Everyone Knows I'm a Good Man

Everyone knows that I am a good man [I am going to wear] Son, I am your father (15) (young master, t

Liu is shocked, there is no death.

When he is too flat, it is so scared. The That of the killing of the thousand knives still have a gentle to help him take back.

Liu Yanqi has just been caught, and now it is weak, and it is really unable to hide. It is escaped by this woman, and I can hear the other party while shooting.

"Look at you, so excited, even for children, we can talk about it."

Good guy!

Several guys!

What this is said, the whole is the same as the old husband.

Liu suddenly came over, and he had just got out of his body.

Looking at the look of Gu Cui's appeared, almost didn't have the rest of the wine glass to the opposite face.

Gu Cui still didn't know why he suddenly turned his face, it could not be wronged, and did not abandon the continued try to close the willow. The two people were also a child's parents. She thought, they also could talk well.

As a result, Liu Yu suddenly became a wolf to avoid it.

"You don't come over! The rice can be done, you can't tell you, I am nothing with you, what is the relationship between the child ?!"

He is not like Gu Linxi, don't want to be happy.

Mainly, the minister is soaked!

The kid has become a twenty-four filial piety after the time. I have to come to the previous sentence. "I have to have my son." I also have to eat vinegar because Linxi is close to Tengsheng.

This is to know that Linxi's biological mother is a father of Linxi, and the Changze is not monster.

Liu is like children, but he prefer his friends.

For friendship, even how it is, he will not do anything about anything.

Gu Cu did not know the inside, see Liu Yu, this face is awkward, and thought that the other party really didn't intend to recognize Linxi, suddenly worried.

If this child doesn't have a big bright identity, how is her mother is still a face.

It is inevitable that there is a bit blaming, watching a pair of opportunities, how can I don't even have a good person.

It's really white, and the smart face.

"Oh, do you have to hate Lin West, I really don't know that you are so young, I just got twenty, I was just twenty."

Liu Yuran: "..."

He is already in four, it is not there.

Gu Cui saw him did not take care of himself. He worked anxious, go forward to tears will will will will will will will will will will will will will will will will will will will will will will will will will will will will will.

Liu Yuran has not forgotten the other's identity is his wife, and seeing this woman actually hook. Citing his own look, his face is green.

His long looks, after abroad, it is a Chinese, and occasionally can attract some foreign women's attention, and foreign countries are relatively open. At that time, some people think about the drug willow and he achieved good things.

If you are in the middle of the way, you will wake up in the middle of the way. The other side has four, and often eats high-calorie food. The body is slightly meat, it is like a meat mountain, laughing, the bloodpine is almost gone. Quickly scared.

He concluded that he was taking his own crutches to nearby hospitals.

After that, Liu Yuran encountered a proactive woman, and the twenty-year-old Mushan Aunt would think of the forties.

Think about the other party or the mother of Linxi, the wife of the nephew, the former front girlfriend before the forehead.


Liu Yanqi still looks at the arms that is caught, it is really disgusting, turning around to drop.

Gu Cui completely didn't realize that the other party is because of nausea yourself, but also want to take the opportunity to tender and comfort one wave: "Oh, you are sick ... ah !!"

After I finished, she was blocked by a rude feet.

The legs are legs, her legs are soft, they directly squat on the ground, looking up with blank, standing around Liuxun, like hungry Wolf, will will Liu Shuling Range.

If Gu Cu is a greedy, there is a greedy, then there is not much to people, it is like a scorpion snake, the general Liu Shuran, is fear.

She is white, trembling the lips, full of fear: "Small, uncle ..."

Liu River found this side, quickly ran over, seeing pregnant wife so embarrassed, squatting on the ground, he is full of angry, he is ambush.

When I found that Gu Cui stood in the face of Liu Yuran and Liu Bud, the anger on his face naturally became a fearless color.

"Uncle, is a little uncle, is it Gu Cui to do something wrong?"

He is careful, and went to take care of him, trying to pick himself: "What is going on! Don't you tell you to respect the two uncle !!"

"Oh! Dear?"

Liu Shunran said that he had been free. He listened to Liuhe's words. Directly knew: "You teach your wife to respect my uncle is the hook of the dead skin. Tour?"

There are not many words, it is very poisonous.

Liuhe was originally thinking about how to make two uncle ambitious anger, heard this face and greenery.

