Everyone Knows I'm a Good Man

Everyone knows that I am a good man [fast] Houfu (20) (how to quickly defeat the slag (three in one

Ji Master: "..."

Such as Yu Niang: "..."

If you want to describe the two people, it is probably that the pigment disk can be barely described.

, is a good look.

Ji Changze is still not enough. After a sign, let this group of Jinjia soldiers come to play, hard-skewers, in the Ji Master and the stimulus like the yang, don't say it, come and take it. Di.

The two are something that I think he guess, he guess, this trick is naive, but it has to be very useful to them.

Seeing that these two of these two colored iron-green divided into the appearance from the wall, Ji Changze is satisfied with the horse, and a face of Yao Wuji will leave 50 gold.

He is a very prestigious, and the source of the source is the king's aristocrats, the country is in this way, and there are many less people will send someone to quietly view the movement.

Di Changze is so moving so, many people look in their eyes.

However, he used to be a Houfu, even if he was raised by Wednesday, it was only a small generation, no one know him.

Seeing this "big show" ended, it was strange.

"Who is this?"

There is still a bit of a person from the Houfu, a little bit of a person, a bit of a long time: "It seems that the Houfu's nine counties is that the one is raised in the motherner."

Jiu Shaoye ...

Isn't it just a good name?

When I walked on Wednesday, I took him away.

"How can he follow the golden soldiers under his body ..."

And when I just mentioned, what is written here? ?

Exotic name king? ?

Still a 13-year-old hair kid?

Nobody is suspected that the Changze is lie, and the golden soldiers are following the side. If you are not boring, those Jinzhao will never obey the obedience.

That is really strange, a teenage of a teenager, what he can do, who will give the throne to the kings.

No matter how to guess, everyone knows, this city is not only a lot of surname king, and there will be more a big laughter.

Hou Ye has a high level of prince, and then the millet blends, forcing all his son, and the son just left him, one of them seated Wang.

If people just jokes before, then, he can really become a brigade, super laughter.

Naturally, this group of people has not been sent to the leader of the gold armor. Otherwise, it is even more plus more than the people who have a lot of love.

When a son, a son, there is such a child, and the Ji Master raises a pair of unicorn, but it is hard to see people to go home.

If they are the master, they must be mad.

These are all afterwards, and now the "small people have a sign", the long-awaited, the opponent's losses will lose their interest.

Out of the way, I was found in a group of ten people, and the people headed, and what kind of pharmaceutical name was observed.

This is to buy a high price.

The national event, even if those pharmacies do not open the door, the gold kides will also force in, and they will not give less, but the drug opponent is not sold.

Ji Changze looked at this scene, but it was not very unexpected.

What kind of era has a way of handling the way, don't look at the emperor, you are very good (confused), but he has been a non-crushed Mingjun.

Although it is not more than the Niang Emperor, it can maintain the country's stability and don't say it, this is definitely a good emperor.

And he also chose the best way to handle at this moment.

The drug concentrated, made into pills, and then concentrated to the people.

In order to control the spread of the epidemic, the patient is still concentrated, and the disease is eating a wave of medicine, and there is no disease to eat another wavy.

This is the fastest way to have a minimum loss.

Ji Changze looked at a pharmaceutical death and did not dare to open the door. The gold kara sorry directly smashed the door. After the door was smashed, an old top face is like a soil stiff station inside.

Obviously, I didn't expect to be a soldier in the outside.

"The military, the military, the little old man did not commit more ..."

The leader of the leader waved, and the golden soldiers who had already quickly recognized the drug immediately moved quickly throughout the drug.

Seeing that this group of soldiers put the drugs in the bag, the movement quickly saw it is a time, the old doctor is distressed, but I didn't dare to say anything, and the beam is standing aside.

He can only comfort himself, these soldiers have not taken her medicine, and the loss is not very large.

People safe is good.

It is self-comforting, I will see the golden soldiers who collect the medicinal materials, they stand together, one person takes out a referred to, put the medicinal material, and rapidly.

The leader of the headed soldiers took two times, and pulled out the silver from the aroma to put on the table.

"You can only sell twenty or two, here is one hundred and two, you are harvested."

