Everyone Knows I'm a Good Man

Everyone knows that I am a good man [I am going to wear] Son, I am your father (1) (young master, th

The long life of Ji Changze is very long, and it is also the best of the whole champion.

He is a salted fish, but his family is amazing.

His mother, his big brother, his wife.

There is also a group of brothers and sisters who have been educated by big brothers.

These brothers and sisters who have been degraded will not be famous. Everyone seems to have a talent and will carry forward.

There are more than a dozen of them in the champion.

Medical, painting, music, all around you can see the iii family.

And they still have a common qualities, which is to protect Ji-Zen.

It is difficult to say that this is because the requirements of the long-term derivative is still because of the selflessness of the long-term derivative, only the Zhuzhi will be to eat snacks.

Ji Master's life is also very long, but he is not more than the long, and doesn't know whether he is poisonous or a ministerial derivation. He has a few times after him. Di-Dao, or it is to grow up after growing.

Inherited Houfu, became Hou Ye, but he was still a lone.

Ji Master is still struggling.

When I found myself, my children will be inexplicably followed by the long-term, and they are angry.

What do you mean? !

Does he asked him as a sowing machine? !

I found the truth of the truth decadently, because he looked around, he found that he did not fall.

Lady, ran.

Children, followed by the lady.

Houfu, poor.

It is also Hou Ye, he will definitely not be poor enough to eat, but it is absolutely no longer a happy life as before.

At one day, Ji Lan is sitting at the table and looking at a table.

He suddenly felt a good lonely.

That day is the 50th birthday of Wednesday, because long-term wine, I have become a bad old man, I stayed for a long time, and I don't know how to think, quietly slipped around the garden of Wednesday.

On Wednesday, Mother is already an official of the court. She likes to be lively, and she has always lived with Ji Master.

He Shoun is also going to the congratulations.

Ji Master did not be invited, but he sneaked it from a flying dog friend, and mixed it.

There are a lot of people in some people, and the long-term derived by the younger brothers in the front hall.

Ji Changze is sitting at the top, eat big drink.

Wednesday is sitting in the first seat, and reports to the people with He Shou.

"Mother, you eat this."

Ji Changze's favorite thing, and did not forget to share with her.

Wednesday, I looked at the little son like a child, and smiled.

When I got a gift.

The younger brothers of Ji Chang Yan have now become a good career. For the old lady, the wife is a respected, and he will send himself to the greetings yourself.

And those women who were taken away by Wednesday were surrounded by her, and they have also sent a congratulatory message.

Some of the masters of Ji Master are so admired:

"This is afraid of the fairy day, I can live like this day."

God's Day ...

Ji Master also felt like it.

He looked at the front of him because of his good mood, his face was red, and the people were 50, and the hair actually didn't have any people.

For a time, I can't think of her when she is young.

Just remember the long life, he was still very happy to visit his elderly, when he didn't looked at the big fat boy on the bed, and Wednesday laughed at their father and son.

Slightly said: "You have seen you for a long time, let's break, a long life, some time slowly."

It is still growing in a lifetime.

But now, all his relatives don't want him.

Who is blame.

Ji Master left under the strange sight of the people.

After that, there is no news in Beijing.

When I was waiting until I died, I was going to hang back, and I said to the long saying: "I heard that I have been in the bed for a long time, I am lying in bed, I will toss for more than five months."

"I have been talking before, I want to take a look at him."

He didn't dare to find a long-term Dao Yushen, and the trustee found a few older children.

I thought that they should have memories of his father and will come to see him.

The result is because there is memory, these have grownful people have clearly remember that their father disregarded them, and they were in Houfu, they were as far as the scene of being raised.

No one is going to visit, he can only read it.

"The old man is gone, and the people will find that one of the women is also dead, and I don't know how long I have died, people have become a corpse."

That person continued to be Di-Duan Zhao Zhao: "I heard that this Youth has never been liked by his father. She is temper. She is not happy to follow her. The old man does not care about the house, and slowly ran. "

The people waiting to serve, the old man doesn't like she can't think of this person.

