Everyone Knows I'm a Good Man

Everyone knows that I am a good man [I wear] End World Dao (Fan) (outside the end of the world ...)

Chapter 42

Ji Changze was not happy here in Wu County, and he was tested to the Liang's main book.

The next subordinates didn't know what happened, actually really love to work, more exaggerated than Wuxian, plus a job immediately after getting working goals, and the Liang's main book actually did "without work manufacturing work. The realm of "upper".

When I got it, he was trying to go according to the last calculation method.

When I asked Ji Zen, the Liang's main book looked up and smiled. The face was full of long-awaiting knowledge: "The students must be enrolled immediately. Adults are not to study the basic students after enrollment. The official is trying Going out the test questions, adults you see if these topics are good? "

Ji Changze saw a few eyes.

After reading, he reported a sincere sympathy for these students who were willing to study.

I just started school, I was already sick enough, and the test questions were so metamorphosis, they didn't cry.

I don't know if I don't know the Billy Book of Ji-Zen, the main book is also very happy to share his thoughts: "The adult is not said that the students don't know how to be high, and they have to comply with their sharpness. Teach? The next official is thinking, waiting until the test has been achieved, their sharpness will probably be suppressed. "

"He stop, the official thinks, they should be fully pressed."

Although the bottom is very sympathetic, the subordinates are actively working, doing the official, how can I not give praise, Ji Changze patted the shoulders of the beam main book, giving highly praised and encouragement, and enjoy the future. Beautiful.

"Very good, Liang's main book is really responsible, you can imagine that you will be very grateful for your heart for the sake of others, and it is right. Is it a bit too much? If you want, you must The book is built, and the people who donate will be more and more, always let the Liang's main book you do alone, this official is thinking, you should reducing your burden. "

The Liang's main book is also immersed in the excitement of the first time. He heard the feelings of the words, and it was more pleasant to the Ji Changze: "Adults, have you finally planned to recruit a few accounts?"

"No, this official is so thinking, it is better to wait until you will teach the students, you can divide the book into small copies, hand it over to them, wait until they are finished, you only need to check it again. It's better to make a summary, so that you can also exercise your student's learning ability, you can also let you rest, and inform you how public and transparent, of course, the most important Still, this official is not tired. "

Ji Changze is very democratically said: "If you think this idea is not good, it is not tight, and this official listens to you."

The beam main book is touched.

Why didn't he think that Ji people actually be considerate, in order to let him not be tired, think of such a good idea of ​​such a stone three bird.

He took a head: "Well, this idea is natural is good, thank you very much for the official."

The Liang's main book grateful to the Changze grateful, and in the end of the heart, there is countless, he can meet the good officials such as Ji people.

Seeing him because of such a good idea to share the pressure, I am grateful, I have forgotten these pressures is that Ji Changze him put it, Ji Changze smiled very comfortable.

Still familiar with the formula, or a familiar taste.

It's okay, it seems that the county is only a person who has changed in Wu County.

Although the Liang's main book seems to be a little bit better than before, it is ok, but it is good, the problem is not big.

Comfortable, Ji Changze continued to view his vegetable field.

Slope, start writing to the old man.

Now that you have gave something, because there is a wealth of experience, Ji Changze has never gone through something, everything is natural and smooth.

Now the college is also open. He is now in the minds of the people of the will, which is the general existence of the fairy. Although as ancient people, they will use the emperor as the heavens in the mind, but Ji Changze is already the sun in the sky.

If this time is the long-standing, the first is the emperor.

These people who teach them in the college will write articles will be aware of the law, and the students who will understand the hampers will also be a pole that supports the long-proof.

Now worry about worry, you can take the success of this time to find the emperor.

He wrote a letter from brush brushing in the study.

Many things that Ji Changze made a lot, but it was necessary to force the emperor to be about the people of the world.

Fertilizer is definitely possible. After all, after fertilization, the food can be significantly increasing. In general, the emperor who is not lacking will take off everyone in the court, put it farther.

Some officials don't care about the people who don't eat, but a normal emperor will.

