Everyone Knows I'm a Good Man

Everyone knows that I am a good man [fast] Houfu (22) (how to quickly defeat the slag (three in one

The surprise brought by Ji Changze to Zhou family is naturally big, and even a steady Zhouner can't help but lift.

Zhou Jia's old lady is even happy, I can't wait to find some old sisters to show off.

Unfortunately, now the whole city is banned, such a big good thing wants to show off.

Zhou Nab is very regrettable with Zhou Jia's old lady, and looks at the Changze said that there is still something to handle outside.

It takes a little time to lift the ban.

In the era of news technologies, it is not as simple as the drug that is infectious, the drug is not as long as the drug has been treated.

Many people don't know, you told him that there is medicine, he thought you lied to him, you let him cooperate, he can scare the land to ask for mercy.

Therefore, the emperor did not intend to send someone to speak good luck, directly sent troops to go out, and sickly grabbed it, and did not prevent it.

Tianyuan is not saying that it is really good, most of the disease will destroy various organ facilities in the human body, and if the treatment is not in time, it will fall.

Most of them can slowly nurture as long as caretive maintenance, but this is only applicable to the right to expensive.

The civilians who have to face the loece in the face of the top of the sky, can not be tuned to the body with money, and if the body cannot be done to live, there is no difference between them.

So, the sooner the better.

Shu Yao Wu Yangwei fox fake tiger, a person returned to the palace, listening to the emperor's popularity.

Ji Ji Xiao Ye listened to a shock, and a while, I suddenly realized that I was over, I was still a pair of light eyes, very serious admire:

"Your Majesty, you are too powerful, actually even think of it, it is really good."

The emperor has been in contact with the big to the big, and it is straightforward in the thick face.

When the iii family is playing, there is no beautiful vocabulary, and the statement is used as if it is in the same way. It is "good-looking" "great".

But I can't hold the emperor and eat this.

In his eyes, Ji Changze is being greatly pamped, such humanity will inevitably be a little, and because they have not eaten suffering, they are not afraid of sinners.

Possible people who don't deal with Xi Changze feel that he is annoying, but in the eyes of the emperor who has a good sense of this child, it can be very different.

Because I haven't eaten a loss, I can act.

In the eyes of the long eyes, it is good, it is not good.

If he felt is not good, even if he is his pro, he also doesn't like it, and it is simple and rude.

He feels good, nor does it manage the other party's identity, and it is not suitable to say this slightly in front of the emperor.

The emperor who was divided into "good" is very beautiful.

The servo is a smile that the emperor is blown by the rainbow, and the face is never seen, and it is not helpful.

I didn't expect to eat such a simple rainbow fart.

I didn't have less people who were carefully blown down, and I didn't see it.

Where do they know that it is the person who is blown to rain, it is also who wants to blow.

You have a minister who struggled in the middle of the dynasty, and it is not less than a variety of conspiracy, and everything that is tricking in the middle of the dynasty.

Such a person blows the rainbow fart, can you really?

One of the people who do not have to be able to do with people, the emperor does not believe that the other party really feels that they will violently blow up the rainbow fart.

Don't say anything else.

They rely on him to live, if they don't blow him, then it is strange.

Can be different!

As a result, he was a long-lasting, the small grandfather didn't need to please, the words were straightforward, and there was no intention to discuss in the bones.

Two, Ji Changze itself has the matter, one who has no ability to get the benefits of the rainbow fart, can be paid by true skills with a no matter how much it does not blow the rainbow fart.

Which of the two gold fartings is not a glimpse?

Of course, the Emperor of the Emperor of Journey is also a reason.

The , , , ,, ,

I don't know where to make a small copy of the use of rice paper, the original is really small, or even call it a book, put it in the hands.

The emperor felt that the stuff was a bit more familiar, but I couldn't think of it. When I watched the long-looking, the familiar road was taken out from the arms, and I was a black pen, and I didn't avoid the emperor. When I was seriously written, I finally remembered it.