The government is not a chaotic, Ji Master is Hou Ye, who is good, but a unsatisfactory mother can say it.

No one knows when she is dead, the old Hou Ye has never remembered her.

Ji Master did not hes inherit, he died, Houfu is not there.

The people in the government walked scattered, and the house is also to be returned by the court.

Cixed, only said: "Don't tell Changze, he is soft, and listening to it may not be good."

The man is speechless.

Ji Changze is more than 30 people, how is the long-term derivation of his favorite a child.

But I think about people have this ability, so I can only hide this thing in my heart.

Ji-Zenzi is indeed the same as a child.

When he was young, he had a long time, and he did not have a good job. The people around the year were all used to him, and the old child is old, he has never been old.

I have been alive for one hundred and ten years old, and I will leave the people.

The departure of the king has made many people who have a untrue loss.

Sometimes some people are walking on the streets. They didn't see the drink on the second floor of the restaurant and listening to the song. I was happy to scream the figure of the two throats. I have to be uncomfortable.

But think about it, in addition to being suppressed by his father in his life in his life, then it seems that it is still in the honey sugar tank, and those that are uncomfortable.

In the later generation, many of many research history believe that the Dynasty is beginning to rise from this stage, and the status change of women has undergone huge changes here.

Almost almost become a legendary alone, nature is also the top priority of their research.

"Open the business road, go to the sea battle, and there is a shadow of the Junang Rivers and Lakes."

A scholar took an album family spectrum, the first is to be a long, the second is the long-term.

This is the time to rejuvenate in the ancestral hall, forcibly re-standing family spectrum.

With the head of Ji Chang, all the achievements made by all the children's children are simply a TV series.

Laters are true history.

Many people guess that there must be viars in this history.

Students who have just started learning speculate: "Is the legendary Wan Ze, who is alive and dead?"

Then I was joke.

"How could be Ji Changze, even if there is a traveler, it is definitely a long."

"Ji Changze is a famous salted fish, you have to make a replenishment."

"But you have to come up with happiness, he is indeed the happiest, you didn't see the eight-year-old complexion in the novels."

"Who doesn't want to wear a long-term dress, I have thought about it. I have been in the days of being a family."

"Hahaha, think, do things."


Ding! Task is completed, please select: 1, vacation, 2, continue the task.

The long move slowly spit out.

He is a long time, it has been sent away from the world.

Pack your mood: "Continue the mission."

When I opened my eyes again, I found that I was lying on the sofa with a very distorted posture, and the air was a wine, and the floor was full of good wine bottles.

The surrounding is a bunch of people, knowing that the whole party is, I don't know what to think that this is a murder site.

"Changze, you, you got up, come, let's drink one."

On the ground, one person heard the movement of the long-term, struggling to climb, and the wine glass was revealed with the long laugh, and then quickly put the wine in his head.

Changze; "..."

The other party hit a tak and licking his mouth: "Hey! It's so delicious! It is a Coke in 199!"

Then, the white eye continued to be close.

Ji Changze sat on the sofa and moved his shoes on the other side, and started to view the memory.

This world is different from other worlds, which is the original primary commission.

Memory is more chaotic, most of the scenes is the hustle and bustle of all kinds of music.

Obviously, the original Lord is the general.

Only this tyrant is not the kind of ability, but the kind of fighting.

In short, he is a richest man.

According to reason, the richest will definitely cultivate his son, but the original Lord is cultivating.

He is a baldate from a child. When the elementary school, he just likes to play games. Wait until junior high school begins.

At that time, the results decreased, and the richest was discovered, a criticism, and the result is not only able to work, but the original owner has been consensitive.

And high schools, he also did not learn from himself without a mother.

Probably usage is:

"If my mother is still there, I will definitely not be so for me."

"My mother is seeing you abuse, I am sure to help me."

"My mother is absolutely will not deduct me."

"You must have a private child outside, don't give me money."

Etc., etc.