They know that the people are the foundation of the entire country. One of the people may not be impressed, but a thousand 10,000 100,000 will absolutely.

And the fertilizer that Ji Changze, as long as it promotes so many people, according to his observation, although this is older, but there is no old confused, it is indeed a brain clear. Ming Jun, the fertilizer handed over, he will understand what contribute to the Anguo.

As soon as this is enough, I am so sufficiently to get the emperor's shelter.

As for those who need long verification and use to make money, it is not fully excited.

After writing, he gave this letter to his 32nd heart belly, let him send him to his old man in his hand.

Before leaving, he personally hurts him to send this sender.

He is very roughly holding this long and rough name: "Liu Da, this letter is serious, about our entire Australia, you must hand it over to the official Yuezhang, there must be careful. "

Liu Da shouted his chest. Head, the heart is in the heart.

Adults, I have been able to give him a special person, I can see the importance of this letter, and how to give such an important partner to myself. I believe him.

The more excited, he hated that he must be able to be safely sent safely, after several guarantees, under the line of sight of Ji-Zen, ride a horse to leave the willow.

On this way, Liu Da was resting in accordance with the instructions of the adults. When the rest, he hurriedd the way, and finally went to the Wei House of Beijing.

Wei Diren has been very good in recent days.

The first thing is the lady in the family, and it is no longer like it. It is always in the past, and I can suddenly wake up, and then I am crying to his arms, saying that I dreamed that my daughter is not good.

Since the news of the weeping will will pass to the capital, the Junli came back from the weeping willow, and the lady took a few days a day. There were several gimmicks every day, and they were smile.

Wei Diren is not very clear how his wife is outside the limelight, only knowing that he is not going to sleep, he suddenly woke up.

Today, he is sitting in his own study, looking at the tourism introduction of the weeping willow, it is tickle in your heart, but now I still have to give up because there is still a long holiday.

But thinking about such a weeping willow is what his son-in-law is created, and the mood has become beautiful.

When I finished watching it, I would like to go to fish, I said that I have some individuals outside, claiming to be a weeping will will let the will let the will let the grandfather send to the letter.

Wei Diren slightly: "Let me see it first."

Is the little smash: "The man said that the aunt told this letter to be guilty of him and the lord, no one can pass his hand, don't wait until you personally see him."

Wei Direous was confused.

What did this letter? It turned out to let the son-in-law inform the sender.

It is worthy of a long-lasting person in the official front, and he has flashed many possibilities in his mind.

Discovering the corruption of Shangguan? What is the problem? A son-in-law is a mentally not firmly when the corrupt official is now the east window. Or what is the big girl?

In short, he thinks a lot is not a good thing.

I haven't seen people who have smashed myself, and I have a bit more than before, and I have been stood up: "Where is it? The official will go see him now."

He received a letter to the sender, he took a few more and psychological preparation, which slowly opened.

When I saw this, I saw Ji Changze asked his father. He said that it would be useful to experiment, and it may be useful. If you don't dare to delay, send people to send letters to your father, slightly loose tone.

What is the use of fertilizers written under the bottom, how much the effect is, and the relaxation on the face has turned into a full face, just a few words, hard to repeat, and read it several times to be confident. Is it wrong?

I saw that Ji Changze said that his test has already used fertilizers, guaranteeing true, and also doing experiments in the soil of the weapon, and even worshiped some of the soils all over the world to ensure that fertilizers are on these soils. It can be useful, it is not clear whether all soils can be used, and the son-in-law, I am just a small sagusichi area. It is really no way to collect the soil of the country. When he breathed.

If you really say that this good thing is used in the country, how many people can avoid hunger.

Even if the conservations say that the above-year-old Ze said, only the name of the place he got through the soil, which is also amazing.

His first reaction is that this fertilizer must be dedicated to Your Majesty.

Obviously, Ji Changze is also thinking about it. He also stated that Fang Zi is here, his father-in-law can make people make people make people, and the experiment ensures that the fact is dedicated to His Majesty.

