Everyone Knows I'm a Good Man

Everyone knows that I am a good man [I am going to wear] I don't want to return to the country.

Ji Changze also did not toss Eliza for a long time, and the study was coming.

In order to express sincerity, they are directly on the door.

Because people who know, Chinese scholars hesitated for a few seconds, and they still promised to let them enter their own home.

He turned his head and said with Elisa: "Anyway, if they apologize, I am still going back to China, I can't live here."

Iried a smile on the Elisa, I ran to tell the boss.

So, John's apologized a gift had to be a layer.

Al didn't come, he was resigned.

Ji Changze can not be embarrassed, this K country is a racial discrimination in the research institute, but it is not a matter of that the entire institute is only a yellow people.

After all, this research institute is still more important. If you want to go in, you must first be a genius, followed by trust.

The Chinese identity of the long-proximabi is destined to enter this research office representative of his strength.

In addition, the truly power of this Chinese is not yet tapped out. They used to think he was in one hundred, and the results will only know that Ji Changze will go to 100 million.

Today, all countries are in development, even if the K country is the world's first power, but if there is a chance to develop more, will anyone want?

One of the districts, and the value of the long-term, it is not worth mentioning.

So, the Association Institute is impossible to have a Chinese who have resigned from his own El, it is really refunded.

Mr. John, which was purely invisible, also got the above criticism, and he had to pinch the nose with his own boss with a gift to visit the glass heart.

His boss did not participate in the last incident, and he didn't feel deep, and there was no complex emotion like John. In his opinion, it was only a conflict in two subordinates. The subordinates.

John knows that the expression is very difficult: "In short, if you are not happy, you will remember him."


The boss laughed out: "John, there is no such horror, we have two such as personally apologize, can I pick up the problem?"

He is actually very different from the Hua Guo, but he is sitting in this location, not only else, excellent camouflage ability is also a matter.

At least, no matter what he thinks, each time you come into contact with other skin tones, the boss will show a friendly smile.

John saw the face of the boss and mixed confidence and not intentional smile: "I hope."

"God bless like it is what you think."

When I arrived at Ji Zhu family, it was the door opened by Elisa.

Seeing two people standing outside, she shouted with an employer who was born in the study house: "Mr., there is a guest."

Although Ji Changze is still angry, it is not rude, and it will come out from the study.

See John and another boss, slightly smashed.

Just when the two thought he had to be in the excitement of such a big fight, he was in the east of the long face:

"Is Al? El, is it unwilling to apologize to me now?"

"I know, I will know that he will not recognize me, he can't afford me, the research institute no one can see me, all are excluding me."

Ready to meet "Oh! Mr., how can you come from" The boss of words "..."

His friendly smile was stiff, but he still strongly supported his mouth: "Ji, Aier has been opened."


Young Chinese is surprised: "Why do you want to expel with Er?"

The boss is just right to reveal the look of the people in front of the person: "Ji, you don't say, do you have to fight Er? You are our very appreciated talents, if we choose one between you and Al, we Of course, you will choose you. "

He can use other reasons, more lightweight, for example, what is Ai race discrimination.

But in order to get into the Chinese people, he believes that he is working hard in the research institute, working hard for the research institute, and the boss chooses to give such an answer.

According to reason, a normal, people from exotic hometown, heard that the country will give up the compatriots in order to give up the compatriots.

In particular, this person comes from the poor and backward, but it has been such a good treatment in the first strong country K country.

The boss is very confident, oh! Look! It's time to tears, you will have a tears, thank you for having a pair of eyes that appreciate the opponent.

The Elisa came over, he took it, and he said very gentleman. Thank you.

Slowly swallowing to drink water, all in one fell fell to the superflow social etiquette's boss full of confidence.

There will be no problem.

This is what he is often used to buy people's heart, and it has not been leaking again.

Then he heard the Chinese in front of him: "God, Mr., you actually expense the subordinates you valued so much."

It is all right.

But how is the tone?

The boss is just thinking, listening to the Changze then coming: "The talents of Alona can sacrifice, so if I conflict with others, will you sacrifice me?"

"Cough and cough ..."

The boss almost did not die by the water.

"You, why do you think so?"

Isn't normal people should be grateful to Dade immediately, and I have to say goodbye to the morality? ?

John is very calmly giving him a look, it is probably "you see, I am not a normal person".

The young Chinese did not take care of two K people, and they were inseparable from the sorrowful thoughts that they might abandoned in the future.

"Aier followed you for five years, you will give up he, gentleman, you can give up, you will be too cold in order to enter the research institute.


His tough squeezed a laugh: "I am not for you? And I'm doing wrong."

"People are not holy sages, I can't forgive him this party. Mr. you are also a tutor of Aier. Do you actually give up him?"


He took a deep breath and strive to make himself not collapse the friendly look on his face: "That ... I call Al."

Ji Changze immediately filled his face.

"How can this! Alone race discrimination!"

Boss: "... that is so resigned ..."

"But you are too indifferent."



He gave up this problem with Ji Changze, but asked directly: "So what do you think, what should I do?"

Ji Changze did not intend to give the other party.

"This is your business with Aier, how do I know."


He is going to be worn.

Looking at his collapse, Elisa was inexplicably comforted.

Ah, it's so good, some people suffer with me.

