Everyone Knows I'm a Good Man

375. He who snatches the sword from an orphan in the last days (7)

Zhuanxu Ran thought Captain Zhou was out of his mind.

A week ago, this guy was still wary of Ji Changze.

How long has it been?

It's not that fast on a rocket, right? ?

Captain Zhou didn't know what the person on the other side was thinking. He was still talking to Zhuan Ran very seriously: "I really think there is a misunderstanding between us. How can we say that Ji Changze was also brought back by Brother Rong?" Brother Rong raised him, even if he has a cold temper, he is really so cruel, right? "

Zhuanxu Ran: "..."

He forced himself to steady himself and asked Captain Zhou: "Did you...didn't you say that before?"

"Yes, actually, now that I think about it, I was a bit extreme before."

Captain Zhou looked at the sky and sighed.

In the past few days, he has been looking for various opportunities to observe Ji Changze.

The more he observed, the more he realized that the reason Ji Changze mentioned before for moving into the villa might actually be true.

He said: "I have been following him these past few days. He gets up at six o'clock every morning, goes to the cafeteria to eat at 6:20, and finishes breakfast on time at 6:30. After eating, he goes to the training camp to train until 8:30. Take people with you at nine o'clock? Go out to do the task."

"Sometimes I don't come back to eat outside at noon. Sometimes I come back at twelve o'clock to have a meal and take a half-hour lunch break. At two o'clock in the afternoon, I go out to do tasks. I come back at six o'clock in the evening to eat and wash up. Then it's training camp again at nine o'clock. Blow the lights on time.”

"It's like this day after day. It's no different if he lives in the villa or not."

Zhuanxu Ran: "..."

He didn't believe it.

Ji Changze was so impatient to win the boss position that he ended up living like an ascetic life every day. What was he trying to do?

"Brother Zhou, I think this is the case. You can't just look at it for a few days and make a conclusion. Even if Ji Changze lives in a villa or not, there will be no difference in his life. As soon as Brother Rong leaves, he will..." How do you say this: drive away sister-in-law and Wen An? "


The biggest knot in Captain Zhou's heart is the wife and children left behind by Ji Rong.

Ji Rong died for the base. As an eighth-level soldier with a ninth-level sword beside him, he could have resisted to the end without fighting to the death.

He could take his wife and son to avoid that disaster.

As his wife and children, with an eighth-level strongman as their backer, his sister-in-law and An An could have lived a happy life.

Team Zhou happened to be injured at the time, and he was unable to go out to fight. As a base

He is the third master in Li?, and he has always been worried about this.

I always think that if I had gone together, maybe the three of them would have worked together and Ji Rong would not have died.

All kinds of reasons combined together caused him to always feel a sense of guilt in his heart when he faced Ji Rong's wife and children.

This is also the reason why Wanxuanran chose him as his "teammate". Among others, Hu Xiaohu is a loyal fan of Ji Changze, and Hu Rong and Qin Qinghe are more sensible.

They are willing to let them give up the fight for the position of boss of the base and leave it to Ji Rong's son, but if Ji Changze, a strong man, wants the position of boss, they will not morally kidnap the other party and must give up the position.

If Ji Changze hadn't lived in the villa before and never visited the house since Ji Rong's wife and children moved out, I'm afraid he wouldn't have even criticized him in his heart.

Isn't it easy to catch such an opportunity? How could you let it go?

He tried his best to convince Team Zhou without destroying his character.

Team Zhou is quite stubborn.

Wasn't he stubborn before? He listened to Qin Qinghe's dissuasion and insisted on joining another faction.

Now, because I believe in what I see, I can remain silent no matter what I say.

Detour Ran was almost dying of anxiety.

He had just recovered from a serious illness, and his body and bones were still a little weak. At this moment, he urgently wanted to go back and have a good lie down, but deep down he was still thinking about his undercover career.

I can only stand like this in the cold wind, with my tongue shining like a lotus flower.