He wrote again, if this is effective, Your Majesty may want to celebrate him, plus his achievements in the weeping willow, the biggest possibility will transfer him to the capital, but he will continue to play this side. Base, there are still many things to do, at this moment, I really can't rest assured. I hope that the father-in-law can ask Your Majesty. If it is really a Jiaoda, I will give my work to my father-in-law. He only hopes to be able to govern the weeping willow, dedicate to His Majesty More than a few times more than the year.

Seeing this, the Wei people have feeling a bit wrong.

This son-in-law talks, how is this official, he is not like this when he is coming.

When I touched the envelope, he found that there is still a letter in it.

When you look out, this letter is more than the previous letter.

It is righteous thing to say: Yue Father, you remember to give another letter to his own, let him see how loyal to the Anzone, and I don't want to leave the Liuyuyi, because there is still a lot of things in the willow Do it, on the other hand, my achievement is still not enough enough to be happy in Beijing. I am a boss. I am holding me. I said what to do, but I went to the capital, I said, I am sure. I am not a bird, even if I want to do anything, I don't want to do anything, and there is a lady. She is pregnant. Even if the child is born, I am still too small. I really don't worry, so I'm going to your father. What?

Wei Diren looked at this letter and nodded.

Yes, this is the son-in-law he knows.

He pressed the excitement of his heart. Forcing his face, he would not be so happy to see it. Dry cough and a few sounds, to send a letter to the humanitarian: "This official has some words to say to Changze, you first Take a little in the government. "

He wants to ensure that the dust will be written to the son-in-law.

The progress is very smooth.

After the fertilizer made, the Wei people made people get the soil and the seeds that can be quickly mature. They have opened up a small yard specialized in the government. They live in and personally.

He is told by the son-in-law. The test field is divided into four, one is not adding fertilizer, a piece of adds a small amount, a piece of normal amount, there is a plus a plus, then observe the same seed of the same seed Potential.

The experimental results are soon come out, and it is as good as the son-in-law says.

After letting the chicken ate the test, observed this chicken, found that it was still as well as before, the Wei people were excited to send the dishes and chickens to the kitchen, and made a stewed chicken and fried greens.

A delicious chicken and vegetables were eaten, feel that the taste of ordinary chicken and ordinary dishes were completely excited, and he was excited.

On the afternoon, Wei Diren came into the palace and went to the hysterer and also took the letter.

The emperor is indeed like a good emperor, which is a good emperor, although he is not too smart, but it is absolutely not stunned. The sons underneath gradually grow, he didn't engage in "raising tiny looks, who Whoever is sitting on the throne, there is no deliberately biased which, but always maintains the balance between them, silently observing which son is suitable for sitting on the throne.

He doesn't love to enjoy, but it will not be wronged. If you like the beauty but will not break the balance of the Haiyong, dedicated to the children and children, there is nothing to work, but there is nothing wrong, it can be said that an emperor is quite flat.

But sitting in this position, who doesn't want to build a national business, who doesn't want to make a little name, to the future generations, will mention that he is boasting, but he is relatively awake, knowing that he has no ability to toss.

But he didn't have this ability, his officials have.

I heard the efficacy of this fertilizer from the Wei Dawei, no longer standing directly from the position; "When?"

"The minister did not dare to bullish it, this is the fertilizer made by the minister, and the next trial."

So, after the end of the Wei people personally seeded, the emperor also told people to open up a place in the hometown, with excitement and excitement, repeating the matter before the Wei people.

After waiting until the district is getting up, send someone to take a hen to eat vegetables. Does it to see if there is a poison. After that, this chicken is not immediately after the river, the river, the bridge command, and the old hen to stew this process. Make a hair.

Of course, as an emperor, he is more than the Emperor's steps, waiting to determine that the eunuch is fine, he is sitting in front of the chicken soup and the church, with full excitement, finished the representative He can leave a "let this generation of food harvest" meals in history.

The emperor is a rare temper, and he respects the choice of Ji Changze.

Of course, it does not rule out those who express the imperialism in this letter. "I am willing to die for the emperor, I will stay in the emperor, I will stay in the weeping willow, I want to gain a good governance for your hurt." .