Isn't this a small copy of cheating?

Once, I have discovered the cheating of the candidates, which is the small copy of this slap in the face of this slap, and it is written in the case of nothing to see.

It is said that the candidate specially spent a high price to make a small brush, the hard work of the Jiu Niu two tigers, and it is only a month to use a month.

At that time, the small copy of the candidates was presented in front of the emperor, he looked at the little book and violent.

With this time, I don't want to do anything. I will get these trails. He will open the way to find someone. Not to find someone who will only do this small person to make him!

I thought of the past, the emperor's face gradually look great.

The palace next to him is waiting for him. When you look at it, you will see it. Now it is good, and you will be careful to punch the eye.

Unfortunately, when I learned to see people's eyes, I didn't understand it, and I still wrote a non-stop.

After writing, I didn't pay attention to the emperor's face, and I didn't give it to the other party's meaning, and I came back to myself.

He doesn't say, the emperor can only ask himself: "Changze, what is this?"

"Small copy."

Ji Changze's answer is very happy, and I am afraid that the emperor does not know the same example, I will explain it veryatly.

"It's a small copy of the premiere of a fraud, now I am popular in our college."


What do you mean?

The college is actually a small copy.

Is it difficult to make a copy of the candidates each exam? ?

The anger is still not rising, and I heard that the long-term introduction is a very proud and proud tone: "You don't know, this little copy is still me."

Listening to his tone, I don't know what to introduce a big baby.

"Our book is far from the venue. Every time the dean will go through the past, the past is going to take a look at the book, and the book is very heavy, it is very difficult, even if it is Take it, the content you want to see in a book is that, it is not convenient. "

"Then I know that the people who are fraudulent, I listen, the man is too talented, just how I am studying, it is also studying, and the study of small copy is also research."

"I will cut the rice paper into such a big point, then I want to find a pen suitable for writing this small copy, that is too hard to find, I have to make it, I can't get it. Dirty hands, I have to have a small word, I can't write a small word, I can take me exhausted, and I made it out, and the group of guys came to follow the school, really, I want to see that they should be every Individuals give me a thank you. "

Ji Changze is the same as a height of the n, n, and there is a little sorry, and the speech is still unfortunate. You can not take the opportunity to make a mean.

The emperor looked at his face and a loose face.

However, Ji Changze can be discrete, he is a characterful personality, and it is impossible to see what he is afraid of seeing him now.

But just this, Ji Changze will not do it without precautions.

He smiled, his face was revealed, and the mood was very good to reach out for Ji Changze: "See what you said, you are curious, can you let you see what you have written?"

The Changze is a big square: "What is nothing, what I want to see, it is my pleasure."

When he saw it, he didn't get in touch with a person who was tall than his own identity. He said that he said, he claimed to become "I".

However, the emperor likes this child, this child is not consciously relaxed, nor does it care about him, smiling, and smiling, the small copy of the Changzhi handed over.

A little one, falling in the palm of the palm, just the size of the slap, and I don't know what to cut, each page is just fine, and the left side is kept secretly.

The emperor opened, and the first page wrote the XX Academy XX Paste Forest.

I still have a line of words: I have to pay back.

Ji Changze is stretched with the neck. See the emperor seeing here, it is very embarrassed.

"When you ride a scratch, there are more people, always accidentally lose it, plus everyone's book is almost the same, and if you accidentally get a wrong, you will have a person who has come back."

The emperor has teached from the small to most, and the teacher did not experience what the college collective school is a feeling. He listened to the Emperor Shushu. I still feel very interesting.

A group of young people who are almost sizes are in class, together, do the information.

That is, such an environment can wear the long-standing seizure of the rush, but not provocative sex.

The emperor will then turn back.

Probably the information on some books is, and it is clearly written in the whole word than the rice grain. It also marks where to ask for another teacher.

It can be seen in the middle, it is more and more addicted.