The richest is not really rising, it is true that he is also a rich second generation, and the reason why it is rushing, although there are real materials, but it is really good to say that it is good.

Of course, there is also a premise of he to rush to the riche, it is enough to have a lot of money.

Unfortunately, this luck did not use it in the child.

The only one is a bald, and the richest is still reluctant to re-retrieving. He is really loved his own wife, and the love of the two loves.

Even if the original Lord is a stupid *, it is also his son.

After a fight, the first rich and enrichment, the original Lord is really unhaffected, and decided to send the original gold to the country.

Even if it is a grass bag, I sent it to the university in the foreign trust relationship, and it can also become a surface light.

As a result, the original Lord abroad did not have a tube bundle, and it was more prone to play.

When you play, you will play something.

He got a big belly.

In fact, it is true that the other party has a child to find him before, he knows this.

The original main one is denied.

He usually played, but usually weaned, how could it be a child.

Seeing the woman or insisted, the original owner looked at the child, dumbfounded.

Actually, I am really very good.


He knows that his father's virtue is, if he knows that he has a child, he will definitely take him marriage, the original focused on a few seconds, and the index directly ran.

Originally, he is here to play there, people use foreign names in foreign countries, he is generous, which circle is mixed, and the school will not go a few times a year, nor does it follow the classmates, he runs, the woman is also shocked.

She only knows the original owner's money, it is a rich second generation, English name, and other true.

The woman is not a small white flower. It was originally because the original land is handsome, and the "girlfriend" has always been generous, plus accidentally listening to the original owner complained to others.

"My old man dreams, I want to make me quickly married and gave him a grandson. He honest, for grandson, the door is right, I can't wait to find a classmate from the school."

She listened was incomparably, and the "girlfriend" of the original Lord was in her face. Faced with such a huge temptation of the giants, confused, biting the teeth on the sleeve.

The child is successful, and it is also born.

As a result, the original Lord did not recognize it.

How did she not think that the original Lord will be so dog, actually, even if there is a chance to identify the parent-child identification, I will run back to the country.

The child is born, can't throw it, and the sin of abandonment is illegal.

She was inquired, I really didn't find the contact information of the original Lord, and I don't know the true name of the other party. I don't know if the other party is still running to other countries. I can only send the child back to the country and make my parents.

Just started a few years, she also took hope, thinking that the child has grown up, always have to recognize the ancestors, even if the original is married, facing the illegitimate child, I can't give it a penny. .

The results have cracked a fraud every two years.

Two Chinese falsified their second-generation identity in international students, and played in all walks of play, so they quickly had a lot of friends and girlfriends.

At that time, the information was not currently circulating now. Plus Hua Guo is so big, the world is not thinking, anyway, they have always played friends with friends, except those of those parties, other party I don't know who I'm finished.

You have money, you are together.

This group of rich second generation is sent out by the family, and it is not self-motivated. Everyone is proud, no one will go to the junction, the two generations have not been dismantled.

They first became a lot of flowers and flowers, and then took the money to all kinds of circles, waiting for the surrounding people to accept their rich second generation, and then start looking for someone who "wants to join the second generation". .

After the timing is mature, find an excuse to borrow a lot of money to evaporate.

She was also cheated.

People who borrow money out have nothing to prepare, after all, "I have a little money in my eyes, can't I still think that this will be a liar.

Money borrowed out, people are gone, many people are all.

This thing is very big in the circle of international students. At that time, the woman was giggling, and she was generous. No one knows the real name, all friends, and suddenly disappear.

This information is completely all right.

After she returned to China, he had listened to some of them, but she can touch the circle of the circle. Even if people helped him to listen to the son, the first rich child is kidnapped, always paying attention to the son's confidentiality, outsider I don't know if the original master is his son.

So, after such a thorough inquiry, after he didn't listen to the other party, the woman had accepted the fact that "I actually gave a liar gave birth to my son."

Originally, I was looking forward to it. I hope that the other party has grown up behind the ancestor to let himself follow the chicken and dogs. One knows "truth", she almost throws the child.