His head seems to have become green.

Unbelievable asking: "You hook. Item of my uncle ??"

He can still die yet!

Gu Cui is embarrassed, can't wait to drill in the bottom of the crowd: "No, no, I am just looking for a few words ..."

"You can get it, say a few words? You have to post it all the body, my brother doesn't want you to recommend the pills, don't look at what you are, the wrinkles on your face can open a farm, still think Hook. Leading men. "

"My brother is spit with you disgusting you can't see it? Liuhe, is your home? Do you want to send me in front of me? In order to please him, even your wife can send it? Tong, tolerance, large degrees "

Liu Shuling's shell is like a tiger. It is very important to say that this person can say that there is no name, and all the mouth comes out is a poisonous.

Liuhe and Gu Cuidian have no chances of refuting, and now two people want to drill to the ground.

Liu Shiran won the victory, some happy and expecting turns, hope that he can praise himself or change himself.

As a result, only the look of Liu Yuran indifferent.

Liu Shiran is like a bucket of cold water, and the smile on his face will slowly disappear, and it is not worthless: "Brother ..."

"I remember that I have said that we have broken it even."

Liu Yuran, but he didn't feel this brother. He said that he didn't be so embarrassed, but it was nothing bad than inserting this with a knife. Of course he didn't think so.

He feels that he is talking about it.

"Gu Cui is getting angry, you can get sickness than them, behind me, my face, make a pain look, run over, I am hug, you think so I can think you still have a good person?"

Liu Shiran is full of face ideas: "I, I don't mean this, I really want to help ..."

"you help me?"

Liu suddenly laughed, and the look is full of ridicule: "Let me think about it, you said to help me is more than ten years ago? You helped me put a leg, how? You now feel I am not very good looking at the cane walk, I want to help me break a leg, let me take a wheelchair in a wheelchair? "

Liu Shuling's face is getting more and more white: "I am not this, brother, you believe me, I'm really not ... I really want to help you ..."

"I can't afford it, I can't afford it."

Liu suddenly finished, the voice of Tengsheng screamed: "What happened, what happened, what is it lively?"

He squeezed out in the pile.

I saw that Gu Ciliu River is a glimpse. I saw Liu Yuran again, and I saw Liu Shiran, it was ugly.

When he left straight, he deliberately hit Liu Shiran: "Oh, Changze is waiting for you, what are you doing, singing a big show?"

Liu suddenly saw him, and his face was revealed.

He gently patted the friend's hand and whispered: "Look at someone else singing."

Liu Shulai looked at the brothers who love their own brothers in the past, and they went to see him and turned to the peace of the laugh.

I didn't mention him.


Liu Shiran is silent and low.

What is so good, he is just an white eye that betrayed my brother.

Tengshengxus doubizically looks to Liu Shiran.

In his eyes, this is the most heartbatched little scorpion, and how many people have been deceived.

"Isn't it?"

His eyes can't help but look on the willow, especially the intact leg, I am worried about: "Is it nothing?"

This is what doubts Liu Chengli is staring on Liujing, another leg.

Liu suddenly knew that he had a brain, shake his head: "Nothing, the inquiry, he will not do it directly."

Liu Shiran naturally understood it.

His look suddenly became stiff.

For the brothers and Tengsheng, he is close to him to be close to him, and find time again.

"I do not have……"

He wants to explain that Liu suddenly doesn't look at him, letting Tengsheng help himself.

In his eyes, it is simply two children, or you still don't touch Liu Shiran. In case this kid, the two people have deceived the two.

They left, others were amazed.

Especially Liu Shunran leave, Liu Shuran did not cover up the gamous sight of Liuhe Gu Cui.

Liu Family didn't have been so busy, and his wife saw Xiaoxen. Xiaox is unwilling to think strongly. Once the white-eyed wolf is also on the scorpice.

Liu is really crash, from a small to the big clearly, it is a tip, how can you get to such a home home?

Gu Cui slammed his stomach and full of face.

Liu Rijing looked at Liu Shuran as if I did a few marks, I saw him a few eyes, I left, my heart was cold, and I saw Gu Cui. When I saw it, my face suddenly turned into anger, and I pushed away by myself. Wife.

"What is going on, you actually dare to hook.

Gu Cui's face is white, she is now explaining.