The old man is first forced, then it is a happy, and the look on the face is hesitating, and the wing is looking for a village person:

"Armya, how do you dare to want your money, these medicines are sent to you ..."

"What do you do with nonsense, give you it."

That Jinjia soldier is impatient: "This is the will of you. Now the court is to use these herbs, but Your Majesty is the Jun of Shengming, how will it be with the people, the medicinal materials for all the courts, Your Majesty, spend Five times worth buying, this money will only be returned. "

If it used to, maybe the old doctor said that he would honor them, they can also pick up the boat.

It can be different in this case.

These money are all in the private warehouse, which is not to let the people lose money.

This piece of love is the heart of the people, if they are destroyed, I am afraid that I can't calm down.

What's more, the is specially subject to the order of His Majesty, and the soup that can prevent Tianyuan disease early, and each person is also five copies.

Drinking the soup, you are not afraid of re-dying diseases. The gold kides also have family members. The sooner, the sooner, the more people who do things, the more they do.

His Majesty is so thoughtful, how can they don't work well, let your Majesty also look at their loyalty.

Ji Changze finished this lively, seeing the old doctor and other Jinjia soldiers, she nodded, satisfied.

He looked back and asked the golden soldier behind himself: "If you know the golden soldiers who meet Li Jiamu, I will help me ask if Li Jia people's reaction, my brother is grateful."

The golden soldiers are all known to order five times the price to change, that is, because of this iiijiao proposal.

And the reason why he proposes is also an eye-catching person to see.

Ji Changze wants to retaliate the literati who openly insult his mother.

The literati family is not a poor, but it is not enough to expensive, the only profitable assets are a pharmacy. He is busy every day, and this pavil is earning.

Palm, lost such a big money, and seeing people who made a fortune, but they can only do it, and the heart must vomit.

"Ji Shaoye rest assured that the brothers on the street can be arranged by the leader."

After finishing, my heart is also sigh.

Their leader acting on weekdays is a spicy and decisive. This is the first time I see him in this kind of "small retaliation". It can be seen that the leader is also a filial, two is really a brother.

Otherwise, according to the temper of the leader, it is possible to drag the literati to break the legs. Where is the trouble of cutting the meat in this slow knife.

When a group of people arrived in the western suburbs, the golden soldiers over there were much less.

After all, the golden soldier is in accordance with the number of streets. The western suburbs are less than those in the western suburbs, and the streets are not as being in the city, and the two streets are very far.

In such cases, there are many people who have not received the news outside the news, and there are more than a dozen by the Hui Shi, who saw the golden soldier.

Fortunately, the money soldiers have also known that the drug has been made, and it is not as good as the enemy before, and it is not more angry, only let them go home.

If you just put it away, if you don't have the other party, you can don't polite.

All grabbing it away.

In the city, the epidemic prevention is not only to drink soup. There is still a lot of things. The gold kides will be the soldiers, and they have to patrol more about checking. In the case of not enough people, these are not obedient, it is to send it. Go home.

The way to the Ji-forefront was explained on the road, he didn't put it on his heart, just glanced over there.

As a result, I saw something with a pretty figure that was anxious to talk to Jinjia soldiers.

He immediately stopped, and his neck was going there.

Isn't that he is not married?

After Ji Changze came, I also sent a few jewelery to the high home. The high girl is estimated to be afraid of him. When he came, he hid in the house.

The high-end long-lasting generation also knows the beginning of the engagement, while I don't like Ji Changze. This is a swang of the name of their daughter. On the side, because of the booked marriage, I am afraid that the other party will only force my daughter. I can only force myself to show my laugh.

Ji Changze saw it, and it was only stupid, pretending to see himself.

The original bacterium, if it is called to be his daughter, he is also angry.

When I went on my wife, I won't say that "You don't care, my son is to see your daughter is beautiful, so I haven't endured."

The excuse of her is "It's really couldn't help my son. I didn't get awake. I collided with no thousands of gold. I have repelled him that he was ashamed and immediately said that I would like to marry Qian Jinyun. .

It's just that the excuse is looking for, standing in the standpoint of the high family, and their home is not intended to climb any weight, and the end of the daughter's good end is homework.