Even though Captain Zhou just listened silently without saying a word, he kept talking for half an hour without saying anything, and finally concluded:

"I don't want to believe that Nagasawa is that kind of person, but if he really is, we have to think about my sister-in-law and Wen An. We can't just relax our vigilance based on a few days of observation. If If he is not what we hope, what should we do to my sister-in-law and Wen An? "

Then highlight the key points: "Don't forget, Nagasawa has always wanted to have a level nine sword."

Captain Zhou frowned dullly and finally nodded slowly.

"You're right, just his attitude towards my sister-in-law and Wen An, I can't let it go."

Not waiting for Detour to breathe a sigh of relief, he continued: "I think I should ask him directly. Doesn't he seem like the kind of person who doesn't tell the truth? If I ask, he will definitely tell me."

Zhuanxu Ran: "..."

He quickly grabbed the other person: "Have you forgotten what I saw before? What is he doing for the ninth-level sword?

It's okay if you don't come out and ask, everyone still has a layer of skin on their face. If you ask, he realizes that there is no need to pretend and directly uses force. Can we beat him? "

Speaking of this, Captain Zhou stopped.

He turned around and asked Zhuo Xuanran seriously: "Did you really see Ji Changze bribe the people around my sister-in-law to ask where the ninth-level sword is?"

Of course it's fake.

The truth is that he saw Ji Changze walking out of the residence of the mother and son.

It looked like he was trying to find the sword but failed.

It's just that in order to encourage Team Zhou and Ji Changze to get along with each other and intensify the internal conflicts in Yinghe, he made it even more exaggerated, so as to make Team Zhou angry.

Fortunately, he was now using An Run's identity. Team Zhou was not on guard against An Run and had no idea that he had lied.

Zhuo Xuran nodded quickly: "Of course it's true, otherwise how could I suddenly kick Hu Xiaohu out just because I knew about it."

Team Zhou instinctively felt that something was wrong, but his trust in Anrun prevented him from doubting it any longer.

Looking at the person in front of him, he suddenly said: "You... seem to talk a bit too much today."

Bao Xuanran's expression froze, he quickly adjusted and explained: "I'm also afraid that you really don't care about my sister-in-law and Wen An."

Captain Zhou patted him on the shoulder: "Don't worry, I will take care of them for the rest of my life."

"Speaking of which, my sister-in-law and Wen An are coming back soon. I wonder if they are happy staying at Yanhu Base."

Mentioning this, Zhuo Xuanran's expression almost collapsed again.

An Run is a little genius in cooking and is keen on cooking all kinds of delicious food for his daughter. Ji Rong’s wife Fang Xing’s hobby is cooking. Even in the end of the world, she can use limited ingredients to make a lot of delicious food. Food comes out.

The two of them hit it off right away. Anrun used to go to Fang Xing for advice on cooking skills when he had free time. The two of them learned from each other's strengths and complemented each other, and could be called soul friends.

The base was in chaos for a while. He used the excuse that he had to manage the granary and supplies and had no time to cook. Later, Fang Xing's sister at the Yanhu base heard the news of Ji Rong's death and wrote a letter asking Fang Xing to take care of Ji Wen'an. I went to Yanhu Lake to relax, and then I wandered around.

And now, Fang Xing is coming back.

He hasn't mastered his cooking skills yet.

Captain Zhou was still sighing: "You have the best relationship with your sister-in-law, and you happen to have nothing to do recently. When she comes back, you can stay with her and bake cakes or something together. Isn't it Ji Changze? Did you come back from catching two cows?" I can express milk every day, but now milk is sold in the cafeteria?

. "

This was also a factor that changed his view of Ji Changze.

Not only was his identity as the base boss not used to make profits, but he also shared many of his own things directly with the entire base.

After the bull was killed before, the meat was distributed directly to the five teams.

The milk produced by the cows is delivered to the canteen every day, and a small cup is given to each person who comes back from the mission.

Even Team Zhou himself may not be able to do this.

Moreover, he was thinking that Ji Changze had to go to Wuliu alone before, and he did not instruct others to go there, but shouldered the pressure by himself. This might be due to the sense of responsibility of the boss.

