Everyone Knows I'm a Good Man

Everyone knows that I am a good man [fast] Chapter 362 (Chapter 301

Chapter 301

"national hero??"

Village people are all right.

Today, what happened today, it is a bit beyond understanding. The good end is sitting at home and eats an annual meal. Suddenly a fighter landed in the village, all the way to the village from the village.

Then a bunch of government leaders came.

Ambulance, fire truck, with the monk of the real gun, the helicopter of the lights in the sky, and the number of cars seeing more than their number of people.

In now, the big plane is everywhere, and the light is shining.

Everyone knows that the Ji's Ji-Zen is coming back, and there are many comrades of the military to go to the family, but they don't know what happened.

Di Changze is not in foreign newspapers say he doesn't come back?

Isn't he a treason?

What people are not just coming back, but also the comrades of the military.

The question of the first, but the comrades of the soldiers are doing things, no one is embarrassed to gossip, only far from the distance.

In the end, it is time, more and more people look at it, and today is because it is a lively, and the children running around, the curiosity standing on the top of their own room.

For them only to see a small plane, this fighter is too large.

The Milk Milk came out and became the focus of everyone.

In fact, after the news of the previous scorpion, there is no one to say anything before coming to Ji's grandmother. After all, she came to her husband as a martyr. I have a good time, I'm going to work hard, Ji Mao is still The model in the village.

She is indeed a nature, but its own excellence is also obvious.

At least in Xiaoshu Village, even if everyone says that the long-standing is how long, no one will say that this is the taught of the iii family.

It's all in a village, no one knows who.

In particular, the Changze has went abroad, but the phone did not hit it. He didn't light the motherland and abandon his family.

To a certain extent, the iii family is also betrayed.

Of course, it is still to say in the back.

"My family is not to call us, he, that is, it is controlled by the K country, people get him, do not let him play."

Ji's grandmother is now a straight waist.

She interprets her own Suner: "There are also those newspaper news, but also those K people forced him to send him, poor me, Great, can't eat it in K country."


This news is too exciting.

The village people are shocked by a face.

"What is the K people like this!"

"Look at our parents' excellent!"

Comrade Military Angle only stands in the third party without any feelings. The color explains the way the whole thing comes.

But who is the grandmother is who is.

That is, you don't know what you can carry down the entire leadership.

When the village mobilized, which is not her to stand on the table.

Her mouth can slipper.

It's just that everyone is home to their own place, and I don't have to mobilize my grandmother. I haven't played space for a long time.

Now, she can make her arrest the opportunity. She summed up those who said the military person, plus some of her understanding, and moisted, the final version became:

"He didn't move, pretend to promise the K people, actually always thinking, oh, how can I contact the country? How can I go back to China? How can I transfer news to the country?"

"Hey! He suddenly became flashed! Since the K people did not let him return to China, he gave him, banned ..."

A high school surrounded by god, heard this test: "Prohibition of exit?"

"Yes! It is forbidden to go out! Oh, Xingbang, you know this, this is a fresh word."

High school students were excited because of catching such a big scene, hurry to say: "I also listened to the teacher, three milk, you will talk, after the Changze, he opened the plane?"

"The line is line, I will talk."

If the Milk Dai is suspended, Barabala will then say: "Changze thoughtfully returned to China every day, but he couldn't come back because he was banned, he was not coming, he was a meal and did not eat well. , That is a pain, the result is one day, he suddenly! Hey! I want to have a magic!

He thought that since the K country didn't let me get back, I didn't get it myself? After thinking about this method, I was happy, I didn't fall asleep one night, and my eyes were dark. "

In this way, it seems that I think when I think about this method, she looks on the roof.

However, the people in the village have been full of excitement, and they also guarded this kind of vulnerability, and they have urged: "Later, how is it?"

"Later, he said with the K people, this way, I will help you do it, you just look at me, I don't go out, I will do it with peace of mind, K people think, so many people look at him, he is sure I can't run, I am relieved to let him do it. "

Good guy, she now knows what the K people think.

Ji Yidai also could not clear the difference between the plane and the transformation of the plane, according to his understanding, then said: "Changze did not have a day and night, do tired, he looked up and looked at the moon, thinking about the family When he is waiting for him, he will be able to do it, continue to do, do it, he finally made the plane. "

"After doing it, did the Changze have opened the plane?"

"Changze will also make a plane, it is very powerful."

"It turned out that the big plane was doing Changze, it can be dried, so big, how long he did."

