Everyone Knows I'm a Good Man

388. Scammers who only know how to draw big pie (4)

Cui Jiu: "..."

Other students: "..."

"You lied to those little brothers of yours??"

Perhaps it was because Cui Jiu's voice was so shocking that the young man who was leaning on the chair raised his eyes and looked over. He didn't move much, but his eyes revealed a "king's contempt".

"do you have any opinion?"

Cui Jiu: "...Not really? Yes..."

As soon as Ji Changze's eyes met, he instantly became frightened again and whispered: "I just don't think it's good to lie to people..."

"Isn't that Smith a liar? You just scolded him."

"Can that be the same?"

Ji Changze's face was full of righteousness, and there was no hint of guilt at all: "Smith lied to people. That was money fraud. Did I cheat them of money?"

"I just randomly found a few younger brothers and made up a few words that I had friendships with those people who were easy to get along with. Who knew they would actually believe it and insist on following me one by one. I couldn't tell them that I actually didn't know anything about it. You don’t know them.”

Cui Jiu: "Are you lying? You said it yourself. You don't know them. Your younger brothers all think you have a good relationship with them."

"Yes, this? This is what I just told you."

Ji Changze also looked innocent: "I originally planned to make it clear to them, but before I could, those people who were easy to get along saw that I had so many younger brothers, and they all took the initiative to come to me to make friends.

Then people say they want to be friends with you, so I can’t refuse. "

Cui Jiu: "..."


A student asked in a low voice: "So you and them...?"


Ji Changze nodded and admitted frankly: "We have made friends."

He picked up the cup on the table and took another sip, speaking helplessly as if he was an innocent little white rabbit: "As a result, I went out for a few meals with them, and more and more of the younger brothers insisted on recognizing me as their eldest brother. Then what can I do? It’s hard to ignore other people’s feelings for me when they are so devoted to you, so I just accepted a dozen of my younger brothers.”

Ruan Heng: "...Nagaze, no? Yes, Brother Ze, I heard that you have more than a hundred people just among the younger brothers who have been ranked, and it seems that there are many who have not been officially ranked. , it is said...more."

"Hey! It's hard to explain in words."

Ji Changze helplessly told them:

"I have many younger brothers, and there are always people coming to make friends with me. What about me?

You all know this person, he is not very good at rejecting people, and he is also very kind. He had no choice but to agree to it. As a result, as soon as these people got to know each other, he was such a good guy, and more and more boys came to his door. "

He knocked on the table, shook his head and sighed:

"As soon as I accept the younger ones, there will be more younger ones, and more big guys will come to make friends with me, and then there will be more younger ones, and it will be an endless cycle. I have more than a hundred people under my command."

Seven Silly Spores?: "..."

"Oh, by the way, don't get me wrong. I'm not a gangster like the rumors say. My dad works for the government. If I did something like that, wouldn't he interrupt me? Legs? So I definitely won’t do it.”

Silly Spores: "..."

So if your dad doesn't break your leg, are you going to do it?

Ji Changze was obviously more handsome than any of them, but inexplicably, they felt like they were facing a big man with big arms, and all of them were immediately intimidated.

The key point is that everyone stood up straighter, and they were even more timid than facing the teacher.

Even though Ji Changze promised that he would not engage in gangsterism, Ruan Heng's attitude was still a little more cautious than before: "But, but don't you? Are you collecting money? What I found out is that everyone pays, It’s a big deal.”

After hearing him talk about this, Ji Changze looked at him in surprise, and then slowly smiled:

"You are quite well-informed. The news about us collecting money is only circulated among our own people. I told you not to spread it to others."

He picked up the paper on the table and turned it over, picked up the pen, and looked at Ruan Heng: "Who revealed the news? Come and give me your name and I will write it down."

Ruan Heng looked at the smile on Ji Changze's face, then looked at the pen in his hand, and realized something. He looked at the piece of paper as if he were looking at a murder list.

He quickly waved his hands crazily:

"No, no! No? Who told me that I went out to buy books once, and on the way I heard two people talking about collecting money. I have a good ear, so I listened."

"Is this so true? Why do they really want to talk about this kind of thing outside? Can business secrets be discussed casually?"

Only then did Ji Changze put down his pen and clapped his hands: "Okay, let's skip this topic. Where did we just talk? Oh, yes, when it comes to how to deal with this? They are a bunch of liars."

"Let me summarize it first. When I finish summarizing it, you can add more, okay?"

The seven people nodded quickly:

"Okay, we all listen to you."

"Then sit down first and I'll tell you carefully."

Ji Changze gave an order to the seven people, who crowded directly beside the bed, looking straight at him with eyes full of deceit and innocence, like children waiting for their parents to assign tasks.