For the sake of her daughter, they have to pinch the nose to recognize the proximity, then, others do not know the relationship, but also sour, I can envy them can be friends with Houfu.

It's really a sulking in the chest, can't swallow, and I can't spit it. I can give people people to death.

In this case, they can also smile at the long life, which is just that the Father is in the world.

Ji Changze thinks that I feel wronged for his old father-in-law.

"Ji Shaoye, what do you see?"

The Changze is lifted off the side: "I am in the future."


The golden soldiers can all know that this very hunting of the Joji is specially to see the unmarried wife.

Just hit it, is this not a clever?

Seeing that the future of Ji Shaoye is like being stopped by the golden soldiers, and the face is anxious. A Jinjia soldier immediately going to negotiate.

A stotched a headed one.

"Head, what do you pull me? The unmarried wife of Ji Ye is going to be difficult, let's get to help."

Then, his golden soldier was very speechless, he looked at the young guy:

"You see you, the bonus people are here, but also use you to charge the Han?"

Such a good hero will save the beauty, of course, to leave the joy.

His Majesty is here, let them accompany the Ji Ye, isn't it to make the other person in front of the fiancee?

Before walking, Your Majesty said that he said with them, suggesting it.

This requires a plurality of devices to make the stable thing to make such a few years.

That young Jinjia soldier suddenly realized.

The remaining metal soldiers also reacted, at this moment, they did not move with a lot of chest, and strive to do a good job on the bonus.

The long-term removal did not expect that these Jinjia soldiers have so much launched. Before the shoot, Liso's arrival of the high girl and turned over the horse.

In the same vendance first, I asked: "Gao Girl, what is this?"

It was shocked by a sudden appearance next to it. He turned his head. He saw that it was a long-term, and his face was immediately out of scared.

Ji Changze also knows that it is scared before the original Lord, and his face is thick and followed: "What happened? Now not let go, why don't you go home? Do you want me to send you back?"

The end of the year also responded, and today's Xi Changze is binding to the marriage, and the two is nothing to talk.

It's always awkward in her heart, I always feel that Ji Changze is a wave.

At this moment, he asked, she could only answer: "My father is sick, I want to go for him to find a doctor."

That is responsible for the defense of the golden soldiers to see the Changze, I can't recognize it. When I waited for the waist, my face is a loose.

As a golden soldier who was sent to the first line, it may be sick to die, and some people have developed their first pine tones when they have developed drugs.

In addition, this person is actually the brother of the leader, or is it to commit the king, and the land guides do not respect for him.

"It turned out to be a Shaoye. The girl's father is ill, I want to go out to find the doctor, but you also know that you will ordered it. In addition to getting token, others can't go out, so this girl is afraid. ...... "

Seeing the golden army faces to be difficult, and the long-term is understood.

"You are also responsible, I understand."

He turned to look at the high-end: "Gao Girl, I will also treat the disease, but let me go to the uncle?"

Troubleshooting on the end of the face.

After all, the doctor is all the civilian people, and I have never heard of the son of the son.

Then, the land of the streets saw, hurried to help: "This girl, Ji Shaoye's medical skills, you are boasting, you have to find the outside, it is better to let the Ji Shaoye help your father."

Is it boasting?

I didn't have a lot of money in the old eyes.

She is engaged with Ji Changze. I will naturally help her. This is what kind of person, the past, the wind. The flow gossip listened to an ear, and later was forced by her father, it was forced to hear a ear.

After that, the mother took the mother and left, and listened to a ear.

But medical skills, but I haven't heard it once.

But the armored soldiers will not lie to her, think of the weak father in the family, and then look at this small teenager that is not in the drunken state.

End of high arrival or hesitation is slow.

"That's more thanks."

Gold Akai will not help Ji Changze to lie?

Ji Changze looked down at the soil of high arrival shoes.

It can be seen that the other party must be in a very urgent situation, and the feet are wearing special embroidered shoes in the house, and the soles are thin, and I don't know if I ran out of the way.

He made the golden armor after the body.

"Gao girl, this road has many stones, are you sitting now?"

The end of the high arrived, and later, I saw the long attitude of the forefront, or the wing of the horse.

