Everyone Knows I'm a Good Man

369. He who snatches the orphan’s sword in the last days (1)

After modification, the sound was reduced to a minimum and the super-fast motorcycle drove quickly on the dilapidated bridge. On the high places on both sides of the bridge, there were crows standing above them.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he realized that he was driving a motorcycle. If Ji Changze hadn't reacted quickly, he and the car would have almost rushed off the bridge.

Seeing him stop suddenly, the entire convoy following him stopped quickly. The person closest to Ji Changze rode up to him, took off his helmet, and revealed a young face:

"Boss, what's wrong?"

Ji Changze said calmly: "It's okay."

Oh, I just want to take a rest.

Although he didn’t know what this bridge that had been crossed countless times was good for the wind, the young man still got out of the car, raised his hand and announced:


The people at the back immediately got off the motorcycle in twos and threes, took off their helmets, ate something, and drank water.

Ji Changze leaned against the bridge and looked down to the place where the river originally belonged. At this moment, it was completely dry, and countless shriveled zombies were reaching out to them underneath.

"I have to look at them every day when I pass by. It's really unlucky."

The young man cursed and asked Ji Changze: "Boss, it's almost time. We have to choose a day to shoot another batch. Otherwise, if one of them with a higher level climbs up, it will be troublesome." "

"Boss, boss, why are you ignoring me? What are you thinking?"

Ji Changze glanced at his subordinate lightly, then drove him aside: "Go away."

The young man wants to say, boss, you have become more and more fierce recently.

But in the end, he still didn't dare to disobey the other party, so he could only walk to the other side to blow the wind in despair.

No one bothered him anymore, so Ji Changze read the complete memory in detail.

This world was commissioned by the original owner.

Just like the memories I received when I first arrived, it is now the tenth year of the end of the world.

Ten years ago, the end of the world came and a large amount of fog swept across the world. Some people were immune to the fog, while others suffocated to death under the attack of the fog.

When they open their eyes again, these dead people have turned into monster zombies that have no instincts and only pursue humans as food.

At the same time, most of the technology-related equipment failed and lost the protection of technology. The surviving humans were like lambs.

Just like in the movies, humans will die quickly after being bitten by zombies, even if it is just a small bite.

Death takes less than a second, and then

The first time he opened his eyes was a zombie.

In half a year, the number of humans dropped significantly, and national governments around the world ceased to exist. And after a year, it was like a miracle. The humans in the mainland could only rely on brute force and strategy to fight against the zombies. People with super powers appeared one after another.

The power of the superpowers reversed the disadvantageous situation that had been suppressed, but those who awakened were not only humans, but also plants and animals.

Human beings who have fallen from the top of the biological chain have to fight against three powerful enemies: zombies, plants, and animals at the same time.

The good news is that superpowers can be upgraded. The way to upgrade is to absorb crystal nuclei that have the same origin as their own superpowers. Crystal nuclei can be found in the heads of zombies, the hearts of animals, and the roots of plants.

Crystal nuclei soon became human beings' currency, and were divided into levels one to nine based on color and energy. Similarly, human powers were also divided into levels one to nine.

The conditions for absorbing crystal nuclei are also very harsh.

Low-level crystal cores are ineffective against high-level superpower users. Crystal cores with different attributes from the superpower users cannot be absorbed. Crystal cores with a higher level than the superpower user may not be able to sustain such a huge energy explosion if they are forcibly absorbed. .

No matter how powerful the superpowers are, they can't go it alone, so the base came into being.

Some powerful superpowers established bases and recruited surviving superpowers and superpowers who were not as strong as themselves. The weak superpowers worked in the base and lived a hard but barely surviving life. The powerful superpowers came out. Search for supplies at the base, fight zombies and get crystal cores.

In the apocalypse, the strong are respected.

The base where the original owner was located was called Yinghe Base. It was named because it was built on Yinghe Island.

Yinghe Island was a tourist resort before the end of the world. It was large and had a stable ecological environment. The entire island was surrounded by the Yinghe River, and only one bridge could lead to it.

After the apocalypse, there was a global earthquake, and the water in the Yinghe River dried up overnight. Its water flow depth is about eighty meters. When there is no water, zombies will never be able to climb up if they are thrown in. Similarly, if it is a human, If you fall down, will you be crushed to death even if you don't fall to death? Zombies will bite you to death.