From time to time, you can see that he records some strange monster records.

[The original use of XXX and XXXX together, plus XXX will be sleepy, and the surroundings say that he can't sleep recently, try him.

Under the next record: [Survenger is sleeping in the classroom, how to call the pig, the gentleman is sitting on the side, when he blinks, the expression is enough, I am laughing in my life. Haha]

[Today, there is a new discovery, make a medication that makes mosquitoes hate, it will not bite on the body, caught a snake tried, the snake is really afraid, I want to run, but I want to run, but I want to run, but I want to run, but I want to run, but I want to run, but I put it in the table it can't run hahahaha.

Upload recording: [Survey, there is a snake in my table, it seems to be scared, hahahahaha]

[Make a fun thing, you can make people feel refreshed in the short term, the brain reaches the most flexible state, but also tired of the taste, the big brother is doing things outside every day, this can give him drink.

Subsequent records: [Survey, the result is a hard book, it is said that in the evening, I have been tossing in the third day to sleep, specially observed, the next day, his spirit is still good, it is a bit of dark circles. Big, it seems that this medicine can only drink in the morning.

The emperor is roughly looked, and it is a variety of whispering ideas, and users are all strikes for various reasons.

The last one is Ji Changze in the record that he has recently studied the disease that has occurred.

He is very interested in Tianyuan disease, so finding a lot of information. The treatment method was studied in accordance with the onset of Yuanxia in a hundred years ago.

It is a pity that because the ceniors have been in hiding hundreds of years ago, Ji Changze can't verify that his treatment plan is effective.

The emperor has been faint in mind.

Sure enough, he saw the familiar name.

Use records: [Now I am in the hospital, I am sick, I am in the wind, I can't like him too much.


At this moment, he finally remembered and Xi Changze together seeming to have a good treatment.

Just in his eyes is a personal shape case, determine if you have a good uncomfortable to eat well, then it is behind the brain.

He is migrate asking the palace who serves around: "What is the name of the students who entered the palace with Changze?"

The palace is rushing to answer: "It is a student called Survey."


The emperor found that he was not unexpected.

He thought that the last sentence recorded in the small book, and the opponent's view is directed.

"Longze, what is your relationship with this surroundings?"

The long-lasting thing to answer is much more and more.

It's not straightforward: "I am a friend and the best friend."


It's not understandable. If you change it to him, add medicine to the medical research, just studied a medicine, there is a classmate to pick up the test. He must also like each other.

At the beginning, I was indeed casually, and after the result, the result was a trial.

Key, so long passed, the surrounding light is used for more than a dozen kinds, he actually can also jump.


Seeing how Ji Changze is still in the big blow. How is the friendship of him and the surrounding friendship, how is the relationship between the two? How to close it, listen to a rabbit in the Emperor's ear, q, q, say it, it likes and grass Friends are the same.

People who see also feel cute and feel fun.

Ji Changze took a long time and the friendship of the surroundings, and it was like a fierce thinking.

"Hey, right, surrounded, is he coming in with me?"

The emperor couldn't help but have a sympathetic tears for the bottom of the heart.

"He is still resting in the inner temple, and there is nothing, you can go to the palace for a while."

In his opinion, Ji Changze This kid didn't have a lung, liked and surrounded by the surroundings because the other party was courageous.

Changed to the emperor, if someone else has a variety of efforts to help him solve the territory of the court, he is definitely also like each other.

In this way, I can't make him very much like it.

Can Ji Chang Dynamic to him? Is it a general existence of the surroundings?

Every time he is something you need to solve, Ji Chang is always good to help him.

And in addition to the identity of the emperor, there is a writer identity.

Whether it is a minister of information, it is also a personal affairs. The attitude of the two is clear, and the other party is more peaceful than anyone.

In this way, the emperor discovered that he and the long-term still had a lot of common.

Hey, although this child doesn't like it, there is nothing to fight for the heart, but he really likes the nature of the other side.