However, she can't take care of these. When she borrowed the money, she is full of her mind, "I will give yourself a few hundred thousand people, I will repay my own money, and I will give people the money." Borrowed usury, and then gave her a few hundred thousand than that of her parents.

As a result, the liar ran, and the police gave people the people to spend the money.

, pay more money.

The creditor is looking for her money, she can't help it, I can only go back to cheat my parents to give her money.

The child has a powder, very good, she is very good, I want to sell him some money, two old people who have raised the child for a few years, it is unwilling, struggling, her father made a heart Disease, no rescue, home is in this way, it is impossible to send children.

This child does not bring much benefits, but it will become her towel bottle, the woman is very clear, after graduation, she returned to the country to find a job, basically not going home once, completely throwing the child to the mother, I have never been Don't say yourself have a child.

Soon, she formed a new family, to get married, this child's existence naturally can't be hired, her husband touched the gas to accept this, but the beginning will definitely not raise each other.

So, the original child grew as much as a wild grass.

The original Lord is still chic.

He didn't say this, and he still said that he was very happy. In her pastimes, I felt that I had a profound career. I found a company to open a company.

The company was unhappy by him, and a little experienced person is not happy. What is the use of salary, who knows which day will be closed.

The company is on the edge of the closing every day, and the original owner has money.

Even if it is a loss, this company still insists on several years.

I don't know if it is, and the child who has a difficult long-lasting, coming to this company.

The original main occasion once I saw the other party.

Because he is young and the child is too like, it is not a way to engrave it.

The only difference is that temperament is.

That child is awkward, it is a good boy, but the original, four places, all night, all the events, although there is a good skin, but because the drink is overflow, the whole person is swollen.

The original master can recognize it, or because he knows what you are young.

He is not good, but it is not forgotten that he is suspected to have a child.

Flowers to find someone to check, calculate the time he returned to China, it seems to be a reason is his son.

The original master didn't know what to do.

He is indeed a blend, and the first reaction to this kind of thing is to take responsibility, but think about it, it seems that no one knows that this is what he did.

No one knows, what is the responsibility.

So the original Lord is also safe to play.

As a result, the richest man, I want to visit my son's company. Let's see the child. I still remember what I have a long time when I am young, he also stunned.

The first rich work is more than the original mainland, and the other's hair is quietly identified.

As a result of the identification, he took his son back to a meal, and then took the child back and started to cultivate.

On the one hand, it is also the joy of grandson. On the other hand, it is also known that his son is a virtue, just like the original master, he is not assured after a hundred years.

But if you have a grandson, you don't have to worry.

In the end, it is a father and son. After the grandson directly crossed the company, even if the son is a grass, it is not worried that he will be bullied.

The original main master is still very panicked. When it is found that the pro is more than anger than anger, there is a grandchildren. He will put these things behind the brain and continue to play.

In the early days, the child's picture did not have a picture, sometimes go back, he occasionally saw the other party sitting in the living room, he almost a few months he knew that his son was in the age of sixteen.

The father sent him to the school to re-study, but also specially invited the teacher to teach at home, and the other person is not afraid of suffering, and learning is very serious. In the morning, I also learned at night.

The original Lord is not very suitable to get along with his son, but also consciously don't have any feelings to the other party. He is very used to it. From the small to most, it is very popular, and it is completely unwilling to take a responsibility of the father.

If it occasionally meets, I don't say a few more words: "Study hard."

I went to the building.

There is not long after this, and the child is busy, I have been studying at home, and the original Lord is not placed in my heart, playing himself as usual.

When he was finished, he was finished, and found that the other party had a fever of the child, and took the medicine to the past.

Just as he wants money to buy a new car, but the old man in front of the front will give him a money. I am afraid that I will want to pay for money. The original master is the first hair of the master. I called the old man.

The big idea is how to force the child to force the child is so tight. They have a fever, and they must be learned. So bigties are the days of the relaxation, you are too much cloud.

After the heart of the old master, the money is about to give it.

The original Lord only used this matter as a means of smart wit.

I didn't think that the child was so true.