And the young man they were looking at did not live up to expectations. He knocked on the table to signal that he was about to speak, and coughed softly:

"First of all, is that a liar?"

Seven people nodded.

"Secondly, they don't know that we know that they are helping liars."

The seven people nodded again.

"In the end, they were pretty rich."

The seven people nodded again.

Then Ji Changze stopped talking.

The seven people looked at him blankly.

When Ji Changze saw them, they looked at himself and at them.

After staring at the small eyes for a few seconds, Cui Jiu said, "What then?"

"No more, this? No? Is that all?"

Ji Changze sounded surprised: "Is there anything I haven't finished saying?"

"No? Yes, you only talked about their situation, not what we should do next."

"I told you, they are liars? They have money."

Cui Jiu: "????"

He looked at the remaining six classmates: "Do you understand?"

The six people shook their heads: "No."


Ji Changze looked at them with disgust: "Why can't you understand such a simple statement? Forget it, for the sake of my classmates, I will spend some energy to explain it to you. Listen, they are Liar?, Liar? He’s a bad person, right?”

Seven people nodded.

"Bad people don't need sympathy, right? They are in a different position from us, right?"

Seven people nodded.

"So we are free to eat black people, right? Yes, it's okay to eat black people for free, right?"

Seven points...

"The black eats the black??"

Ji Changze nodded: "They pretend to be rich, make connections, deceive the government, and defraud support funds. We will treat them as they are, pretend to be rich, hide it from them, and let them They invest in us.”

"No? Yes, wait, you mean, we're going to defraud them of their money too???"

Cui Jiu was the first to stand up in fright: "No, okay? How can we defraud money? Just send them to the police."

"Who said they were going to cheat money?"

Ji Changze rolled his eyes: "I just said, let them voluntarily send their money to us for investment."

In Cui Jiu's mind

After a while.

"Isn't that still cheating money?? No? OK? Ah, we can't be like them."

"What's going on with your brain? Can it be called the same thing?"

"Pretend to be rich, make connections, and get investment. The process is exactly the same."

"Everything is the same."

Ji Changze counted on his fingers: "They go around pretending to be rich, eating, drinking, and traveling. If you call the police, are they breaking the law? No, what they are breaking the law is that they don't do it after they get the money by defrauding them." Live, cheat the money and run away.

And me? I got the money, I really want to start a company, I don’t know how to run, and I don’t know how much I promise to give them in return. The process is all in accordance with the formal rules, and every detail is recorded. Is that the same? ? Cui Jiu, are they the same? "

Cui Jiu shook his head, always feeling that there was something wrong with him: "But you are also lying."

"Yes, you lied."

Ji Changze touched his chin: "I also think it's wrong to lie. How about this? We'll teach them a lesson, and tell them the truth after we send them to the police station, okay?" no??"

The seven people thought for a while and felt that this seemed pretty good, so they all nodded.

"Then what do we do next?"

"Simple, rent a car first. It must be more expensive than their car."

Nowadays, there is a car rental business in the capital. Of course, the price of renting an ordinary car is still different from that of a luxury car. Fortunately, the original owner ran out with the "organization fund", and that money is definitely enough to rent a car.

Those scammers are probably running out of money. Seeing that they are now using excuses like "the ingredients are shipped by air" to avoid ordering at the hotel, and instead take the ingredients and let the kitchen prepare them to save money, they are probably in a hurry. He planned to find a scapegoat to defraud him of a sum of money.

I really didn’t expect it.

The first pot of gold has to be obtained so easily, and there is no sense of struggle at all to start a business.

Ji Changze didn't expect these seven stupid spores to be of help, so he looked at the seven people sitting across from him: "Which one of you is the thinnest?"

Ruan Heng stood up slowly: "Me."

Ji Changze looked at his height up and down, then raised his chin: "You lie down on the bed, and I'll look at the height of your side after you lie down."

Ruan Heng immediately lay down on the bed.

Ji Changze made some gestures and felt that it was almost the same, so he nodded: "Okay, you come with me to the car rental agency. I need your help if I need anything. And you, I will teach you a few words. You tell Smith this."

After giving a few instructions, he took Ruan Heng out of the house. It was the first time Ruan Heng did such things as "doing justice for heaven" and "fighting against evil forces". He was timid and excited at the same time.

When I came out, I couldn't help but ask: "Nagaze, what do you want me to do for you?"

Ji Changze: "There is something very important for you to do."

He turned back to look at the other person: "This matter may be a bit difficult. Are you willing to sacrifice yourself for the sake of the school, the city, and the country of China?"

"I do!!"

When Ruan Heng heard this, he immediately puffed up his chest and his eyes filled with blood:

"Don't worry! For the school, for the city, for the country, I will do whatever you ask me!!