Most of the zombies have lost their eyes since the second year of the apocalypse, but they seem to be naturally able to sense the smell of living people and the smell of blood. They often follow the slightest sign of trouble and a group of zombies will follow them and run naked.

The Yinghe base tried to throw many zombies into the river. After the zombies accumulated too much, the smell of many zombies may have overwhelmed the smell of the residents of the island base. Those who were originally eight hundred miles away also started to cry. The one who rushed over to start the meal?

The corpse finally calmed down and no longer focused on rushing towards this direction.

Therefore, the zombies in Yinghe have become a natural barrier for the Yinghe base. Every once in a while, a person with supernatural powers will go out to attract the zombies from outside and lure them back into the river.

The reason why "defense materials" must be replenished every once in a while is because some alien species occasionally appear among zombies. Although they are more interested in humans, they will also hunt zombies and eat the brains of their own kind. Crystal core advancement.

In order to prevent the emergence of high-level zombies raised by hand, Yinghe Base will kill high-level zombies in the river every once in a while to prevent them from climbing up to a height of more than 80 meters and entering the base.

The identity of the original owner is the boss in the base.

This good idea of ​​using zombies as a protective cover to protect the entire base from being invisible in the eyes of zombies was naturally...not his idea.

It's the former boss of the base, Ji Rong.

Ji Rong, a fire-type superpower with a power up to level eight, once single-handedly broke into a city full of zombies and mutated animals and plants, and was able to bring out a child from it with his hands free.

Not only is he powerful, the most important thing is that he is brave and resourceful. This method of turning enemy corpses into protective shields was thought up by Ji Rong and successfully implemented.

What he is most famous for is not his powerful fighting power, but his weapon, a sword.

The end of the world, what? There will be fantasy things. There are high-level superpowers, high-level zombies, high-level animals and plants, and naturally there are high-level weapons.

It is impossible for superpowers to fight with bare hands. Otherwise, if a fist hits the zombie's head, the zombie's head will be split, and the superpower's hands will bleed.

If you are infected with corpse poison, you will die immediately.

So all kinds of weird weapons were born.

Powerful superpowers are easy to find, but powerful weapons are hard to find.

Ji Rong's weapon is more normal than the meteor hammer and crescent sword. It is a beautiful sword.

This sword was made by Ji Rong after he killed an eighth-level alien beast that broke into the base and used the enemy's bones that could not be burned no matter how hard it was burned.

When he made this sword, everyone was already learning how to refine it, adding crystal nuclei, poison, and everything else.

Most people would throw in the crystal cores that they couldn't use, but Ji Rong was different. He also built high-level crystal cores of his own series into it.

In the end, he created the world's first level nine weapon.

Even if it is an ordinary second-level superpower user, holding this handle

The sword can also kill level 5 mutant beasts beyond level 3, let alone Ji Rong who is already on the ceiling of level 8.

When a hero is equipped with a good sword, everyone will admire him.

But when Ji Rong and the ninth-level zombie king died together, this sword would only attract the covetousness of many people.

This is the first and only level nine weapon.

Ji Rong was indeed very powerful before he got the sword, but after getting the sword, he could directly defeat the bosses of the same level in other bases.

Let me ask, in the end of the world when force value is equal to safety value, who wouldn't want to get that sword.

The original owner wanted it too.

To be honest, the original owner can be considered a very powerful person, but he has always been overshadowed by Ji Rong. They are both at the eighth level, so he will always be the second-in-command. He only took over after Ji Rong died.

Before Ji Rong's death, everyone firmly believed that the original owner was the most loyal subordinate around Ji Rong.

Because his life was saved by Ji Rong.

In the early days of the apocalypse, no one cares about anyone. After two years of the apocalypse, can those with super powers survive? It's not bad, but ordinary people can only survive hard. If ordinary children don't have parents to protect them, it will be even worse. .

The original owner was such a miserable orphan. When the apocalypse began, he was only seven years old. Compared with other children, he still had parents to protect him, or neighbors or something? Before he left, there were also kind-hearted people who helped evacuate the children. We, the original owner was in a worse situation.

His parents are wanted criminals. Since the original owner was born, he has been hiding with his parents. He has no relatives, no friends, no identity, and no schooling.