After sitting on the horse, I have been stepping on the hard ground, I finally stopped, and the end of the end was not so tight, and I perpleted that the foot was hurt.

Looking down, I saw the mud on my own embroidered shoes. I didn't even know where to hang it. The upper foot of the right foot opened a mouth, showing a little skin with mud.

In the outside, the wolf is awkward, and the end of the face is red, and even if you are busy with your heart, you will pay close to your embroidered shoes, try to make it don't expose.

It can be such that you have to force your legs, you can't sit down, you will be easy to sit, although you will ride, but you will never go to play with your family, you can't get very good. force.

She didn't care about this, and she couldn't care about this, and they were embarrassed, and the head did not dare to lift.

When I looked up, I saw the dilemma of unmarried bodies, I directly explained my own cloak to each other.

"Gao girl, cold outside, you put on the cloak."

Although the end of the year is a little bit older, but the woman is very easy than the man, plus the long-term Ze has always insisted on the five birds every day, and the time will practice martial arts, and occasionally give himself a variety of medicinal diet. This age is When he was mad, he did this, and it was much higher than that of tall.

His cloak falls in the opponent, naturally it can make her hood strict.

It is also clear that this is also clear, watching the black and puts the golden silk, full of exquisite and precious cloaks, the small channel is thankful.

Be careful to pick up the door, the cloak will cover her whole, and naturally include embroidered shoes.

It is finally there is no trouble who is abundance, and she is really positive and relieved.

The exclusion of Ji-fore is also a little less.

It's relaxing in my heart, and I also have a hard work to find that I'm a very unusual thing, and I have brought five golden killed sideware.

It's curious in the end of the year, but she considers that she will follow the long-term long, and I am afraid that the other party, I am going to die in my heart, but I can only die. I don't ask.

I am worried that my father's disease can not cure, if the Changze is not cured, will not feel the face, and willing to help her, please ask the doctor, so thinking about it, walking on all the way, there is six seven.

Ji Changze found, and only pretended to see, otherwise he lifted his eyes and opposition to the opposite side, the curious estimate of the high arrival is to change.

As for all the way, it is quiet and quiet. When the tools of the tools are secretly expected, Ji Shaoye and the fiancee cultivated what kind of feelings ...

The other party is still not full of fifteen this year, although long look, but the temperament and color of Ying Ming is still not long.

Perhaps because the high-level population is simple, the gigma people love her, she has no self-feelings that have been self-sensitive, but more like a large number of students in modern age.

Ji Changze just wants to exchange the college homework with the other party and which small book is good.

However, it is precisely because of this time, it is a small girl who is really a good night. She has been scared because of his strange men from the street.

At this moment, it was embedded as a fianfu, and there were so many golden soldiers next to it. She was vigilant and the preparation was unconscious.

I even grateful even for the long-term longing of her is willing to help her.

This is unfortunately, the high-end family rejects the daughter to marry the giants. If such a personality is really entering the downsome family of the population, it is not eating, the bones are not eaten.

When I arrived at the high home, I would like to turn my best to turn over the horse. I just think about how to be stable, and I will have a hand in front of it ...

Ji Changze lifted the iron gloves. It was pretended to see the god of the end: "Gao Girl, you hold this glove."

I am busy with my head, holding gloves, in fact, the glove is thinking about the palm of the hand, which is equivalent to a force that brought to the unmarried.

It's just a glove, I have no skin, and I am relaxing at the end of the world.

Gao Jia is like the previous Ji Changze said, it is a very ordinary small yard. It is normal to go to the wall. It is like a decoration. Did not climb, and the high person can turn around.

But it is clear that the short high came, did not pay attention to this, knocking on the door.

A vigilant female voice came immediately in the door: "Who?"

The end of the year also shouted with the thief: "Mother is me."

After shouting, she suddenly responded to her own body, there was a pile of golden soldiers, and she didn't have to be afraid of being small, and the sound also resumed the daily volume.

"You open the door, I will bring people back."

After a while, the courtyard door opened.

When I saw the high-end lady who came to open the door, I knew why the high-end farewed woman ran out of the doctor.

The high wife, obviously the leg feet were hurt.

I saw the Ji-Zen and a pile of golden soldiers outside, and the look was also a meal.