Tell Liuhe just misunderstood, she is just to please Xiaoshu for Liuhe, and the result was misunderstood by the other party.

But her mind has always flashed a lot of things.

Gu Linxi's shirt, hundreds of millions of private helicopters ...

These things are all she wants to have.

Originally, she wanted to get these through Liu Xiang, but Liu suddenly did not eat this set.

Liuhe ...

Liuhe doesn't use it, it is not considerate, and it is not enough to look at it.

If Liu Yu has just been half a sense of good feeling, she is now affirm that they are full, but will not like her.

The expression on the face of Gu Cui slowly soft, and the debut: "I still don't want our home to please, who knows the little uncle to send any nerves, say that the little uncle is coming to hate us, deliberately put my reputation."

In order to see the truth in order to be said, she still worked hard to say evidence: "Xiao Uncle can be a scorpion, where do I see him."

Liuhe thinks too.

Xiao Shu, the weird, no, did not see him talk about the girlfriend to maintain the star, only raise the child every day, with a pile of milk dolls.

Still a scorpion, it is an elder of Gu Cui.

Gu Cu continued: "Xiao Uncle has just denying that Linxi is his child, I don't know what the situation is, since Xiaoman this road is not passing, we will go to the West, I am his aunt, he How can I give me a few faces. "

When the two shots, I immediately found a doctor.

As a result, I found a circle, but I didn't find it.

Upstairs, Liu is numb, listening to the long-looking long-looking in front: "You look at me with my son, the same, you look at our long legs, exactly, you will Look at our excellent quality, good character, and this high nose is the same! "

Liu Yuran: "... I really didn't want to grab it with you."

Tengsheng is on one side: "Yes, Changze, I can testify, just like to raise children, he will bring Lin Xi to the company to visit the West to eat and write the West Write homework to help Linxi analysis test paper, There is also to buy things with Linxi, there is any confusion answer in Linxi. "

"He really doesn't want to grab it with you!"

Liu Yuran: "..."

He can't believe that this big fool is his best friend.

Ji Changze really heard more nervous: "You still say that you don't want to grab! I and Linxi is the father and son, can you see it?! Take a look at our eyes, this nose, this mouth!"

"Can you buy a golden toilet in Linxi? Can you open a helicopter to pick up your school? Can you let him wake up in the five hundred square beds!"

Next to silently eat cakes: "... Dad, these don't say it ..."

"I want to say! And I told you, Linxi's test paper, all I specially sprinkled gold powder, can you! Can you do it!"

Liu Yuran: "...?"

He said: "I think Linxi's education will still let me come."

With the approach of Ji Changze, Gu Linxi actually can be so well-behaved, and it is a miracle.

"Well, it is a brother, you don't want to be up, I think this is the idiot of Gu Cui, she must deliberately departing our brotherhood." Tengsheng made a question.

Liu Yuran: "..."

Gu Cui's root will not know the existence of Changze, how did she leave?

This kind of comfort, said that Changze will not feel more to grab the child ...

He is very worried about the approach of Ji-Zen, and then I like my father's identity, I'm also affirmed after listening to it, and I still realized.

"You are right, this must be a gradient, oh! It's really poisonous!"

Tengsheng and Ji Changze reached a consensus, the two gathered together to jeopardize the sinister heart of Gu Cui, most of whom is the long-term, which is that it is still pure, which makes Gu Linxi have not followed the mother.

Liu Yuran: "..."

In most of the time, he feels that he is inconsistent with two good brothers.

Tengsheng also filed Liu Shiran. In his description, Liu Shiran is to see the lively and drilled in. It tries to damage people. I want to continue to take blood from Liujing, and when he arrives, Liu is poor, but also It is enough to give it a strong enough to give people.

Ji Changze is very ignorant for the will.

"What is going to play! Oh, I see you is the sexy, I want you, I will kill him!"

"Yeah, you are too simple to be too kind, hey, if you don't do it, how can we do it.

Liu Yuran: "..."

He said: "I don't want to talk to Liu Shiran, and he also helped me, just when I went back."

At that time, he died, he felt that he didn't have a live head in this world, and the child was also equivalent to a desire for his family. He didn't just gave Liu Shuliang feelings, and he also learned from himself.

Moreover, Liu Shiran is too clear to Liu Shuliran's sex.

The more he does not retaliate, the more it will be a transparent person, and Liu Shiran can't get it, it will be more and more crazy.