When the apocalypse came, both of his parents turned into zombies. Because they were taking a nap when they mutated, they locked the door for fear that the original owner would wake them up, and the original owner escaped.

Just because of the hiding of the family, in the early days when the army was still active and the people in the city were evacuated, the original owner was left behind.

The original owner, who was only seven years old, didn't understand what was going on outside. He didn't know what happened. No one taught him or remembered him. He found that he had a strange ability, so he fumbled to use this ability to... Fight monsters.

He crawled into other people's homes to find food that they had not taken away, and collected rainwater to drink. He wore ill-fitting clothes and hid on the rooftop where zombies could not go to sleep.

Just like that? After two years, no one talked to him or taught him knowledge. When the original owner was discovered by Ji Rong, who rode into the city alone in order to find medicine for his wife, he could no longer speak.

Ji Rong took him back and asked him to follow

He gave him his own surname, named him Nagasawa, taught him step by step, patiently taught him how to speak, sent him to school, advanced his crystal core, and took him out to do tasks.

However, the original owner was not grateful.

I don't know if it's because he was born alone, or because he could only see zombies in the past two years, he doesn't have many soft emotions, and he can't feel the various emotions that ordinary people can easily feel.

Gratitude, trust, happiness, these feelings that can be easily obtained by ordinary people, to the original owner, are like being separated by a thick layer of glass, or are they soundproof and bulletproof?

He trained hard and followed Ji Rong every step of the way, not because he regarded him as an older brother, nor because of loyalty, but because Ji Rong was the strongest person he had ever seen.

In the eyes of others? The original owner is taciturn, always dressed in black, carrying a scabbard, with nimble movements and powerful abilities. He was single-handedly raised by Ji Rong, and will not hesitate to take on any task no matter how dangerous it is? Next, it’s Ji Rong's most loyal brother.

In fact, the original owner just wanted to become stronger.

As for anything else, he didn't care.

Only when the mission is dangerous can you break through, and by following Ji Rong can you be constantly exposed to danger.

His weapon was given by Ji Rong, which is the scabbard of the ninth-level sword, which was made together with Ji Rong when he made the sword.

The original owner made it clear that he liked that sword, but no matter how much Ji Rong regarded the other person as his brother, he could not give him his weapon, so he settled for the next best thing and gave him the scabbard made of the same material.

No one knows what the original owner thought after getting the scabbard: when he becomes stronger than Ji Rong in the future, he must defeat him and get the sword.

Others only saw him carrying the scabbard with him. It was a scabbard for a level 9 weapon. Although it was a scabbard, it was said to be equivalent to a level 8 weapon. So this became the reason why Ji Rong regarded the other person as his biological brother. ?Proof.

No matter how you look at it, everything the original owner had was given by Ji Rong?

Ji Rong really took care of the other person as his own brother.

As a result, as soon as Ji Rong died, the original owner immediately took the position of the boss of the base. He had no intention of taking care of Ji Rong's wife and children, and even clearly coveted level nine weapons.

Ji Rong has an heir. The reason why he took the risk to look for medicine in a city full of zombies was because his wife was pregnant and many medicines could not be taken. At that time, there was no way he could find it outside. He could only find those medicines in this zombie city where no one else had set foot yet.

The result is buy one get one free

, not only found the medicine, but also found the original owner who was only seven years old. He pitied the original owner for living like a savage for two years without a father and a mother. Logically speaking, he should have been sent to the base orphanage.

But maybe it was because the original owner had the same fire element as him, or maybe it was because he was about to become a father and loved him so much. After hesitating for a while, he just kept the original owner by his side for eight years.

His wife gave birth to a boy shortly after the original owner was taken back.

When Ji Rong died, the child was only eight years old. Born after the apocalypse? The child was already awakening his powers one after another. No one knew whether the child would suddenly activate his powers one day.

Before his father passed away, this child had always been trained as a successor.

Ji Rong is a very good person and has many loyal subordinates. According to their opinion, regardless of whether the child has special powers or not, he should be promoted to the position of boss.

After all, he is Ji Rong's child, and he built the base by himself. Even if he is incapable now, so what, with the support of their old subordinates, the base can still operate normally.

When this child grows up, awakens his powers, and has the entire base as his backing, even if he cannot become an extremely powerful power user like his father, level seven will still be no problem?