Zhuanxu Ran hadn't heard about the beef. He was confused when he heard it: "Beef? He even divided the meat?"

"No, it took me several days to finish it. Don't tell me, the beef is really fragrant, especially when it is stewed with potatoes. The potatoes are so rotten and glutinous, and everything on the beef is chewy. Good juice. The bull probably exercises every day. The meat is either very tight or very loose. Take a bite..."


Don't get me wrong, it wasn't Team Zhou who sucked the slip, it was Ran who was bypassing him.

He hasn't eaten beef in ten years.

Wuliu is not as strong as Shang Yinghe, and he is not very powerful. He is too busy fighting wits and courage with the zombies around him to come over. Where can he still have the courage to provoke such a large mutated animal?

In particular, the cow is not only difficult to hit with light, but also extremely heavy.

Even if they are killed, transporting them back will be a problem.

Everyone? Let's lift it together. It's hard work.

Cut it into pieces and bring it back. Who dares to expose the smell of blood in the wild?

As I walked around and listened, I became greedy.

In particular, Captain Zhou didn't hear him sucking, and kept talking non-stop: "To be honest, Ji Changze handled this matter openly, he directly gave ten kilograms of meat to each captain, and left the rest The talents are distributed equally among the team members, and they are said to be divided according to the proportion of the crystal cores that everyone gets every month.

What if you told me that you saw him bribe someone to find out where the ninth-level sword was? Now I really have to wonder if it's a mistake. He really doesn't look like that kind of person. . "

Where is Bao Xuran now? Guan Jiu's ninth-level sword, his heart and eyes are all about the beef.

Every captain has one.

Anrun is also a captain, so he should be able to get ten pounds.

After getting the beef, he asked his girlfriend to cook it.

And as for the ten kilograms of meat, he eats three kilograms, and the remaining seven kilograms are taken to Huihe River for his brother to taste, and he will return them after detouring to the end of the world.

I've never eaten beef before.

What should I do with those three pounds of meat?

Potato, beef, green pepper, beef, boiled beef, cold beef, stir-fried beef, braised beef...


This time Team Zhou heard it.

He also asked with great concern: "Is that true? Is he still ill? Is his nose running?"


Zhuanxu Ran swallowed and asked: "Then if every captain has one, what about me..."?

Team Zhou: "Yes, do you and Yingying eat beef and pork? Didn't these two kinds of meats we were given every time before be sent to the orphanage? I see you are still sick, so I helped you run away." "Don't worry, the children are happy with their meal, and you asked me to thank you."

Zhuanxu Ran: "..."

Captain Zhou laughed and patted his shoulder: "Look? Are you so moved? Why are you being polite to me?"

Zhuanxu Ran: "..."

He cursed countless times in his heart: People in Yinghe are all sick! They are all so sick!

Without beef to eat, he was completely lost.

He asked Team Zhou: "Do you think it's possible that Nagasawa is trying to win people's hearts? If everyone at the base says good things about him, what will Wen An do?"


Team Zhou was a little confused and asked, "What should I do about Wen An?"

Detour Ran: "...it's just about Wen An being the boss of the base. If everyone thinks it's good for Nagasawa to be the boss, how can Wen An be the boss?"

Team Zhou: "? Boss Ji Changze has done a good job, why should Wen An be put in?"

Detour Ran: "???"

He looked at the other person in disbelief for a long time before realizing that this guy was actually serious.

"No? You said before that you wanted Wen An to be the boss???"

"Yes, but wasn't that before Ji Changze took the seat? At that time, I thought that everyone didn't want to be the boss. Isn't it just right for Wen An to do that?"

Team Zhou also couldn't believe what his colleagues were thinking: "Ji Changze is level 8 and very powerful. Wen An's superpowers haven't been activated yet. No one can compete with him, so forget it. Ji Changze is on top now, so what do you want?" He comes down and a kid like Wen An comes to power, what do you think?"

Zhuanxu Ran: "...But the base was taken down by Brother Rong..."