"Ji Shaoye? How come you?"

Although she is very trying to show a welcome, Ji Changze still feels that the first reaction is excluded after the other party sees him.

After all, he is equivalent to a daughter to marry him. There is still a reputation before, and you can like him.

Ji Changze is going to maintain a distance in the high-end, and the mother-in-law can not be used. The three words explains: "Is it not chaotic? I think there is less people in my grandmother, let's take a look at it. Do you want to help."

After finishing, I asked: "Bo mother, you are ...?"

"There is nothing serious, the golden soldiers before the street, there is a group of twirks, I thought it was to catch them, and there is no way to escape. I have turned to our yard. I want to coerce. We don't agree. They have to do it. When I got up, I had a feet. "

The future son-in-law is obviously very angry: "It's shameless, Lang Lang, □, dare to be so fierce, the big mother, where is the bunch of twirks now?"

The high-end lack, refers to the wall: "Throw it outside, I don't know if it is ran."

Ji Changze immediately said that "no problem, I will chase", I sent ten Jinjia soldiers, and the result is less than a minute. They just entered the yard, those gold soldiers dragged five people.

These five people are all shed, and they are scars, and they are full of eyes, obviously have been exposed to the past.

Ji Changze was very surprised: "You are very heavy."

Thermor soldiers: "... This is not our dry, when we go, they are so dizzy on the wall."

Ji Changze: Oh!

Some proud explanations at high arrivals: "Should I fall when my mother fell, and I can send them to the official. I will send them to the officials. I also want to send officials before and my mother, just my father, this Only I can throw people out. "

Ji Changze: "The uncle is sick, but also to fight the thief, the old man admire!"

At the end of the year: "The thief is not a father, and the father has sick has some days. I have been resting, they are my mother."

She said, and is proud of her mother: "The thieves are in the nearby mixer, it is estimated that the father of our family is less, the father is sick, this wants to be burned, but they are wrong, our home Although there are fewer, it is not a deception. "

I heard this, the golden sideware is all my face.

I thought that Ji Shaoye wanted to go to the thief because his mother-in-law didn't think of it. He didn't expect the iione's face to be a glimpse, then full of worship, looking to the high wife, speaking:

"Amo, do you play five people alone !! God !! This is a powerful martial art! What do you practice is the good family? !! Do you want to practice yourself? You see me now practice OK? "

Said, he is still difficult to wear the thick sleeves, revealing the arms under the bottom, jumps to ask:

"Bo mother, will you see the root bone? How do you watch the old bone? How long can I practice this?"

Golden Divides: "..."

Xiao Shaoye, you are not right!

Don't you shocked the high lady, a woman, but a woman is not a woman!

How can I discuss the roots!

Mrs. Gao is also a glimpse. I didn't expect Ji Changze. It will be this reaction.

She didn't respond, talking is a bit : "This ... this is to be self-practicing, you are the Houfu Shaoye, how to interested this brutal to this difficulty."

"What is the aunt say!"

The expression of "How can you be so self-purple?"

"Learn Wu Bota can strengthen the body and prolong the people, let alone the soldiers why the soldiers are not learning to protect their families, defend the country, should be admired! You look at these golden killedrs behind me, these can be Protecting your majesty, guarding the imperial city, don't you learn Wu! "

"Aunt, you have this thing, you can't teach yourself like this good daughter!"

He seems to be envious: "I only hate that my father doesn't let school, or I also want to be with the uncle, be a strong sorrowful knight!"

Mrs. Gao was blown by him, I was happy again, and I didn't want my cough: "What kind of knights, just do it, just practice play."

"Hey! Aunt, you can don't be modest, you will look at the five thieves, but also to meet the amother. If they arrive in the courtyard, I still have to do anything that kills the goods, you remove them. That is to remove it for the people, the county is commended. "

Mrs. Gao thought, it seems to be.

It's just that it is still blown out: "How to say it is as good."

Ji Changze looked at the dark and happy senior lady who was blown up and blowing rainbow butt, it was a full face:

"This is still not powerful? This can be played more than a lot of offices, whether it is going out, there is such a martial art, that is, it can keep it."

Gao Lady followed up.