Where is the MDM know how long a plane has to do.

She didn't know, she jumped directly, continue to say: "How can I open it directly, those K people are not vegetarian."

"After Changze is done, I first defraud their trust. When I saw it, he did so seriously, but I did so, I feel that Changze is given by their sugar-coated / thunder. Confusion "

High school students can't help but correct: "Three milk, what should you say should be a sugar-coated?"

Ji's grandmother: "The K country is the glucose land. Thunder, they land. Ray, when you didn't see it, they buried so many places in our Hua Guo. Thunder?"

High school students always feel wrong: "But ..."

"Go! Go! Go."

His dad believes more: "You can have you know how much you know? You are the martyrs! Whether it is cannon. Play or land. Thunder, you can have seen it!"

High school students can only be wroth, listen to his three milk, not, say.

"I just said, I just said, right, I said the sugar-coated land. Thunder, those K people know that our Hua Guo's patriotic heart is not scared by them, they can be scared, they are long Ze is hooded, you can rest assured that he went to the fighter to check.

Changze said with them: I checked it, you are waiting outside.

The K people agreed. As a result, Changze entered the plane, and directly started rocking the rod. The K people saw him in a rocking rod. He understood that Changze was squatting, hurry up, and took it out. Land. Ray with gun, threatening Changze is not allowed to rock the rod. "

Diamond milk, a big hand, "But Changze is willing to do," I want to go home, let him continue to hit the rod in the threat of bullets, the K people opened a gun, in a bullet, Changze Shouting to them: You stop me from being useless! I am a Chinese! Even if you kill me! I am also a body of Hua Guo! "


"Good !!!"

"It is a late generation !! It is hard !!!"

Ji's milk eyes contain tears, sincere: "Then, in his shouts, the plane launched, he quickly got a plane, stepped down, flew over the sky, K people opened a gun, but he is fearless No fear, because of his heart!!! "

The village people have been touched, and some people have wiped tears, and they said that he didn't really believe in him before. Changze this child is outside, but also being bullied by the K country, also The Chinese people thought it were a rebel country, he should be more wronged. "

"It's a good boy. When he was born, I said that this child is like a three brother, it's really, like the three brothers, it is a good man!"

In a warm atmosphere, only high school is full of confused.

The plane started ... Is it a rocker?

How much rocker is that, is the Changze La?

He suspected that the three milk was launched to use the rocker to give an airplane. But looked at everyone, I was very brave, and the high school students did not dare to ask this time.

So after this time, the children in the village believe that the aircraft launched as the tractor in the village, to start with a rocker.

Because of the heroic color of Ji-Zen, the talented games of children have become the long-term Heroes of the National Heroes.

When playing this game, I also look for the root stick to turn to the air. I have to pretend that I have already placed the heat of the milk. It is best to have the sweat on my face, and I will call the last sentence behind her face.

"Even if you kill me! I am also a Chinese!"

Occasional plots will follow several borders of the small master's play, such as "Xi Changze" guns, covering the chest small mouth vomiting blood (put the Feng Xianhua juice in the mouth of the mouth), while a strong hand shaking rod .

The final airplane "launched", the little master "is" dying "to the scene of the plane, rushing to the distant (generally the village tailor entrance) motherland.

Ji Changze still didn't know that Ji's grandmother didn't just shape a tragic image and added a "rocker start" setting to the plane.

He is writing some of the information to play before K King before.

To be honest, the K country is forcibly retaining him, and four words can be described.

The wolf into the room.

Ji Changze, a literati, Outthis Wenwen, looks only if it is not engaged in research.

He doesn't even do it even.

But the K country's up and down in his eyes, only four large characters full of vulnerabilities can be described.

In particular, the K country is already working with a computer, compared to the computer, and a relatively rare Hua Guo, K, is very proud of this modern informationization office.

However, the data stored in the computer is not as in reality, and in the safe, there is a batch of security in the safe.

Computer this, even if you are hiding at home, as long as you can connect the Internet, Ji Changze will follow it as simple as you.

He saw anything, he didn't write, nor did you say, just remember it silently.

Now I have returned to the country, I didn't have a scruple, I'm full of rice, and I asked for a paper pen, I started brushing brush to write the content of my remember.

Uniform Pony from the beginning: What day? ? ?

To: I am! !

Agate: I am ...

A paper, two paper, three four.

Ji Changze finally wrote twentieth pages.

After writing, he gave these to each other: "Be sure to be safe delivery."