The situation is as if the emperor passed away due to an accident and the prince was young. The courtiers planned to support the prince to ascend the throne and survive the first few years. When the prince grew up, they would naturally be able to secure the throne.

As a result, the prince's uncle took over the power and sat on the throne.

It would be fine if that was all. The most important thing was that he did not give the prince the title of king.

The "queen" and "prince" who were originally the most noble people in the base suddenly became "commoners". The original owners' ambitions and ambitions were clearly displayed in the eyes of others.

Ji Rong rescued him, educated him, took care of him, and brought him, a wild child brought back from the city, all the way to the respected second-in-command of the base. But what happened to him?

When someone dies, he doesn't care about his sister-in-law and nephew, but goes to snatch what belongs to them.

The most outrageous thing is that he still wants the sword left by Ji Rong.

This sword is indeed powerful. Ji Rong blew himself up before he died, and even the zombie king was destroyed. Fortunately, it was not damaged at all.

With such a sword, he can jump to level nine even at level seven, and he can take away the zombie king at level eight. All Ji Rong people are gone. This sword belongs to him. His loyal subordinates naturally think that this sword is his. It should be left to Ji Rong's only son.

This is Girong

What is left for his wife and children? The only guarantee.

The original owner couldn't understand why his former colleagues refused to let him get the sword. In his opinion, since Ji Rong had passed away, he was the most powerful person in the entire base.

Then he can naturally get this sword.

The original owner, who had his own set of logic, divided all the people who were blocking him into the enemy camp. After thinking about it, he thought that he could fight, but he couldn't fight with so many people, so he could only change it to " The one that cannot be defeated yet? The enemy camp."

In the end, even if the base changed hands, it was still divided into two camps.

One is the new base faction led by the original owner.

The other is a group of old subordinates who insist on protecting Ji Rong's wife and children.

Of course, this kind of factionalization is only done in private. No one would really jump out and say to an eighth-level fire power user: Hahahahaha, I am against you. Come on. hit me.

To say that they were unhappy with the original owner being the boss was not the case.

After all, to be the boss, either you are strong enough, or there are other reasons, such as Ji Rong's son, who is only eight years old this year.

He has not yet awakened his powers and is still young, but he is the son of Ji Rong who single-handedly founded the Yinghe base, and there are many uncles and uncles with high levels of powers around him who are willing to support him. This is enough.

The original owner is indeed the strongest in the base. If it weren't for these past events and his indifferent attitude, others would definitely not object to him taking the boss position.

If the original owner had properly discussed with them and said something like, "It is impossible for the base to be real and handed over to a child, and you make me the boss, and I promise to treat their mother and child well," these old subordinates would not react like this. fierce.

But the problem is, the attitude of the original owner.

After taking away the base, they didn't take care of the wife and children of the former boss. Now they even want to take away the relics left by Ji Rong.

Pooh! shameless!

If they really let each other continue to be so rampant, wouldn't they be waiting to see orphans and widowed mothers being bullied?

Ji Rong does have a good eye for people. Most of his subordinates who stayed at Yinghe Base are trustworthy people.

Even the original owner, others thought Ji Rong was mistaken, but if you look at it from God's perspective, the original owner really had no intention of harming anyone.

He simply doesn't understand those emotions. What? The grace of saving his life? The original owner can't feel it at all.

He just wants to become stronger.

Become the boss of the base and become stronger

, that’s what he did.

As for taking care of Ji Rong's wife and children, because Ji Rong had always taken care of him during his lifetime, Ji Rong's wife was his sister-in-law, Ji Rong's son had always called him uncle, and he should treat them kindly, etc., etc., the original owner simply couldn't understand it. .

Ji Rong took care of him, his sister-in-law always asked him to go home for dinner, his nephew called him uncle, and he watched him grow up, but none of these left any ripples in the original owner's heart.

He wants to take the sword because the sword can make him stronger.

Bullying orphans and widowed mothers is simply a misunderstanding by others. When Ji Rong was alive, he also wanted that sword.

However, no one can understand the brain circuit of the original owner.

In the eyes of others, he was a wolf with a heart and a dog's lungs and white eyes. Everything was given by Ji Rong's teachings. As a result, when Ji Rong was alive, he acted like a loyal and loyal man. As soon as he left, he looked like a very loyal man. , it hasn’t even been a day, and I can’t wait to sit on the boss throne.