If he is his son, he must pet him, let him keep such an acute child.

The emperor is thinking about it, and the hand is conscious of the rice paper, and suddenly it is not right.

This paper, how to touch it so much.

His paper has always been the best in the country, but even so, I don't have the long copy of the paper hand.

Take a closer look, I found this paper very delicate, and there is no panicle of the shadow without the shadow.

The night, the more shocked, he has never seen such a good paper. If there is this kind of good paper in the folk, why not enter the palace to use it?

The emperor did not expect Ji Changze. He only surprised, there is no exposure on the face, as if there is no intention to ask: "Changze, this paper is good, which buy?"

"This is not buying."

I didn't know anything, and I gave my own fruits before I got the emperor.

"That is what I did when I was pharmaceutical, the previous rice paper didn't be too soft, it was too soft, not suitable, I would like to do this paper."

self-made? ! !

The emperor's face didn't see anything, but the heart was very surprised.

Paper is not just talking, it is necessary to paper, make the paper that is suitable for writing, and the hard work is more labor, but the best paper created, it will still be rough.

The emperor is very clear, but it is not good, after all, this is not said to make it.

As a result, Ji Changze him really "By" makes a paper.

And the emperor has never seen anything, so delicate, white, hardness is just right.

How did he do it?

Di Changze is not a medical skill, will it only be pharmaceutical?

The emperor has some reactions that have been reacted.

He is some hesitant.

Whether it is a secret of the paper, whether it is not a secret, even the Changze has got a throne, and the family is in the royal family ...

Looking for him to make this kind of paper, it is still a bit slightly wrong.

The emperor still hesitating himself is something wrong, it is still not face, the Ji Changze over there is already a paper process with a tone tone, what is the raw material, which techniques are all used in the middle.

"Then who can think of this can also be, I am such a try to succeed, but the paper is still a bit too soft, so I used the way behind, and I guess it, I just Great!"


Ji Changze is still a proud of Barabara, how he is how to buy raw materials, you will go to the big brother to find the big brother, and later, the money given by the big brother, he didn't want to think, it is thick, the face is going to the mother.


He didn't know if he would remind him of the mouth.

After all, just, the emperor didn't even have time and stop, and the long-standing is already in a short three seconds, saying his secrets have been clean.

The emperor is so many people who have never seen like this child.

He is still in a while, and he is enough for a few seconds to slow the way: "Changze, you just said your secret recipe."

Although it is very moving, he is also a king of a country, and it is really not to be lie to the secret recipe of the eyelids to a child.

Although the secret of this child is sufficient to earn one-fifth of the country's money, it is the kind of fine water.

The emperor also endured his heartache, only forced himself to let go of the heart of the heart, tolerate the pain reminder.

However, he will finally have a white psychological construction.

I didn't feel the Ideas of the Emperor's words from the child's stress. I didn't understand the meaning of the emperor.

"Yeah, you are listening to these words, I know how much I spent."


I don't want to die, I don't trust this brother.

Changed to him, he is not at ease.

This child is a lack of eyes.

The inexplicer who is uncomfortable, it seems that he has hurts his face pain to understand the money, and it is also very serious about analyzing the emperor.

"Although the mother and the yang have been practiced, they can't live, and they will have a pavilion, which is specially sold. Sell some women's lipid powder, now the mother is a big fortune, I am looking for her, she suddenly Gave me fifty two. "

50 or two ... paper ...

The emperor lamented: "Then your small golden money is quite a lot."

"What little golden is, every time I go to buy a doctor, so I like to play with my little cousin. He has more money, and it is also very good, I am very good. He bought it for money. "

The emperor thought that this cousin should be a hundred years old for Zhoujia. It is indeed the information in this regard before the medical skills of Changze.

Ji Changze cured the Babil of the 100-year-old. I was governing the brain. I haven't give up the brain together. I haven't given the money for a hundred years old. Therefore, before the medical exposure of Xi Changze, the people around Zhou have been very common. have opinions.