I met a few people who met the wicked to see them only two people wanted to kill people, all made high-end people gave two disability.

This is that she has no such thing, the couple can not live in Beijing.

Ji Changze saw her also agreed, I was hot and taking the iron: "I can only have a martial engineer when I have a child, and now I am big, and I am willing to teach. I can only practice myself every day. I hope that I can take the death of death. Let's only have a big thing in the first thing, then I will not be afraid of the thief. "

The high lady smiled softly, and it was very comforted in his heart. He saw that Changze did not do a door.

"Is this difficult, you have two books, if you want to prawate, you can find me, the unhappy, teach you two hands,"

Seeing that I said that I am so excited about the excitement of Ji Changze, and I can't hurry this, and I will hurry up the throne, and the high wife is very comfortable.

Everyone thinks that the woman will have a weakness of the husband, and the man is called a hero. If a woman will be a good job, if it will be aware of the kung fu.

Even if she is born in the village, there is also a grandfather who has spanning the class in the eyes of ordinary people, because of the martial arts, those people think she is a five-year-old, marriage is very difficult.

Later, I had a high-name master with SS Wen Wen, and I didn't have less than by others. I feel that she is very looked at the other side.

Mrs. Gao is a lot of losses in this area. When she is still desperate, she is married as a woman. For her husband's considering, they have to reveal the force outside of Beijing, only occasionally itching and closing the door at home. Practice.

When he saw Ji Changze, she also wanted to see if the other party cares.

After all, the strangers are still good, they are all pro, that the relationship can be close, before, even if they don't say, always pass it into the other's ear.

It's better to open it now.

Just I didn't expect that Ji Changze was actually a martial art.

I didn't think that the woman should not practice martial arts, and I didn't think that the high lady ran around five thieves too much, but it was full of admiration.

While the senior woman went to a heart, it was not called an award, and only the Master's Master was shouting and the long feeling of the long-term sensation.

The relationship between the two is like sitting a rocket, and when a sudden, the future son-in-law is from the future of the future mother-in-law to the teachings of interest.

After chatting with a round, Ji Changze entered the house to see a coma.

It is not his prince who guess it, but it is also tricky.

Fortunately, he took a lot of medicinal materials from the palace this time, directly cooked at the pot.

"The uncle drunk this medicine, it can be fever. If it is burned back, it is not a big matter. He is in the sick, but the unfriend is inevitably, and the public service may have some injured God, the disease Such as mountains, this is only serious. "

A high-end nodded, he was carefully looked at the medicine, and he didn't look like a doctor.

Ye Yather can't work?

I have never heard of him to see a doctor.

Gao Lady was also a little doubtful until Ji Changze gave her silk clinic, accurately said that her body left in the early years.

Suddenly, those who doubt it suddenly.

"Changze, where did you learn medicine? It has never heard of it."

The Changzhishen is down, and the skill is giving the joy, and the tone is lost: "Father does not like me, just like not to like me, I don't dare to say, then my mother took me out of the house, I am dare……"

Mrs. Gao said heard a lot of their gossip, and now it is, it is more confident.

"Really ..."

In the end, it is also a pro-family. She is not good to say, I can only come: "You are too sad, so your mother is now coming out, naturally, you can slowly get better."

A child who is so red, must be a good child who can live a day.

Gao people have drank medicine, soon wake up.

Don't say it in Gao Mrs. He has been worried about his husband. I heard that he woke up, and quickly arrived in the house.

In the house, the high adult looked at the daughter, and smiled at the lady.

"Lucky people are worried about me, I heard that the Master of the comy family is coming? I can't go to him today. If you can't deal with him, even if you are disgusted, you don't want to see him, you have to bear it, for our daughter. Pack each other, hard work. "

Mrs. Gao is inexplicably read a husband: "What do you say, who said that I don't disgusted Changze, that kind of child, who didn't like it."

Galas: "?"

Mrs. Gao said: "Unfortunately, it is a son-in-law. If it is my son, then our mother is really ... but the same, the son-in-law is also half of the child."

Galas: "???"

Mrs. Gao: "Oh, you said, such a good son-in-law, should we do for him?"

Galas: "..."

His whole people are all.

I have sick, what should my wife crazy?

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