He also bullied orphans and widowed mothers and wanted the ninth-level sword left by Ji Rong.

Who dares to trust such a person?

Until the end, the original owner couldn't do anything to the people who protected Ji Rong's wife and children, and those people couldn't do anything to him either.

And he is not the only one who covets the ninth-level sword.

Some people who also wanted the ninth-level sword started to sow discord between the two camps, and eventually their secret fights turned to the ground.

The internal fighting in Yinghe Base gave other bases an opportunity to take advantage of it. The turning point was when the boss of the base, who had always wanted a level 9 sword, got a level 9 weapon.

It's just that this weapon refused to acknowledge the opponent, and its power was greatly reduced. The dark-faced boss was stimulated, and he even wanted to get the ninth-level sword.

He teamed up with two other bases to encircle and suppress them, and also introduced zombies into the base. The original owner thought about it and felt that he could not defeat it. Just as everyone in the base went to fight the enemy, he knocked out more than a dozen superpowers who were protecting the mother and son outside. The child and his sister-in-law took away the ninth-level sword left in the child's hand to save his life and went to fight the enemy.

As a result, the enemy was driven back. When he came back, he found that Ji Rong's only son was dead.

Eaten by an ordinary zombie, only half of the body was left.

Originally, the arrangement of the "Prince Protector Faction" was very good. Although the sister-in-law is a relatively mild and harmless healing type, she is at least level five and has the ability to protect herself and drive away zombies.

And Ji Rong's only son has just awakened his superpower, which is also of the fire system. When he awakens, he will be at level two. In addition, the level nine sword in his hand can supply him with energy. Zombies below level six can't do anything to the mother and son.


The more chaotic it gets, the less likely they are to let down their guard, and they even sent a dozen superpowers to protect the two of them nearby.

In the end, who knew that the original owner would take action like that.

He did remember that the fainted people might be eaten by zombies, so he threw all the unconscious people on the roof.

After that, he quickly cleared away the zombies around him before leaving.

No one knows how those zombies entered the place that is supposed to be the most protected.

After the original owner removed all layers of protection around the child, a group of zombies entered the home of the mother and son.

How could an eight-year-old child face danger alone with his newly awakened superpower without a ninth-level sword for life-saving and energy-charging purposes?

It was obvious that the child had resisted. There were traces of fire all over the house, and there were more than a dozen zombie corpses on the ground.

At such a young age, he was able to kill a dozen zombies by himself shortly after awakening. It can be seen that as long as nothing unexpected happens, he will definitely become as powerful a superpower as his father in the future.

But he has no future.

He was too young, and he was only at level 2. The uncles and uncles thought that he had a level 9 sword in his hand to provide energy, so they didn't leave him the fire crystal core for energy storage, and only left his mother with one that he couldn't absorb? Healing crystal core.

No matter how strong the resistance is, when the energy in the body is used up, you can only let others slaughter you.

The gentle sister-in-law who let the original owner come to her house for dinner and sewed clothes for him became hysterical for the first time, grabbing the original owner's collar and demanding his life.

The original owner was also confused.

He couldn't figure it out, he just grabbed the sword, why did his nephew die?

Haven't all the zombies around him been killed by him?

He couldn't understand other people's emotions, but when he saw the child he had grown up calling him uncle before and died in such a miserable way, he still felt a sense of sadness that he had never felt before in his heart.

The Yinghe base was saved.

The child who should have been pampered and grew up safely to become a high-level superpower died in this chaos.

His mother was so sad that she vomited blood and fainted, never waking up again.

Those old subordinates completely broke up with the original owner. When the original owner saw that they were leaving Yinghe Base, he simply left by himself.

He became a rare wanderer in the apocalypse.

I have walked all the way and thought all the way.

The original owner couldn't figure out what he had done wrong?

He just wants to become stronger, he just wants that sword.

Why? He shouldn't get that sword. Why? There will be zombies in the house. Why?

?They said he was sorry for his eldest brother, why? Before his eldest sister died, she still held her breath and wanted to kill him. Why? Everyone said he was a white-eyed wolf.

why why why?.

His goal is to become the strongest, and he will constantly challenge the strong along the way.

Challenge after challenge, victory after victory.

When no one could defeat him in the end, his goal was achieved, and he was rarely confused.