The emperor naturally missed the long-term, it was a specialty of the thief. He only felt that these are the loyalty of the lungs. This letter is the Changze to write to Yue Bazizu. I also wrote some people in front of some homes.

What is the good meal like a good meal than before, I have to stay with her to go to the Yue Yue, I can safely live your grandchildren or granddaughter.

What else is there? Yuanhua is enough to give birth to the mother-in-law? I am studying another scented pancry, etc. At first, the first one gives the mother-in-law hope that the mother-in-law can be happy.

The subtranes in the county have recently been very hard, because Mr. I opened is not enough, they have to go to the top, the recent hair is, Xiaoxi specially to find a famous doctor in next door. Keep your hair, your father-in-law is also very ligated for the court, although the hair is still there, it can also prevent it, the medicated square is here, you can try a try, etc.

So much trivial things, the words are full, and when you look at your own people, if you know that this letter will let him do his father-in-law to come here, will you write?

So the loyal definitely faithful that he is behind him is really true, and there is no holiday.

And this Ji-Zen is clearly clear, how big is the fertilizer, but he is not willing to give this credit, and even put forward this credit to your father-in-law.

The father and son do not necessarily make such a concession. He can, when such a corrupt official can't fight, suddenly there is such a faithfulness and embarrassment. The goods outside. The goods are all Not the same pure, the emperor is difficult to get a good sense of this small knowledge.

He called the "Archives" of Ji Changze. It is ready to understand his faithful hero. As a result, he is actually an avian, and the brow is a wrinkle.

Although it is the tail of the EMI, it is not to be sent to the small place like the weeping will to make a small childhood.

And he is still the son-in-law of the Yu Yizhen. Although this Wei Qing has always been, it will not help relatives to take the relationship, but they can do it with the long-term Wall, which is the county.

The emperor guess it in this, let people find it.

He wants to find something, naturally check it out.

This is a good life, which is full of faithfulness. It is actually deliberately removed from the capital, and sent it to the places like this.

Everyone knows what the poorer doesn't do anything. It is not good to succeed. Wei Qing himself is absolutely refused to help the women's son-in-law. If it is not the long-standing, it has a good thing in the water. I am afraid that I can only be a minimalist official.

The emperor angry.

You have your own careful thinking, you know, you don't want to be careful with you, but you have to be such a heart, you can make it useful, and you can use the Anguo Have a distance from the poorest place, and you will die.

If it is not a fertilizer, I am afraid that I will know such a belly sincere, I am willing to go to the people, and the people who have the same work.

The more you want to be too angry, then I will find that the Ji Zhurus will become the Tropical dragon of Wei Jia, because of his son, the woman does not want to let the families who are good, and the Miss Wei Jia married into the royal, and actually started this The following means, let Wei Jia Miss have to marry Ji Changze, it is replacing her, becoming the emperor side.

The Emperor has a gas.

When is the royal person who wants to marry and I have to have a woman of the court.

He is overcast, you want to do a good job of doing practical things, but it is not good to say that the father's side is not good.

But don't matter.

The emperor said to people under the bottom: "Go with the Queen, I will go to her."

His father is not stunned, and the queen of her mother-in-law is a matter of course.

If this is not good, it is not good to expose, and the woman also has something pregnant. He can't wait to let his son have abolished her side.

There is no such a poisonous mind without a pavilion, and if it is the emperor, it is not more rampant.

Although it can be seen from the letter, the husband and wife of Wei Jia and Wei Jia, who is very loving, but because of his loyalty (sweet words), the emperor still thinks him.

Such a good courter, he remembered it in his heart.

Don't want to leave the weeping willow? Simple, let him do a local knowledge, and the weeping will will be treated under him, perfect.

So the emperor did one thing.

He didn't just say that the Sunday of Ji-Zen said in the face of Wenwu, and it is also great to boast his loyal patriotic heart. He is not just giving Ji Changze to the knowledge, and he also gave the Wei people. Official.

I only heard that the courtiers got well to the lady and the mother, but he had never heard of the son-in-law to do good father-in-law.

For a time, almost everyone looks great to the sight of the Wei's adult.

How do they don't have such a good son-in-law.

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