In the presidential suite on the top floor, Smith was sitting on the sofa, his face full of contemplation. Next to him, his "lawyer" said: "I really didn't expect that there is a big fish hidden among these poor students."

He didn't doubt the truth of Ji Changze's words. As a student, why did he need to lie to others? Moreover, his demeanor and aura did not look like he came from an ordinary family.

"Yeah, it's a pity that I didn't know his identity before. Now if I want to build relationships, I have to be more cautious."

Smith stood up and said, "I'll treat them to a meal at noon, just to say thank you for their care these days. Then at the dinner table, I'll try to get something more detailed out of his mouth."

I was wondering how to find someone to take advantage of, but I didn't expect there was one beside me.

Isn’t this pie in the sky?

The "lawyer" nodded in agreement: "I can't tell anything from the clothes, and I'm not wearing a watch. However, there are many low-key rich people in China, so it's normal."

"Let's first find out whether his financial situation and his father's side can be connected. The main thing is to see if his foundation is rich or not."

Compared to an adult who has worked hard to build a career early, students are of course easier to deceive.

They discussed and went downstairs. After the students came down, they found that Ji Changze was not among them. They looked at each other and asked "casually" with a smile.

"Nagaze, he said that his father came to the capital on a business trip and he went to meet him. He also said that he would drive his father's car to come and play with us."

The student in question said what Ji Changze taught before.

"Ah, that's it. If my father happens to be here, I should go and see him."

"Yeah, let's go to the door at about twelve o'clock. It's almost time. I'm really sorry, Mr. Smith, we have to leave first."

Seeing the students stand up one after another, Smith also stood up with a smile: "It just so happened that I

We also have official duties, let’s go out together. "


The student couldn't see anything on his face, but deep down he admired Ji Changze.

How could Smith even think of finding an excuse to come out together after hearing what they said?

A large group of people arrived at the door of the hotel, and a car happened to drive outside.

This car expresses one word: expensive!

After the car stopped, the window slowly lowered, and Ji Changze's face was revealed. He smiled and said to the students above: "Let's go, I borrowed the car to take you to play."

Smith's eyes lit up when he saw the car, and he quickly followed the six people out.

Watching his classmates get into the car, Ji Changze didn't get out of the car. He leaned directly against the car window and said to Smith: "Last night you said you didn't plan to go out today, so I said we should go and have fun together. Do you mind? ?"

"No? Mind, how could I? Mind?"

Ji Changze patted the car body: "This car is handsome, isn't it? It's a new car and uses a lot of new technologies. Unfortunately, I don't know how to drive, so I can only let the driver drive it. Don't laugh at me, Mr. Smith. I'm fine."

"Hahahaha, it's okay. People with our status, even if they know how to drive, usually don't know how to drive. Don't you think I always let the driver drive when I go out?"

Smith glanced at the driver in the front seat with a smile, and became more and more sure that Ji Changze was not an ordinary kid from a rich family.

With a plan in mind, he didn't act too affectionate to avoid being too abrupt and let Ji Changze see anything. He just smiled politely as usual: "Then you go and play. Come back early in the evening. When you come back, go to my room and say something." "Your principal has entrusted you kids to me, and I don't dare to neglect you."

"Hey! Don't worry, we're leaving."

Ji Changze waved his hand at Smith, sat upright, and slowly raised the car window.

Smith stood there and watched the car drive away. Although his expression was well controlled, there was a sour smell when he spoke:

"The young master from a rich family is so nice. He even drives a car that automatically raises and lowers the windows. I have never seen this kind of technology before."

His accomplice nodded, his eyes full of yearning: "What is it probably? A new technology for external sales. I didn't see it when I went to the car dealership before."

Both of them felt a little sad.

A fake is a fake. No matter how similar it is, it is impossible to drive a car with lift technology like others.

In the car driving away at a constant speed, Ji Changze leaned on the seat, took out the paper in his pocket, unfolded it, looked at it, and wrote down how much he spent on renting the car this time.

Ruan Heng's voice came from below: "Nagaze, are you sure what I did is important?"

Ji Changze nodded affirmatively: "Of course it's important, how can you doubt yourself."

"For the school, for the mountain city, for the country of China!"

"Okay, let's roll down the window. It's a little hot. After you roll it down, sit down and let's go for a ride."

Ruan Heng, who was lying in the car and couldn't see him from the outside, heard this. Although he still felt that something was not right in his heart, he still raised a hand obediently.

Then, turn the handle that controls the window to slowly lower the window.

The author has something to say: second update

I’m really not very efficient at night. I usually have insomnia and can’t sleep. I feel sleepy as soon as I write a word. I’m going to take a nap for a while. I have to catch the car after seven o’clock. Good night. Lily is free and the fastest update. No anti-theft, no anti-theft.

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