But her mission is to stay in Hua Guo, so it is not good to continue such a smoking, how to talk about the people who take care of Ji-Zen for such a few days, Alissa believes that there is more less than that of Chinese employers.

She said: "Sir, the sausages you just sunned outside seems to have a bird being stealing."

"What ?!! The dead bird! My sausage !!"

The young Chinese really immediately became earthquake, and his face was angry toward the balcony.

Taking advantage of him, Elisa immediately started to mention two people: "Mr. Ali, Mr. Er, I will follow you for five years, you will so happy, for him, Mr. El will make him feel the fare of the rabbit. "

"The rabbit died of fox sad?"

The people in the two institutes are full of face.

Elisa explained unclear, simply changed: "In short, you have to resign Mr. El, but it is necessary to show a good look, to show that you have a pain between Mr. Er. In the end, I have to give up my cultivated students for the study.

For this reason, you have a heart, it is difficult to breathe, so gentleman will feel touched. "

John: "..."


What is the problem?

But I think about the dead commands above, they still bite your head.

So I waited until Ji Changze, when I came back, my boss began to red red, narrative, how difficult it was to do this, but for the future, in order to learn the good belongings like this, he still have to die, will Exported to the Institute.

The young Chinese obviously eats this set, I can't move, hold the hand of the boss: "Mr., I can understand, I understand, you are willing to make such a sacrifice, I am really touched."

"Ji, don't use a person to veto the entire institute, the colleagues of other research institutes like you very much, we will treat you as a family!"

"Do you really?! Do you really treat me as a family!"

The long is excited, and a pair of blacks are full of joy.

"Yes! Ji, we are a family!"

The situation is finally smooth, John and the boss are relieved, and it is finally possible to act in accordance with the plan.

They know that Ji Changze is a nature of money from the Industry Bureau, and this time she has a lot of money.

The boss took out a bag of money, handed it to the long-term: "Ji, this is our a little, you suffer this."

Ji Changze is written and refuses: "No, I can't want, is we not a family! Where is the family talks about money!"

"Ji, you are holding it."

"No, no, how is this, my salary has been sent, how can I still take extra money? I am very happy that you have this heart.

In my heart, you have to be like a tutor than my mentor, how can I have the money of the tutor ... "

His Balabara has not finished, and the boss see him really don't, put the money back.

"Well, Ji, you really don't love money."

The young Chinese scholars are talking about it.

The two did not pay attention to his look on his face. Since the purpose reached, it was also touched that this hard-working Chinese, they planned to be a doctor.

"Let's go first, see you tomorrow."

Ji Changze sent it to the door, and the face was held on his face: "See Mr." tomorrow. "

The door is closed.

Eliza saw this ended this, the end of the music is over, and the tone is rushed to bring a happy smile on his face: "Mr., you can really have talents, and let your boss personally apologize, they must pay attention to you!! I am really happy !! "

"Pay attention to a fart!"

When the door was closed, the face of Ji-Zen pulled down.

"They are not sincerely apologize!"

Elisa stunged: "But, but I see them really feel very hard ..."

"All is fake! Don't see it! You didn't see if they didn't plan to give me money?! What do you mean? Take money to sway, deliberately laugh at me ?!!"

The violent Chinese angry, walking in the living room: "Can be evil! Can be evil !! I haven't received such a big wrinkle! Eliza !! Give me a baggage! I will go back to Hua Guo !! "

Elisa: "... No, Mr., you are calm, just I saw, really don't want money a few times."

"I don't say it, are they really don't give it? !!"

The long-lasting surprise is angry: "Have you seen anyone New Year's New Year, a new generation say no, the elder is really not giving ?!!"

"They are deliberate !! deliberately humiliate me! God! God! Elisa, I am angry, I am angry, fast! I will give me stewed chicken soup to make up, I drink chicken soup Go to the road! "

"Hey ... how bad, this cold, unrealistic research institute can really treat me as a family, I am so sad, I have to go home."

Eliza: "... Mr. You, etc.! There is no soy sauce at home, I went downstairs to buy a soy sauce!"

She ran down the building and called the colleague, and pulled it back to the two bosss that have not been far away.

I heard that the Changshu is not breathing because they don't really send the money, and the two: "..."

"Isn't he do not want?"

"Mr. is not really don't really, he is just polite, you are welcome? Chinese people like to welcome, now Mr. now is very angry, think you are deliberately humiliate him, so I still go up."

Two bosses: "..."

Elisa came back with soy sauce, when the chicken soup was stewed, the doorbell sounded again.

The door opened, two bossy smiles: "Ji, we think, you still take this money."

Ji Changze came over, frowned, swayed: "Oh, I said that I don't want it! How are you right?"

"Hold it."

"No! I can't!"

"This is the compensation for your research institute, which is you deserved."

"How is it so embarrassed, don't do it."

Two people: "..."

They must not have, only quickly throw the money on the table.

Ji Changze immediately got angry: "I said, I don't want you to give it! I am really !!"

As soon as I said, I pushed this package to the inside, and I have to complain about it.

"Oh, you can really be difficult to wait!"

Two people: "..."

Who is difficult to wait for it.

I went out from the Zhujialou, and the wind blows, they found that they had just sweat.

The action is neatly wiped the sweat on the head.

"John, I always feel that we are afraid that our research has been afraid of it."

"So sir, I think so too."

That Ji, how to raise him.

God, it's too much to grind! !

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