The uniforms of the emperor were excited.

Cherish the thick piece of paper in his hand, he thought, he also underestimated the meaning of the language of the genius.

Ji Changze is not just to write.

These are just K countries.

He can still have inventory.

However, these must have to come personally.

Uniform Xiao Ge said: "The leaders are still coming to the way, and it is estimated that it is coming soon."

Ji Changze rushed back to eat the New Year's Eve, they naturally impossible to ask this Qianshi to return to Hua Guo's small comrades to see yourself, at this moment.

On this day, for the village people, not only met the fighter, I have seen many old leaders who can only be seen on newspapers and TV.

They came all the way, the wind. Dust servant, wrinkles, but after seeing the fighter, suppressing a smile on the face.

A old leader who retracted from the battlefield is not very fast, carefully stroked the front of the fighter, and the eyes of laughing have a tear: "Ok, ok."

"With it, how many people can be sacrificed."

"Good things, it is really good."

"Comrade Changze? Take us to see him, you must thank him."

Thank you, brought such a good "new year".

Thank you, so good talent, no choice to abandon the motherland.

The people in the village are really souls.

They are excited, they can't say it, they can see these old leaders more than the fighters.

The old man is really excited than the young man who can rest.

The oldest old man in the village is old. In recent years, I have a little memory chaos in recent years. I often don't recognize people. At this moment, I will swear, I'm looking at it, I suddenly pulled a long way to say:

"How old are you old, you have to take care of your body."

Hello, happy:

"Hahahaha, I take care of it, your old man is also, have you eaten?"

"Eat, eat, , how do you come to us? Is it going to fight, spring, come with my gun, you wait for me, I also go, I have good skills."

"I still have a sheep leg, I have a few mouthfuls, there is still a half lamb leg, I have eaten, I have said that you are coming, the result is, spring, spring, put the leg legs Take. "

His son, the old man in a seventy-seventy-year-old man was called a small name, and he hurried his father: "Hey, you are confused, you will not fight now."

"Don't fight, don't fight, eat lambles, go, take legs."

After the old man finished his son, he watched the big family and said: "You see you, your hair is white, don't always be better, don't we win, sit down, come to eat lamb, delicious Sign up. "

Everyone is crying and smiling, hurrying: "No, no, we have, you forget, don't take the one-line of the people."

I heard this, the old man is not happy, mutter: "How can I be a people, I am a soldier, I am a Chinese army."

His son rushed the old man: "You don't know with me, he is older, there is a little can't remember, I always think that I am still fighting, I have been in battlefield when I am young, just won it for a year. He is back. "

"Who said that I can't remember the things, I remember it clear, , what is it? Who is so big ..." The old man just said, and I forgot that I came out.

He stared at the fighterway for a few seconds. He suddenly became a lot of emperors: "It is a plane! Throw guns. Play plane! Run! Spring, run! Hold your son !!"

"Hey, you, that's not, don't worry."

The old man is anxious to turn, I don't know why I have shown police, and the surrounding villagers still stand in place.

"Run! Cannon. Both bought it down! To die! Fast, my gun, you hide, I will turn them away."

He went up with a cane, too anxious, and a pair of helped it.

The old man looked up, full of chaotic eyes with a familiar day to see the photo of the photo on the top of the photo.

The other party told him: "Comrade, you have a mistake."

"I ... a mistake?"


The other party pulled his hand and took him to go forward, pointed to the fighter: "The plane is not an enemy country, is our Hua Guo."

"Our own home?"

The old man screamed: "Our Hua Guo, there is such a beautiful plane Wow?"

"Yeah, there is only such a case, but I believe there are many more beautiful and more powerful."

The old man stood in the fighter staring at the bottom, showing a happy laugh on his face.

"Our planes are different, I am so good."

Because of this small episode, everyone will go to Jili for a while.

Ji Changze has already drawn three pictures.

Seeing everyone, he immediately got up and helloked.

"Hey, good, good, which is this?"

I recognize that the table is a warship. Everyone has a little more excited.

"Yes, there are many ideas before, I'm going home, I will draw it."

Uniform Xiao Ge hurriedly held 20 papers who took care of the past: "This is the Mr. Comrade Jize is written down.

"Speaking of K countries."

One of you will ask for a long time: "Do you determine that the technology in this fighter doesn't know?"

"I am sure."

Ji Changze is very affirmation: "And before the fighter, they have leaked my technology, they enforce me, asking me to be Kuk national acts, but before my research results, first leaks."