"No? Yes, what's going on with your thinking? If Wen An had already taken the boss position when Brother Rong left, and Ji Changze took over, then it was really him, no? Yes, Wen An is only eight years old now, and he has not yet inspired Super powers, isn't this? In ancient times, they were still involved in the succession of the throne.

Now it would be bad for Wen An if he was allowed to compete with Ji Changze for position. "

As he was talking, Captain felt something was wrong, and stretched out his hand to touch Zhuo Xingran's head: "Run, aren't you? It's because you haven't recovered from your illness yet, maybe you have a fever? How could you? You have such a weird feeling?" What’s your idea?”

Zhuanxu Ran: "..."

What else could he say?

I could only endure the urge to vomit blood and admit: "Maybe, I still feel a little dizzy. I have to go back and lie down."

"Lie down and have a good rest. I know you have a good relationship with your sister-in-law, but don't be too impulsive. In fact, if you look closely, Ji Changze, the boss, is doing a pretty good job. Don't always think about the basic solutions. Something that didn’t happen.”

What Team Zhou said was true.

After several days of observation, he finally discovered it.

Ji Changze is a person who doesn't talk much, but does everything he does.

He may not be a very good younger brother, but he is indeed a very good base boss.

Listening to what he said for Ji Changze, Zhuanxu Ran almost lost his breath.

What he just said was in vain? ? ?

Now in the base, Hu Rong, Hu Xiaohu and Ji Changze are on the side, Qin Qinghe is on the neutral side, and Zhou Yan is the only one who is suspected of defecting.

Ran, who had always felt that he was very successful as an undercover agent, suddenly felt that he had accomplished nothing.

Especially since he is recovering from a serious illness and has to rush back to practice his cooking skills.

No, he was just working undercover. Why would he need to practice his cooking skills? ?

Zhou Ran left with a heavy heart.

Team Zhou was still thinking about it on the way to the canteen.

What happened to Ji Changze?

Is the temptation of the ninth-level sword that great?

So big that for this sword, you don’t even give up those feelings?

Brother Rong left for three months.

In the past two months, Ji Changze had not visited Fang Xing and Ji Wen'an even once.

In the last month, Fang Xing took Ji Wen'an to Yan Lake, probably because he was afraid of seeing things and missing people.


Brother Rong died? It was already miserable enough for my sister-in-law and Wen An.

They have to feel the warmth of family when they return to the base.

He planned to pick up people at the base gate in time, but when he arrived at the canteen, he saw Ji Changze eating slowly.

Ji Changze rarely made any noise while eating, but he couldn't help but see Hu Xiaohu next to him.

Hu Xiaohu had just heard a big piece of gossip, and he was very excited when he talked about it.

"Boss, let me tell you, Boss Wuliu really lost his master this time. Tsk tsk tsk. I heard that someone in their base made a ninth-level sword. He forcibly snatched the sword away. The result was that sword

He is also very spiritual. Live or die? Just follow his orders. "

"It's a good ninth level, but in the hands of Boss Wuliu, it's like scrap metal. It's embarrassing, it's embarrassing!"

Ji Changze was eating silently. When he heard this, he raised his head and asked: "Nine-level sword?"

"Yes, it's level nine. Boss, why don't you go and grab that sword? It's useless if you put it in the hands of Boss Wuliu. Don't you always want the sword? Are they all the same?"

"no the same."

The boy in black was completely unmoved and said calmly, "I'm not used to it."

Hu Xiaohu and Captain Zhou, who had just come over with bowls, were stunned when they heard this.

Not used to it?

He said it as if he had used a level nine sword before.

Ji Rong was as fond of the sword as he was of his child. He was never willing to lend it to anyone, not even to look at it.

So when he gritted his teeth and took out the scabbard, many people were surprised.

"No, yes, boss. Aren't the ninth-level swords all the same? Most of their attributes are different. This sword is thunder, which is actually not bad. It's better than water, right?"