However, fifty two can make such a small book, but it is also cost-effective.

The emperor who thought of thinking, he heard that the mother said: "The mother gave it five hundred bought books first, and then went to the restaurant to eat five or two, and used the five two to buy some medicinal materials, and ten left. I have made a bunch of paper, enough for me to paint it. "

"and many more!"

The emperor heard this, suddenly a look.

He is excited, and it is unbelievable asked: "You have used the ten silver, which makes so much paper?"

His expression is too excited. The little teenager in front seems to be a bit scared, and the look of the gods and flying the gods has become awareness.

The lips are moving, and I am a little careless: "Your Majesty, what happened?"

The emperor is shining, repeating: "Answer you, do you really use these paper to make these paper ?!"

His expression is really too serious, and the thirteen-year-old iii family is a bit awkward, and it is a little bit.

The whisper of the recognizes: "... I lie."


He is like a pot of cold water, and the whole person is awake.

Also, how can it be a lot of paper that can be said, quality still such a good paper.

He is really tired that it is too tired, and even this impossible thing will believe.

I thought I thought in my heart, I heard the long whog: "In fact, I only used five or two, the remaining five ..."

Little teenagers seem to have a deficiency, and low heads don't dare to look up the emperor.

"There are five or two, I will buy a word, I am afraid that my mother is jealous of me, so I will tell the mother that ten two are used to paper."

He seems to be afraid to be scolded, like every ordinary conflict of the same age, I am afraid that I am afraid, and I am not convinced, I'm trying to justify myself:

"I didn't go to the class, sometimes I will let us read the book, I will see it. I don't have to go on the battlefield in the future. I want to hide behind the tree. I don't hinder ..."

Said, it is estimated that it is also a thing that it is, it seems that it is a bit of self-recruitment, and the Changze is not dare to talk.

The emperor did not speak.

The people who are in such an atmosphere do not dare to breathe loudly, and the palace is scary.

Half-ring, the emperor asked the discipline of consciousness and dare to scream: "Changze, I ask you again, is it a paper that is five or two silver?"

The young master of Jiji seems to be scared by his today.

There is a little red at the end of my eyes, and I have a low head and half a day. "Three or two ... is three or two ..."

"There are two silver sons, I will ask for hand, I want them to help me hit the mother, the book is going to the flower building every day, the two two silver flowers will not go, now they have no help. I am playing people. "

Ji Changze saw the emperor, and consciously did something wrong, and his face revealed a laugh.

"Your Majesty, they haven't played yet, I am not a break, I will immediately let them don't fight after I go back."

The Emperor's Eyes I hope that he can do it in the best, the emperor has a long time.

Three two ...

Only three or two ... Ji Changze actually made a big paper.

It is not to say that other paper can't do it in three or two, but I have to see what material.

This paper is now using this kind of paper now, if you really want to sell the price, a piece of paper will be willing to buy.

And the long-lasting, but the half point does not prevent it, this will be sent directly to the emperor.

Obviously made this powerful thing, but still tangled the little thing to buy a word and please hit.

The emperor didn't know what he should say for a while.

He is just a long time for a long time, and he laughed quickly.

"Changze, I don't ask those, you are also afraid, I ask you, the paper, if you ask the craftsman, the money, the light is paper, now about one or two silver, how many Zhang?"

Ji Ji Xiaoye heard the emperor's question, first looked up, it seems to be determined that the other party seems to be lying with himself.

Determining that the emperor did not blame the crime, Ji Changze is re-laughing, and the resumption of the resilience to the lungs.

"I am calculated, I can do it ..."

He should not be good, and it is half a day to say it for a long time.

The emperor did not have a joke, but it was shocked to say nothing.

This cost ...

It is necessary to be cheap than ordinary paper.

No, not cheap, even can be said to be low.

More than the quality of the paper on the market, the price is cheaper than those of those paper, if you can put it out, how much you can't afford to buy paper and books.