"So this time the fighter transformation, I strictly guard against the death, I didn't let the K people have the opportunity to contact the renovation technology, but they still don't die, put a few drops in the fighter, ready to theft my results."

"It's shameless !!"

One of the long-taking tables: "They leaked what technology, we must give you a fair!"

Ji Chang Zhu Zhang mouth said the technical name.

Everyone: "...?"

Isn't the Tenden Tende in the secretory before the comrades of Changze? ?

At that time, because of many professional vocabulary, I also converted to this century broke down.

They also sent a big fortune in accordance with the other party, turned to sell this technology to other countries in exchange for a resource.

Ji Changze continued to make an indignation: "They don't light my technology, but also sold to a country! Even this news is what I saw on the newspaper!"

He asked everyone: "Is it very too much!"

Everyone has returned a little.

Sswen 's long-term leading table: "Over! Actually do this! Let's rest assured that Changze comrades, we must help you discuss fair!"

Others have gradually understood, and suddenly realize: "Yes!"

"Forced to detain other citizens, grab the results of the experiment, illegally detained, really excessive!"

Ji Changze added: "And it is still thinking through strong grab, and robbing my country's new fighter."

Everyone: "..."

"My country ... fighter ??"

Isn't it the K country? ?

Ji Changze is just right: "Of course, it is my country, now stopping in our village, not our Hua Guo, how can the fighters of K countries may ran to our Hua Guo."

The big leaders are all a bit.

Emotional is to explain probably:

How to run?

You are coming back.

Ji Changze continued to be reasonable: "Everyone knows that the Fighter of K countries has national flags, but is this fighter? It doesn't!"

Of course, there is no, if there is, how it is how it is invisible.

"K States said this is their, then they have a second?"

If you can't make it can't make it, the information left by the Changze is not going deep.

A long family is very cautious: "But this fighter is flying from the K King, and the world is watching in the eyes."

Ji Changze: "At the beginning, our country was aggressive, and the K people robbed the robbery. When I walked away, I didn't know how many national treasures, I also know all over the world."

If you leave, you don't have to say more.

Everyone is still too straightforward.

At the beginning, Hua Guo lost, don't know how many national treasures fell overseas, now let the K country, will they still?

Take Hua Guo as a battlefield, play your own battle, and those who die, let them admit that they admit it?

Killing people, grabbing things, giving someone else's homes.

The last face is a piece, and death does not recognize it, cover history.

Speaking with them, they will talk to you..

Then there is anything to say.

Not working hard to prove that the fist is boss?

That's now, the way to the Hua Guo is big.

There is a military footsteps outside, and a few words in a long time.

The gods of the big family are gradually serious, and they are directed at a few people:

"The K country fights in advance, it is now demonstrating in the border, saying that if you don't hand over the fighter and Gurze, you should use force to interfere."

Another bigger is a long-awaited: "There is already a combat plan a few months. Now it is for these, it is really dryness, I want to occupy a morality."

A largest parent that has always been silent finally opened his mouth:

"I want to make our bones soft, I am taking it, I will force us to bow, give money, I don't even give us the rest, I hope that we are despicable, relying on the day, dream!"

"Warrior, it is not not kneeling before, you refund, they will enter, you will refund, you can only change to get inch.

Eat enough, the current Huazhi is standing dead, nor is it born! For a good day, I want to destroy us, that can't, they think we will be afraid, thinking that we will refund, we are committed to letting them know.

It is a rabbit, it is anxious, it will also bite. "

Ji Changze packed the drawing: "I am walking with you, many things I have, the most delayed night, I can make a new weapon."

A group of people rushed and rushed.

Ji Yidai has just blows people. Everyone is from home. I will see Suner and I have to go, I'm anxious: "Changze, today is cross the year, don't live at home?"

"Milk, I have to help, this year is not at home, next year, next year, I promise that I have been at home every year."

Although Ji's grandmother is not satisfactory, it is also a big event, and nodded: "Then you remember to eat."

"I will."

Ji Chang Zhu smiled from his pocket, took out a few things and handed it to the uniform: "I am doing in the K country for the New Year,"

Xiao Ge got not far from ignition, and made a sight of the landscape.

The beautiful fireworks blows in the sky, and the underground people look into the god.

"Is Hua Guo?"

"It's so good."

Ji Changze: "It will be better in the future."

"The future of Hua Guo will be beautiful than any country."

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