What should be done next?

The original owner's first reaction was to ask his eldest brother, and then he remembered that his eldest brother was dead. Well, he was killed by the zombie king because he was not strong enough.

Then I wanted to ask my sister-in-law.

But the sister-in-law is also dead, and she wanted to kill him before she died.

My nephew is also dead, bitten to death by zombies?

The original owner really couldn't find anyone to ask, so he returned to Yinghe base, found his eldest brother's subordinate, and asked him: "What should I do next?"

The other party rushed up with a meteor hammer: "You killed my sister-in-law and An An, you should commit suicide to apologize!!"

His movements were too slow, and the original owner left the base thoughtfully.

It seems that his next step should be to avenge his nephew. Yes, he also wants to avenge the other party, but he was busy improving his strength and couldn't spare the time.

The original owner thought about his logic.

The zombies entered the Yinghe base because the people from that base attacked Yinghe and deliberately let the zombies in, and his nephew died.

So he should kill everyone who attacked Yinghe base to avenge the opponent.

The original owner was strong in his own right. After getting the ninth-level sword, he wandered alone for three years. He encountered various dangers countless times along the way. After many experiences, he didn't test the level of his powers, and he didn't know where he was. , but it is definitely much stronger than before.

He fought his way into the enemy base.

Everyone who invaded Yinghe died under his sword. When those people asked him why he wanted to kill himself, he said, "Avenge my nephew."

Until the end, those people were afraid of being killed.

In order to beg the original owner to let them go, they told the truth.

They had an internal agent at the Yinghe base. The internal agent saw the original owner knocking out the person protecting the mother and son, and then snatching away the ninth-level sword. After the original owner left, the internal agent deliberately led the zombies in, in order to kill the two people at the Yinghe base. The conflict between major factions escalated and fragmented because of this incident.

After all, there is internal fighting in the base, and in the end you get the cheaper one? Isn’t it someone else?

Unexpectedly, after the child died, the original owner was the last person to leave the base. He left voluntarily, and the base continued to operate as usual, so the internal plan naturally failed.

All with

That's the end of it.

As a result, three years have passed, and the original owner who has become the strongest person is actually killed back.

Or he came back to avenge his nephew.

Only those who are being hunted want to curse.

There's something wrong with you.

Three years have passed, and they almost don’t remember who that child is. Now they come to take revenge?

Is the reflex arc that long? ?

I have no choice but to kill my fellow Taoist rather than die as a poor Taoist.

The original owner still had an expressionless face. After confirming the names of the people inside, he chased those people to death one by one, then returned to the Yinghe base. After stabbing each other to death, he continued to wander with the ninth-level sword in his arms.

He has become the strongest person, but if he thinks about it carefully, it seems that he wants his sister-in-law and nephew to be resurrected more than becoming a strong person.

Although he didn't know it himself, why did he want to resurrect them.

The original owner chose a tree, closed his eyes and meditated.

Ten days later, the strongest man successfully starved himself to death.

Until his death, he never understood what he had lost.

There is only an indescribable feeling. If I had to describe it, it would probably be a feeling of blank regret.

He felt that he had done something wrong, but he didn't know which part he did wrong.

Shouldn't I grab the sword?

Still shouldn't take the position of base boss.

He didn't even know how to make up for it.

At the cost of his soul, he hoped that the missioner could change everything, at least everything he had caused.

When he opened his eyes, Ji Changze still couldn't come to his senses.

The original owner's feeling of being trapped, confused, and helpless as if he was isolated from the entire world was affecting him.

It took him several seconds to recover.

The life of the original owner is difficult to describe in one word.

He has lost his emotions, but there is still a little left. He cannot understand normal people, and he doesn't like to talk. He doesn't talk, and he is usually just a little taciturn. No one knows how abnormal he is.

When Ji Rong was around, he could still lead the way. But when Ji Rong passed away, there was no one to arrange tasks and mark the road ahead, and the original owner naturally ran around like a wild horse.

He doesn't know good or evil, doesn't understand emotions, and is the biggest person in the base. No one dares to point fingers at him.

In the end, he lost his most cherished treasure, but it took him three years to realize that it was his most precious thing.

Ji Changze rubbed his brows to help himself recover quickly.

He started looking at the timeline.