In the end, he raised himself, he is too clear how to poke the opponent's lung pipe.

Why did you have a suffering of him at the beginning.

After more than ten years, Liu Shuran faces, just like it is the same, I don't want to be attentive, is it a goldfish memory?

Ji Changze and Xunsheng shook his head together, and it did not agree.

One said: "How can you bully this, can't resentment, you can't grab your bully."

Another saying: "You see you this nature, I really don't know how to start this base, you tell me, in fact, there is a portable grandfather behind you, the golden finger in the novel."

In the face of the two friends, the Father's penetration, Liu is laughing: "I will deal with it anyway."

"I have just told Lu Ayi, how do you say Lu Ayi?"

I received him before Tengsheng. Mom's text message, heard the latter: "My mom said, I will give it to her."

Gu Linxi, I feel that uncle is as if there is anything, but he didn't point out.

This is still a private matter of uncle.

The banquet continued, but Gu Cui has never found Gu Linxi.

But she saw a very popular man at the banquet.

The other party is a foreigner, typical blonde, the five senses are very handsome, and it is only more than 30 years.

When Gu Cu saw him, the other party was holding a cup with the people around him, and those people were all the big people who needed the Barium, she also saw the banquet master Deer.

Deer is still laughing, very enthusiastic, and it is reasonable to follow her identity, and there are very few people who can make her enthusiastic, even the richest, because the two are the same generation, it is said to be a circle in a circle, all Calculate a little more.

Gu Cuang did not think much, she just want to inquire, why, why is Deer is so attentive to the other person.

After the past, I learned from a few people's conversation.

Mr. Edward is known when he is a global travel. Although Edward has no deer, it is a famous king, a famous country.

His light is inheriting the number of heritage of his father has exceeded Gu Cui.

Edward is a single son. The parents have a title property, all left him, he will run around the world when he is bored, and after knowing the deer, the sure is coming to Hua Guo.

Also want to invest, I will make a fortune in my hands.

Gu Cui heard it.

She has thought that there is money, it is already very powerful. I didn't expect this or a king, especially a rich king.

It is also unfortunate that he has always tangted to talk to people.

Edward is also good, laughing, it is more painful than the star, they are talking, Gu Cu finds a man to come over. He came over, and people around him have greeted him.

"I haven't seen it for a long time."

"What is Di Dong busy recently?"

"I respect the people for a long time, respect you."

For a time, this Di Dongshuo holds the moon.

Gu Cui thought.

Is the richest are not a surname?

It seems that this is the rushing to know the rumor.

In the face of everyone's enthusiasm, the column laughed: "I haven't been busy, just sit in the company every day, it is a big old, unlike a young time, then I don't have anything at that time, now sit I feel that my body is hard. "

Everyone has also quickly filed a lot of mioli in her body, trying to work with the monarch.

"No, my body is not as good for a day, I am afraid that I have to retire for a few years."

"I want to retire next year, but I am unfortunately, I am not fighting, I have to sit on this position."

The colono is bright.

I really didn't sleep, someone sent a pillow.

He is thinking about how to introduce the topic of the topic of the topic.


He smiled, full face, "I am very proud but I want to express very modest".

"Speaking of the children, although my grandson is young, but smart, watching is a unique side, I am afraid that I haven't been there for a few years, I will retire, I will only fish at home at home. Yokoy, you have to find me more. "

Everyone glanced.

Di Dong has a son. They are known, where is the grandson?

The column laughed, "This is not too much to kidnap the case in the past few years? I have never said that now I am bigger, I can't take a break in a few years, I will still be troubled with these uncle. Bokens take a lot. "

"It should be, it is sure."

"Di Dong is good, my family is a big pile of Sun Chier, but unfortunately there is no one, it is really dead."

"Okoo is good."

I laughed on the people, but most of them are unfortunately.

They know that the son of the record does not live, and have never heard of the next generation.

I was still thinking, waiting for the monet, the defeated family, they can also take the opportunity to take advantage of it.

As a result, he actually bought out a grandson who appeared very powerful.

It will make this old fox to say to work, even if it is tender, it is definitely not a good location.


How can I have a grandchildren?

No matter what everyone thinks, it is congratulations on the opposite side, and the reconsiscies will think about what they are in their hearts, but they don't care much.

Isn't the mall? The wall is inverting this sentence, it is not just talking.