Hu Xiaohu seized the opportunity and tried his best to brainwash his boss: "Look, if you have this sword, you no longer need to worry about what Wen An has in his hands. When the time comes, our base will be able to do it." There are two ninth-level swords, they look so majestic."

Ji Changze glanced at Hu Xiaohu.

"Isn't this moral?"

Team Zhou: "..."

Hu Xiaohu: "..."

No, you don't think it's immoral to snatch your nephew's ninth-level sword, but you think it's immoral to snatch your enemy's ninth-level sword?

Ji Changze is telling the truth.

He really didn't think it was too moral.

It's not that it's unethical to snatch the Wuliu boss's sword, but now he can feel the spiritual energy increasing little by little every day.

Thinking of yourself as a sword spirit is not a straight-up made-up setting.

But in the end of the world, sword spirits can appear in the first place.

That sword? Even if the sword spirit was not born, the basic consciousness should be there.

Otherwise, he would not refuse Boss Wuliu to become his master.

Ji Changze had previously thought about whether the ninth-level sword in Yinghe Base might have given birth to consciousness.

Although it stands to reason that the Level 9 Sword was severely damaged when it fought against the Zombie King with Ji Rong, and the crystal core used to store energy was shattered. Even if Ji Rong later replaced it with his own crystal core, the Level 9 Sword would still be damaged. No longer the original

Here comes the ninth-level sword.

The possibility of giving birth to a sword spirit is basically zero.

If there is no birth, it is nothing. If there is a sword spirit, then it is nothing.

Ji Changze slowly took a bite of his meal and thought, no one stipulates that there can only be one sword spirit.

Humans will still have twins.

Captain Zhou and Hu Xiaohu didn't know what the other was thinking, but they saw the seriousness in the eyes of the young man in black.

Hey, I'm probably thinking about what to do on today's mission.

Being the boss is not easy, you have to worry about everything.

Hu Xiaohu said carefully: "Boss, do you have any plans for today?"

Ji Changze: "Go on a mission."


Hu Xiaohu really admires his boss.

In addition to doing tasks every day, I will never be corrupted by the entertainment ideas.

Captain Zhou hesitated for a moment, but finally said: "Can you come back early today? My sister-in-law and Wen An are coming back today, and I want to have a dinner at home so that we can all eat together."

Ji Changze just finished eating the last bite of his meal. He put down his chopsticks and turned his head to look at him. His eyes turned around the flower bowl in his hand and asked: "What are we going to eat at the dinner party?"

"Let's make hot pot and get some meat and vegetables. Wen An likes meat, so we mainly eat meat today."

Team Zhou has indeed changed his opinion of Ji Changze a lot recently, and he also wanted to improve the relationship by inviting him.

"What do you like to eat? I asked my family to prepare it."

The boy in black didn't think for a second and shook his head.

"Don't you like anything to eat?"

Team Zhou thought about it. This guy used to eat silently during dinner parties. He relied on Brother Rong to pick up all the dishes. He ate whatever Brother Rong gave him and never picked up the food himself. It was obviously nothing. Preferences.

He asked again: "Then do you have anything you want? I'll ask your sister-in-law to prepare it."

Ji Changze: "I want a sword."

Team Zhou: "..."

Hu Xiaohu: "..."

No? Yes, you are too straightforward.

Is it easy for Team Zhou to force himself to calm down and force out a smile: "I'm asking, do you want anything else? For example, what to drink? Do you want to avoid eating? Do you want to eat sauce?"

Shake your head honestly in front of the person in front of you.

"I just want the sword."

Team Zhou: "..."

Can't we talk today? Let's go.

Hu Xiaohu hurriedly grabbed his boss and said, "Boss, after we finish eating, let's go out and do the tasks. We have to come back early for the dinner party in the evening, so we can set off early."

Ji Changze seemed completely unaware of how embarrassing his words made the current atmosphere. He nodded and stood up with the bowls and chopsticks.

"Zhou Yan, goodbye."

Seeing the boy in black saying goodbye to him seriously before leaving, Captain Zhou stood there and wiped his face.