The current timeline is that Ji Rong has passed away and the original owner has taken the throne of the boss.

He is the second in command of the base, and he is surrounded by many loyal followers. Even if the "veteran" who supports the "Prince" is reluctant and cannot defeat the original owner, he can only accept him.

However, the original owner did not give any preferential treatment to Ji Rong's wife and children after he came to power. He also showed his covetousness for the ninth-level sword. Most people in the base have already concluded that he is a wolf-hearted man.

I have been pretending to be loyal to Ji Rong just to wait for this day. Why would I fall out when Ji Rong leaves?

Some people also suspected that Ji Rong's death had something to do with him. After all, why did the Zombie King suddenly target Yinghe Base.

If it weren't for protecting the Yinghe base behind him, Ji Rong wouldn't have had no choice but to fight the enemy, and before he died, he would have self-destructed and left behind the zombie king. The strong man who was about to enter the ninth level died unexpectedly? No bones were left.

Ji Changze, who has seen the memory of the original owner, can prove that this matter was really not done by the original owner.

The original owner was still helping out at the time, and was almost killed by the Zombie King. If Ji Rong hadn't saved him, he would have followed Ji Rong away.

He had already passed out before Ji Rong blew himself up, and only when he woke up did he learn the news that Ji Rong blew himself up and died together with the Zombie King.

It's more likely that the enemy base took action. After all, the zombie king came so strangely that Ji Changze didn't believe it was just a coincidence.

But now the question is.

Because of the original owner's "ambitious disclosure", even his die-hard party secretly speculated whether Ji Rong's death was his handiwork.

After all, he is so good at pretending.

When Ji Rong was there, who in the entire base didn't say that he was the most trustworthy person around Ji Rong.

As a result, Ji Changze couldn't wait to take over even a day after he left, without even pretending to be sad.

No one believes him if he is not a villain.

I can't blame the elders for carefully protecting Ji Rong's wife and children. The original owner really had a "villain face" on his face, and they were trying to prevent him from eradicating the roots.

Not only the entire base, but also other bases probably think so.

As soon as his eldest brother died, Ji Changze ignored the old relationship and took the position that belonged to his nephew. This is a fact.

No matter how eloquent Ji Changze is, having such a taciturn persona and an environment without any room for maneuver will still give him a headache.

He stared at the zombies below, frowning.

The system, which had not shown its head for eight hundred years, seemed to have noticed his headache, and went online quietly: [Host, can't you handle it? Buy props? Props solve a thousand worries. 】

Ji Changze: [Don’t buy it. 】

【buy one

Well, it doesn’t cost much, and it’s useless for you to save these points. Isn’t that a waste? 】

[Who says it’s useless? I save it just to use it. 】

The young man next to him saw that Ji Changze was frowning and looked uneasy, so he approached cautiously: "Boss, what's wrong with you? What are you thinking about?"

Ji Changze uttered one word briefly: "Sword."

The young man choked, and the surrounding subordinates also looked strange.

I know, boss, that you are interested in level nine swords, but don’t do that? Just say it openly.

It’s not good for the reputation.

"Sword, is that what Brother Rong left for Wen An? Boss, why don't you stop thinking about it? There are so many weapons in the world. You can always find a more suitable one. You always think about how many swords you have." ?No, you can't hang yourself on a tree."

Ji Changze ignored him.

The young man was not surprised and continued to persuade: "Boss, don't be like this? You are so cold and indifferent. There is no human touch at all. I don't know? I thought you were not a human but a robot."

As soon as he finished speaking, he noticed that the black-haired boy in front of him slowly moved his eyes, and his eyes fell on him, staying still.

Young man: "...Boss, don't be angry. I'm not scolding you. I'm just talking casually. You have a lot, so don't argue with me."


Ji Changze looked away, feeling that this was really a clever little guy.

not human……

Yes, it's the end of the world, who stipulates that he must be a human being.

Everyone agreed that what the original owner had done was all for that sword.

But what if, he is the sword.

Very good, Ji Changze thought happily, today we don’t need to spend points anymore? It saves a day.

The author has something to say: Here it comes!

Fried green pepper cake with two different settings written in one story. I had hot pot today and it was so delicious. I will send some red envelopes to everyone in this chapter. Twitter, Lily is free and the fastest update. No anti-theft, no anti-theft.

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