After that, the old man died because of the death. At that time, when the company was held, when the hand was pursued, the child had a big beam.

More than 20 years old, like the old yellow cattle, with a group of old foxes, the original owner did not pay attention to how hardful, only loose tone, I feel that I can rely on the mountain and continue to play.

There is no such thing in this way, but it is a stupid goods.

So, a bureau around him appeared.

In the end, when the original owner, the company had problems, he was also kidding the company's account.

This memory has always been blurred in the original Lord, and even if he is not behind the defendant, he doesn't know what he did.

Finally, the company is bankrupt, the original main situation is facing the status quo.

The minimum is also a start in twenty years.

He flustered in a lifetime, pulling his son, crying and looking for a way.

The post-memory is more clear.

Facing your father's pleadings.

That seems to have always been quietly waiting for the young people who really got along with him.

His eyes were full of blood, and the face was blocked. Because this time has been busy with the shake of the focus, it is very stressful, busy, and thin is not like this age.

The former is arbitrarily afraid, talking, he can't eat this bitter, saying that you must die in prison.

Obviously, it was unbearable, but the young people had been quiet, but the original main cried was suddenly got up, hugged the opponent.

The original Lord he said that he said: "Nothing to dad, you won't sit in success."

After the father went, this son replaced the father and became the relying on the mountain. He didn't want to think about it, he only worried about fled a robbery.

Finally, he only knew that he did not sit in prison, the price was the son to undertake all the responsibilities.

The original owner was a long time, and later learned that the child had stomach cancer in jail, he went to visit, but the other side always smiled and said that he was still good, let him not worry.

After that, he received it is the death of his son.

I can't say what the original Lord is mood, it seems to be very uncomfortable, it seems to be very empty.

He never helped his children, but the other party paid life for him.

When she finished the relics of the other party, he saw the child's diary.

It is said that it is a tragic childhood, while going to school, it is hard to work hard, the clothes can only be washed over and over again, and they will not buy new.

It's hard to examine the high school, and the high school hasn't learned in a few days. He brought him a big sick, dropped out of school, working, earning money, or did not save the lives of the only loved ones.

He has never given up study. At the same time, he tried to test the adult college entrance examination. In the diary, it is planned to be arranged in every step of life, and he is also working hard for these.

I have never mentioned my parents in the diary.

Until that day, he wrote a short sentence: Grandpa told me that the father didn't know my existence at all, he didn't want me.

After the diary, there are more complicated learning, and when we do a few words:

Dad let me drink more hot water.

Grandpa came to cover the quilt in the evening.

Dad boasts me, learning to use, I have to act more.

Dad quarreled with my grandfather, I am very happy, I am not happy, they all quarrel, but I can't help but want to be happy.

Finally, add a small sentence: then I still secretly.

The original master knows how high the proportion is in his mind.

In this difficult moment of this child's life, he is doing his father is looking for. Happy, and he is not as unique to the other party like a lie.

He knew at the beginning, but he did not hesitate to leave the other party without hesitation.

The original Lord did not have to pass away.

He didn't have a chance to come once, and he could only actively entrust the system. I hope that the task will be able to be good to his son.

This is the most demanding client that Ji Changze meets.

The other party may be that the language description is still not three-dimensional, specially smashed some cover flower green books to him, message: The second generation of these novels I see that they live very well, take this, my son is the most Ok! Don't have a small gas, your dad is rich! !

Ji Changze quickly finished those books.

Have to say, the other party's request ... also tied to his appetite.

He stretched his body and looked at the sun that was slowly rising outside.

At the bottom of the shackles, the hardships were struggling, and they were born on the ground, and they hugged the long. The legs smirked: "Changze, drink, you drink."

While talking, while the empty wine glass was in the long shoe.

Ji Changze: "..."

He looked at the timeline, but fortunately, it is currently 36 years old.

At this time, the original Lord is still not fat, and the hair is also healthy. Although it is said that there is no abdominal muscle, it is a beautiful man, did not become a bald uncle.

