Everyone Knows I'm a Good Man

Everyone knows that I am a good man [fast] Houfu (4) (how to quickly defeat the slag ...)

Ji Changze is recuped in the house, and naturally, I don't know what happened outside, but I still have a loyal little donkey.

This kid is small, the mouth is sweet, and it is a close-fitted little girl who raises the nine brothers around him. In the whole Houfu, no matter what you are doing, you are willing to give him a little more.

Timing is also afraid that the long-standing is bored in the house. Every day, I have to listen to the gossip to share with his master.

On the morning of the morning, he told his wife with a big trick.

"I don't know what is arguing, the master can be angry, I went to the Ni Niang house yesterday, I heard that the big brother was also reprimed, but also said that the big brother is weak is drinking, to stop the drug to the big brother. "

The face is full of feasts: "Frowned ladies rushed the fast, and moved out of Hou Ye, Hou Ye sent people to pull the old man, or the big brother was scared, and did not let the medicine, What else is it? "

The Chang Ze is listening to, if you think.

In the remember of the original, Ji Master is the image of severe reprisal every time in front of him, but the original land of revenge has not remembered this father's hatred, but more respected to each other.

After all, in the original brain circle, if the father does not pay attention to him, how can he come to the study.

Didn't look at so many brothers, in addition to the big brother, will he be reprimanded by my father?

When I think about it, every time I suddenly squat out of my wife, I was in the conflict of his wife.

He said that the Mrs. Ji is still like the way to make the Ji Ji's way. After all, the lady is nowhere to him, he is a hundred people, I will come back. She is only. Will tell the opponent casual.

So, Ji Master came to reprimand her two baby son.

By cracking down on the way to make a distressed man, I can't say anything, but I can't say anything. After all, he is the father of two children. The father of the father is the sky, she is stopped next to it, it is not light. It will also fall a reputation of a kindness of the mother.

Ji Master's forty years old, for the official, two decades, children in groups, thirteen of daughter, twenty-two son, whether it is still at home, it is a windy light.

Do he rely on himself?

No, he went out that Hou Ye father, at home, is the singer to help him deal with his children.

Otherwise, with him, he only looks like the beauty, and it is necessary to pick it up. If you have a child, you will be lazy to look at the sex of the child, and the backyard has been chaotic.

And he is not ashamed, but in turn, he also regards his child as a tool to punish the audience.

It's hard to say.

Sure enough, I will not have the long-eaten, and I am in Barabra which is the young master and which young master playing. Which Miss is given to the Mrs. Ji embroidered a pillow necklace, because he is getting a disease The door is opened from the outside.

Ji Master came in.

Honest, Ji Master's five senses are good, but long-term longitudinally leading to his older than the same age, plus two big tears and dark circles, wrinkles on the face and long beards, clear forty Years, hard than the same age.

And when he is cold, it is more old.

He first glanced at the people in a circle, cold tang: "Give me out!"

The people who worry about people are concerned about the long-term, especially when adding ink, and paying attention to the two words.

I also brought it to the show, it is very afraid that I will not let him go.

In fact, it is close to the two, and the fast and small channels of adding ink: "Quickly ask someone to ask your grandfather to save."

Titting Yugi, I nodded, and the old Hou Ye lived in the courtyard of the nine brothers. If you want to ask your elders to save, it is natural to be faster.

Other people are not at ease, but in the case of the master, they are the master of them. Why don't you want to stay a person, you can only go back to the door.

Ji Changze is still trying to treat Jikai, now seeing himself clear, and suddenly.

He is still thinking about it in the face of so many people.

This is really sleepy, someone will send a pillow.

Ji Master did not pay attention to the expression on the face of the son, waiting for someone to clear, he began to shoot:

"I turned over your homework, what is going on? How to make this ghost look ?! Have you read the dog's belly?"

This is probably the only place in Ji Master, and every time I come to anger the son, I will find an excuse.

Father is not working hard, isn't it normal?

I used to be very normal before, and even if I didn't care about myself. How did he care about his homework, and strictly hope that he can become talents.

Now ...

The little boy on the bed seems to go to bed, but it is slightly, it seems that there is no strength, it can only rely on the bed, whispered:

"The son has dyed the cold, the head is faint, and it is inevitable that it is not better than before, and Mr. is also aware, and the son will go home to prevent disease."

Ji Master did not have to apologize from his son sincerely, and some did not respond to a second.

what happened.

I used to apologize directly before, and then embarrassed to be blamed?

How did he explain it?

After the reaction, Ji Master is more excited.

Especially looking at the face of the long face of the Changze, "This is not my fault, why do you want me to blame me?

He is dedicated to let this son who are reprimanded so so that the lady knows the end of him, but not to explain.

"There is a little cold, I will not go to the school, I can't eat half a bit, how can I take the exam in the future? If you put in a poor, you are hungry!"

"It's really a low-hearted thing with your brother, I have a Houfu, how can you know the child!"