He was now beginning to wonder if he had made a wrong decision by inviting Ji Changze to the dinner party.

Just follow Ji Changze's straightforward look.

If I meet my sister-in-law Wen An, she will just say: "I want a ninth-level sword."

Team Zhou: "..."

He wiped his face again and felt that he was really out of his mind. He actually thought that if everyone gathered for dinner and Ji Changze didn't come, the other party would be very pitiful.

Ji Changze did not leave the base immediately.

He excused himself to go back and change clothes, and took Hu Xiaohu to walk around Anrun's house again.

When I went there, I saw Huan Xuanran leaning against a big tree, muttering in his mouth, with a sad look on his face. He didn't know what to say. He seemed to be angry, so he turned around and kicked the big tree.

Apparently, this tree is quite strong.

He went around and kicked him. Not only did he not cause any damage to the tree, but he kicked himself until he hugged his feet with a look of pain on his face.

Hu Xiaohu looked at Ji Changze next to him, always feeling something was wrong, and muttered: "Why does Anrun seem to have become stupid?"

Is it because I left him that my IQ dropped?

Ji Changze hummed: "I'm stupid."

"Yeah, I really feel like he's a different person now."

Hu Xiaohu muttered: "He used to be gentle, smart, and wise, but since Brother Rong left, I always feel that there is something wrong with his stimulated brain.

I'll tell you, boss, I was wondering if he had been replaced by someone else. One time I took a look at his collarbone while on a mission. I made sure that the mole on the collarbone was still there before I thought he was good. ?Is simply becoming stupid. "

The mole on my collarbone is still there.

It seems that this disguise should be more than just a disguise. Taking into account the factors of the apocalypse, it is probably a superpower.

Ji Changze found time to hang out at Anrun's house these days, but he never felt the aura of another person.

Where did you hide the person?

The two of them were looking at each other when An Yingying came back.

The little girl is only ten years old this year and has grown very tall. The schoolbag she is carrying has a Mickey Mouse embroidered on it. She was walking very happily, but when she saw people walking around in the yard, her face changed.

His smile faded.

"Yingying is back."

Zhuan Xing Ran didn't dare to speak loudly to An Yingying. This was An Run's daughter. No one could drive her away with excuses like Hu Xiaohu. He couldn't wait to use his full twelve distractions to treat her.

"Dad made grilled chicken wings for you today and put them in the house. I also tidied up your room. Girls don't have to keep their clothes lying around at home. Dad folded them and put them away for you. It’s in the closet, and I also bought the pencil case you like.”

Zhuan Xuan Ran could not help but smile like a flower on his face: "What do you want for supper today? Dad has something to do tonight, so I will prepare it for you and put it on the table, okay? Just heat it up and it's ready." "

An Yingying frowned, completely unresponsive to the lengthy output from Wanwei Ran.

"I have to do my homework."

After saying this, he went directly into the house.

When Zhuan Xuan Ran saw her behind her, the schoolbag he was carrying had a hole in it, he hurriedly chased after her: "Yingying, why is the schoolbag broken? Did your classmates bully you? Tell your dad, dad is looking for you. Their parents, Yingying, Yingying, don’t ignore me. If you don’t want to say anything, give me your schoolbag and I’ll sew it up for you.”

Hu Xiaohu looked at this scene and felt a little strange: "Although Yingying doesn't like to talk, she is the closest to her father. Why is she so cold today?"

Ji Changze asked: "Does Yingying have any special powers?"

"Yes, it's intuitive."

"But you also know, boss, that this kind of power has a great impact on people. Yingying seems to have had the power since she was born. She has been crying and making trouble since she was a child. She is usually just like you, boss. Menghu... has a dull temper, otherwise Anrun would not take care of her so carefully, just because he is afraid that she will become autistic due to the influence of her powers. "

It's intuitive.

Then An Yingying's attitude is very normal.

The intuition system is not omnipotent, and she may not understand why her father, whom she originally liked, is now repulsed at a glance, or even doesn't want to get close to him at all.