At the end, the bit began to struggle to go to another shoe.

Jeaux, I looked at it carefully. I recognized that this is one of the original friends.

As the sea king in your friend, the original friend of the country is not a thousand, although he may not remember his own name.

And this friend still has a name, after all, two people are also growing up, saying that it is a small sentence.

As a small, the two are odor, together with the sea king together.

However, this person's next game seems else, his family seems to have a white wolf, and it has a bad family, which is better than the original Lord. At that time, the original Lord also went to find his son to take the money.

Later, he became the original bankruptcy, and he took the money and earned a little asset.

Otherwise, from a small grace, I have never had a "civilian life", I have been starving to death.

With this bankruptcy, Ji Changze patted his shoulders.

Tengsheng, blink. "

Tengsheng lost his eyes, he asked: "Hey, oh?"

Xi Changze asked him: "I remember that you have a buddy, is there a 4S shop? It seems to have gone a bunch of luxury cars to sell."

The Hai Wang Teng was in a few seconds, only to think about his own bad brain.

"Which one, which buddy? My buddies in the store went to the sea, you said specific points."

Ji Changze also can't think of which one, said: "The most expensive thing is the most expensive, the most expensive."


Tengsheng tried to climb up and failed, and the sure was so squatted on the ground, and pulled the memory in his mind:

"Yes, I remembered, he opened the store, but also let me take more friends to take care of business."

"What's wrong, do you ask this to do? Isn't your garage not a bunch of cars?"

Ji Changze: "My car is in the car flowers, not enough atmosphere, and I have no drainage."

Tengsheng, listening, sour: "Your car is just a blow to pull the wind, actually there is no dramatic, and you still plan to buy hundreds of millions of cars?"

"You don't understand, I want an exactly the same car, black, atmospheric, on the grade, enough to scare people, can sit on a bunch of bodyguards."

Tengsheng: "?"

"I don't understand, you are specific."

Ji Changze: "The TV series is in the game, the rich people will be sitting."

"Don't you understand this morning?"

Tengsheng wiped his face, climbed up and wanted to call, the mobile phone was out, suddenly stopped, sending a soul question: "No, those cars you said are too cheap, my buddy is definitely."

Ji Changze thinks too, but he still doesn't give up: "What should I do, I want to be expensive, more expensive, more expensive."

Tengsheng: "I feel hanging."

Ji Changze: "Do you want to make your buddy price?"

Tengsheng: "..."

He knows that he is a small fool.

Never imagined.

It is so stupid.

The two tossed a while, and the phone asked several people, it is only to force the car that meets the long-term "expensive and big and black looks also".

Then I took a role of ten.

Tengsheng: "..."

He was shocked.

"What are you doing! Are you doing so many cars? And these cars are the same, buy more, it doesn't make sense."

"Who said I opened myself, I gave your bodyguard."

Jely, Ze Xing, started to pick up the phone call: "Hey, Dad, I, you give me some money, I bought a car, forget it, trouble, you give me a copy of the card directly, I will watch my bill."

Tengsheng: "..."

He is so good to remind the other party: "Rong I plug in a mouth, you have no bodyguards at all."

Ji Changze took the time to look back.

"Yes, you remind me."

He turned again, add a sentence: "Is your card? I still want to invite bodyguards, how much? I think, one hundred people."

Tengsheng: "..."

One hundred people ...

Oh my God!

Afler can promise to have a ghost!

"Longze, Changze, don't make trouble, you are drinking big, uncle will definitely disagree, hurry to put the phone down."

Ji Changze did not believe in evil: "How can I not agree, I am hireding a dart, but my dad will definitely agree, don't believe you."

Said, he opened his mobile phone.

The car did not agree, he didn't just agree, but also son: "I see you are thinking about it !! One hundred? You do so high-profile fear that others don't know if you have money ?!"

Tengsheng gave Ji Changze a "you see what I said" expression, the expression has not been doing a second, then the voice of the record:

"Up to 80, no discussion."

Tengsheng: "???"

Eighty is a special low-key? ?

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