This is just a thirty-year-old teenager who will definitely let the other person shy and feel inferior. If you can't wait to find a slit on the ground.

However, Ji Changze is not.

He seems very angry and ambiguous, not only if his father is willing to tend to repent, but return to a sentence:

"If the father feels that his son is a mother, why is it to accommodate her? The son is not able to play his father, how is the son?"

CII, Ji Changze continued to output: "Father said that his son didn't know how to go up, can you not have a name in the list? Son, how do you have to be angry?"

Ji Master is unbelievable to look at the son who dares and his mouth and his face.

"You! Do you dare to ask for the father ?!"

Ji Changze: "The son did not dare."

"Is it not honest?"

Dare to dare, anyway, the door is close to others, he is how it is.

"you you!"

Don't read the cinema every day, a spring breeze is very prosperous. The light is unlimited, but it is just to his fox dog friends and at home.

He is a fart on the championship, which is also a happy family.

Nowadays, he is poked by his thirteen, how he can't be angry.

The hands of Ji Lao is trembling, pointing at Ji Changze, you have been half a day, and finally decided to solve the problem, the line of sight has changed in the house a few laps did not find the title tool, and turned and pushed.

The outside of the outside is quiet and quiet. Suddenly, the masculine is full of angry, and when you look at a few laps, you will pick up the wooden stick used to swear the leaves, and then rush into the house.

Then, it was almost immediately immediately came to the panoramic sound: "Come on!! Come! Father wants to kill me !!"

When I added the first reaction, I rushed in, and I blocked it before the Jade bed: "Master! The master can't play! The nine brothers still have hot, and the body is still not good!"

Ji Changze showed a head after adding, facing sad: "The doctor said that his son should take a good rest, otherwise the condition must be aggravated, your father is a big gas, waiting for his son, his son is handled."

Said, he seems to be stimulated by the behavior of the Ji Master, dramatic coughing: "Cough and cough and cough, father, please ask your father to love your son, cough ..."

"Nine brothers, nine brothers, are you nothing ??"

Tim Yugu was shocked, hurriedly squat:

"Master, I really can't hit it. If you watch the nine brothers, what is it being made, ask your master to let go of the nine brothers today!"

Next to the people are also squatting in the bed: "Ask your grandfather to let go of the nine brothers."

I was angry with a half-dead, I didn't touch Ji Changze, and now I am inexplicably become a long-awaited. The Ji Master he called: "???"

He is shaking the hand of the stick: "Do you dare to stop me? Go away !!"

In the house, it is a group, and the monk who has been rushing will bring people.

She also knows that the master is really, she may stop, and the teeth send people to the old Hou Ye.

"What is this ?!"

She saw the stick in Ji Master holding the stick and hiding the little son behind the Toy, the face was a black.

Ji Master saw her and smiled.

The cleverness of others will be here, just no one knows what he has said to Ji Changze, then how does he say how he said to the long-term, naturally, it can only be used by his father to draw .

After all, do your son, how to dare to refute it.

Ji Master clear the scorpion, looking for a good condition, opening: "Look at the good son you taught, he ..."

"Mother !!! Mother !!!"

The Ji-Zen, who was attacked in the bed, made a sad and sad cry, as if struggling to get up from the bed, hiding a distressed man, caught his hand after the monk.

Ji Master was in full glance. When he didn't even whisper, he was still there and not hot, and he was in the age of Ji Ji, and immediately smoothed and more wronged.

That look, it is just like him with a person who has just poked to his own pain.

The long face is sad and sad.

"Mother! Father said his son, I don't know how to move, but also said that my son has a low child of the maternal mother. She will take a stick to play son, mother, my son doesn't know what to do, let my father hate me, I can only send it. Let the father disposal. "

"But he still said that his sticks broke out of the stick, he opened me today, and no one can manage it."

Said, Ji Changze looked back at the old man who was stunned, and the old Hou Ye who just entered the yard.

In addition: "I also said that my grandfather ... grandfather can't manage."

"Do you think so?"

Originally, the door to the door, the door is too good to avoid the light Ji Master almost did not be smirked by his familiar.

"Inverter !! Today, don't say your mother, your grandfather, even my grandfather is coming, I still want to kill you here!"

The long Zerse shrushed, as afraid of it, the red eyes shouted against the hospital: "Grandfather."

Ji Master is brugging: "You will use my grandfather that is useless. He tuned the sky, and I still got my son ?! I am not ..."

He looked at the minister of Jersi, who was staring behind him, and the voice came to an abrupt, and finally realized what.

Keep the posture of sticking stick, slowly, slowly turn, and face the face of the old man.

"Father, father ..."

The old Hou Ye reached out: "Give me."

Ji Master: "..."

He carefully handed the stick, when the other party raised his stick, try to tell the other party's truth: "Father, you listen to me, I ... don't try ..."

"Hey !!!!"

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