name, this young man can really do it!!"

"Eh, old king." The man next to him also took a puff of cigarette, his brows furrowed slightly.

"I'm still curious, where did the girl next to him come from?"

"Hahaha, people have run away, why don't you care about this."

The rescuer surnamed Wang put his hand on his shoulder and laughed, "It's over for a drink!" I treat you! You pay!

"Okay, eh! Wrong! Why am I paying again!!

"You just said yes, the gentleman is difficult to chase after a word, so happy decision!"

"Okay, okay, then next time you'll have to pay."

"No problem!"

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