Otherwise, he can't be so reluctant before him.

Now, Lin Xi is coming, the child is good, and I like to follow the business of the business, and afterwards, I will not be afraid of being anneated by people.

He wants to be more beautiful, and his face can't hate a flower. When he looks at him, he will know that he is satisfied with this Sun.

Gu Cui listened to a whole process, and it was very sigh for a moment.

Some people are really good, directly into the first rich home, or the only grandson, in the future heirs.

She was originally thought that her son would also be a heir of Liu, who knew Liu Yan, denied his father and child relationship.

It seems that online speaking is fake.

Think about it, if it is true, how can Gu Linxi may still go to school in public schools, and the real rich people do not send to the aristocratic school?

I really don't know what Liu is thinking, isn't it very much like children?

How to get to your child, even a name is not given.

There is also the way, and before watching a person, even the fathers can't please.

She will feel that she should teach him a teachings around him at the beginning, and I feel that it is a child of Liu, she should not give up so early, maybe there is a counter force.

Seven think about eight thinking, there are people there.

Next to it, I don't know when I have a foreign beauty. When I found it, the beauty of the beauty Edward was drinking wine, and his face was not filled with "a heart".

See him, Gu Cu Xin is moving.

I reached a hand when I fell to the other side and reached a: "Mr., are you nothing?"

Edward halo is sitting straight, smiling at Gu Cui: "Thank you, beautiful lady."

Gu Cui listened to this beautiful lady, and the smile on his face was very happy.

"Mr., I am so old, I can't say that Miss is."

"What? You still look for twenty, how can you make an old age?"

Edward's face is very good to please Gu Cui, especially known to the opponent's distinguished king.

One, the Queue of Qiao, and the long is still so handsome, and it is gentle, and it is full of appreciation.

Gu Cui really is difficult to restrain the impulse of his own heart.

She was originally to marry Liuhe for the sake of money. I couldn't help but think about it. If I was Edward.

The more people talk more, the more happy.

Edward said that he was in the industry, saying his manor, saying that he was crowded because he was going to school because of the other classmates to see him to give a gift, and no friends.

I also said his wife.

Gu Cui knows that the original Edward is so depressed because his wife has passed away.

He said that he worked hard to retain his wife, he went to buy a beautiful gem, beautiful jewelry, bought a gorgeous castle, wanting to make your wife happy.

But still can't keep your wife's life.

He came out to travel around, but also want to dissipate the heart.

Gu Cui heard did not reach.

Wang Jue's wife, can not be much better than what Liu River is much.

She is full of excitement, and she has to work hard on the face.

Edward is very sincere; "In fact, I just feel that you and my wife are very similar, you are so gentle, maybe if we know a day later, I will also pursue you."

Gu Cu He jumped, kidding, you can pursue me now. "

Edward frowns, as if it is confused: "Can you have a husband? I just heard them mentioned."

The joy of Gu Cui is extinguished.

Yes, she is her husband.

An incompetent, flat-flat husband.

The big cake is placed behind the bar, and three people are squatting.

Liu Yuran whispered; "I have already called Liu River."

Tengsheng and the long face look forward to it.

Tengshengqi: "What is the shortcomitude."

Ji Changze immediately didn't know where to pick up a bag of melon, handed it to two: "Come to the melon seeds, I let the assistant buy."

The three people are looking at, Liuhe came over, I saw a foreigner holding his wife's hand, the two were in the veins, suddenly anger, step forward, and opened two people. Holding hands.

Tengsheng / Ji Changze; "Wow!"

Liu is left and right, dry cough: "Small point ..."

On the other side, Gu Cu's face wronged, Liu River anger, Edward is a blocked in front of Gu Cui, anger and accuse each other: "She is your wife, how can you so rough!"

Liuhe almost didn't mad: "You hook my wife, you are so embarrassed ?!"

Edward seems to be a bit guilty, silently lives, see he no longer blocks, Gu Cui quickly said: "Edward is the Duke, if you play me like it, he will not stand by."

Liu River, I saw the foreigner surprised: "He also hit you?"

Gu Cui pitiful nods: "He has to hit me almost every day, I have no money in my family, I don't dare to resist ..."

She seems to be sad, and she has rumped into Edward, and the Liuhe whole people are green.

Ji Changze / Tengsheng: "Wow !!!"