How many readers will be used in the future, how many talents have emerged.

The emperor is full of excitement, as if I have seen my name of the dynasty of the Dynasty people's name.

And all this is because of this little teenager in front of this.

"Your Majesty? Your Majesty?"

The emperor was shouted back to God by the curious voice of Ji Changze. The small family of Jiji was curious about him, asked: "Your Majesty, what are you thinking about?"

Seeing the emperor didn't talk, he didn't care, he only said: "Your Majesty, you can not tell me today, he knows that I have to ask my mother to ask for money, I must say me."

The emperor slowly spit out a breath, and then it is completely different.

This child is no longer just a judged child, but a teenager who has to bring him a prosperous brought by a person who can't imagine it.

The emperor is excited in my heart. In such a strong year, I have a brother who is loyal to him. How can he be excited to be happy?

Strive to calm down, he asked Ji Changze: "Changze, you have a great effort this time, say, what do you want, as long as you can do it, you must satisfy you."

"Ah? I am doing again?"

The parties are still a face, but they are so happy, and they don't think about the roots. Directly ask the emperor: "Your Majesty, can you really?"

The emperor nodded: "Observe anything."

The eunuch show next to it moved, and I want to remind the emperor, I can see that he is sure, and there is still nothing.

The Jinkou jade is not to talk about it. Your Majesty is now promised. If the Joy is a lot of rewards, it can be difficult to return.

The emperor is very certain to determine that the long-lasting thing will not be too much.

The most important thing is that this child is not at all things.

He thinks that the long-term still needs still needs.

So active reminded: "You have a good job this time, even if you have to get 100,000 gold, you will give you."

100,000, Ji Changze should be happy and happy.

However, the emperor did not expect that Ji Changze refused.

"I am not lacking, I am just no money in my hand, but I am actually rich."

He said with a show:

"When I study the disease, there is a medicine, I have done it, but I can make the skin tender, and the sure is sold to my mother. Don't say the sale is quite good, my mother said that the 50% of the money is me. , She is afraid that I am chaotic, I will help me make a pro, give me another, so you don't think I don't want to see it. In fact, I can have a lot of money. "

The emperor is still a bit surprised, and it is very normal to think about it.

After all, the long-term age is young, the sexy is still so simple, if it really gives him money, he is afraid that he can directly spend the light on the same day, helping him save the best way.

The emperor has changed: "Other way, as long as you can give it, you will promise you."

Ji Changze suddenly became a full face: "Is it really good, you are so good."

He cheats the emperor's rainbow fart, and it is also a good job: "I seem to have a big thing, I am also very powerful."

He thought about what he worked hard, and the emperor didn't worry, with excited small writes.

As long as there is this, he can make more people to study as much as possible, exam, for him.

Some of the long-term is adjacent, and the Di Changze This god doctor help him adjust the body, he can live a long time, while keeping the country prosperity.

Naturally, the emperor is not thinking about the benefits.

He also has its own concerns.

He trusts the long-term derivation, trusting the long-term.

But I have to see it clearly, this is too big to add a brother with a killing.

Judging is faithful to him, he is naturally assured.

But Xi Changze ...

The emperor looked at the little teenager who was trying to think about what reward.

He thought that Ji Changze will not hesitate to pay for money or have a valuable item, and the other party actually does not have.

People in the chartroom know that people who are the most difficult to send and satisfied this day are people who don't want money.

Don't make money, you want to be more expensive, such as right.

The emperor's eyes are dark.

As an elder, he still likes the child of Ji-Zen.

But as an emperor, even if you don't want it, the emperor can't help but look at each other.

Ji Changze, is he really began to be greedy?

He is thinking, suddenly seeing the little teenagers before face.

"Your Majesty !! I think !! You will send the bastard of my mother to play a good luck !!"

The emperor is a glimpse, and then the look is good.

Yes, how can he be greedy?

This can be a child simple day really Changze.

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