After all, I have never heard of a power that can replace the entire person, from appearance to abilities. It is something that adults are not aware of, and you can't expect a child, or a child who is a little autistic, to figure it out.

An Yingying...

Ji Changze suddenly had a good way to find Anrun.

He sent Hu Xiaohu: "Go and ask her what her favorite place at home is."

Hu Xiaohu was stunned: "Ah? Why?"

Ji Changze looked at him silently.

Hu Xiaohu had a clever idea: "I have to do what the boss tells me as soon as possible. Isn't asking here and there a delay? Boss, you are right! I will ask right away! Yingying and I are on good terms. ! She doesn’t want to talk to others, but she definitely wants to talk to me!”

He was so pissed off.

When they passed by, Zhuanxu Ran was still knocking on the door carefully: "Yingying, what's wrong? You haven't eaten yet, right? Do you want to eat chicken wings? Dad, can you make some chicken legs? Okay? How about?" But rabbit meat? Yingying?”

An Yingying didn't want to pay attention to him.

Zhuo Zhouran tried to take a deep breath.

If it had been his stupid brother here, he would have kicked the door open long ago.

But he is Anrun now.

Anrun is very gentle, Anrun is not violent, and Anrun will never be too loud to her daughter.

Endure, endure, endure.

He can.

He can do it.

It doesn't matter, she's just a rebellious girl.

It's normal to lose your temper and not take care of your family.

Zhuanxuan Ran asked for a while, but couldn't get a reply, so he could only plan to do laundry.

Really? You know what’s wrong with Anrun.

Although he could hire someone to wash his clothes, he had to wash them by hand, especially his daughter's clothes. For the sake of cleanliness and hygiene, he had to wash them three times.

When I met a girlfriend before, I was surrounded by a lot of people asking questions. I really didn't dare to do anything else, so I could only wash my hands every day.

The most outrageous thing is that Anrun requires her daughter to change her clothes every day.

I have to wash it every day, or three times.

Everyone else will be dumbfounded.

Just when I was complaining, Hu Xiaohu came.

He didn't even look at the man who dragged out the washing tub and went straight into the house.

He even got a big look from Zhuan Zhouran: "..."

What a deal!

He has said it countless times, and he doesn't want to say it again, "People in Yinghe are all crazy."

After Hu Xiaohu entered, he knocked on the door: "Yingying, it's brother Xiaohu. I have something to ask you. Please open the door."

After a few seconds, the door opened.

An Yingying stood at the door, looking up at Hu Xiaohu.

She looks very much like her father. She has fair skin, big eyes and a high nose. She is incredibly beautiful. She is a very delicate little girl.

He usually has no expression, but he is very obedient and behaves well in front of Anrun and Hu Xiaohu.

But now, as soon as she saw Hu Xiaohu, her eyes turned red.

He called out: "Brother Xiaohu."

When Hu Xiaohu saw her tears, he suddenly burst into tears.

Angry: "Yingying, what's wrong? Are you being bullied at school? Tell me, I'll go find their parents!"


An Yingying shook her head and pulled Hu Xiaohu into the house.

"I am afraid."

Hu Xiaohu: "Ah? What are you afraid of?"

The little girl shook her head: "No? I know."

She wiped her tears and said, "It's just fear."

As for what she was afraid of, she couldn't even tell.

Hu Xiaohu had watched An Yingying grow up, so he couldn't help it when he saw her pitiful look. He hurriedly coaxed, comforted, and promised to take her to play and buy toys on vacation. of.

Ji Changze has been sitting quietly on a tree in the distance for an hour. At the window, Hu Xiaohu is still coaxing his children.

His face was expressionless.

Sure enough, the matter should not be left to such an unreliable person as Hu Xiaohu.

As expected, Hu Xiaohu forgot to ask. Until before leaving, he was still promising An Yingying: "Brother Xiaohu will come to see you tomorrow? You."

After going out, I saw Zhou Xuan Ran who was still working hard doing laundry, and walked out with a cold snort.