Liu Yuran: "Wow ..."

Edward is very gentleman, some handsome raises hands don't touch Gu Cui: "Miss, you will get together, I will help you."

Gu Cui heard that he was a good one, he was happy, and continued to cry: "His family is big, he will not let me."

Edward really fell to be, comfortable: "Will n't, I will help you, I am also a Duke, still have a few dishes."

"Edward, thank you!"

Gu Cui is still in the arms.

Ji Changze / Tengsheng: "Hey,"

Liu suddenly took the melon seeds in their hands, while following her melon seeds, shook his head: "Hey."

Liuhe is already dead: "Gu Cui, what do you mean? Do you want to tear your face with me ?!"

Gu Cui consciously took the childhood of Edward, huh, huh, smiled: "You hit me, don't see me, I can't stand you, we divorce !!"

"Edward is Duke, he will help me."

She is very good, even if she can't hook up Edward, Liuhejia has begun to defeat, now take the opportunity to leave the opportunity to leave is the best choice, there is Edward help, when she can divorce, she can share some property.

Plus, the phrase of the degeneracy is Liu Yuran.

She has two backwards, there is money in their hands, don't take it now, what is waiting for Liuhe, waiting for Liu's bankruptcy to follow the prairies?

Tempse of the Jinjin taste, seeing almost, shooting the shooter: "It's fast, the turn is coming."

Liu is spit out of the peel: "Oh, I can be a long time to be a long time, really the boss, you say how to gather in my home."

Ji Changze took care of the West to the past.

A pair of innocent frames "we just pass through".

Then I'm still "accidentally" with Gu Cui to the end of the line, and the "surprise": "Gu Cui!"

He took his son, a picture of his hometown in his country: "You are here, I heard that Linxi refuses you, I said he also."

Gu Cui looked at the face of the long-term face, and the whole person was born.

"you you……"

Ji Changze is a bit: "It's me, Linxi Dad."

Gu Cu: "..."

She thought that the people who came in this banquet were inevitable, but they did not immediately knocked down the longness of the long, but squeezed an embarrassing smile and asked: "Why are you here?"

Ji Changze is very natural answer: "I am always coming in Liu, Liu always likes us, Linxi."

The meaning in this, the Mingzhu is because Liu Xiangran who loves the child, so it will bring the father of Gu Linxi.

He said: "We have not seen it many years, Syrich old? Linxi is our common child, are you getting married now? If you are not married, do we want to collate? I want to give Linxi a complete home. "

Gu Cu: "..."

She looks like a long way to see a special species who wants to rely on the child's upper white rich.

The other party is still saying: "Are you still looking for Linxi? I ​​think you should also think that our family live together."

Gu Cu: "..."

Still a softening of self-rolling.

Seeing that Chang Zer really wants to pull her, she panicked: "Don't come over !! I have no relationship with you, and I don't have to do it !!"

Xi Changze suddenly became "disappointment": "Do you really want to cultivate my feelings?"

After getting the head of Gu Ce, he can only hilarious, and the face is lost with his head to the end, because there is no acting, so can only be sounded).

Waiting for them, Gu Cui also tried to explain to Edward: "This is very complicated, you listen to me slowly tell you."

Haven't said yet, I have a nervous walking, I saw Ed Huatong, pulled up the other arm: "Mr., how do you walk around, deer let me take you back."

Gu Cui smiled and stood up: "Do you want to go back? I am a friend with him, not as good as I send it?"

The man watched an eye: "Ms., you may misunderstand, this gentleman is not a Ducus, he is an actor, but it is too deep to enter, so we always think that he is the Duke of the E country."

He was still surprised: "Don't you know that the E country is the presidential system, haven't there a royal family?"

Gu Cu: "..."

She usually only knows efforts to hit the best, please buy things around, where to know what other countries.

That man said very well: "Are you a friend of Mr., don't worry, this gentleman is a relative of the deer, and the deer always doesn't want to stimulate him. Specially pleased some friends helping to play, wait until he returns abroad. Will be treated. "

Get ... treatment ...

Gu Cui whole people are wood.

In your head, you don't know what to say.

She looked at Liuhe Chong himself, she thought that this was miserable.

It can be proved that there is not the worst, only a miserable.

Because she saw the man who had just took Gu Linxi to find her own, with Gu Linxi, it was called:


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