An Yingying followed him to see him off. When she came back, she met Zhuanxuan Ran's eyes. The man who was sitting on the small bench washing clothes immediately squeezed out a gentle smile: "Yingying, please wait a moment. Ah, I’ll mend your schoolbag after I’ve finished washing my clothes.”

She ignored him completely and entered the house in silence.

Her hands were all white from washing clothes and she walked around: "..."


They are all ancestors.

He also didn't realize that since he replaced An Run, An Yingying had never called her dad again. After all, according to the intelligence, An Yingying was somewhat autistic.

Inside the house, An Yingying sat quietly at the desk, looking at the big tree outside.

Stretched out his hand and touched the green leaves.

She didn't know what was wrong with her. In the past, when she saw her father, she liked him very much and wanted to be together forever, but now, when she saw him, she felt an inexplicable disgust welling up in her heart.

There was also a kind of fear and panic that she couldn't even describe.

It's like I've lost the most important thing.

An Yingying didn't know what went wrong, she just always wanted to cry suddenly.

Thinking about it, the child's eyes turned red again.

The green leaves hanging down to the window seemed to be blown by the wind, making a rustling sound and gently brushing the face of the child in front of me.


Hu Xiaohu sighed, thinking along the way, what was going on, what was Yingying afraid of?

Well, he kept this state until he arrived in front of Ji Changze. Facing the quiet black eyes of his boss, he suddenly paused.

"Fuck! I forgot what you asked me to ask, boss!!"

Ji Changze glanced at him: "Forget it."

Anyway, if he couldn't find Anrun for a day, he would have a better time if he couldn't find Anrun for a day.

Even if Anrun really couldn't be found, Ji Changze would still have a way to go around and hand him over.

"Let's go."

Today's task Ji Changze will be solved quickly.

After completing the task, he asked Hu Xiaohu and the others to go back first, while he went to catch the mutant beasts alone.

His explanation for this was: "Zhou Yan said that we should eat meat."

So when Zhou Yan came back, he met Ji Changze dragging a struggling big fat pig on the bridge.

"Meat for the dinner party tonight?"

After asking, he was a little confused.

But the meal was prepared for a family dinner, so he still got out of the car and helped drag the pig.

While feeling the heavy weight of this fat pig, he asked Ji Changze:

"Are you too prepared?"

Before he finished asking, he saw mutant animals lying in rows at the entrance of the base.

Cows, sheep, horses, rabbits, chickens, he even saw an ostrich lying down with its eyes rolled, what was that at the end? ? ? It's a giraffe, right? ?

Team Zhou spat out the rest of the words in a daze: "It's a little too much..."

Ji Changze: "You said, eat more meat."

Team Zhou: "..."

That’s not right? Use so much, right? ?

This entire base can’t be eaten? It’s all gone.

Thinking again, Ji Changze almost followed the script and implemented the regulations left by Ji Rong, so seriously that he felt ashamed.

At this moment, Team Zhou was once again convinced of his previous thoughts.

Ji Changze is probably a white-eyed wolf who has been lurking for many years, waiting to rise to power.

He doesn't have the brain at all.

When Team Zhou was about to betray again, Zhuangxuan Ran also encountered the biggest test of his undercover career.

Fang Xing took out the needle, thread and handkerchief from his bag and handed them to him, and said softly:

"Didn't you want to learn some embroidery skills to embroider Yingying's wedding dress before? This time I went to learn a new embroidery method from my sister, and the things I embroidered are very beautiful."

Come on, let me teach you now that you are free. You are better at embroidery than me. I am teaching you this because I am new to it. Don’t laugh at me. "

An Run... is actually proficient in embroidery? ? Didn't it say anything in the intelligence? ?

He can learn cooking skills, and he can coax children patiently and treat them as ancestors, but embroidery? ? ?

The whole person around Ran was shocked.

His stiff face faced the prototype in front of him.

The hand holding the needle trembled slightly.

The author has something to say: Learn a lesson today and update early

Look, I'm ahead of schedule, isn't it great?

Chirp! , Baihe free and fastest update, no anti-theft, no anti-theft.

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